The Vlaanderen Independent/Article 1: Difference between revisions

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<i>Reported to you by, Enzeru.</i>
<i>Reported to you by, Enzeru.</i> <br>
<i>1st Febuary, 2007</i>

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<i>Reported to you by, the Wolves.</i>
<i>Reported to you by, the Wolves.</i> <br>
<i>Previous Updated Report, dated: 5th Febuary 2007</i>

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<i>Reported to you by, Enzeru and the Wolves.</i>  
<i>Reported to you by, Enzeru and the Wolves.</i> <br>
<i>7th Febuary, 2007</i>

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<i>Reported to you by, the Wolves.</i>
<i>Reported to you by, the Wolves.</i> <br>
<i>8th Febuary, 2007</i>

Revision as of 01:00, 9 February 2007

                                                                   1. The Rise of the Civil War
                                                                   2. Liberation of Weghie and Yokk
                                                                   3. Victory at Worvobaen
                                                                   4. Plergoth Propaganda


Having just arrived here, I have come to know many people here in Vlaanderen. I have also learned of some of Plergoth's nobles as well, via many different sources, each as reliable as the next.

And one thing that was eating away at my mind was how this whole war broke out between the two realms. So, with the help of my wolves, persistence, and a few kegs of ale, I was able to talk to two nobelmen to give their opinions on the matter. Due to security reasons we shall address them as the realm they reside in. If you catch on and know who it is...well good for you, there'll be a keg of ale and some other nifty prizes.

I am sure you, as I have many questions about the civil war, such as:

Why did it all start?
Who led the civil war?
The consiquences of the war?
What each party aims to achieve?

Well, the answer to your questions will be found in my interviews below.

1. What happened in Plergoth that created this whole ordeal?

Vlaanderen: First of all those that currently reside in Plergoth are not Plergothians, they are trecherous snakes, vermin that need to be exterminated, nothing more. But to answer, there was an influx on nobles after minor erruptions of disagreement came from the now tainted Plergoth, we kept a close eye on this influx but alas to no avail.

Eventually the time of the elections came and all too late we realised why the influx had began in the first place, Von Garret, leader of the snakes had brought upon Plergoth his greed and lust for power by fixing these votes with bribes, blackmail and threats to many other nobles.

Realising this myself and those who have served honourable for many years in Plergoth took an advance, to which we were obviously fought against and by this time we knew words were no longer of any use, afterall a snake cannot understand a man.... we formed a rebellion, and in the midst of it all succeeded the city of Reeds and formed our glorious realm of Vlaanderen.... we took the foundations of honour and truth with us to our new home and today, we use those very foundations to attain victory over the trecherous snakes of Plergoth.

Plergoth: You would have to ask the rebels exactly why they did what they did. They were exiled because they rebelled, not for any other reason. Many nobles (granted, newer ones) were not happy with Zechigo executing an infil from Enweil and the ugly war it was bringing. We were getting no help and it was not going well. VG was elected to change that direction, and he made some serious poltical mistakes in how he handled things to be sure; but from our point of view it was Nymatal and Valhalla's greed that brought about the civil war. Nymatal felt (and feels) obviously that Plergoth is his personal playground. Valhalla's exact words when they rebelled was Nymatal was our 'one true king'. He called himself 'Valhalla the great' and referred to the nobles that were rebelling and now formed Vlaanderen as the 'elite' of Plergoth. They could have handled things poltically and worked with the rest to find a middle ground where Plergoth could have benefitted, instead they chose to rebel after VG was in office 6 days. Not a long time.

2. What do you see fit for a proper treatment of your opposers?

Vlaanderen: Fitting?.... no punishment is enough for these so called people. Though I have done what I can to exterminate these foul creatures from our rightful lands, to which end many have met their fate at my blade, and the blades of those who follow me.... that is just punishment.

