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<i>Damn it, man, why didn't you keep your footing?</i> Hector runs. Strangley, he's not afraid for himself, he fears for his men; and, he fears for her. If he never makes it back, then she'll be all alone... <i>Enough, think! Where can we go. We can not escape this horde! They will not tire, but we will, and quickly!</i>
<i>Damn it, man, why didn't you keep your footing?</i> Hector runs. Strangley, he's not afraid for himself, he fears for his men; and, he fears for her. If he never makes it back, then she'll be all alone... <i>Enough, think! Where can we go. We can not escape this horde! They will not tire, but we will, and quickly!</i>

As they run, it is all they can do to stay ahead of the mis-shapen freaks! They start to ascend another hill. The trees start to thin here. This is a rule region. By the gods, I've lead them to a village. Damn it Hector!
As they run, it is all they can do to stay ahead of the mis-shapen freaks! They start to ascend another hill. The trees start to thin here. This is a rule region. <i>By the gods, I've lead them to a village. Damn it Hector!</i>

As they ascend, Hector hears a bell ringing wildly! The men crest the hill and see a small village. People are grabbing everything and running towards a chappel!
As they ascend, Hector hears a bell ringing wildly! The men crest the hill and see a small village. People are grabbing everything and running towards a chappel!

Revision as of 23:28, 23 September 2005


Hector of Avalon

Hector, Part I

Four men gather in the center of a city; a city torn apart by war and rumors of undead hordes attacking and plundering these lands for many weeks now. The land belongs to Avalon, but from the mud and the burned out buildings, there's not much to own. Peasants are starving; children look like twigs while their parents look like the undead they fear. Hector looks on his 3 men left from battle. Their eyes weary from their travels and the recent wounds they all received. Hector has a large cut on his foreleg from their most recent battle and a slice over his eye.

"Men, you are 3 of the best that has ever walked alive...” the men chuckle a bit... After a short pause, Hector continues, "Of course, there were many more, but you men survived. We embark on yet another journey to Henhower, where some say the undead walk again. We've seen them already. My own eyes did not believe it, but, they were there. We await reinforcements from some very good allies of ours...” the men all nod their heads "Together we will take Henhower, Zod and beyond."

The men look around at each other. One of them, a rather large man, asks Hector, "Lord Hector, why can we not find extra men"?

Hector looks behind him to an abandoned building, then to a couple of peasants passing by, barely enough clothes to keep warm. A boy listens on from behind a crate, trying to hide and be stealthy.

"Binder, it's very simple, the people here have no heart for war. They've been ravaged, raped and pillaged. Their homes and crops have been destroyed and they have no desire to see more bloodshed. Most have lost loved ones. No one in this capital of ours has the desire to join or the heart for warfare. We have to force those who are healthy. That is why we need to move on to larger cities, where the men there have not been beaten into submission. It takes a time of peace to bring the sprits back up. Men, that is what we are here for! That is why we fight these undead hordes"

With that, Hector walks closer to his men and says, "Pack up gentlemen; we will be leaving within a day or two."

The men begin to walk towards their homes, as Hector turns to go to the local whorehouse, a boy runs up to him, no older than 13. "Sir, I could join your men. I haven't lost my courage"... A smile crosses Hectors face, "Perhaps lad, in a few years. Enjoy peace while you can...” He walks away, and looks up at the dark rolling clouds... "No, it won't take long. The seed of heroism blossoms already!"

The boy watches as the large, dark silhouette disappears down an ally way. He knows, someday, he will join Avalon's armies, and serve under Hector. "After all", the boy thinks to himself, "from the tales I’ve heard, he is a hero, like I want to be".

Hector, Part II

As Hector walked down the long, dreary ally, water driped from the overhang of a three story house. He looked up. The houses look as if they are going to fall into each other. Clothes hung from many windows and laid over ropes strewn across the street from the top floors with clothes pins made from twigs tied together. Pigions picked at a dead dog lying in the street, and a dirty man came running up, clothes tattered and worn and chased them away. He picked the dog up and tossed it on his cart and started down the street. A little girl, maybe 6 or 7 stood near a gutter, crying as she watched her childhood pet taken away by this hored man.

