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Atamara Times
free by Erasmus Episcopus (EE) 5th. edition
Tir 21 of Jun, 2005

Editoral letter:
Again the Atamara Times have been delayed but I had to go visit a source for information myself as I have no reporters to send. Next time I will try my best to get it out on time.

I hope you enjoy it!

Yours, Erasmus Episcopus Editor of Atamara Times

Letter to the Editor:
From Giles, Farmer in Chagasu.

Now it will have to end! Those bloody armies come marching over our fields all the time. Never is there a moment to sit down and watch the grass grow. Only this morning 200 men came by the rye and turned north over the wheat, as I was learning my son how to horse a horse, making it run of and making my son very disappointed, you who it is with these youngsters. As I was saying to the miller the other day I cannot plough my fields without turning up 10 stones of scrap iron. We have been yelling at the Dictator in Aja to end it but what have we seen. More troops marching back and forth over our fields. How do they think we shall feed them if they keep running down the corn. Only yesterday we feasted to the honour of the almighty TOM to get him to end the war and give us a good harvest. And better rulers and new shoes and a younger wife and a clever son, unlike that thick headed daft bugger that runs around and eats all your food and mess with the sheep and…(cut short by the editor)

Darkan Deal
A week ago Darka surprisingly announced they were going to declare war on Talerium and the attack would take place in three days time. They informed all realms of Atamara they had gotten an offer of employment, of their mercenary army they could not resist. Of course this came as a surprise to major parts of Atamara. Not least Talerium as their Prime Minister Captain Tezokian tells us his “initial reaction was that of anger, and I immediately went to call Darka's ruler some colourful names. We knew it was possible that they would act like backstabbers, but I mistakenly held on to the trust I felt an age-old alliance surely had left. Darka's new king though is not even worthy of the title that is given him. The Darkan people can do so much better than him, and it's quite sad to see any number of people have to be ruled by him.”

But after AT has gotten hold of parts of the contract from a reliable source, it is hard to blame Darka for signing it. They are to receive 2500 gold a month for the next two month until august the 14th. On top of that the “contract will extend with 2 weeks each if not cancelled with a 2 weeks prior notice. Payment periods will stay on monthly basis” and there is the possibility for a considerable bonus for the first month. The contract is made with a guaranteed two months payment and will only end under the following conditions:

* Cancellation of the contract with 2 weeks prior notice
* Destruction of the realm Talerium
* Surrender of the realm Talerium (only possible if Talerium has max 1 city and 3 regions left)

Indeed it is going to be a profitable agreement for Darka if they can keep the war at least equal and not loose to many battles and regions. Even though the Talerian Prime Minister was “confident in my realm's military. We should in all likelihood be able to 'fend them off', but I anticipate great losses on our side in doing so.” Talerium is also confident they will not fall in the first two months and their high spirits shines through the continued comment from Captain:

“I don't think it's possible to 'kill' any realm in 2 months ordinarily. I recall Lamar falling extremely fast, but there were a lot of other factors that attributed to that such as poor leadership, and lack of Abington's part to adequately assist them. Talerium is a well-fueled war machine, but when other realms encounter us on the other sides of the continent, we've burned up a lot of fuel just getting there. It should be interesting to see how we fair in a battle that is right beside us. All of Talerium's citizens are glad to not have to be marching across the continent to do battle.”

But so far they have not done well as Darka won the first battle in Quetli, even though they were slightly outnumbered. After occupying it for 5 days they finally managed to take full control of it today as Talerium could stand by and watch. But it will be for sure the last battle is not fought in this was and there will be much more interesting stories to tell from it.

The payer of Darka is Minas Ithil but as they inform us: “Minas Ithil was the negotiator between a set of realms and Darka.” Who these are they of course will not tell but they say that “the willingness to support a war against Talerium, financially and military is really huge and Darka is most probably never been hired by such a high number of realms at the same time.” One can only speculate who these realms are and the amount they each pay. Captain says he “personally thinks Falasan also contributed to it largely, with possible smaller donations from Norland and Barony, seeing as how we were involved in their conflict. I have no proof to really go on, but all rumors and conclusions seem to point to them as the parties involved.” Barony of Markan and Norland is obvious as Talerium was helping Eston in the northern war. Falasan on the other hand denies and washes their hands when asked about their involvement. But it is very much likely that they, Minas Ithil, Ash Sea Islands and Abington have contributed as they will have a clear advantage by keeping Talerium from going north to help Eston or even send troops to help Tara. If Darka was unemployed it would be very likely they would make a deal with Tara again and come to their aid. This would definitively tip the equation in favour of Tara et al. and therefore the two realms with most to gain indirectly from the contract ends up being Falasan and Ash Sea Islands and possibly also the major payers. But when asked directly, all rulers shuts up tighter than an Oyster or declares more ignorance than are believable of a ruler surviving in Atamaran politics.

