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quote ='''Editors-in-Command:''' Amekal and Hireshmont Vellos<span style="color: white">space</span>|
quote ='''Editors-in-Command:''' Amekal and Hireshmont Vellos<span style="color: white">space</span>|
issue ='''Volume:''' 3|
issue ='''Volume:''' 3|
other =The Only Newspaper in the Southlands!
other =The Only Newspaper in the Southlands worth reading!
* THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
* THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
* Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.
* Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.
December 11, 1006- The Honor War was begun on August 10, 1006. It has ended yesterday, on December 10. It lasted 122 days. The final Irombrozian casualty count was 21,000 peasants,  5,000 combatants, and 1 hero. We do not know the Luz de Bian death toll from our actions, though we believe it was roughly 1,000 peasants, 6-8,000 combatants, and 1-2 heroes.The insults done to Queen Baiko have been rescinded, Nhoc has been removed, the treaty-breaking has ended, the imperialist goals on us have abated, and the debt of blood has been paid by Luz de Bias weakening under the KoA/Fronen/RoF/Irombrozia/Thalmarkin/Riombara onslaught. We have now withdrawn from the war, simultaneous with our withdraw from Eylmon. It is no longer honorable to fight Luz de Bia. We now look about us. We seek a way to end the Civil War with Riombara with minimal bloodshed, we are figuring out what our exact relation to the new Kingdom of Alluran shall be, and we look at our allies. Heen fights a terrible battle; and they fight nations of dishonor, and are themselves a righteous nation. Perhaps we shall come to their aid once a peaceful solution is found for Irombrozia in the south!
==Vengeance So Far==
December 7, 1006- As the forces of Irombrozia and the [[East Coast Alliance]] crush in on Luz de Bia, we begin to count the cost. Thousands of lives lost to looting, starvation, and warfare, and disease. A civil war left unsolved by unwillingness to negotiate. Honor restored at enormous price, the southlands remain divided, and now the prevailing nations seem to be unwilling to offer good terms. What man in his right mind would accept the dishonor of being reduced from four cities, to one? We in Irombrozia now look on Luz de Bia with a sort of pity. We do not loot Epinotke, for it is wrong to do so. We fight Luz de Bia for two purposes: Honor and justice. Our honor has by now been restored, the insults and breaches of treaties have been repaid. It remains now to finish exacting justice. But this editor wonders: is that RIGHT? Is it right to be an imperialist nation; to shun mercy in favor of national expansion? We even begin to question: is any looting justifiable? Can even the theft of gold be justified on moral grounds? We in Irombrozia have always criticized Luz de Bia on the basis that they are immoral and honorless. It is true, Nhoc was immoral and honorless. But what of Palthos? Has Prime Minister Delvin made attempts at any sort of fair peace? According to Palthos, no. And now this war will be prolongued by what looks to be Enweil's arrival with the Plergoth war finished. Come, everyone in this war, let us come to terms, that we all may survive. There is glory and honor in conflict, but not in butchery, not in exploitation, not in injustice, not in revenge. Is this the face of the dominating powers of the southlands? Luz de Bia's immorality supplanted by Riombara's stubborness and refusal to negotiate? I hope not. Let us come to terms, that we all may survive. -Amekal Vellos
December 5, 1006- In a stunning move which shocked us all, the title of Eno was purchased, and the city seceded to form the Kingdom of Alluran! This nation, we all hope, will be our friend and ally. Meanwhile, we in Irombrozia move in to help the fledgling nation defend itself. HAIL IROMBROZIA!
==Luzian Capitol Stormed!==
November 25, 1006- Today, we in Irombro rejoiced upon hearing news that a Riombaran army has assaulted Grehk and successfully thrashed its defenders! Perhaps the Riombarans will give Luz de Bia a taste of their own medicine? Perhaps now Luz de Bia will regret having a capitol so close to the front. Today is a day to remember. While we collect our wounded and mourn those we have lost, we are given cause for hope. Victory is on the rise.
==Battles in Bolkenia==
November 25, 1006- Yesterday, 8k Luz de Bian forces assaulted Bolkenia. Luckily, Irombrozian forces were evacuated to surrounding regions. Then, soon after, we attacked back into Bolkenia. We, unfortunately, were defeated, inflicting minimal losses on the Luz de Bian forces. Now Irombrozian forces regroup in Irombro, to prepare for the next campaign.
==Luz de Bia on the Horizon==
November 23, 1006- In Irombrozia, we were all quite surprised when a little message from a rank-and-file Riombaran noble contained scout reports showing 6.5k CS approaching from Ruefillo. Honestly, we were quite baffled when Glongin fell, but this was an even bigger surprise. Why did it happen? How come we weren't notified? Then, everything fell into place: we understand how it hapenned. Riombara's greatest general, Herkan, stepped down (OOC- vacation or some such thing), and Quinn was appointed. Meanwhile, Glongin falls, and Luz de Bia is once again at our doorstep. At least this time their army is a little bit smaller! Oh, by the way, while Glongin was falling, we were gathering our forces, collecting our midweek taxes from Eno, and getting Cagamir under control. We look forward to seeing Riombara achieving victories again, and we look forward to seeing Fronen provide the openings for said victories. Meanwhile, we will continue poking Luz de Bia with needles.
==New Papers==
November 20, 1006- We at the Free South Times would like to welcome the Face of Fronen and the Fronen Commentator to the newspaper field! It's always a pleasure to see new faces! I get tired of just hearing Avalonian and Luz de Bian lies all the time...
November 20, 1006- For the past 2-3 weeks, a court case has been monopolizing the public discussions of Irombrozia. Luckily, it has remained civil, and has adhered rigorously to Irombrozia's established judicial procedures. The defendent was Apollo Gopher, charged of collaboration with Luz de Bia, spying for Luz de Bia, high treason against the Crown, and conspiring against the Crown. His defense attorney was the noble Hanoc, who put up an admirable defense. The jury consisted of 7 upstanding TLs, and the case was officiated by Arch Priestess Queen Baiko. The prosecution was, well, me. By unanimous vote of the jury, Apollo was found guilty (neither defense nor prosecution members were on jury, nor privy to jury discussions), and he was promptly banned. There are two questions left in the minds of most Irombrozians: "Are there more spies?" and, "Apollo was from Valentia, are they implicated?" This editor, having no personal beef with Valentia, hopes that the Valentian government had nothing to do with this heinous crime.
==Cagamir Liberated!==
November 16, 1006- After a bloody campaign of Anti-Insurgency work, Cagamir has been liberated. Luz de Bian insurgents turned the populace against us, and incited them to take up arms against their rightful rulers and moral brothers. Yet, after much battle and bloodshed, the people were freed and brought into the nation of Irombrozia. While Riombara does currently have a claim on the region, we hope for a peaceful exchange of some kind in the future.
==Bringing Cagamir Back!==
November 11, 1006- We at the Free South Times apologize for the lack of news the past few days. We never really got around to it, and the basic story has been, "Loot Eno, refit, march". But now, a TO has been begun in Cagamir! At long last, Irombrozia is expanding again! If/when Riombara decides to give us Rii (which we have claim to), Irombrozia will truly be a full nation; a great nation. Meanwhile, there have been many internal reforms. Ascenisa stepped down, at request from King Marc, as High Marshall, and I, Hireshmont, was appointed High Marshall after stepping down from the position of Arch Priest. In the ensuing election; Queen Baiko was voted Arch Priestess! Congradulations Queen Baiko!
==Subjugation of Eno==
November 7, 1006- For a long time, Eno has been a strongpoint of Luz de Bia, and an important financial resources to them. Now, at long last, it is being weakened. While a TO is not being begun due to lack of troops, the infrastructure, defensive capabilities, and financial resources of Eno are being laid waste. Though; it is important to note that no Irombrozian TL has directly targetted civilians. Meanwhile, Luz de Bia's army musters in Ardmore. They say they may attack Rines or Athol Margos. Very well, we'll strike your rural regions and starve your capitol while our allies burn Grehk to the ground and take MORE of your regions! ALSO- The Free South Times would like to take this opportunity to officially ridicule the Voice of Avalon. COME ON GUYS. Firstly, you're BLATANTLY a governmental mouthpiece. While the Times is surely propaganda, we're not state-run. Secondly, you're bad at writting propaganda. Any fool can see through the exagerations and doublespeak you report! Thirdly, you only serve to CONTINUE the reputation of Avalon as an oppressive nation. Your media, your religion, and your government are all ONE ENTITY! Thats, well, wow. Anyways, also, your reporting styules are bland and uncreative. Lastly, we commend the Luz de Bian Chronicles on their removal of the HORRIBLY HIDEOUS purple background. Might I recomend orange?
==Victory, Oh Sweet Victory!==
November 5, 1006- Over the weekend, Riombara began a TO of Ruefillo, and a combined Riombaran, Fronenian, and Irombrozian force assaulted Eno, smashed the Luz de Bian militia forces. The Luz de Bians, I imagine, are regrouping in Grehk, preparing for an offensive. Yet, meanwhile, we shall snag victories. Luz de Bia shall die from the slash of Fronen and Riombara's sword, because Irombrozia distracted it with a needle.
==Gathering of the Hosts==
November 2, 1006- In other news, some 30k of Fronen, Republican, Riombaran, and Irombrozian troops have gathered in Ardmore. We defeated about 3k of Luz de Bian stragglers, as the rest divided between Ruefillo (where they swarmed like cockroaches over a small Irombrozian detachment), and Grehk (where they cower behind walls). LdB is bad at newspaper writing, and worse at fighting. No, I take that back, they're worse at newspaper writing, but still not very good at fighting.
==The Gossip from LDB!==
