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Geoff’s only statement was that he was allied to a man and not to Plergoth.  Forgive me for being daft, but I seriously doubt that when the whole of Plergoth agreed to the alliance with Khthon, we were not agreeing to Khthon’s personal alliance to Nymatal.  Every thing I gain from this office is property of Plergoth.  Title, rank, extra gold, peace treaties secured, military organizational development, even land are property of this office, and this office is for the service of Plergoth.  That Nymatal and Valhalla failed to understand or simply forgot these basic tenets of Noblesse Oblige, further demonstrates that they were no longer fit for office.  That Geoff further propagates this mentality by supporting their claims to personal ownership of a thing like a Treaty with Plergoth is a mark against him.  
Geoff’s only statement was that he was allied to a man and not to Plergoth.  Forgive me for being daft, but I seriously doubt that when the whole of Plergoth agreed to the alliance with Khthon, we were not agreeing to Khthon’s personal alliance to Nymatal.  Every thing I gain from this office is property of Plergoth.  Title, rank, extra gold, peace treaties secured, military organizational development, even land are property of this office, and this office is for the service of Plergoth.  That Nymatal and Valhalla failed to understand or simply forgot these basic tenets of Noblesse Oblige, further demonstrates that they were no longer fit for office.  That Geoff further propagates this mentality by supporting their claims to personal ownership of a thing like a Treaty with Plergoth is a mark against him.  

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm and Answers written by daviald
Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm and Answers written by daviald, General of Plergoth

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Personally?  Before we can ever begin to discuss of terms of Peace, explain to me how Plergoth can ever trust Khthon again?
Personally?  Before we can ever begin to discuss of terms of Peace, explain to me how Plergoth can ever trust Khthon again?
Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm and Answers given by daviald, General of Plergoth
== February 23, 2007 - '''Fifth Battle of Weghie''' ==
Today the forces of Khthon and Vlaanderen met Plergoth's army in the region of Weghie. This was one of the biggest battles yet fought in Weghie since the beginning of the war. The result was a hard fought slog straight to the end, when only one Plergoth unit was left and bravely fought off the rest of our forces. My unit personally managed to start strong, but seeing as how my unit constantly needs new recruit they could only stand so much battle and witdrew leaving to cut off their escape and try to rally them after the battle. Who ever was in charge of that Plergoth unit i would recommend him to receive the highest honour khthon can give, and if we don't have one, make it and give it to him immediately. They may be enemies but even their show of bravery deserves respect.
Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm
== February 24, 2007 - '''First Battle of Xinjin''' ==
As proof of our advancement in this war Khthon brave warriors defeated the remnants of Plergoth's forces in Xinjin. Though heavely outnumbered, Plergoth put up a valiant struggle to the end just as they had done in the Fifth Battle of Weghie. Khthon's forces are now on their way back home to refit as they've spent to much time at the front and are heavily worn out. Hopefully this battle is a sign that peace will come sooner rather then later.
Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

Latest revision as of 18:21, 24 February 2007

February 1, 2007 - The Battles of Weghie and Tindle

Yestersday the forces of Khthon and her ally Vlaanderen met the forces of Plergoth on the fields of Weghie. The result was a fierce battle and the defeat of Plergoth's forces. The next day was followed by the remnants of Plergoth's forces being wiped out in Tindle. The significance of these battles shows that Khthon's co-ordination with Vlaanderen has greatly improved, proof of course to that would be Vlaanderen's successful TO of Yokk just days before the Battle of Wegie. The battles also show that Khthon doesn't need Avalon their to hold it's hand in every battle as Plergoth would tend to have the rest of the continent believe. This doesn't mean that Khthon no longer wants Avalon assistance, which is greatly appreciated. I am merely stating to Plergoth that this is a whole new war.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 6, 2007 - Peace with Plergoth?

After such gains that have been made in this war it is only natural that the Chancellor ask Plergoth for peace with a favourable terms for us. Details of the agreement shall not be revealed now as Plergoth has not sent a counter proposal as of yet. Hopefully soon the agreement will be revealed to all of Khthon and the nobles of Khthon can give us their opinion on the matter.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the lost realm

February 7, 2007 - Battle in Worvobaen

In the late evening of the day the armies of Khthon and Vlaanderen met with Plergoth forces in Worvobaen. The huge clash resulted in the devasting defeat of Plergoth's troops and a humiliating route. At this time Khthon is moving out to chase down the remnants of Plergoth's army. This was the total sum that Plergoth could muster against us, which tells only one thing, Plergoth cannot fight an offensive war anymore. When Worvobaen falls to our allies it will cut Plergoth in two and give three regions to fortify and keep Plergoth contained while we advance at our leisure. The war is all but over. How it ends is up to Plergoth.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 9, 2007 - Battle in Jaekind