One piece of information, thought did stir the pond and almost tipped the boat for some realms. AT have learned that Drachenwald is to deliver the gold from Minas Ithil (and others) to Darka! This got the King of Minas Ithil to cry out: “I really would like to know your source. I hope he knows the diplomatic impact of such a statement. Such a rumour could destroy a realm like Drachenwald!” Therefore it would also be natural to conclude that they was one of the payers and cause their neighbours and (former) allies, Cagilan Empire, Talerium and Tara, to grow angry with them. Luckily for Drachenwald things quiet down fast and as Skanders, Dictator of Drachenwald, so elegantly tells us Drachenwald is just the trusted currier:

“I was contacted by both sides asking if I would make the transfer. I believe Darka wishes us to do it as they trust us being their colony. I was told that a courier would bring the locked and sealed payment to our capitol of Nazia and I was to courier it, unopened to Darka. I do not know who is bringing it only that I am to transport it because DrachenWald is the realm both sides chose to do so because we have not warred or taken any sides in the affairs of Atamarra.”

And declares no knowledge of the details of the contract by stating that “being the ruler of such a small realm you can understand I have been kept in the dark about much of what has been happening.”

Talerium on the other hand has full understanding for Drachenwald’s role in the deal and conditions of survival on Atamara. As Captain says:

“Drachenwald is in a tough situation. They're a very small realm, and cannot do much at all in the way of world diplomacy or politics. And it is sad that because of this, they are walked over by other realms of Atamara, especially Falasan. I'm sure whatever they're doing, they're doing out of the protection of their realm, and not intentionally to harm us. They're in a very hard situation, and I wish them luck on it.”

For sure it will be interesting to see how the hole affaire and the war evolves, but be sure AT will follow it closely.


Taran War
Things are not looking as good for Tara as they used to. Though they get enormous military help from Cagilan Empire, RedSpan and Carelia the dark clouds are gathering over Aja. After the fall of Southasland Tara have lost many regions and its lands have been flooded with enemy troops. Just weeks ago the Taran Dictator, Jamuga, ensured AT the recent losses to Ash Sea Islands in the east was not the thing to be seen in the future, but since then Tara et al. have lost quiet a few battles and the central, large rural region of Jagla. Also Tara had to neglect the city of Tarasac, which citizens finally said enough is enough and turned to Cagilan Empire for help. Not long after the Baron of Sauvia, Drikan Trogain, decided to listen to his subjects and the indifference from the government in Aja and take his barony under the banner of Drachenwald. Surely it could look like Tara is slowly falling apart, but the Taran government are confident in the long term success for Tara. They and Cagilan have also shown signs of this in their successful joined defence of Chagasu and with the help of Carelia and RedSpan the cleansing of Ash Sea Islanders from Tara.

The attack on Chagasu was largely lead by Falasan that have decided to end their closed-borders agreement with Tara after several Taran violations and lack of replies from Dictator Jamuga as Cathrine, Queen of Falasan tells AT:

“He has not answered any of my last messages, and I am beginning to feel ignored and put aside. You do not ingore a lady, and certainly not one who has the power to crush you. Falasan has officially cancelled the treaty, throguh the ruler’s channel, and additionally declared war on Tara. Falasan is not a realm you just ingore.”

Maybe not the wisest decisions from Tara but it remain unknown if Falasan was not just looking for an excuse to end it and conquer Taran lands. This they have gotten much help to from Minas Ithil as they, though initial looses, thinks it an interesting war. Their King, Dead Angel3 informs us about it:

“As a warrior realm we surely will not stay home in such times. As CE is supporting Tara as usual and the RedSpan + Carelia troops directly around the corner this battlefield is very tricky. We will see the outcome of this war. 1 battle doesn’t decide a war.”

In the beginning some rumours circulated of internal disagreement in Tara and of the incapability of the Taran General, but the Taran Dictator insures us that “General Leonid is very good tactician.” The recent battles have also shown the Taran military to be able to fight well along side their allies. As he continues it shows the Tarans mostly blame all their troubles on the gods and their former government: “The God's intervention caused all peasants in Atamara to hate Tara. Reeping the bounties for good field performance just was not possible in his term. Having Max Pitkamiekka as his boss did not help. Dictator Max and his father Dictator Wilhelm (RIP) are heroes and do not understand what way a shovel is held.”

It will be interesting to follow the progress of the war. With the new (paid) war between Darka and Talerium (see above) the odds are at least almost even, with a slight advantage to the northern and eastern allied realms.


Atamara Times

The Atamara Times are still looking for journalists, correspondents and informers. Only requirements are a sound drive and a high standard of objectiveness. To apply to the position please require at the Atamara Times’ office or send a message to the editor.

Black Mamba (received 2005-06-17)

Today is a great day!

Today The Black Mamba has been created. Infiltrators, personal fans, rich and poor nobles, people in power or people who want to get power trough us. Join us in the guildhouse in Picnu.

What are we? Let me first enlighten you about the Black Mamba. I quote:

"...In the Far East, the saying goes, in the bush, an elephant can kill you. A leopard can kill you. And a Black Mamba can kill you. But only with the Mamba, and this has been true in Africa since the dawn of time, is death sure. Hence its handle; Death Incarnate."

"...Its neurotoxic venom is one of nature's most effective poisons, acting on the nervous system causing paralysis. The venom of a Black Mamba can kill a human in four hours, if say bitten on the ankle or the thumb. However, a bite to the face or torso can bring death from paralysis within twenty minutes."

We're a nice infiltrator guild. Currently we're only very small, but we hope to grow rapidly and gain members in all realms of this continent. Yes, we are a continental infiltrator guild and we don't feel limited by diplomacy. We want infiltrators from everywhere so we can get every job done. We also welcome local lords to join us. They can then build new guildhouses in your realm, so your infiltrators have easy access.

The Black Mamba.