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Legatus(Active): Hero Youngest of the DeSyrr brothers, he joined Perdan and helped fight in Clermont and Woolton briefly then went to Kalmar Islands. He helped found the fledgling state of Kalmar Islands in the East Continent. A TNP protestor and devout Kalmarian. He is extremely loyal to King Prometheus and Kalmar Islands, but in terms of the allaince warfare that plagues the East Continent, Legatus leans more towards the side of Oligarch, Caligus, Perdan, Ubent, and Avamar. He stays neutral though as is the kalmarian way. Legatus is the founder of KI's first and as of now ONLY newspaper The Kalmarian Chronicles. Upon the hijacking of Kalmar Islands by the despotic creature El Cid, and Artanis who acts as a lapdog the the despot, it was an impossible task to stop talking. The desecsration of his homeland that is so loved and cherished is an outrage. Legatus through this has turned from a prim, dignified noble to one that is more brash, staunchly defending his kingdom with words. Legatus was banned from Kalmar Islands, and was forced out. He fled with 5 units known as Kalmar's Hope. They all died in the flight. Legatus survived though and joined Oligarch. His welcome was for the most part icy. Hated by the Avamarians, and he is no longer fond of Avamar. They try to turn Kalmar Islands into a new Avamar. Knowing this will bring even more destruction to his home, Legatus tries in vein to alter what will likely be the future of the land he so loves, but so far it is to no avail. Legatus is friends with Hiereshmont Vellos, who is one of the few Oligarchians who are not in love with Avamar. Legatus now has been allowed to return to his homeland, the Kalmar Islands. They try to put a new democratic regime in place. Even though Legatus wishes the monarchy to return, he knows it is impossible. Legatus now tries to represent true Kalmarian beleif in a land of foreigners. Legatus is perhaps the most involved character of the DeSyrr family, and the most famous. Legatus was voted Baron of Alvaret.

Legatus remained a prominent leader in Kalmar, though because he was notorious for borrowing money from the rest of the family, he has never been prestigious enough to be allowed rulership. In the Old Rancagua-Kalmar role, Legatus fought bravely defended Kalmar and Stora against enemies who should not have been so. Legatus joined the "Patriotic Movement" of the time, a group dedicated to stopping the proposed "Statgegic secession" which would split Kalmar into Kalmar Islands and a New Avamar. When this plan failed and the secession was passed. Legatus returned to Perdan temporarily, where he started his career for a time, as he dislikes the Avamarians as well as the Old Rancaguans. Currently, Legatus is in a frazzled state, not knowing who he can trust.

Upon seeing his old friend Lucifer Jr as Kalmarian Chancellor, and seeing the end of war in Perdan Legatus decided to return to Kalmar Islands.


~Knight of Chaos Temple

~Knight of Kalmar

~Baron of Alvaret

~Kalmarian "Patriotic Movement" member(okay it isnt exactly an achievement, but its a title)

~Praetorian, member of the PSF

~Builder of a recruitment center