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Saint Samuel was a man of huge appetites. It is said that he once ate himself out of a dragon. The dragon had swallowed him as Samuel was trying to bed his wife, who was also a dragon. Samuel is said to have bedded all sorts of wondrous people and creatures in his time, from nymphs to queens to slaves to centaurs. None could resist him and his multiple phalli, each which legendarily hung from his crotch with great power and weight. Each also is said to have had its own special magic, from disintigration to the halting of other magics to clairvoyance to the ability to talk to fish. The legends of Saint Samuel are filthy, unreadable to most people, and rarely make a lot of sense.

His Icons range from simple phallic stones to elaborate sculptures wherein the faithful take great pains to decorate his multiple phalli in intricate ways.