Though the forces of Plergoth were routed in Worvobaen the majority of Khthon's army did not arrive in Jaekind in time. As a result our forces faced the worst defeat since the beginning of the war. The Plergoth victory is of little consequence, however, as it has done nothing to turn the tide of the war. The coalition forces still have the upper hand in all areas of the war: larger force, more money more people. As i stated before we can march into Plergoth at our leisure, this is true, but if we only attack with a small raiding force we cannot expect a similiar outcome. Plergoths victory in Jaekind has only delayed the inevitable, Khthon will never allow such another disasterous defeat by Plergoth again.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 15, 2007 - Second Battle of Worvobaen

Days ago the forces of Khthon and Vlaanderen coordinated a counter-attack against Plergoth in Worvobaen. Though we were unable to stop a TO by Plergoth we were able to kick them out immediately afterward. Now we wait for Vlaanderen reinforcements to arrive and begin their TO of the region and wait. Wait to see what Plergoth attempts this time.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 16, 2007 - Second Battle of Weghie

Today another battle in Weghie occured between Plergoth and Khthon. Due to some travel delays only half of Khthons army made to the battle resulting in a defeat. But this defeat for Khthon has also reduced the size of Plergoth's army significantly and wounded six of her nobles and allowed us to capture two others while our nobility remains intact. When the rest of Khthon army arrives we shall obliderate Plergoth's remaining forces.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 17, 2007 - Third and Fourth Battle of Weghie

After the remainder of Khthon forces arrive to wipe out the remnants of Plergoth's forces so went back to refit thier over worked units to repair equipment and recruit new heroes for the fight. The rest went on to Worvobaen to help Vlaanderen's TO. Some of our forces going through Weghie managed to catch a small group of Plergoths troops off guard for a forth round that also resulted in an allied victory. Our alliance will soon regain complete control of the Worvobaen-Weghie-Tindle line and once again keep Plergoth's forces contained while new offensives are planned.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 17, 2007 - Interview with daviald

Recently i sent Daviald six questions he managed to respond to three of them and i'm hoping that i will get the other three answered soon, unless those questioned did not arrive to him, i will check back with him soon.

Why does the Plergoth government find it so hard to recognize Vlaanderen’s independence?

They are rebels. That is about as independent as you can get. Anyone can be a rebel at any time. Simply because they claim to have started a kingdom, does not preclude them from punishments that they justly deserve. Freedom is not the form of Independence that you mean though is it. I will assume, of course, that you use the form of independence that relates to sovereignty.

Every realm, race, people, and living thing has a right to exist until they threaten another entity enough that it feels that it must defend itself. If the conflict is brutal enough, then it shall end when one of the two belligerents is left dead and the other no longer fears for its own safety.

“As long as the enemy is not defeated, he may defeat me; then I shall be no longer my own master”

No other realm on this continent threatens the vitality of Plergoth more so than the abomination that the Rebels have created. As long as they exist, the future of Plergoth will be in doubt. The people of Plergoth will never be safe from fear of attack, our commoners will be forever in fear of their lives, and we will never be able to live in peace. The fates of the two halves in this civil war are intertwined. When one prospers the other will wither. When one succeeds the other will fail.

Plergoth feels that the rebels betrayed the people of Plergoth when they ran the administration and sucked the gold out of the coffers for their own benefit. Valhalla, among others, was caught siphoning gold from the nobles of Plergoth during a time of war. When he was not elected to a second term of office, he began raving that Plergoth was made for the true elite of Plergoth and not anyone else. He first commited various crimes and then rebelled when he was punished for them. This is not slander. This is not propaganda. These things are fact. Valhalla and Nymatal are lawfully convicted criminals by the court of Plergoth for violating laws that they helped create.

What is so unexceptable about a central Beluaterra consisting of three equal realms?

Nothing. Nothing at all. Three realms of equal strength and size that had a pact to mutually defend each other would be a very beneficial proposition for those involved.

Geoff may have gained a bad reputation in Plergoth, but we all believed that Plergoth was plotting against us and he sincerely wants to maintain Plergoth’s survival. Why is it that you feel he has other motives other than ensuring Khthon’s survival?

A loaded question, that one. Are you trying to ply your internal propaganda across realm lines or do you really not know the whole story?

Sure, you are right about that. On the surface, Khthon attacking Plergoth, her ally at the time, in a moment of Plergoth’s weakness due to internal troubles, in order to take vast territories of land with little resistance will further ensure Khthon’s survival.

Is the right thing to do? Well… as a general I would say that it is effective.

Was it a moral thing to do? No.