He was coming closer now, closer to the brothel. The smell made his stomach uneasy. He glanced over and saw a stinking corpse lying in the gutter about a hundred yards from him. He saw a cat eating one of the fingers.

Hunger, what an evil thing!

He continued on to his home. A sign reads, 'Girls of Cteduul' and it hung from the front of a three story building. Loud music and roudy talk poured from the swing doors. It was getting to be dusk, and the entire street was starting to come alive with music and the sort or people you normally don't want around.

Pick pockets approached Hector. He, had no patience that day and allowed them to get close. As one created a distraction, the other reached for his purse. Before they knew it, one man was lying in a lifeless heap, and the other was under Hectors boot. "Lord Hector, please, we had no idea who you were..."

"The story of my life", he thought to himself.

Hector looked down at the man... "roach!" and stomped on his face, and continued onward, not even glancing back. The helpless man, blinded in one eye now, went staggering off, whaling from pain, blood covering his hands and face.

He entered the brothel, and went straight to room 219. As he opened the door, a beautiful woman came forward to greet him. "I've waited for you all day, what took you so long?"

He paused and smiled, "Why, I had to collect money for the church."

As he sat down, he took off his armor and unlaced his boots. He laid his sword down near the bed and took off about 3 daggers. She climbed on his lap. "So tell me, what today, the usual"?

He looked down, searching for something... and looked back up and said in an unaudible response, "yeah, the usual". He took 2 gold coins from his purse, and handed it to her, gently, as they stared in each others eyes. She tucked them in her bossom. And laid her head on his shoulder.

"Just once, I wish you would ask for more.." She said, with her eyes starring off. "Holding me all night, is nice, but it is not what most men want".

Hector adjusted his arms to settle her in and he began to rock and stare off through the dimly lit room. She nestled into his large arms and felt strangely comforted and at peace.

Hector drifted off, to his past. He thought of a woman he once loved. A woman like no other. The one he holds in his arms looks exactly like her... He holds her tight as he thinks back. Not only did he love her, his brother, Achilles loved her too. So much, that they almost killed each other over her. His hatred grew so strong for his brother, Achilles, that one day, he attempted to kill him, but instead, mistakenly killed their youngest brother Pontus who had warn Achilles armor that day. Upon hearing what happened, Achilles tricked the woman they both loved, Hermione into coming to see him. She loved Hector, but had strong feelings for Achilles. When Hector walked in and found them talking, Achilles jumped up and grabbed Hermione by the arm, pulled her to him and slit her throat in front of Hector. To his horror, she dropped lifeless at his feet. He screamed louder than any man has ever screamed! He grabbed his hair then reached for his sword. For two days the brothers fought. Both were exhausted, when Augustus snuck up behind Hector and hit him with the butt of his sword.

When Hector came to, he was on a guillotine and they were about to pull the cord. Then, Augustus rose to his feet and cried, "Wait, I can not loose another son!" He quickly ordered his release. Then, with a soft spoken tounge, ordered his banishment from Atamra.

Hector jerked awake, he had fallen asleep. He was in bed now, with Jessica in bed with him. He looked around the room, dazed and confused. He sat up grabbed his armor. He put on his boots and laced them up. He looked over at Jessica and said, "If I had it in me, I could love you, but that part of me is dead now."

As he stood up and left, Jessica opened her eyes... tears ran down her cheeks. He'd never talked in his sleep before. And her heart felt like a sinking ship. She's accepted no business since she fell for him.

Hector, Part III

It's day break and Hector walks up to his three men.

"Gentlemen, good morning." I have great news. I was able to find ten able and willing men to join our ranks. We will now be a formidable apponent to anyone with a dozen men." The men chuckle a bit.

"Now, I know morale is low. We head out to Henhower to claim another land for our great Nation. Troops and allied troops have already formed there for the take over. We are a valiant group and we shall be of great importance to our kingdom. Not to mention, I control all the money, so hopefully, we will be a rich group." The men burst into laughter and jestfully cheer Hectors name. As it quiets down, Hector continues..