November 2, 1006- I'm VERY glad that the Chronicle's slogan is, "The latest gossip from Luz de Bia", because thats honestly all they have: gossip. So we'll expose their half-truths now. Firstly, yes, I shot my mouth off again. Unlike them, we'll provide the FULL TEXT of both messages I have sent to the rulers of the world! Why? We believe in truth, not gossip. And yes, my letter WAS a plea to the world, but ALSO an examination of factual information, as you shall all see in a moment. Now then, the Chronicle says LdB's reaction was, "Shut up Hireshmont!" firstly, no, it wasn't. Nhoc has a policy of miserly silence to anyone who doesn't agree with him. To react, you must DO something like, I dunno, have your ruler respond. But lo! He did not. He's probably too busy molesting your daughters like he tried to do to Queen Baiko! You say I was whining... no, I was reporting. I'm a journalist, remember? Hence why I publish a newspaper so inherently superior to yours? Also, if Nhoc's reaction was "shut up" (much like Handkor's, actually...) then, well, we get what we expected from Luz de Bia! Censorship, repression of free speach, restriction of my rights as a noble, behavior becoming of the imperialists you are! You say some of the other rulers don't like me. This I am well aware of! I have two responses to that: 1. Let ANY OTHER NATION IN BELUATERRA make a legal system as COMPREHENSIVE and COMPLETE as Irombrozia's, which I have made. Perhaps you disagree with me as a person, but at least I do my job as Judge and and make sure justice is done (i.e. I DONT censor nobles!). 2. Well, be glad that King Marc is a decent fella, and the rest of Irombrozia is a realm of honor and dignity because, otherwise, I'd be unleashing the fury which I unleashed on East Continent, most notably Old Rancagua. No, that isn't a threat at all actually, thats just me saying that King Marc is a better King than you all think, because he manages to keep a sick sadist like me in check! For your reference, by two letters: [[The Free South Times/Hireshmont's Letters]]
==Tails Between Their Legs==
October 31, 1006- Last night, Luz de Bian forces, about 10k of them, crushed our 3-4k resistance in Irombro. The Irombrozian Resistance Front had been called up, and two units from the Republic of Fwuvoghor were present alongside the RIM. We fought, and were crushed. But, earlier today, we thrashed them. As they fled Irombro, to gather in Ardmore to repulse the Riombaran forces gathering in Avengmil, about 2k of them stayed in Irombro, and were soundly crushed. As we refit and gather our forces, things look good for Irombro. We will be on the march again soon. In other news, it seems GRIM-REAPER HAS BEGUN WRITING FOR THE LUZ DE BIAN CHRONICLE! Yes, that's right, the RULER OF AVALON! It seems the Luz de Bians are such catastrophicaly poor journalists that they must bring in foreign aid JUST TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER! Though, I can't say the overrall quality of the Chronicle has improved very much...
==Replay the Past==
October 30, 1006- Over the past few days, Irombrozian forces have been running a TO on Rii (OOC- lost due to bug). Just as we were nearing completion of the TO, 10k Luz de Bian forces swept down upon our 4.5k CS forces. We fought valiantly, but alas, we have been defeated. Allies from the Republic of Fwuvoghor stood at our side, but to no avail. Once again, we have been beaten on the bloody fields of Rii. Rally, all you nations, help smash the evil of Luz de Bia. Look at Atamara, I beg of you, see the power of a nation which holds the whole southern peninsula? Do not allow this to happen! Come, help us, help us prevent them from gaining total power, which they will use to crush nations that oppose their allies: Enweil and Avalon.
==Defeat in Rii==
October 25, 1006- Dark tidings come in today. Roughly 4k CS arrived in Rii yesterday, and began a TO, bribing the loyal officials, and helping the old Luz de Bian officials to regain power. It is a sad day indeed for more reasons. In our attempt to break the TO, over 1/3 of our forces did not arrive! Myself included, my travel times were too large. Our forces were outfought, and beaten back. Casualties were inflicted, for sure, on the Luz de Bians... but not enough.
==Continuing Victory==
October 21, 1006- On October 18, we took Rii, and there was much rejoicing. This land which has been stained in Irombrozian blood, these fields where Slomcha fell. We have bought them in our blood. The sacrifice of Irombro's people was not in vain. Rii is in our hands. Scurtingbord was named Count of Rii, but has been assassinated. There will be vengeance, Luz de Bia.
==Campaign to Rii==
October 17, 1006- We write in response to a Luz de Bian article. It is true, we are looting Rii, and running a brutal takeover. They accuse of double standards, they accuse us falsely. You see, firstly, they killed 15,000 peasents, we've now killed about 100 or 200. They committed ethnic genocide, we're not. Even so, many peasants have, regretably, fallen. And you know what? Yes, we are saddnned, but we do not so much mourn their deaths. The account is current balance 15,000 lives in the hole for Irombro. Thats 15,000 lives we have to account for. Rii has a population of 4520. Once Rii is ours, the balance will have shrunk down to 10,500. Whether we kill them, or simply add them to Irombrozia, either way serves to repay the debt. Vengeance will be begat, Luz de Bia. We will have our revenge, and you will pay for every ounce of blood you shed in the streets of Irombro.
October 13, 1006- It has been achieved! FOr the first time since the Sack of Irombro, Irombrozian forces have marched out against our foes and prevailed! It a pitched battle (3600 Irombrozian CS against 4000 Luz de Bian/Avalonian CS), Irombrozian forces prevailed! It came down to a battle between two units, a closely fought battle. Yet the vile Avalonians have been crushed. Go home, Avalon. Your kind are not wanted here. They believed they had broken us when they sacked Irombro, but they have not. They have slain almost half the people of Bolkenia, they have broken its production capabilities... but we live on still. We will fight, for our honor has been insulted nearly beyond forgiveness. Let this victory be a testimony: Irombrozia will not be intimidated.
==Rape, Pillage, and Burn==
October 7, 1006- That seems to be the order of the day for Avalonian troops in Bolkenia. Widespread killing has begun, food stores burned, and children kidnapped from their beds. In Irombro, infiltrators working for Avalon have been spotted killing militiamen. This conduct will not be tolerated.
==Avalonien Barbarians==
October 6, 1006- Once again, we see massed Avalonian flags on the horizon. Hundreds of Avalonien troops have gathered in Ruefillo, and many others have entered into Bolkenia, encroaching on Irombrozia's sovereign territory. They claim to be neutral, but any rational person can see that Irombrozia is at a de facto state of war with Avalon. They hide behind their diplomacy, and seek to aid in the imperialistic desires of an already vile realm. Is Luz de Bia so hard pressed that they must summon aid to fight Irombrozia? I suppose I should feel honored that Luz de Bia fears us that much. Yes, Nhoc, fear Irombrozia. Continue to call aid and display your cowardice, continue to make this war more uneven than it already is. Luz de Bia has the definite advantage in a war against Rio and Irombrozia. Note the realm incomes, for example, and, due to its distance, Fronen barely makes up that gap. Dragging Avalon into this war as a force to slaughter the peasants of Irombro is disgusting. So you will have your northern whores, oh, I mean, allies, do your dirty work for you, is that it? How very wonderful, how very stupendous. Perhaps you should get a spine. What kind of courage is it to send an army of 20k against 7k defenders, like at the Sacking of Irombro? It speaks wonders about the general level of conscience of Luz de Bian TLs that they wont do anything about the sick behavior of their nation. We hope and pray that we will be able to defeat whatever the Avalonien forces have in mind, but such hope is indeed a slim one.
==Reform and Reconstruction==
September 30, 1006- For the past few days, we have been re-establishing correct government procedure. During the Sack of Irombro, absolute power became more and more consolidated into myself, Grand Duke Torrero, and King Marc(May He Live Forever). I functioned as General, Banker, and Judge. Torrero was Marshall, Duke, and Vice General, while Marc wielded whatever power he wanted to. It worked well, but it was merely an emergency operation. As such, we have been restructuring. A countess has been appointed for Bolkenia, Gwinevere! A new banker has been appointed (Palance vanished), may Kazm keep us well supplied! Lastly, a general has been selected, and will soon be appointed! Congradulations Ascensia! As our army rebuilds, repairs are enacted, and the government rebuilt, things are looking up.
September 24, 1006- Riombaran forces have liberated Ardmore from the vile clutches of Luz de Bian oppressors! In a boring and flavorless article, the Luz de Bian Chronicles reported this event, as well as saying they'll be back to crush us Irombrozians again. Well, so be it. We shall fight the good fight. HAIL IROMBROZIA!
==Celebration in the Streets==
September 23, 1006- There is open celebration and rejoicing in the streets of Irombro. Flags are being waved in the open again, and blissful reunions between mothers and children can be seen at every street corner. After much blood, sweat, and tears, the Luzian forces have withdrawn from Irombro almost completely. A small rearguard remains, which continues to fight but, for the most part, Luz has been ousted. The valiant fighters of the IRF and the RIM gradually weakened the Luzian forces, a bit here, a bit there. We lost the battles, and are winning the campaign. In all of this, many people, both noble and peasent alike, have been heard to shout praises of Riombara and Fronen for their brave and courageous assault on Ardmore, which all know is the true force which pulled Luz out of Irombro. We may have weakened the Luzers and hung in there, distracting forces from Ardmore, but they are the ones who fought the battle. This is a happy day for Irombrozia. The Second Irombro Campaign is ending.
==The Push for Liberation==
September 22, 1006- Just a few hours ago, a battle was fought in the streets of Irombrozia. Not between outraged peasents and Luz de Bian death squads, but between the Royal Irombrozian Military (RIM), and the Luz de Bian Occupation and Suppression Force. The RIM forces totalled almost 2.5k, impressive considering many of our TLs failed to recruit, and we've been mustering in an occupied city. The Luz forces had over 5k to right us, doubling our combat strength and, I believe, over doubling our troop numbers. In the battle that ensued, the RIM suffered a defeat, but succeeded in inflicting continued losses on Luz, making this campaign still more expsneive, and still more time consuming for them. Meanwhile, things seem quiet in Ardmore while Riombaran forces run a TO, and Luz musters in Grehk.
==A Good Day for Irombrozia and the World==
September 19, 1006- Several good things happenned today, and in the past day or two! I shall merely list them:
:1. Riombara ended the Civil War, for now at least! With their proclamation of neutrality towards us, we have gained official claim on Bolkenia, and it seems we may be on the path to rebuilding friendships with our northern brethren. With official claim on Bolkenia, we can begin rebuilding infrastructure, appointing a lord, and just overrall making our nation more effective! On the topic of Riombara, we at the Free South Times would like to congradulate Delvin on his election. Even if, personally, we do not get along all TOO well with him, it seems his election is a good omen, times are looking up again!
