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::::::Brainwashing my people? Hardly. In the required reading is Herkan's historical accounts of Riombara's history before the current war, and Herkan's current history. That's not all of the required reading, but it's part of it. We'll be using the Irombrozian National Anthem, Herkan's historical writings from pre-LdB war, and our Constitution, and possible the Tome of Wars to teach the students to read. Concerning me being a rebel leader.... a grand total of 1 nation refuses to recognize Irombrozia as a sovereign state. Actually, no, make that 2. Rio refuses to recognize us, and I believe Fronen may as well. Everybody else recognizes us. Your vaunted republic applies only to yourselves, I suppose? Because if a vote were taken among the rulers of the world, I believe you would find Irombrozia would be recognized. See, Gorch, I am not spewing propaganda here. You are the one who is trying to make value statements, who is using terms like "brainwash", who is using time-honored tactics of propaganda. Perhaps I have a bias, yes, I probably do. So much of what Riombara lambasts as propaganda is not, if only you would look at the world from someone else's viewpoint. [[User:Vellos|Vellos]] 22:10, 21 January 2007 (CET)
::::::Brainwashing my people? Hardly. In the required reading is Herkan's historical accounts of Riombara's history before the current war, and Herkan's current history. That's not all of the required reading, but it's part of it. We'll be using the Irombrozian National Anthem, Herkan's historical writings from pre-LdB war, and our Constitution, and possible the Tome of Wars to teach the students to read. Concerning me being a rebel leader.... a grand total of 1 nation refuses to recognize Irombrozia as a sovereign state. Actually, no, make that 2. Rio refuses to recognize us, and I believe Fronen may as well. Everybody else recognizes us. Your vaunted republic applies only to yourselves, I suppose? Because if a vote were taken among the rulers of the world, I believe you would find Irombrozia would be recognized. See, Gorch, I am not spewing propaganda here. You are the one who is trying to make value statements, who is using terms like "brainwash", who is using time-honored tactics of propaganda. Perhaps I have a bias, yes, I probably do. So much of what Riombara lambasts as propaganda is not, if only you would look at the world from someone else's viewpoint. [[User:Vellos|Vellos]] 22:10, 21 January 2007 (CET)
No, Vellos - the problem is that you have told these lies enough times to yourself that you actually believe them. That is a dangerous path to go down. My comments are hardly propaganda, and I am not the one that feels the need to justify suicide as a military tactic. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 08:06, 22 January 2007 (CET)

Revision as of 07:06, 22 January 2007

The way of Riombara.... PLEASE don't tell me that's a reference towards Qyrvaggism, which is the traditional religion of the southlands. Vellos 23:06, 5 January 2007 (CET)

Either way, Eretzism is in a bit of a war with Qyrvaggism -- Neoro 23:12, 5 January 2007 (CET)
Huh? It is? How so? Qyrvaggism only views them as misguided... I'm not sure how they view Qyrvaggism. Vellos 00:39, 6 January 2007 (CET)

I am pretty sure you mean 2007 in your new Newspaper :) --Grancourt Family 00:18, 06 January 2007 (GMT)

2007? huh? That's in a thousand years my good man.... (OOC- BM years are measured, for the sake of RP, as 1000 years ago.) Vellos 01:51, 6 January 2007 (CET)

Well, then for the sake of RP, they can change the dates in their paper to 1007 not 2006!!! :P --Grancourt Family 03:05, 06 January 2007 (GMT)

With the dates, if it was 1000 years ago then we would still be int he times of the vikings and not the middle ages, where BM is set. Middle ages are roughly measured from 1100 to 1500 AD. So neither of us is technically correct, but as there are no offical dates in BM (except summer winter) and a month every 28 days, it is always a mater of discussion. ScottSabin 13:12, 6 January 2007 (CET)

You are aware that there are at least 2 Viking realms, correct? But anyways, that wasn't what I was saying. I wasn't trying to say that we are actually putting the time period back then, it's just it's very boring to have the dates be 2007, so we moved it back 1000 years.Vellos 15:20, 6 January 2007 (CET)

BRUTAL Takeover. The Luzians accuse us of wanton brutality when we run friendly takeovers, eh? --The1exile 01:05, 13 January 2007 (CET)