"But seriously, I am proud to serve with you men. Many of us have lost dear friends, and in the recent invasion, lost someone we love very much." His voice drops off and he slowly drops his head starring off. His men look around, he appears a little odd. He slowly raises his head back up, "But, we have work to do, to defend those left alive." The undead walk these lands, but not for long. The armies mustered ahead are a great army. They will assist us all the way to Wedunkin. Which I hear has many a fine whore houses..." The men cheer wildly and look around at each other.

"Enough speeches men, let's head out". With that his men gather their belongings lying in the courtyard. They are already a day behind and will have take extra efforts to catch up with everyone.

As he leaves, he senses cloaked figure in a doorway acrosse the street. He smiles as he looks down. A sharp pain enters his chest. He will never grow tired of her watching him leave town. It's almost a ritual now.

This time, however, as he disappears into the mist, she looks down and sees a small, red rose bud at the base of the doorway where she stood. A smile crosses her face from under the cloak, as she watches the only man she will ever love, walking out of her life again.

The Battle of Henhower

Part I (Written by Hector)

Hector weezes from the open wound on his forearm. He hadn't had time yet to seal it because they were being chased. Half of his men are seriously wounded, more than half are dead. They shuffle through the forest as fast as possible, carrying what living men he has left. They run, blinded by tree branches bashing them in the head. Arms over necks, hobbling like a three legged sack race.

He turns to see some undead gaining on them. Hector drops the soldier he is helping, and turns and draws his sword.

"What in the bloody hell happened Sergant?"

Quicky, by his side is a bloody man, looking half dead.

"Mi'Lord, I have no idea what happened. Our watchman fell asleep on duty. And before we knew it, some of our fellow troop leaders took off just before they struck us."

Earlier that day, while Hector and his men had slept, an undead hord, huge and grotesk moved in on Hector and his men. 10 men died trying to fight them off, The rest were wounded by scrapes, bites and claw marks. They quickly fell back to the edge of the woods.

Hector had tought them all how to avoid being tracked by the undead... simple, if you bleed, they come... if you bleed, they will find you. So, any bloody wounds, must be cotterized immediately. As the hord began feeding on the 10 dead men, Hector quickly grabbed a bag of cannon powder and poured it on his mens open wounds, then set fire to it. The screams of his men from the pain were drowned out by the screams of undead hord. As quickly as he had set fire to their wounds, he had them up, pairing up the worst with the best, then off they went, Hector, looking over his shoulder as they left.

"Mi'Lord! You're arm! Hector looks down to see his army covered in blood! DAMN DAMN DAMN! I didn't take care of my own wound, now we may all die here!"

Hector attacks and cuts off two heads. As they beasts stagger and fall, he quickly follows through with the sword through the heart. Two down, two to go. The Sergant is attacked from behind, and goes down, Hector approaches the third from behind as it approaches the Sergant. Through the back piercing the heart... another one down.

The Sergant flails wildly trying to break free from the monster. Hector rushes to him, suddenlty, the undead man is pierced with an arrow through his heart by an arrow.

Hector looks up and sees his friend, Revan, attop an undead horse. It bucks wildly, but Revan has him under control.

"Hector, old friend!"

"Revan, my god, how long has it been?"

Behind them, the Sergant staggers to his feet. "Lord Revan, I thank you, sir, you... saved my life!"

"Think nothing of it! Hector, your wound, you have to seal that, you know..."

"Yes, yes, of course, as soon as I get some cannon powder..."

"Here, I have some, but first, I need help killing this horse, if I get down now, he'll surley kill us both."

"Of course" Hector lunges and stabs the horse through the chest. The horse bucks back and throws Revan, and flails for a moment, then goes still.

"Thanks, nice and delicate, and I appreciate the warning too!" Revan says as he grabs Hectors hands and comes to his feet. He retreives a bag with some cannon powder and promptly lights it to seal Hector's wound.

"Damn, that hurts. Isn't there any other way to do this?... What happened back there, Revan, how did we get caught off guard?"

"My watch was taken out, by a wraith. Not normally accompanying an undead-horde. That is how they were able to move in so swiftly, practically undetected."

"A wraith with an undead-hord, that's like a King walking down the street with a peasant. What on earth is going on?" Hector asks, looking down in the dirt.

"I don't know, but perhaps this last invasion of the undead was guided by beings more powerful then ourselves. Perhaps an Intelligence greater than the wraiths."