:2. Strange deeds are afoot in Bolkenia. As a monster horde from Cagamir moved into Bolkenia, the funniest thing happenned. A RIM (Royal Irombrozian Military) force dispatched to Bolkenia met up alongside a small Luz de Bian force (stragglers from their vacation to Eno), and, together, we eradicated the monsters. Perhaps the Luz de Bians have some use after all.
:3. The Luz de Bian chronicles continue to be laughable. They say they have been stockpiling food in Cagamir. Would that happen to be the same food that the Undead Horde has been pillaging for the last three days, and that Undead corpses have been poisoning? Yes, thats right, you heard me! The luz de Bians planned to bring POISONED FOOD into Irombro, and distribute it among the people, so as to continue eradicating the peasent population; which continues to firmly resist them.
:4. VICTORY IN ARDMORE! We would like to congradulate our friends in Riombara and Fronen, who have shown great steadfastness towards us. The Riombarans have launched repeated assaults, in the face of great odds, to try and limit Luz de Bian support to Irombro. While the success of those assaults might be called "limited", this current one is an undoubtable victory! A vast Luz de Bian host was smashed in a battle of epic proportions! With the Luzian forces in Irombrozia cut off for now, one wonders what the next stage in this campaign will be...
==Continuing to Lay Low the Lies of Luz de Bian Larcenious Losers==
September 18, 1006- Beware my mighty alliteration abilities. Admittedly, "loser" is a weak word... but I'm short of time. Running the IRF keeps me busy, I dont have time to put any kind of serious thought into this paper. Anyways, to the point. Luz de Bia continues to print foolish nonsense anyone with any kind of evidence or sense down here on the frontlines can see through. Luz de Bia ARE the imperialists. We, yes, declared war. Why? Well, the many insults of course (which most likely they sent out in order to provoke us to seek a war), also there's the whole attacking our troops in Bolkenia thing (the battle in which their general Harim died), then there's also the whole thing where they just sat in Bolkenia for a long time, violating our soverignty. Then came the kidnapping attempt... so we declared war. It was already practically a de facto state of war, we just made official what was already existing. ALso, you'll note we and Riombara are at war. At the time we declared war on you, we feared that Riombara would be seeking our destruction. We wanted to ally, for protection, with Luz de Bia, but you wouldnt hear of it, your diplomatic processes were constantly delayed. Then there was the decision made by your government to wage war with us. We decalred war first, so as to get a pre-emptive strike. But your government had already made the decision to wage war. Also, our FIRST campaign in Cagamir had no looting at all. In fact, it was a FRIENDLY TO. When we looted, we did not rape or kill. In fact, orders were sent out specifically banning such action. Two TLs who disobeyed that were fined. Naturally, a few Luz de Bian insurgent forces posing as peasents, and possibly some peasents, were accidentally killed in the clashes. A total of 250 civilian casualties have been infilicted by Irombrozian forces. A total of 12,000 civilian casualties have been inflicted by Luz de Bian forces. A LITTLE bit of a difference, wouldnt you say? Also, we claim Ruefillo, Rii, and Ardmore, and all of the southern area formerly in the Duchy of Irombro, because that is our rightful territory. Ruefillo, Rii, and Ardmore are the ancestral rural hinterland of the nation of Irombro, and Bolkenia and Cagamir were parts of the Duchy of Irombro. As such, we claim them. Yes, technically, the claim is Riombaran. But the true claim is ours, for a long time the Nation of Irombro was joined, by the Charter of Union, to the Rines Republic. The Riombaran claim is, essentially, ours. The militia WERE old men and boys. In fact, the Prophet Amekal witnessed the battle. It was a peasent militia, NOT trained troops. Your lies are obvious, and continue to display your nation's utter lack of moral quality.
September 17, 1006- The Luz de Bians have started aa newspaper. The funny part is that they dont even know how to write a good propaganda article! We shall now demolish there reporting:
:1. They say over 250 men stood in their way. I may be wrong, but I believe thats actually UNDER 250 men were there, and, whats this? They were using pitchforks and sticks. They were peasents. You slaughtered MORE PEASENTS! YAY FOR YOU! YOU CAN KILL OLD MEN AND CHILDREN! YOU'RE SUCH BRAVE WARRIORS!
:2. You say you're brave... because you can fight a realm that has 2 regions when yours has many multiples of that. You say you're brave, because your soldiers rape young girls and steal food from old ladies. You say you're brave, because you can burn down honest shopkeeper's stores. You say you're brave... no, we're brave. We're brave, maybe stupid, but surely brave, for we stand and defy you and your imperialist goals. You are cowards and weaklings. You're just lots and lots of rich and well fed cowards and weaklings.
:3. You call the fighting in Irombro INTENSE? For us, yes. For you, who have, at times, SEVEN TIMES OUR MILITARY POWER!? Thats INTENSE to you? By all thats holy, you need to rethink your priorities if stabbing children is a physically difficult and martially arduous task... I can understand if its psychologically straining on your conscience but, oh, wait, you're Luz de Bian, you dont have a conscience.
:4. You're loyal? Okay, I guess thats the truth. You are at least loyal. But loyalty to evil is not a virtue...
Conclusion: Like I said, they cant even write propaganda correctly. On any kind of even footing, we in Irombrozia will smash them to bits. They only win because they have so much more resources than us.
==The Good and the Bad==
September 16, 1006- We have a mixture of good news... and bad news. The good news is that we have now fielded 2k for 3 turns in a row, and the Luz de Bian garrison is being consistently weakened! Not by leaps and bounds, but slightly! Maybe we can hang in here for a bit longer, also, the peasents continue to show devout and loyal support. Spirits are still high, considering the situation, and loyalty is unshaken. This fervent patriotism has lead to some 7,000 peasents, at last count, freely taking up arms, against the advice of the nobility, and assaulting the Luz de Bians, in waves of about 850. While this has served to weaken the Luz de Bians (who continue to rape, kill, and plunder, while the people die of disease and starvation), the city has only 16,800 left in it. We had 28,000 before this war broke out. We have lost... 11,200 citizens. Roughly 8,100 as direct military casualties (peasent levy one time, and thousands of the aforementioned volunteers and partisans), and 3,100 dead from starvation or Luz de Bian death raids. It seems their strategy of choice is to get about 100 soldiers together, surround a neighborhood and... commit vile acts, and then eliminate the population, confiscating all material goods and sabatoging all production capacities. 3,100 peasents murdered, 8,100 killed unjustly by an imperialist nation of greedy expansionism. Thats not counting the several hundred trained troops who have died for Irombrozia. These are dark times for us. Pray for us, please, help us. If only for the sake of the people who, even if we desired it, staunchly refuse surrender of any kind.
==Organized Resistance==
September 15, 1006- For the first time in quite a while, we have actually attempted to truly hit back. For a while, our forces had been preparing to make a push to oust the Luzians. Unfortunately, when we tried today, we came up tragically short handed. We had anticipated about 2,000 CS of peasent support, and got a few hundred CS. We had anticipated 2-3k CS of noble-led forces.... and had about 1.5k CS. Well, better luck next time perhaps. Lets hope we can hang in there so there will be a next time....
==The Morals of Our Foes==
September 12, 1006- Now they show their true colors! Over a dozen reports of killing, raping, stealing, and general pillaging have been logged at the Bunker, the secret stronghold of the Irombrozian Resistance Front (IRF). In response to this, the people (who remain unwaveringly loyal, every one of them, and still with high moral) rose up against the Luz de Bians! Over 850 peasents have risen to combat the cruel invaders! Please, nations of the world, heed the cries of the slaughtered and mutilated corpses of children in the streets of Irombrozia, heed the cries of the mothers who give their last breadcrumbs to feed their children, heed the screams of Irombro's daughters as they are violated, follow the example of our steadfast northern allies in Fronen, and our friends in Riombara, follow the lead of Plergoth and Ashborn, signing treaties with us. Even a gesture of support is appreciated, everything is a help. Can you spare us 50 gold? Can you spare us 2 TLs with units? Can you spare us an infiltrator? Please, unify alongside us. We are a small realm, a realm fighting for its very survival. For now, we remain steadfast. But we cannot hold on forever! Please, send aid! Nobles of Belluaterra: if you have the slightest conscience, if you have the slightest pangs of compassion for the lives of the people of Irombro, if you have the slighest sympathies with our beliefs in freedom, the right to liberties and religious freedom, if you have ever for a single moment felt that Luz de Bia's behavior was wrong, speak out! Your voices are wanted! Send letters to your rulers, rulers of realms neighboring Luz de Bia, Nhoc himself, your judges, your generals, your leaders and region lords. Send messages to your guild leaders and priests! If you have the slightest pity on us, use your greatest weapon: the voice and written word! If you cannot give us your swordarm, give us at least one letter in your handwriting, one interview with your mouth! Speak to those in power, practice advocacy in the name of humanitarianism! Perhaps your religion disagrees with the primary religion in the southlands, Qyrvaggism, but surely you can at least pity the people! Surely you can see the value of humanitarian aid! Have you food to spare? Come, replenish the stores which the Luz de Bians have torched or robbed! EVen be it the smallest humanitarian aids, we will be in gratitude forever more! And, if we survive this dread conflict, we shall do all within our power to come to your aid, if ever we may. This is my promise, Amekal Vellos, and this is the promise of Irombrozia. We help our friends. We have imtegrity, which our enemies lack. Rah himself has advocated, to expedite the TO of Irombro, mass murder of civilians. He says they will slaughter anyone who does ANYTHING to oppose the TO. Seemingly, the Luz de Bians have no respect for humanitarian goals. When we have fallen, you may be next. How long will Luz de Bia's liust for land and power be satiated by southern conquests? How long before their hosts march north to fight there? Help us now, and you may help yourselves in the long run! LONG LIVE IROMBROZIA THE GOLDEN!