Riombara has nothing to do with this. The loyalists currently number 15 to the rebel 7. This is getting a special edition when the revolt is over. You'll know all about it after the rebellion concludes. Yes it probably IS good for Luz de Bia, but not to a very great extent. Riombara can hold its own.--Alex 14:18, 14 January 2007 (CET)(Character: Alexius)

In fact, I believe Riombara is single-handedly defeating you now. They do not need us anymore to defeat you, they can do that on their own. -Chénier 19:40, 14 January 2007 (CET)
Its true, Fronen hasn't been past RoF since they started their blockade, so Rio was fighting Luz on their own, a2 vs 3 war in favour of Luz and Irombrozia. They did lose a region or am wrong? -Pelgrims 21:40, 14 January 2007 (CET+1)
Riombara has as yet not lost any region. We will likely lose one soon, bu tthat just puts up back to where we started. --The1exile 21:43, 14 January 2007 (CET)
Wrong. 4 regions below what you started. Remember? Irombro, Bolkenia, Cagamir, and Fwuvoghor. Vellos 22:11, 14 January 2007 (CET)
If you had bothered to read back before answering, you would notce we're talking since the RoF blockade of Fronen troops. --The1exile 23:44, 14 January 2007 (CET)

Let me guess MIo Dupaki or Grekh will be next?

Well if you know that then why the hell are you not surrendering? And why do rightful owners use brutal TO's again? --Gorch

The reason that i know that is becasue you are predictable. We arnt surrendering becasue we dont need to. We did a brutal TO becasue it was a mistake, someone pressed the wrong button. ScottSabin 16:00, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Well of course we're predictable, but you're more predictable, which is why we win about 10 times as many battles as you. I think Carmelo would make a nice new marquis of Mio... --The1exile 17:46, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Won ten times more battles than us? The last battle you won was when you attacked our stragglers and an army twice as weak as yours. And dont forget we are fighting on 2 fronts so we have to split and divide our forces to fight both fronts. You can concentrate your forces giving you an advantage. At the moment we are even. I would like to see Riombara fight a two front war...oh wait i lost a lot of regions many have we lost? 1 of our origional regions, and yet we still are hear to fight you. ScottSabin 17:59, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Did you bother reading the accounts? I think I personally have yet to lose a battle against you Luzians... and only 1 against Enweil. In any case, we do have a war on 2 fronts - moreover, it's a 3 vs 2 war in your favour with the stringest realm on the continent aiding you. As for original regions, you have a claim on Ardmore which would seem to indicate you have lost 2 regions, with Mio and Grekh shortly to follow. Finally, we're not the ones who were without an operational capital for weeks. --The1exile 18:07, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Children, please, don't argue! Riombara has been doing a wonderful job of showing basic military competence - perhaps, one of these days they'll find someone who can actually *take* a region, rather then just holding steady... Luz, with your patrons busy elsewhere, you're putting up a good fight! Keep it up... that way, once the two of you have destroyed your regions, Irombrozia can swallow both of you up and form the Holy Quayervaggian Empire!

Whoops... did I say that out loud? ;) ~ Marc J. 18:07, 19 January 2007 (CET)

What was it you were saying? Something about Mio being yours? Dont think so, the TO was only on a day and you couldnt even keep it going. Oh and Brovly is back under our Control, KoA couldnt even stop that from happening. And i think you must go bakc to the history lesson. Admore was Riombaras at the start of the war, it has our claim on it becasue we lost it when the new code came out....but we will gladly take it off your hands. ScottSabin 18:21, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Oh, you know as well as I do that you suffered the same setback in Brovyl, don't use that to give you moral high ground.:(OOC: please don't use terms like "when the new code came out"... confuses a medieval noble :-))
How about this then...."When the gods that we worship declared that all land is the rightful possession of those who own it, until such cause of an agreement from those of vast knowledge and authority deem it good practice to let others have possession over that territory" Is that better way to understand? :D

Irombrozia is doing fine. We're launching repeated attacks to distract Rio. Our 2k vs. 10k fight in Glongin got Rio to pull out of Bym, and some out of Mio Dupaki and Grehk. We're making them distract forces and move around. Vellos 16:53, 21 January 2007 (CET)