Hector shutters... "OK, enough, let's get moving... I'm heading back to Cteduul to see if I can possibly recruit."

With that, Hector grabs the man he dropped earlier and starts towards Cteduul.

"Coming, Revan?"

Part II (Written by Revan)

The skies were grey, at least that's what Revan could make out of all the treetops in the way.

"Let's go"

Soon after, the sound of the undead fill the men's ears. The men grab what wounded they could and dart off. Revan looks back at his men to make sure none had been left behind. He saw one man struggling on a wounded.

"Here, I got him."

Revan hoists the wounded man over his shoulder while still run at full speed. The soldier is relieved a bit but his face still bare the fear of being caught by the undead.

"Revan, what are we going to do? 700 of those damned sacs of flesh, we'll never make it out."

"Oh, quit whining soldier. With an attitude like that i'm surprised we're not being chased by you!"

The wounded man on Revan's shoulder had a bloody gash upon his head. He could still see but with a red gloss over his sight. He takes a look at the horde behind them in horror. The undead, dead men that yet still lived. Not only were there dead men there were also the preditorial creatures of the area. Few like giant house cats. The undead think nothing of the trees as they either bounce off of them or plow right throught them showing no sign of fatigue. Water pertrudes through the blood on the wounded man's face through his eyes.

Revan and his men, just a little bit behind Hector's men, were gaining speed away from the horde that lie behind them. The trees broke away to a small valley. The men could see Hector's unit fall into the valley and freeze. When the men enter the quiet valley they held their breath to see the pale flesh of a small group of undead barreling towards them.

"Go Hector, I can hold them off."

"Revan, are you crazy? You'll die here."

"Hector, It's either you or me. Now get going and don't waste any more time."

"I'm sorry Revan, but I'm staying to fight."

Revan turns to the monsters and calls his men to a defensive box formation.

"Throw the wounded behind us, I don't want them to get in the way."

Hectors men join Revans to create the box formation. Revan and Hector stand in front of the box and wait.

"I knew this would happen, Didn't I tell Grim-Reaper it was too risky to TO Henhower?"

Hector did not reply, he unsheathes his sword and assumes a battle ready stance. His sword seemed to shimmer like silver though no light could have done this. Revan prepares for battle. It began to rain. The horde was seconds in front of them. Revan could clearly distinguish the shape of the beasts and the second before the two masses clashed Revan was not scared of the beasts that wanted his blood soo badly. In fact he felt brotherly towards them.

As living began to fight undead Revan clearly knew that it was rediculus to think like that. The first to attack Revan was an undead giant cat. He fell to the floor and raised his blade to cut the underbelly of it. The undead beast fell to the floor, still flinching but with not enough mobility to do anything. Revan quickly picked himself up to slice the right side of an undead in the form of a human. He finished the undead with a clean spin and a quick slice of the neck, causing the head to spin and fall to the ground as its body did. Revan charges another monster and sinks his blade in the left leg of another undead. The leg snaps like a tree freshly cut by a wood cutter. To finish the undead off, Revan crushes the head with a powerful stomp with his foot, continuing on to the next monster.

The men had fought well but many had start to fall. Down to the few men Hector had he spoke.


Revan followed that up with the same call. He had 4 men down to their last breath. Hector's men run off into the valley. Revan runs blindly out of the skirmish towards the forest. He would have turned around since that was where they were being chased by the first monster horde but he was already ahead of the monsters.

3 men safetly make it out of the skirmish but one struggled at first but was then caught by an undead that had jumped into the sky and onto the poor soldier. The undead beast bit down into the neck of the soldier and ripped out a chunk of the soldiers neck with the veins spraying out a stream of red blood that shot at least 3 feet away. Revan and his three men ran wildly into the forest. They were soon met by the bulk of the horde that was chasing them. Revan verred left and never looked back. He was running faster than he had ever ran but no matter how fast Revan ran the undead seemed to match his speed. One undead managed to slash Revan on the back and Revan cried out to no one but the beasts behind him.

A flash appeared ahead of him and a crack. A tree had been struck by lightning and before it could fall Revan slipped under the tree, blocking off the undead with a blaze of fire.