==Struggle in the Streets==
September 11, 1006- We in Irombrozia are running short of resources. Loyalty and morale among the people remain high, but the Luz de Bians just arent leaving. They have about 6.5k in place in the city, no TO running yet, just.... sitting there. The rest, presumably, are getting reinforcementd. HELP US PLEASE!?
==Steady Defense!==
September 9, 1006- Even with absolutely minimal governmental forces available to fight against Luz de Bia, the people remain strong, and have thrown off another TO attempt! Loyalty remains entirely unshaken, and morale is high! How long will this go on before other nations see the blatant expansionistic policies of Luz de Bia and come to our aid?
==The Sturdy Peasentry!==
September 8, 1006- The Luz de Bian TO has been broken by the strong wills and arms of Irombro's peasentry! The city stands strong, not capitulating to the brutal expansionist goals of Luz de Bia in the slightest! Morale remains high, and the people's loyalty is unshaken in the slightest! HAIL IROMBROZIA! Though our entire council is either in prison, or wounded, we remain faithful! This is written from behind enemy lines, they have surrounded the Grand Temple of Qyrvagg. Thus far, it has not bee violated, but I remain ever vigilant at the gates. As the Prophet of Qyrvagg, I calm the minds and hearts of my flock, who hold hourly vigils by the gates of the temple, to pray for the souls of those who have fallen, to pray for courage and the strength to grow through these hard times, and to pray for the well-being of the Church, no matter the outcome of this war.
==The Battle of Irombro==
September 6, 1006- It has happenned. As I write this, please keep in mind, it is written from a Luz de Bian(or is it Avalonian?) prison cell. About 18k of Luz de Bian and Avalonian forces attacked our roughly 7k defending troops in Irombro. In the initial battle, we were crushed, and many TLs were captured or wounded. In the ensuing conflict, myself, Marc, Baiko, Torrero, and numerous others have been knocked out of action. Peasent militias were called up, but to no avail. Not only this, but a Luz de Bian, or maybe Avalonian, assassin assaulted Amekal, on the streets of Irombro, as he CALMED THE FEARS OF THE PEOPLE. He did nothing but calm them, merely encourage them to not be afraid. In response, the members of the Axis of Evil saw fit to assassinate him. What bloody nice chaps. Now, to my most recent bit of propaganda. Avalon! Avalon.... can someone PLEASE finish the job Fronen started? Sure, Irombrozia wasnt an ally of Fronen, technically. TECHNICALLY. But when we fight alongside each other, in strategic coordination and tandem, to rid the world of the Luz de Bian threat.... what may not be an alliance in paper is surely an alliance of spirit. Do the members of the Axis of Evil have so little respect for such matters? It seems the only law they respect is that which is spelled out in small print....
==The Axis of Evil==
September 4, 1006- As Irombrozian forces rally, recruit, and get prepared in Irombro, 14000 CS of Luz de Bian and, whats this? AVALONIAN troops have gathered in Ruefillo. It seems Fronen and Avalon are determined to continue their conflict.... by proxy! Yet we must ask, why is Avalon truly here? To bug Fronen? Perhaps. But shouldnt they aid their federation member Enweil and smash Plergoth? There must be an ulterior motive to their contribtion to the Horde of the Immoral Fiends.... ah! I have it! Religion! It was well known that, since their first encounters, the Order of the Druids has instructed their followers to attack and kill Qyrvaggians and Qyrvaggian priests, which is why Qyrvaggism never spread much into Avalon. Perhaps Avalon feels a religious need to assault Irombrozia because Qyrvaggism is based here? So one of our foes is bent on religious fanatacism and destruction of a rival theology, and the other is infested by immorality. Yep, its a party.
==A Regretable Necessity==
September 2, 1006- For the past few days, the Royal Military has been stationed in Cagamir, breaking Luz de Bian resistance. We have, unfortunately, been forced to use certain brutal tactics, looting and pillaging. The TO failed to get started, so we decided to make the best of things and simply destroy Luz de Bian assets there and remove the insurgent propaganda-based loyalty the Luz de Bians have inspired there. Just minutes ago, a group of peasents banded together and attacked the Royal Military, and were, regretably, destroyed in a quick and brutal battle. According to initial reports, there may have been Luz de Bian Covert Ops agents involved. It saddens us all that such brutal tactics as looting have become necessary to rid the land of the poison of Luz de Bia.
==A Trade in Blood==
August 28, 1006- Many events have occurred since our last article. Our TO in Rii was never completed, due to a Luz de Bian assault of some 6k forces against our 4k defending. Our forces were defeated in pitched battle, though we did not truly expect victory in a field battle. Yet the greatest loss was not in terms of troops or money. No, the greatest loss was the loss of High Marshall Slomcha. He bravely stood and fought, yet was slain. A brilliant mind, excellent tactician, devoted patriot, brave warrior, and constant friend, he shall be remembered forever as Slomcha the Bold. We in Irombrozia mourn, and hope to repay this debt. This war has now cost the lives of two generals. Is there no nation which will come to end the scourge of Luz de Bia? Even as we continue the good fight, and try our hardest, to such little avail, we have hope that we may be aided from afar. We win the minor skirmishes, and lose the field battles. Are there none who will aid us?
==TO Started and Stopped==
August 25, 1006- Two days ago, on the 23rd, Luz began a TO of Bolkenia with their 5k force. Luckily, do to the strong will and devotion of the people there, the TO was broken, and Luz de Bia seems to be withdrawing. As our armies rally and regroup, we look to the typical military genius of High MArshall Slomcha to lead us. What shall be our next target? Rumours spread that Luz de Bia plans on bringing seige engines and launching a full scale attack on Irombro, yet the exact truth of this is unknown. Will we gather in the walls and try to hold out? Will we sally forth and smite our foes? Only time will tell.
==Driven to the Walls==
August 22, 1006- We have had our first string of defeats. Three in three days. The first was an 8k vs. 4k battle in Rii. Our forces were solidly whooped, though we put up a good fight. The TO was broken. This signals the first defeat of the Royal Military of Irombrozia. Then we pulled back to Irombro, and a Luzian expeditionary force attacked a few of our small units in Bolkenia with 5k, giving a second defeat. Then we rallied our forces to attack Bolkenia, and.... failed because many TLs didnt move. Thus, it is with a grim heart we regroup in Irombro. Times draw darker as Luzian forces are in the process of taking over Bolkenia, though, admittedly, with limited success. Pray for us, and, please, remember our plight and aid us.
==Cleansing Campaign==
August 20, 1006- Due to a proliferation of Luz de Bian propaganda and insurgents in the Irombrozian Soevereign Territory(which everyone knows we have claim to!) of Rii, it has been decided that the region must be cleansed. Taxes have been removed from the Luz de Bian tax offices, food supplies relocated to Irombrozian loyalist warehouses, and every form of political and military havoc has been wreaked against Luz de Bia. Luckily, no peasents have been harmed in the process.
==Looking up!==
August 20, 1006- As the TO continues well, our forces muster in Rii. The Luz de Bians gather in Ardmore, poised to strike. But at us, or Riombara? Who knows? Whatever the case, victory shall come in the end; or at least a glorious death. Luz de Bian assassins continue to roam our lands, killing and burning at every chance. Both Slomcha and Hireshmont have been wounded by such assassins, as have several other TLs. But in spite of this, in spite of all our trials and tribulations, we stand strong and defiant still. Even after 10 days, the Luz de Bians have yet to gain any further advantage over us, and have yet to win a major victory. Perhaps their moral corruption and decay continues to their military ability as well? The only advantage our foes have over us is one of numbers and resources. Given anything close to a level playing field and our superior intellect, courage, and strength of will would smash the Luz de Bians. As it is, we watch the borders, worrying even as we win.
==Continuing Success!==
August 19, 1006- After we regrouped our forces, and pondered how next to give Luz de Bia a bloody nose, we decided to strike out for Rii. Well, we did so, and, without even having our whole mobile force, mustered 3k there. It seems our mobile army grows larger with every campaign! In a small skirmish in Rii, a small Luzian detachment was smashed to bits and pieces by the Royal Military, as more reinforcements gathered in Irombro to move into Rii. Thus far, the war seems to be going excellently!
==Victory in the First Campaigns!==
August 13, 1006- In the first full-fledged battles of this war, 10k CS of Luz de Bian forces assaulted the walls of Irombro, and the fields of Bolkenia. The TO on Cagamir was ended to fight the battle in Cagamir, but, due to infiltrators delaying travel, reinforcements were scattered, and two successive battles(consisting of approcimately 2.5k of Royal Irombrozian Troops and about 4k of Luz de Bian troops, in two different battles) were fought, both resulting in solid Luz de Bian victories. But, there is good news! See, the first battle we were fighting healthy and ready Luzian troops. But the second battle was full of batterred units, though they still had numbers. Why were they batterred? They were fleeing from Irombro where 8k of them(simultaneous with the first battles in Bolkenia, a 2k Luz vs. 1k Irombro battle) assaulted our 6k Royal Defense Force! In a heated battle, the Luzians were hurled off the walls! One Luz TL was captured, and the Duke of Grehk was seriously wounded. Beyond this, some 8 TLs, including Nhoc himself, were otherwise wounded! A brilliant victory on the walls of Irombro! Now if only Riombara would maybe get a spine and fight Luz de Bia? Oh, word has it that RAPE has been attempted on Queen Baiko whilst in prison. Being the fighter she is, the attempt failed. Thats just a rumour, mind you, but who knows with Luz de Bia?
==Queen Baiko Kidnapped!==
August 12, 1006- When 5000 CS of Luz de Bian forces invaded Bolkenia this morning, they cruelly kidnapped Queen Baiko, and threw her in the Luz de Bian dungeons. This is what Nhoc the Corrupt has to say about that:
:Letter from Nhoc  (12 minutes ago)
:(personal message to Hireshmont)
:Yeah, I'm sure you're very jealous it wasn't you.
:For the record we'll give her the treatment you folks are used to in your realm, we'll bathe her everyday and apply regular spankings as well.
:Your mouth is already watering, isn't it?
:Chancellor of Luz de Bia
:[reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails]
As we said, he's a sicko.