Gods you're an idiot, Hireshmont... you didn't make us pull out of Bym. We were actually wondering why you insisted on having your men slaughtered. Anyone with half a brain would have misdirected - we assumed you'd do that and were baffled then by your suicide attack on Glongin. And now you claim it had some value? --The1exile 17:17, 21 January 2007 (CET)

"Riombara retreats to Grehk". I love how Sam consideres it a good thing that Riombaran forces are gathering and occupying a Luz de Bian city for the second time. If Riombara holding Grehk is a good thing then why fight them over it? --Alex 18:35, 21 January 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

The fact that they retreat Is a good thing. If they go to grekh we can cut them off in Mio/Glongin or Ardmore. If we attack you wont have the benefit of the walls (if theres any left). so we are in the better situation that you are. ScottSabin 18:43, 21 January 2007 (CET)
Gorch, did we inflict any damage on your soldiers? Then our attack was worth it. Not only this, but are you saying you PLANNED on the TO of Bym failing? What excellent tactics! Hurting the people's opinion of you when all you will do is a friendly TO always did strike me as good strategy. Irombrozia can loose every battle of this war and still do just fine. Why? 1. Large, close allies, 2. For us, survival is victory. Vellos 20:42, 21 January 2007 (CET)
No, ass de jack, we didn't plan to start a TO. One of our nobles made a mistake. And you have just proved your lack of regard for human life by effctively saying "we'll be responsible for the death of 200 of our men... but it's ok because we killed about 30 of the enemies!" --The1exile 20:45, 21 January 2007 (CET)
My, you do have a touchy temper don't you? Rather unbefitting of a noble to be so rude, you know, especially to royalty. My lack of regard for human life? pff. Look at the loyalty of Irombrozia's people. If they were really all that upset by this war, if they really didn't want to be fighting it, they'd complain. As is, I've recieved petitions from the literate peasantry (ironically, we're in the process of beginning a public school system to educate our peasants in history, a trade, and basic literacy) to expand the war, and to punish Riombara's peasants for supporting Riombara's corrupt regime. Perhaps you should be happy I'm as humane as I am. Hence why I have created the most extensive systems in the world to protect the rights of the people and nobles. Vellos 21:10, 21 January 2007 (CET)
Well Hireshmont, I am not one to suffer fools gladly. Perhaps that is my failing and when the idiots inherit the earth, I will be punished for it. But you are not royalty, for rebel leaders are not royalty. As for your mass education program, that's nonsense - I suspect it is little more than a mass propaganda project to brainwash the peasants of Irombro. These letters you recieve from the educated peasants clearly show that you have bred in them the same disdain for the lives of others that you have. Unsurprising from one who's only aim is to make other people as miserable as possible. --The1exile 21:28, 21 January 2007 (CET)
Brainwashing my people? Hardly. In the required reading is Herkan's historical accounts of Riombara's history before the current war, and Herkan's current history. That's not all of the required reading, but it's part of it. We'll be using the Irombrozian National Anthem, Herkan's historical writings from pre-LdB war, and our Constitution, and possible the Tome of Wars to teach the students to read. Concerning me being a rebel leader.... a grand total of 1 nation refuses to recognize Irombrozia as a sovereign state. Actually, no, make that 2. Rio refuses to recognize us, and I believe Fronen may as well. Everybody else recognizes us. Your vaunted republic applies only to yourselves, I suppose? Because if a vote were taken among the rulers of the world, I believe you would find Irombrozia would be recognized. See, Gorch, I am not spewing propaganda here. You are the one who is trying to make value statements, who is using terms like "brainwash", who is using time-honored tactics of propaganda. Perhaps I have a bias, yes, I probably do. So much of what Riombara lambasts as propaganda is not, if only you would look at the world from someone else's viewpoint. Vellos 22:10, 21 January 2007 (CET)

No, Vellos - the problem is that you have told these lies enough times to yourself that you actually believe them. That is a dangerous path to go down. My comments are hardly propaganda, and I am not the one that feels the need to justify suicide as a military tactic. --The1exile 08:06, 22 January 2007 (CET)