Many would call me a barbarian for saying such things, but words of men harm me not.... because when it comes down to the end of the day, I can look back and know what I am doing is for the right reasons.... the snakes of tainted Plergoth have more than once burned, pillaged, raped and plundered our lands, the lands they say is rightfully theirs.... tell me this, would a true lord treat his or her people with such inhumane ways? such torture?.... the answer you seek is no.... and that is because they are not human, they are incapable of honour, pride and compassion.... mercy.... guilt.... they feel none of it....

Their just deserts will be their own demise at my hand.... and by god, even if it takes my every breath, I will restore peace, honour and truth to our lands!

Plergoth: Valhalla the Court Jester, if caught, faces a death sentence for crimes against the people of Plergoth. Every other noble in Vlaanderen or Khthon that was a member of the rebellion will be punished on a case by case basis depending on the severity of their crime. Nobles who have joined Vlaanderen will also be dealt with on a case by case basis.

Reported to you by, Enzeru.
1st Febuary, 2007


After the succession of Reeds and the creation of Vlaanderen there have been many minor skirmishes between the forces of Vlaanderen and tainted Plergoth. Though after much bloodshed two of the once tortured regions of Plergoth have been liberated, Weghie and Yokk.

King Nymatal and the Council of Vlaanderen had heard word of the cruel and inhumane treatment of the civilians to which they immediately rose to arms against the forces responsible. High Marshal Valhalla and the army of Vlaanderen, now known as the Liberation Army coupled with the forces of their honourable ally Khthon, fought valiantly against the tainted Plergoth forces and after many hard weeks of battle the people of Weghie and Yokk had been liberated and the people of which are now safely behind allied borders.

Reported to you by, the Wolves.
Previous Updated Report, dated: 5th Febuary 2007

Victory at Worvobaen The Liberation Army, led by High Marshal Valhalla Valentine invaded the region of Worvobaen four days ago, at which time Plergoth sent their full army in attempt to counter the take over and take the head of the High Marshal.

Confident and blissful in their abilities, Plergoth engaged the Vlaanderen forces in hopes of stopping the take over.... they were very much mistaken. High Marshal Valhalla personally led the defence against the attacking Plergoth forces, led by High Marshal Daviald.

In the first few moments of the battle Plergoth charged forward, though their forces were met with a barrage of arrows and after which met the full force of the Vlaanderen and now, Khthon infantry.

With the surprise of the Khthon forces, the battle raged on. After an hour of battle, victory was falling to the side of Vlaanderen and Khthon. Though a brave and yet foolish knight of Plergoth attacked Valhalla's unit, High Marshal Daviald.

As Valhalla's and Daviald's units engaged in combat it was not long before Valhalla had superiority over Daviald. Daviald had met Valhalla's blade and was wounded.

Many knights and heroes of Vlaanderen and Khthon fought, none of which were wounded by the oncoming Plergoth army though many duels had taken place on this battlefield, Hitmulg, Kimberly, Alastor and many more Plergoth knights were wounded by Vlaanderen and Khthon warriors.

The battle had all but been a victory for the forces of Vlaanderen and Khthon, Plergoth retreated beyond the southern woods. The forces of honour and truth stood victorious once more. And now, the forces rejoice in their latest victory, and without a doubt, this victory will not be their last.

Reported to you by, Enzeru and the Wolves.
7th Febuary, 2007


After the heavy losses Plergoth suffered in the battle of Worvobaen yesterday, they are now making claims as to a traitor within their ranks, something of which no culprit has been found, no noble banished and nobody punished via these accusations.

Plergoth have once more spoon fed these false accusations within their ranks in order to restore faith in their again, defeated High Marshal.

It seems the pressure is building on the nobles of the tainted Plergoth and their inexperience when dealing with a more strategic and versatile foe even to the point of using propaganda. Desperation it seems is the weapon of choice for the tainted Plergoth Council.

Reported to you by, the Wolves.
8th Febuary, 2007