==Bolkenian Skirmishes==
==Bolkenian Skirmishes==

Latest revision as of 00:51, 12 December 2006

The Free South Times
Cost: We're a low budget paper, so we must charge 1 gold per issue. Editors-in-Command: Amekal and Hireshmont Vellosspace Volume: 3
The Only Newspaper in the Southlands worth reading!
  • THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.


December 11, 1006- The Honor War was begun on August 10, 1006. It has ended yesterday, on December 10. It lasted 122 days. The final Irombrozian casualty count was 21,000 peasants, 5,000 combatants, and 1 hero. We do not know the Luz de Bian death toll from our actions, though we believe it was roughly 1,000 peasants, 6-8,000 combatants, and 1-2 heroes.The insults done to Queen Baiko have been rescinded, Nhoc has been removed, the treaty-breaking has ended, the imperialist goals on us have abated, and the debt of blood has been paid by Luz de Bias weakening under the KoA/Fronen/RoF/Irombrozia/Thalmarkin/Riombara onslaught. We have now withdrawn from the war, simultaneous with our withdraw from Eylmon. It is no longer honorable to fight Luz de Bia. We now look about us. We seek a way to end the Civil War with Riombara with minimal bloodshed, we are figuring out what our exact relation to the new Kingdom of Alluran shall be, and we look at our allies. Heen fights a terrible battle; and they fight nations of dishonor, and are themselves a righteous nation. Perhaps we shall come to their aid once a peaceful solution is found for Irombrozia in the south!

