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Lady Lillith

The middle child of three sister Goddess’, she is the bringer of both life and death for those upon the world. Her home is the furthurest away were she in perpetual darkness, watching over souls of those dead, and yet to be born.

Lady Lillith was the second child conceived by the gods Kamol and Uioy. The eldest sister is Lady Elohino, and youngest is Lady Greory. When the world was created by the sisters, Lady Elohina created the vessels and the world around them. Lady Lillith breathed life into her sisters creations, while Lady Greory gave them a purpose to exist.

Lady Lillith appears in her true form shroaded in a wondreous gown flowing of both light and darkness. Unlike her sisters who have only one avatar, she has three different appearances. A young fair skinned maiden, dressed in pearl white dress. An old hag who dresses in rags of black, and finally the black raven.

The Brotherhood of IO The Cult of Tierl