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'''Hectors true love, part II'''
'''Hector's true love, part II''': ([[Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector's true love, part II]])
Hector approaches a tiny park across from the Kings X pub, located at the end of town. A place that they've met before. Hector sees her, she is a silhouette among the trees.
As he approaches her, he sees she has been crying.
"Say what you will, and let's be done with his then..." Hector says, rather cold.
"You don't understand Hector, we are too different you and I. You are a noble, I am a whore. You are the royal treasurer, and I take tips a dollar at a time. This is impossible. What scandal it would be if we were together."
"Never mind all that... who's that man. That, rich man? Is he paying you enough? You get everything you need from him?"
"Of course not. It's just an arrangement. It's not as it appears, but I can't tell you everything, there's far more at stake than you and I here."
Hector looks at her, in disbelief. He does not know this woman. What was he thinking to have gotten involved with her? Why would she do this? Why wouldn't she come to me for help, instead of this... this... this man?
We never really had anything but a paid relationship, I've gone mad! What am I doing here.
Hector turns to her and lifts her hand and gently kisses it. "You were never a whore to me!" With that, Hector turns and leaves. His heart sinks, but now he realizes she is right. He is a noble, and must go off to war to expand his beloved realm. She is of no consequence. He's repeated it enough in his head now, that he almost believes it.
As she watches him leave, tears flow down her face. She could not risk her brothers' reputation by telling Hector, the Royal Treasurer that a high ranking politician's sister is a whore.
No, for now, Jessica will have to keep the secret that the man she is staying with is her Brother. And she did all of this to protect him.
As she turns to leave, she repeats those words in her head over and over, to the point, that now, she almost believes it.
Hector walks towards his home. A home he recently purchased from an old farmer who no longer wanted his estate.  Hector picked it up for pretty cheap.  It was a large adobe style home with yellow-tan paint and dark brown windows and trim. 
It was what she had always dreamed of. 
He passes a very popular pub in Cteduul known as "the bottom of the barrel".  It is hoping tonight.  As he passes by, Revan came stumbling out of the bar.  He was laughing wildly, obviously drunk.  Hector caught him and lifted his face to see if it was him...
"Hek ter, you ol' dogzh!  How be ya,?" 
Hector smiles and lifts him up.  "Come Revan, let us return home.  It is time to sleep this off."  He turns and crutches him under his arm to start home.
Two men surge from the bar, both very large, and apparently very skilled with a sword.  "Halt, that rat owes us money."
Hector turns, with Revan on his shoulder.  Revan is smiling, then sees the two men and stands on his own.  Revan appears to be completely sober now.
"You dogs cheated!  You dealt from the bottom of the deck, and for that, I owe you a sword, but not money!"
The two men laugh.  Each looking at Revan intently.  "Do you know who we are scum?  We're special forces.  Pull that sword, and it'll be the last thing you ever do in this world."
The men both laugh.  Hector stares at them.  "Wow, so you guys are actually special forces, eh?"
The men stop laughing, they start to look a little concerned.  "Yeah, what's it to you filth?  Who are you, then?"
"Hector, Ministry of Finances for Avalon, and this is the legendary Revan.  Ministry of death.  Are you sure you want piss him off?  I've known my share of Special Forces sir, and seeing as you have the one eagle feather insignia, I'd say you just joined.  So, I'd watch it if I were you, throwing that title around, you haven't even made it past hell week, rookie.  Now, turn around and get out of here!"
The two men stammer throw their arms forward in embarrassment, trying to dismiss his comments, then return back inside the bar.
"Hector, you have such a way with words."
The two men sway back to Hector's manor.  The both crash out and the next morning, they awaken to one of Hector's servants making them some coffee.
They sit in the courtyard, under a trellis and talk.  They talk for hours.  Then, Revan says, "Hector, you hear about that whore who killed one of those grifters?"
Hector almost chokes on his coffee.  "No.  What?"
"See, it appears that some whore killed these grifters as they were trying to take her back to Lacint, where they were run out of town by the monsters.  But she was able to kill the guy that was trying to take her.  She's a tough one I heard."
"Really" Hector tries not to act like he knows anything.
"Yeah, and it appears, she's the sister of someone we know." 
Hector stares, completely in a trance.  Waiting on the news that is coming.  "Go on..."
"Yeah, it appears that Kain's sister is a whore...  Can you believe that."
Hector caughs, spitting out the dry bread he had been eating.  He chokes and caughs wildly as Revan smacks his back.. "I know, I know, can you believe that Kain' sister is a whore.  Right now, it's just you and I who know this... See, Kain was a bit drunk last night and spilled the beans to me when we took a trip out back to relieve ourselves."
Hector continues to choke, gasping for air... "Chhaack... hemmmph... Ah, hmm hmmm, does, ahh.. does he live on Middleton street?  Over on the east side of town?"
"Yeah, I went to a party of his last week.  It was great.  It was before this all happened though, so I never saw her.  She must be pretty good looking, Kain's family is pretty well off, and their whole family is a bunch of pretties.. ha ha, you know what I mean?"
Hector didn't even hear, his mind is racing.  He isn't sure what to say.
"Revan, we're good friends, yes?"
"Of course, what do you mean, what are you saying?"
"Nothing, just keep this between us, make no mention of this to anyone... It would not do Kain well to have this come out right now." 
"To be honest, I almost forgot about it.  Her brother did say that she was merly living at the brothel, she hadn't accepted business for some time now.  He thinks she has some secret love or something."
Hector smiles.  His heart lifts.  All the suspicions are gone.  Funny, how the one you love sometimes can't convince you directly, it has to come from other places. 
Hector stands up and says, "I feel like drinking, let's have some ale!"
Revan looks at Hector... "Are you serious?  Dawn just broke, and I'm still hung over..."
"Ahh, baah, this is a beautiful day already.  Let me tell you why that is, my very close and good friend."
Hector tells Revan everything.  The story goes on for 2 hours as the men get drunk before lunch time.

Revision as of 21:56, 29 September 2005


Hector of Avalon

Hector, Part I: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector Part I)

Hector, Part II: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector Part II)

Hector, Part III: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector Part III)

The Battle of Henhower, Part I (Written by Hector): (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Henhower)

The Battle of Henhower, Part II (Written by Revan): (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Henhower, part II)

The Battle of Henhower, Part III (Written by Hector): (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Henhower, part III)

The Battle of Norjke: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Norjke)

The Battle of Norjke, part II: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Norjke, part II)

Hector returns to Cteduul: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector returns to Cteduul)

Hector's true love, part I: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector's true love, part I)

Hector's true love, part II: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector's true love, part II)