Vengeance So Far

December 7, 1006- As the forces of Irombrozia and the East Coast Alliance crush in on Luz de Bia, we begin to count the cost. Thousands of lives lost to looting, starvation, and warfare, and disease. A civil war left unsolved by unwillingness to negotiate. Honor restored at enormous price, the southlands remain divided, and now the prevailing nations seem to be unwilling to offer good terms. What man in his right mind would accept the dishonor of being reduced from four cities, to one? We in Irombrozia now look on Luz de Bia with a sort of pity. We do not loot Epinotke, for it is wrong to do so. We fight Luz de Bia for two purposes: Honor and justice. Our honor has by now been restored, the insults and breaches of treaties have been repaid. It remains now to finish exacting justice. But this editor wonders: is that RIGHT? Is it right to be an imperialist nation; to shun mercy in favor of national expansion? We even begin to question: is any looting justifiable? Can even the theft of gold be justified on moral grounds? We in Irombrozia have always criticized Luz de Bia on the basis that they are immoral and honorless. It is true, Nhoc was immoral and honorless. But what of Palthos? Has Prime Minister Delvin made attempts at any sort of fair peace? According to Palthos, no. And now this war will be prolongued by what looks to be Enweil's arrival with the Plergoth war finished. Come, everyone in this war, let us come to terms, that we all may survive. There is glory and honor in conflict, but not in butchery, not in exploitation, not in injustice, not in revenge. Is this the face of the dominating powers of the southlands? Luz de Bia's immorality supplanted by Riombara's stubborness and refusal to negotiate? I hope not. Let us come to terms, that we all may survive. -Amekal Vellos


December 5, 1006- In a stunning move which shocked us all, the title of Eno was purchased, and the city seceded to form the Kingdom of Alluran! This nation, we all hope, will be our friend and ally. Meanwhile, we in Irombrozia move in to help the fledgling nation defend itself. HAIL IROMBROZIA!

Luzian Capitol Stormed!

November 25, 1006- Today, we in Irombro rejoiced upon hearing news that a Riombaran army has assaulted Grehk and successfully thrashed its defenders! Perhaps the Riombarans will give Luz de Bia a taste of their own medicine? Perhaps now Luz de Bia will regret having a capitol so close to the front. Today is a day to remember. While we collect our wounded and mourn those we have lost, we are given cause for hope. Victory is on the rise.

Battles in Bolkenia

November 25, 1006- Yesterday, 8k Luz de Bian forces assaulted Bolkenia. Luckily, Irombrozian forces were evacuated to surrounding regions. Then, soon after, we attacked back into Bolkenia. We, unfortunately, were defeated, inflicting minimal losses on the Luz de Bian forces. Now Irombrozian forces regroup in Irombro, to prepare for the next campaign.

Luz de Bia on the Horizon

November 23, 1006- In Irombrozia, we were all quite surprised when a little message from a rank-and-file Riombaran noble contained scout reports showing 6.5k CS approaching from Ruefillo. Honestly, we were quite baffled when Glongin fell, but this was an even bigger surprise. Why did it happen? How come we weren't notified? Then, everything fell into place: we understand how it hapenned. Riombara's greatest general, Herkan, stepped down (OOC- vacation or some such thing), and Quinn was appointed. Meanwhile, Glongin falls, and Luz de Bia is once again at our doorstep. At least this time their army is a little bit smaller! Oh, by the way, while Glongin was falling, we were gathering our forces, collecting our midweek taxes from Eno, and getting Cagamir under control. We look forward to seeing Riombara achieving victories again, and we look forward to seeing Fronen provide the openings for said victories. Meanwhile, we will continue poking Luz de Bia with needles.

New Papers

November 20, 1006- We at the Free South Times would like to welcome the Face of Fronen and the Fronen Commentator to the newspaper field! It's always a pleasure to see new faces! I get tired of just hearing Avalonian and Luz de Bian lies all the time...


November 20, 1006- For the past 2-3 weeks, a court case has been monopolizing the public discussions of Irombrozia. Luckily, it has remained civil, and has adhered rigorously to Irombrozia's established judicial procedures. The defendent was Apollo Gopher, charged of collaboration with Luz de Bia, spying for Luz de Bia, high treason against the Crown, and conspiring against the Crown. His defense attorney was the noble Hanoc, who put up an admirable defense. The jury consisted of 7 upstanding TLs, and the case was officiated by Arch Priestess Queen Baiko. The prosecution was, well, me. By unanimous vote of the jury, Apollo was found guilty (neither defense nor prosecution members were on jury, nor privy to jury discussions), and he was promptly banned. There are two questions left in the minds of most Irombrozians: "Are there more spies?" and, "Apollo was from Valentia, are they implicated?" This editor, having no personal beef with Valentia, hopes that the Valentian government had nothing to do with this heinous crime.

Cagamir Liberated!

November 16, 1006- After a bloody campaign of Anti-Insurgency work, Cagamir has been liberated. Luz de Bian insurgents turned the populace against us, and incited them to take up arms against their rightful rulers and moral brothers. Yet, after much battle and bloodshed, the people were freed and brought into the nation of Irombrozia. While Riombara does currently have a claim on the region, we hope for a peaceful exchange of some kind in the future.

Bringing Cagamir Back!

November 11, 1006- We at the Free South Times apologize for the lack of news the past few days. We never really got around to it, and the basic story has been, "Loot Eno, refit, march". But now, a TO has been begun in Cagamir! At long last, Irombrozia is expanding again! If/when Riombara decides to give us Rii (which we have claim to), Irombrozia will truly be a full nation; a great nation. Meanwhile, there have been many internal reforms. Ascenisa stepped down, at request from King Marc, as High Marshall, and I, Hireshmont, was appointed High Marshall after stepping down from the position of Arch Priest. In the ensuing election; Queen Baiko was voted Arch Priestess! Congradulations Queen Baiko!

Subjugation of Eno

November 7, 1006- For a long time, Eno has been a strongpoint of Luz de Bia, and an important financial resources to them. Now, at long last, it is being weakened. While a TO is not being begun due to lack of troops, the infrastructure, defensive capabilities, and financial resources of Eno are being laid waste. Though; it is important to note that no Irombrozian TL has directly targetted civilians. Meanwhile, Luz de Bia's army musters in Ardmore. They say they may attack Rines or Athol Margos. Very well, we'll strike your rural regions and starve your capitol while our allies burn Grehk to the ground and take MORE of your regions! ALSO- The Free South Times would like to take this opportunity to officially ridicule the Voice of Avalon. COME ON GUYS. Firstly, you're BLATANTLY a governmental mouthpiece. While the Times is surely propaganda, we're not state-run. Secondly, you're bad at writting propaganda. Any fool can see through the exagerations and doublespeak you report! Thirdly, you only serve to CONTINUE the reputation of Avalon as an oppressive nation. Your media, your religion, and your government are all ONE ENTITY! Thats, well, wow. Anyways, also, your reporting styules are bland and uncreative. Lastly, we commend the Luz de Bian Chronicles on their removal of the HORRIBLY HIDEOUS purple background. Might I recomend orange?

Victory, Oh Sweet Victory!

November 5, 1006- Over the weekend, Riombara began a TO of Ruefillo, and a combined Riombaran, Fronenian, and Irombrozian force assaulted Eno, smashed the Luz de Bian militia forces. The Luz de Bians, I imagine, are regrouping in Grehk, preparing for an offensive. Yet, meanwhile, we shall snag victories. Luz de Bia shall die from the slash of Fronen and Riombara's sword, because Irombrozia distracted it with a needle.

Gathering of the Hosts

November 2, 1006- In other news, some 30k of Fronen, Republican, Riombaran, and Irombrozian troops have gathered in Ardmore. We defeated about 3k of Luz de Bian stragglers, as the rest divided between Ruefillo (where they swarmed like cockroaches over a small Irombrozian detachment), and Grehk (where they cower behind walls). LdB is bad at newspaper writing, and worse at fighting. No, I take that back, they're worse at newspaper writing, but still not very good at fighting.

The Gossip from LDB!

November 2, 1006- I'm VERY glad that the Chronicle's slogan is, "The latest gossip from Luz de Bia", because thats honestly all they have: gossip. So we'll expose their half-truths now. Firstly, yes, I shot my mouth off again. Unlike them, we'll provide the FULL TEXT of both messages I have sent to the rulers of the world! Why? We believe in truth, not gossip. And yes, my letter WAS a plea to the world, but ALSO an examination of factual information, as you shall all see in a moment. Now then, the Chronicle says LdB's reaction was, "Shut up Hireshmont!" firstly, no, it wasn't. Nhoc has a policy of miserly silence to anyone who doesn't agree with him. To react, you must DO something like, I dunno, have your ruler respond. But lo! He did not. He's probably too busy molesting your daughters like he tried to do to Queen Baiko! You say I was whining... no, I was reporting. I'm a journalist, remember? Hence why I publish a newspaper so inherently superior to yours? Also, if Nhoc's reaction was "shut up" (much like Handkor's, actually...) then, well, we get what we expected from Luz de Bia! Censorship, repression of free speach, restriction of my rights as a noble, behavior becoming of the imperialists you are! You say some of the other rulers don't like me. This I am well aware of! I have two responses to that: 1. Let ANY OTHER NATION IN BELUATERRA make a legal system as COMPREHENSIVE and COMPLETE as Irombrozia's, which I have made. Perhaps you disagree with me as a person, but at least I do my job as Judge and and make sure justice is done (i.e. I DONT censor nobles!). 2. Well, be glad that King Marc is a decent fella, and the rest of Irombrozia is a realm of honor and dignity because, otherwise, I'd be unleashing the fury which I unleashed on East Continent, most notably Old Rancagua. No, that isn't a threat at all actually, thats just me saying that King Marc is a better King than you all think, because he manages to keep a sick sadist like me in check! For your reference, by two letters: The Free South Times/Hireshmont's Letters