Will people trust Khthon every again? Certainly not Plergoth, at least as long is Geoff is in office.

Has Khthon broken her word of honor and sacrificed the one thing you cannot purchase in this world to gain a few bits of land? In my eyes, Yes.

Collateral damage was not taken into account. These other factors will hurt Khthon’s chances for survival more than those regions will secure it.

First the facts.

The reason that we feel Geoff has other more base motives for involving himself in this war is because Plergoth, offered to give Khthon land beyond what it currently holds now. We offered Khthon land to simply stay out of the war, and even more land was offered if they would come to their allies’ aid.

If seen as a civil war, then Khthon should have stayed out.

If seen as a war of Annihilation between two sovereign states then Khthon should have done the honorable thing and come to the aid of her ally.

Geoff instead choose to enter into war with us. If he sought to ensure Khthon’s survival he already then that road was already made available to him.

Now the interpretations.

We both know that Khthon wants to expand her territory. If Khthon wants to spin it as a act of protection rather than aggression then fine. We both well know that you often must sell an ignoble idea even to your self. Perhaps Geoff saw our pleadings as a sign of weakness to be taken advantage of.

Geoff’s only statement was that he was allied to a man and not to Plergoth. Forgive me for being daft, but I seriously doubt that when the whole of Plergoth agreed to the alliance with Khthon, we were not agreeing to Khthon’s personal alliance to Nymatal. Every thing I gain from this office is property of Plergoth. Title, rank, extra gold, peace treaties secured, military organizational development, even land are property of this office, and this office is for the service of Plergoth. That Nymatal and Valhalla failed to understand or simply forgot these basic tenets of Noblesse Oblige, further demonstrates that they were no longer fit for office. That Geoff further propagates this mentality by supporting their claims to personal ownership of a thing like a Treaty with Plergoth is a mark against him.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm and Answers written by daviald, General of Plergoth

February 17, 2007 - Continued Interview with daviald

Here are the rest of the questions answered by daviald.

4.) How much more blood must be spilt on both sides before you even think of peace with Vlaanderen?

At the minimum? ~5 liters. I am told that is the amount in a human body. Plergoth will never be safe until Valhalla answers for his crimes. He has publicly stated and swore oaths in public that as long as he lives, he will work to see Plergoth’s destruction.

5.) If Khthon’s government could get Vlaanderen to cease any idea of destroying your realm would your government begin peace talks with Vlaanderen?

I do believe that the government of Plergoth would be willing to begin peace talks with the rebels if Khthon could get them to cease any idea of our destruction. The hard part will be convincing the people of Plergoth that Geoff and the Rebels can keep their word for a change. My rationale for wanting their destruction is the same as the rebel’s rationale for wanting ours. We simply know that we will be unable to peacefully coexist, ever. This is why Khthon’s attack upon us was so hurtful. The moment Khthon chose to not stay out of this civil war and choose to support the Rebels, was the day that she stabbed us in the back. The first moment that Khthon troops marched out of the gates at Dyomoque towards Plergoth lands in support of the rebels was the moment that Khthon began fighting for the destruction of Plergoth. Fighting with the rebels and fighting to destroy Plergoth is the same thing. Khthon was guilty of murder that day, perhaps unwittingly so, but guilty nonetheless.

6.) What would you consider fair terms of peace for Khthon to withdraw from the war?

Personally? Before we can ever begin to discuss of terms of Peace, explain to me how Plergoth can ever trust Khthon again?

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm and Answers given by daviald, General of Plergoth

February 23, 2007 - Fifth Battle of Weghie

Today the forces of Khthon and Vlaanderen met Plergoth's army in the region of Weghie. This was one of the biggest battles yet fought in Weghie since the beginning of the war. The result was a hard fought slog straight to the end, when only one Plergoth unit was left and bravely fought off the rest of our forces. My unit personally managed to start strong, but seeing as how my unit constantly needs new recruit they could only stand so much battle and witdrew leaving to cut off their escape and try to rally them after the battle. Who ever was in charge of that Plergoth unit i would recommend him to receive the highest honour khthon can give, and if we don't have one, make it and give it to him immediately. They may be enemies but even their show of bravery deserves respect.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm

February 24, 2007 - First Battle of Xinjin

As proof of our advancement in this war Khthon brave warriors defeated the remnants of Plergoth's forces in Xinjin. Though heavely outnumbered, Plergoth put up a valiant struggle to the end just as they had done in the Fifth Battle of Weghie. Khthon's forces are now on their way back home to refit as they've spent to much time at the front and are heavily worn out. Hopefully this battle is a sign that peace will come sooner rather then later.

Written by: Henning Mandul of the Lost Realm