Through the orange and red flames of the fire, Revan could see the undead making it's way slowly closer to the cave. It was absolutely horrifying to Revan and his eyes buldged, starring at the undead closing in on him. One undead had made it into the flames and embraced them. It was burning alive, or burning dead, walking through the scorching flames that burnt the skin into crisp that cracked off as it moved. It fell on the floor, motionless. The rest of the horde walked into the flames all burning in one hellish inferno so bloodthirsty and determined to kill Revan. Revan could smell the peutrid smell of burning flesh that filled the whole cave and it became hard to breath. All that night Revan had the horrifying sight of undead after undead walk into the greedy flames that claimed one after one. It had saved Revan's life but at a terrifying display that wouldn't let Revan sleep.

The next day Revan had claimed the area safe and he kicked what was a combination of flesh and dirt onto the flames and they went out. Revan wandered around the area and finnaly found one wounded man in a tree. He soon after found the last two in a rotting tree. He took one deep breath and ordered his men to move on.

"Carry on men."

Part III (Written by Hector)

Hector ran with his eight wounded men as if none of them had a scratch on them... Hector smiles sinically. Maybe these gashing wounds are superficial. Look at my unit move..

After Hector had sounded the retreat, he lead his men down to a vally floor, over a river and into the foothills of Cteduul.

"Revan, there is a pass up that way..." he says, gasping for air. No reply.

"Revan?" Hector turns to look as he runs, slowing as his men pass him like lightning.

"Revan!" He calls out. He sees him, running through the woods, with a burning branch...all alone... in a different direction... Revan disappears behind a hill. The undead are fast! They are right behind Revan.

Hector looks and sees a horde turning towards his men.

Revan can fend for himself, he's rather good, but my men need looking after.

Hector quickly picks up the pace and races to catch up. Suddenly, they are surounded. The undead seem to come from everywhere. There are hundreds of them, but only a few are in front.

"Swing that sword Soldier!!! Swing it!!" A confused and frightened soldier looks back at Hector, then plunges head-long into the 3 undead in front of him. He doesn't even get a strike in and they consume him. He desappears in a mangeld mass of rotten flesh, as the undead devour him.

Hector screams, "To the right, to the right, run!!!" He's down to 7 men now. They vear right and the men, in unison swing their swords and cut the undead down in front of them and blast through.

Running as fast as they can, they crest a hill and one man tumbles head over feat down the other side. An undead beast pounces on him, and the man's scream turns into a girgle as blood fills his throat!!!

Damn it, man, why didn't you keep your footing? Hector runs. Strangley, he's not afraid for himself, he fears for his men; and, he fears for her. If he never makes it back, then she'll be all alone... Enough, think! Where can we go. We can not escape this horde! They will not tire, but we will, and quickly!

As they run, it is all they can do to stay ahead of the mis-shapen freaks! They start to ascend another hill. The trees start to thin here. This is a rule region. By the gods, I've lead them to a village. Damn it Hector!

As they ascend, Hector hears a bell ringing wildly! The men crest the hill and see a small village. People are grabbing everything and running towards a chappel!

That's it!!! That's it!!!

"Head to the chappel men! Run, the church is sacred ground. The undead can not go there!"

I smile crosses his face. I've cheated death yet again!... Not yet fool! You've got to make it there first!!!

The undead pick up speed, sensing the urgency. Hector's men follow suite, speeding up, rejuvinated at the thought of survival.

They run. A small child is ahead of Hector. He'll never make it. Damn my selflesness! He smiles at the lack of humilty he has for himself.

Hector scoops up the child and his mother in one swoop, only slowing a bit and continues running. He can feel the heat of the undead as they close in on him!

"Run men!!! RUN!!!"

The men come crashing into the church and collapse to the ground. Hector, is right behind them. He tosses the child and his mother into the church door and turns, standing defiantly outside the church door at the horde as it comes to a stop.

He stands their, studying them. They, in return, study him. They pace around the chappel, defiantly. But soon, their undying hunger forces them to return to the woods, in search of flesh.

"Sir, that was close."

Yes indeed. Yet, another tale to tell. He thinks to himself. How many of these will I survive?

His thoughts turn to Revan. By the gods, I hope he makes it.