Tails Between Their Legs

October 31, 1006- Last night, Luz de Bian forces, about 10k of them, crushed our 3-4k resistance in Irombro. The Irombrozian Resistance Front had been called up, and two units from the Republic of Fwuvoghor were present alongside the RIM. We fought, and were crushed. But, earlier today, we thrashed them. As they fled Irombro, to gather in Ardmore to repulse the Riombaran forces gathering in Avengmil, about 2k of them stayed in Irombro, and were soundly crushed. As we refit and gather our forces, things look good for Irombro. We will be on the march again soon. In other news, it seems GRIM-REAPER HAS BEGUN WRITING FOR THE LUZ DE BIAN CHRONICLE! Yes, that's right, the RULER OF AVALON! It seems the Luz de Bians are such catastrophicaly poor journalists that they must bring in foreign aid JUST TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER! Though, I can't say the overrall quality of the Chronicle has improved very much...

Replay the Past

October 30, 1006- Over the past few days, Irombrozian forces have been running a TO on Rii (OOC- lost due to bug). Just as we were nearing completion of the TO, 10k Luz de Bian forces swept down upon our 4.5k CS forces. We fought valiantly, but alas, we have been defeated. Allies from the Republic of Fwuvoghor stood at our side, but to no avail. Once again, we have been beaten on the bloody fields of Rii. Rally, all you nations, help smash the evil of Luz de Bia. Look at Atamara, I beg of you, see the power of a nation which holds the whole southern peninsula? Do not allow this to happen! Come, help us, help us prevent them from gaining total power, which they will use to crush nations that oppose their allies: Enweil and Avalon.

Defeat in Rii

October 25, 1006- Dark tidings come in today. Roughly 4k CS arrived in Rii yesterday, and began a TO, bribing the loyal officials, and helping the old Luz de Bian officials to regain power. It is a sad day indeed for more reasons. In our attempt to break the TO, over 1/3 of our forces did not arrive! Myself included, my travel times were too large. Our forces were outfought, and beaten back. Casualties were inflicted, for sure, on the Luz de Bians... but not enough.

Continuing Victory

October 21, 1006- On October 18, we took Rii, and there was much rejoicing. This land which has been stained in Irombrozian blood, these fields where Slomcha fell. We have bought them in our blood. The sacrifice of Irombro's people was not in vain. Rii is in our hands. Scurtingbord was named Count of Rii, but has been assassinated. There will be vengeance, Luz de Bia.

Campaign to Rii

October 17, 1006- We write in response to a Luz de Bian article. It is true, we are looting Rii, and running a brutal takeover. They accuse of double standards, they accuse us falsely. You see, firstly, they killed 15,000 peasents, we've now killed about 100 or 200. They committed ethnic genocide, we're not. Even so, many peasants have, regretably, fallen. And you know what? Yes, we are saddnned, but we do not so much mourn their deaths. The account is current balance 15,000 lives in the hole for Irombro. Thats 15,000 lives we have to account for. Rii has a population of 4520. Once Rii is ours, the balance will have shrunk down to 10,500. Whether we kill them, or simply add them to Irombrozia, either way serves to repay the debt. Vengeance will be begat, Luz de Bia. We will have our revenge, and you will pay for every ounce of blood you shed in the streets of Irombro.


October 13, 1006- It has been achieved! FOr the first time since the Sack of Irombro, Irombrozian forces have marched out against our foes and prevailed! It a pitched battle (3600 Irombrozian CS against 4000 Luz de Bian/Avalonian CS), Irombrozian forces prevailed! It came down to a battle between two units, a closely fought battle. Yet the vile Avalonians have been crushed. Go home, Avalon. Your kind are not wanted here. They believed they had broken us when they sacked Irombro, but they have not. They have slain almost half the people of Bolkenia, they have broken its production capabilities... but we live on still. We will fight, for our honor has been insulted nearly beyond forgiveness. Let this victory be a testimony: Irombrozia will not be intimidated.

Rape, Pillage, and Burn

October 7, 1006- That seems to be the order of the day for Avalonian troops in Bolkenia. Widespread killing has begun, food stores burned, and children kidnapped from their beds. In Irombro, infiltrators working for Avalon have been spotted killing militiamen. This conduct will not be tolerated.

Avalonien Barbarians

October 6, 1006- Once again, we see massed Avalonian flags on the horizon. Hundreds of Avalonien troops have gathered in Ruefillo, and many others have entered into Bolkenia, encroaching on Irombrozia's sovereign territory. They claim to be neutral, but any rational person can see that Irombrozia is at a de facto state of war with Avalon. They hide behind their diplomacy, and seek to aid in the imperialistic desires of an already vile realm. Is Luz de Bia so hard pressed that they must summon aid to fight Irombrozia? I suppose I should feel honored that Luz de Bia fears us that much. Yes, Nhoc, fear Irombrozia. Continue to call aid and display your cowardice, continue to make this war more uneven than it already is. Luz de Bia has the definite advantage in a war against Rio and Irombrozia. Note the realm incomes, for example, and, due to its distance, Fronen barely makes up that gap. Dragging Avalon into this war as a force to slaughter the peasants of Irombro is disgusting. So you will have your northern whores, oh, I mean, allies, do your dirty work for you, is that it? How very wonderful, how very stupendous. Perhaps you should get a spine. What kind of courage is it to send an army of 20k against 7k defenders, like at the Sacking of Irombro? It speaks wonders about the general level of conscience of Luz de Bian TLs that they wont do anything about the sick behavior of their nation. We hope and pray that we will be able to defeat whatever the Avalonien forces have in mind, but such hope is indeed a slim one.

Reform and Reconstruction

September 30, 1006- For the past few days, we have been re-establishing correct government procedure. During the Sack of Irombro, absolute power became more and more consolidated into myself, Grand Duke Torrero, and King Marc(May He Live Forever). I functioned as General, Banker, and Judge. Torrero was Marshall, Duke, and Vice General, while Marc wielded whatever power he wanted to. It worked well, but it was merely an emergency operation. As such, we have been restructuring. A countess has been appointed for Bolkenia, Gwinevere! A new banker has been appointed (Palance vanished), may Kazm keep us well supplied! Lastly, a general has been selected, and will soon be appointed! Congradulations Ascensia! As our army rebuilds, repairs are enacted, and the government rebuilt, things are looking up.


September 24, 1006- Riombaran forces have liberated Ardmore from the vile clutches of Luz de Bian oppressors! In a boring and flavorless article, the Luz de Bian Chronicles reported this event, as well as saying they'll be back to crush us Irombrozians again. Well, so be it. We shall fight the good fight. HAIL IROMBROZIA!

Celebration in the Streets

September 23, 1006- There is open celebration and rejoicing in the streets of Irombro. Flags are being waved in the open again, and blissful reunions between mothers and children can be seen at every street corner. After much blood, sweat, and tears, the Luzian forces have withdrawn from Irombro almost completely. A small rearguard remains, which continues to fight but, for the most part, Luz has been ousted. The valiant fighters of the IRF and the RIM gradually weakened the Luzian forces, a bit here, a bit there. We lost the battles, and are winning the campaign. In all of this, many people, both noble and peasent alike, have been heard to shout praises of Riombara and Fronen for their brave and courageous assault on Ardmore, which all know is the true force which pulled Luz out of Irombro. We may have weakened the Luzers and hung in there, distracting forces from Ardmore, but they are the ones who fought the battle. This is a happy day for Irombrozia. The Second Irombro Campaign is ending.

The Push for Liberation

September 22, 1006- Just a few hours ago, a battle was fought in the streets of Irombrozia. Not between outraged peasents and Luz de Bian death squads, but between the Royal Irombrozian Military (RIM), and the Luz de Bian Occupation and Suppression Force. The RIM forces totalled almost 2.5k, impressive considering many of our TLs failed to recruit, and we've been mustering in an occupied city. The Luz forces had over 5k to right us, doubling our combat strength and, I believe, over doubling our troop numbers. In the battle that ensued, the RIM suffered a defeat, but succeeded in inflicting continued losses on Luz, making this campaign still more expsneive, and still more time consuming for them. Meanwhile, things seem quiet in Ardmore while Riombaran forces run a TO, and Luz musters in Grehk.

