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First meeting...
Part I - Posted 2005-04-27

(By a stream somewhere)

Dakthohol bend down to drink from the cool water gently flowing through the pines. The water tasted sour and irony, like it tended to do in these dark forests but also of moss. It was very refreshing and just the thing to wash down the blue berries he had breakfasted on. Since it had been safe to venture down the mountain after the blizzard he had been moving steadily towards the south and hopefully warmth. It had been very foolish to go up there without proper cloths and now his main priority after food was to find something to wear. He was glad that he had the blue cape. He had tried to kill some large hairy goat but the knife he possessed was not the right weapon and the outcome had been a hazardous run down the hillside chased by an angry goat. Now he was moving down to a river he had seen in the bottom of the valley. Along that there had to be people that could help him. He had to meet someone soon or he was likely to starve and die of cold. The berries were the only thing he had eaten since last morning. He set of down the hill again and soon he could see the river below again. There on that bend over there! It looked like a little girl. Dakthohol hallooed at her but she did not seem to hear it. So he started to run down towards her but soon got out of control and headfirst continued strait over a small edge into a pine tree resulting in unconscious darkness.

Dakthohol di Saladi’ilm.
~SpellCaster in Chaos~
(Hungry and cold)

Part II - Posted 2005-05-02

(Under a tree by the river)

Dakthohol slowly regained conscious. It was a nasty bump he had pumping in his forehead. Looking up into the tree he tried to remember where he was. It was not really day yet more like right before the morning redness can be seen. It was not warm either and he could fell the needles from the tree digging into his naked belly. He carefully sat up and wrapped the cape around him to regain warmth. He was still hungry, though he now was in a state where hunger was a constant state of pain in the stomach rather than real hunger. He was also thirsty and his mouth felt dry as a desert. This was more of a concern. He looked around for water. Then he remembered the river and the young GIRL! A human that was right now it all came back to him the run, the fall and the little girl. He quickly got up and started to move down to where he remembered the little girl had been. By now the first beams of light started to come up though the valley and he could see the sun creep down along the mountain side, brightly lighting the white tops first. By the time he reached the river the sun had started to warm him and heat up the air around him. Though he looked carefully he could see no signs of the little girl where he remembered she had been, nor could he see any other signs of humans. Well there was a small path running along the river going to and fro it as it meandered its way down towards the sea. But by the looks of it, it was mostly used by some animals and the little birds collecting nest material for their homes in the nearby bushes and trees. He sat by the river and remembered his thirst. While drinking he noticed a little brownish-black bird swimming and diving in the stream. Odd he thought it did not look like he ducks of guillemots he remembered from the sea. Actually it was odd he just remembered this but did not think about the significance of the memory. If he had had his head with him then he would have noticed that he must have come from a life by or on the sea. Now he just looked at the little bird as it lively moved around in the stream. Sitting on a rock with something in its beak before it flew of to feed its chicks somewhere. This reminded him of his hunger. He got up and started to move downstream along the path. Not that this was a really conscious decision. It was more an instinctively fleeing from the cold mountains. He walked and walked along the stream as the Road goes ever on and on…

Dakthohol di Saladi’ilm
~SpellCaster in Chaos~

(Hungry and still not found by anyone…)

Part III - Posted 2005-05-09

(By a river right before the next bend)

The wind crept slowly up against the water rushing to the sea in the river and a little bird sat in a tree whistling “pleased to meet you”. After a few moments perfect repetition it heard the thrushes further up the path it sang by yell at something. ‘Well, well here they go again!’ it though but decided that it might come this way, as its neighbouring pair began. Maybe one better go see if the nest needs improvement…

Just as it disappeared behind the bush Dakthohol passed the tree it had been singing from. The sun was warm but it was not really warm weather. It had not been this morning as the wind had blown from the mountaintops all night. The tall trees had disappeared after a few hours and by now he was walking among tall bushes, but it looked like there was a meadow up ahead.


The sound made him stop. That sound. There was something about it. Somewhere in the back of his mind memories started to work there way to the surface of his consciousness but remained submerged for now. He started to walk again more careful. Soon he turned round a bush and under a tree and there in the middle of a meadow stood a little house and seven cows (the name came back to him). The most snow white cows he had ever seen, with blackened knees ears and tails. It was not that he remembered where he had seen cows before but he kind of associated them with humans and this wooden building promised the same. The thin line of smoke coming through a hole in the roof even more but he did not notice it before he stood at the door. What was it now you did with a door? Did you puss it or pull? There was something with a sound. Something you did to tell you were coming. What was it now? Well any way. Dakthohol decided just to pull the door open while saying hello. It had this fine handle. As he took the handle and pulled he saw that it opened inwards and was slightly open. The observation, combined with the loud bang it made when he pulled it hard shut, made him forget to say hello when he pushed the door open. Inside he was met by a man, seemingly cut right out from the mountain, a little girl with red hear in all directions and a blooming young woman seated at a table.

“Who are you?” asked the man harsh. ‘Well who was I again’ thought Dakthohol and said: “I do not remember right now. It will come to me shortly.” “Don’t remember, eh! Do you normally barge into peoples houses like that where you come from, do you? “I do not remember” Dakthohol said quietly. “You do not remember where you come from?” “Some where over the mountains by the sea” “Have you come over White Tops?” “Dakthohol! That’s it.” “What?” “My name” “Your name… Well then welcome Daksohot. I’m Iam” said the man and put his fist forward now standing in front of the table, blocking Dakthohol’s view. ‘What was it you did now? Yes, take the hand’ Dakthohol thought. As he put his own forward his cape opened and showed his naked paleness. The man shook his hand in disbelieve, but then got hold of himself as he realized his oldest daughter was a bit too interested in the view, he said: “Clarabelle, did you finish milking?” When she did not answer strait off, he said loud and harsh: “Then get out and finish it! Go on now!” She took a last look then rushed out blushing followed by the little girl. Iam turned toward him and pushed him out crying: “And you, you can go. Going round showing off to little girls, what man are you? Go!” Dakthohol was one large question mark. “Where to?” he said. “That way!” Iam said pointing down the river. “You go to the village and tell the Logman I send you to doom. Go now!” As Dakthohol hesitated he repeated loudly “GO!”

‘What had he done now’ Dakthohol thought as he rushed away in the pointed direction. Then he remembered all the lovely food they had had on the table and the food that had to be in the village.

Dakthohol di Saladi’ilm
~SpellMaster in Chaos~

(Now near a village with hope)

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