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Kalmar islands Emblem.JPGThe Kalmarian Chronicles
Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In Kalmar City ----- Editor: The People of the Free Kalmarian Democracy ----- January '07 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an IJARG paper.



Chancellor was elected Kolya, receiving 67.6 % of the votes. Fia with 30.8 % reconfirmed as Minister of Defence and Kamenos as Judge with 53.2 %. Finally Kocur was re-elected Ministry of Finances for his third term at the office, having received 54.9 % of the valid votes.

Perdan's Military Geniouses Comments of the Farce-War


Today we received a series of very interesting reports that indicate the situation in Perdan. And first of all the skills of ][osferatu, the General that lost a war and now tries to improve his profile by combating the weakest possible opponent. Not alone of course as a defeat would cost his remaining dignity and the already limited trust to his person. So Itornut is expected before the big step: The Landing on the Northern Island.

Here are some words of wisdom spoken by him:

"Letter from ][osferatu (2007-01-06 18:48:49) It won't be the same in Chaos Temple Modi. We have to make this work. If we don't learn to operate as a team we stand no chance against Chaos Temple's walls, especially the fast travelling cavalry units. If they arrive early there, all they will be able to do is bleed on their walls. It will take too long for the blood to corrode the bricks even if such a thing is possible."

So, from what we see here, he is trying, like the superbly good general he is, to prepare his army for the attack. Almost a month ago. It seems that living in a realm with 2000 times the population of Kalmar Islands and 20 times its combat strength is not enough. That's why he awaits for some help from Itorunt and his new friends, Sirion and Fontan."

Then he received a message from his good friend Johnny:

" Letter from Johnny (2007-01-07 17:48:19) Alright.

We'll be leaving Kazakh in probably 4 turns. That will put us in Stora about 4 days from now, 5 the most. From there it's a one turn move to Kalmar, which we plan to make upon arriving.

Johnny High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Duke of Kazakh

If they get too much CS in CT, I might consider postponing the attack and sent the Runts back to refit while we return at a slower pace to Perdan, looting on the way."

Although this message as sent almost a month ago, OR, Sirion and Fontan didn't manage to take over Kalmar City, although there is only 1 peasant left their! What great friends ][osferatu has! Perdan must be proud! Attacking with 5 realms and organizing a joint attack? Are they so incapable of achieving a victory by themselves? It seems so. Because later on they say that:

"Letter from ][osferatu (2007-01-09 10:49:55) Anything that results with Fontan dead is an idea worth trying..."

So ][osferatu the Great. Please tell us. Are you working with Fontan or against it? Because your Knights will be confused now.

"Letter from ][osferatu (2007-01-09 20:12:24) There's a right time for everything Modi. If the TO succeeds, mor emight follow. Every region we strip from KI is a serious blow to their economy and most of all, recruiting options.

And I never said we won't be attacking... ;-)"

Look! Look what great conclusions ][osferatu has reached! He is a genious indeed! Perdan indeed crippled the economy of Kalmar. The taxes have been reduced by 2 gold per week to 0 gold per week! A difference still less that what the average Perdanite pays to maintain his unit for a day!

"Orders from ][osferatu (2007-01-25 23:18:06) Make sure you have refitted in 4-5 days maximum. As soon as Itorunt comes up here we're going straight for CT."

He now waits for Itorunt as well. Perdan alone is not able even to defeat the weakest realm in the continent!

Perdan's Tricky Methods on the Run Again


And finally some more words of wisdom by Nightmare and Evangeline:

"Letter from Nightmare (2007-01-09 22:33:40) After hearing most of you about Lycastus & LoF, speaking to a few people that know things in Fontan, LoF and other realms I did not, and after talking to the Queen extensively I have reached the following conclusions regarding the issue (other facts, other just hypothetical):

1. Most probably Lycastus and Gregor do not want to go to war, but prefer to stay allied and war us or another realm. Fontan Nobles though do not like LoF. They do not have a reason to like them when they see the City of Fontan being held by LoF.

2. Lycastus must either have information on that, or he justs bull+++ing with us. I think that there are indeed people in Fontan that want to pursue a war against LoF to get their lands back now, and not in the future if they achieve the total destruction of Perdan. I think that they know that this would happen in a fictional world and not in the nowadays East Continent (some months ago that might be achievable if lots of time and gold was invested against us, but now things are changing; Realms that would happily attack Perdan do not seem to want that anymore -Yssaria, Ibladesh, Itorunt, Sirion etc)

3. Now let's see if a war between LoF and Fontan broke though what would happen; what would other realms do?

Caligus: Probably side Fontan, as it would be a very good excuse to get some regions from LoF, including Akesh Temple. They currently have very good relations with Fontan, and very bad with LoF. Yssaria:Most probably would side Fontan. They have very good relations with Fontan, they could get some land (1-2 regions), and they seem to have good relations with caligus now also, so they would be on the same side at that war. Itorunt:Neutral Ibladesh:Neutral, or side with Fontan since the owe them a part of their survival when Fontan attacked us and did not let us destroy Ibladesh. Sirion:Neutral or side Fontan (Handow needs a war to keep his Nobles happy aslo)

4. From the above I can conclude that such a war (Fontan Vs LoF) would be beneficial to Perdan, if we stayed neutral and if Caligus helped Fontan. If Caligus gets some regions (Akesh including), they might leave our lands and we can have our regions back. I am negative to helping LoF under the current circumstances and realms relations, but Lycastus must be kept under the impression that we might help them, so that he goes to war and not just surrender to Fontan. We want a war that will cost Fontan gold and troops, and we want LoF loosing as many regions to Caligus.

This is my realistic impression of the issue. I would prefer that everyone will side Lycastus and destroy Fontan, but this won't happen in the near future.

Sir Nightmare Duke of Perdan

Letter from Evangeline (2007-01-09 22:58:03) Nightmare has said it very well, although its not words I'd like to hear. I have been continuing discussions with Lycastus, he seems genuine.

I don't know if Ibladesh or Yssaria is as bound to Fontan as some may think. But either way, it is probably better to play it safe."

So, as we see here, Perdan uses its usual trickery and exploitation of other realms, used as pawns, to allow "proud" Perdan to achieve its own objectives, sacrificing others. It is sad.

(Unfortunately, although we received some more details on this plans, we are obliged to our source, not to reveal the most critical information)