A Good Day for Irombrozia and the World

September 19, 1006- Several good things happenned today, and in the past day or two! I shall merely list them:

1. Riombara ended the Civil War, for now at least! With their proclamation of neutrality towards us, we have gained official claim on Bolkenia, and it seems we may be on the path to rebuilding friendships with our northern brethren. With official claim on Bolkenia, we can begin rebuilding infrastructure, appointing a lord, and just overrall making our nation more effective! On the topic of Riombara, we at the Free South Times would like to congradulate Delvin on his election. Even if, personally, we do not get along all TOO well with him, it seems his election is a good omen, times are looking up again!
2. Strange deeds are afoot in Bolkenia. As a monster horde from Cagamir moved into Bolkenia, the funniest thing happenned. A RIM (Royal Irombrozian Military) force dispatched to Bolkenia met up alongside a small Luz de Bian force (stragglers from their vacation to Eno), and, together, we eradicated the monsters. Perhaps the Luz de Bians have some use after all.
3. The Luz de Bian chronicles continue to be laughable. They say they have been stockpiling food in Cagamir. Would that happen to be the same food that the Undead Horde has been pillaging for the last three days, and that Undead corpses have been poisoning? Yes, thats right, you heard me! The luz de Bians planned to bring POISONED FOOD into Irombro, and distribute it among the people, so as to continue eradicating the peasent population; which continues to firmly resist them.
4. VICTORY IN ARDMORE! We would like to congradulate our friends in Riombara and Fronen, who have shown great steadfastness towards us. The Riombarans have launched repeated assaults, in the face of great odds, to try and limit Luz de Bian support to Irombro. While the success of those assaults might be called "limited", this current one is an undoubtable victory! A vast Luz de Bian host was smashed in a battle of epic proportions! With the Luzian forces in Irombrozia cut off for now, one wonders what the next stage in this campaign will be...

Continuing to Lay Low the Lies of Luz de Bian Larcenious Losers

September 18, 1006- Beware my mighty alliteration abilities. Admittedly, "loser" is a weak word... but I'm short of time. Running the IRF keeps me busy, I dont have time to put any kind of serious thought into this paper. Anyways, to the point. Luz de Bia continues to print foolish nonsense anyone with any kind of evidence or sense down here on the frontlines can see through. Luz de Bia ARE the imperialists. We, yes, declared war. Why? Well, the many insults of course (which most likely they sent out in order to provoke us to seek a war), also there's the whole attacking our troops in Bolkenia thing (the battle in which their general Harim died), then there's also the whole thing where they just sat in Bolkenia for a long time, violating our soverignty. Then came the kidnapping attempt... so we declared war. It was already practically a de facto state of war, we just made official what was already existing. ALso, you'll note we and Riombara are at war. At the time we declared war on you, we feared that Riombara would be seeking our destruction. We wanted to ally, for protection, with Luz de Bia, but you wouldnt hear of it, your diplomatic processes were constantly delayed. Then there was the decision made by your government to wage war with us. We decalred war first, so as to get a pre-emptive strike. But your government had already made the decision to wage war. Also, our FIRST campaign in Cagamir had no looting at all. In fact, it was a FRIENDLY TO. When we looted, we did not rape or kill. In fact, orders were sent out specifically banning such action. Two TLs who disobeyed that were fined. Naturally, a few Luz de Bian insurgent forces posing as peasents, and possibly some peasents, were accidentally killed in the clashes. A total of 250 civilian casualties have been infilicted by Irombrozian forces. A total of 12,000 civilian casualties have been inflicted by Luz de Bian forces. A LITTLE bit of a difference, wouldnt you say? Also, we claim Ruefillo, Rii, and Ardmore, and all of the southern area formerly in the Duchy of Irombro, because that is our rightful territory. Ruefillo, Rii, and Ardmore are the ancestral rural hinterland of the nation of Irombro, and Bolkenia and Cagamir were parts of the Duchy of Irombro. As such, we claim them. Yes, technically, the claim is Riombaran. But the true claim is ours, for a long time the Nation of Irombro was joined, by the Charter of Union, to the Rines Republic. The Riombaran claim is, essentially, ours. The militia WERE old men and boys. In fact, the Prophet Amekal witnessed the battle. It was a peasent militia, NOT trained troops. Your lies are obvious, and continue to display your nation's utter lack of moral quality.


September 17, 1006- The Luz de Bians have started aa newspaper. The funny part is that they dont even know how to write a good propaganda article! We shall now demolish there reporting:

1. They say over 250 men stood in their way. I may be wrong, but I believe thats actually UNDER 250 men were there, and, whats this? They were using pitchforks and sticks. They were peasents. You slaughtered MORE PEASENTS! YAY FOR YOU! YOU CAN KILL OLD MEN AND CHILDREN! YOU'RE SUCH BRAVE WARRIORS!
2. You say you're brave... because you can fight a realm that has 2 regions when yours has many multiples of that. You say you're brave, because your soldiers rape young girls and steal food from old ladies. You say you're brave, because you can burn down honest shopkeeper's stores. You say you're brave... no, we're brave. We're brave, maybe stupid, but surely brave, for we stand and defy you and your imperialist goals. You are cowards and weaklings. You're just lots and lots of rich and well fed cowards and weaklings.
3. You call the fighting in Irombro INTENSE? For us, yes. For you, who have, at times, SEVEN TIMES OUR MILITARY POWER!? Thats INTENSE to you? By all thats holy, you need to rethink your priorities if stabbing children is a physically difficult and martially arduous task... I can understand if its psychologically straining on your conscience but, oh, wait, you're Luz de Bian, you dont have a conscience.
4. You're loyal? Okay, I guess thats the truth. You are at least loyal. But loyalty to evil is not a virtue...

Conclusion: Like I said, they cant even write propaganda correctly. On any kind of even footing, we in Irombrozia will smash them to bits. They only win because they have so much more resources than us.

The Good and the Bad

September 16, 1006- We have a mixture of good news... and bad news. The good news is that we have now fielded 2k for 3 turns in a row, and the Luz de Bian garrison is being consistently weakened! Not by leaps and bounds, but slightly! Maybe we can hang in here for a bit longer, also, the peasents continue to show devout and loyal support. Spirits are still high, considering the situation, and loyalty is unshaken. This fervent patriotism has lead to some 7,000 peasents, at last count, freely taking up arms, against the advice of the nobility, and assaulting the Luz de Bians, in waves of about 850. While this has served to weaken the Luz de Bians (who continue to rape, kill, and plunder, while the people die of disease and starvation), the city has only 16,800 left in it. We had 28,000 before this war broke out. We have lost... 11,200 citizens. Roughly 8,100 as direct military casualties (peasent levy one time, and thousands of the aforementioned volunteers and partisans), and 3,100 dead from starvation or Luz de Bian death raids. It seems their strategy of choice is to get about 100 soldiers together, surround a neighborhood and... commit vile acts, and then eliminate the population, confiscating all material goods and sabatoging all production capacities. 3,100 peasents murdered, 8,100 killed unjustly by an imperialist nation of greedy expansionism. Thats not counting the several hundred trained troops who have died for Irombrozia. These are dark times for us. Pray for us, please, help us. If only for the sake of the people who, even if we desired it, staunchly refuse surrender of any kind.

Organized Resistance

September 15, 1006- For the first time in quite a while, we have actually attempted to truly hit back. For a while, our forces had been preparing to make a push to oust the Luzians. Unfortunately, when we tried today, we came up tragically short handed. We had anticipated about 2,000 CS of peasent support, and got a few hundred CS. We had anticipated 2-3k CS of noble-led forces.... and had about 1.5k CS. Well, better luck next time perhaps. Lets hope we can hang in there so there will be a next time....

The Morals of Our Foes

September 12, 1006- Now they show their true colors! Over a dozen reports of killing, raping, stealing, and general pillaging have been logged at the Bunker, the secret stronghold of the Irombrozian Resistance Front (IRF). In response to this, the people (who remain unwaveringly loyal, every one of them, and still with high moral) rose up against the Luz de Bians! Over 850 peasents have risen to combat the cruel invaders! Please, nations of the world, heed the cries of the slaughtered and mutilated corpses of children in the streets of Irombrozia, heed the cries of the mothers who give their last breadcrumbs to feed their children, heed the screams of Irombro's daughters as they are violated, follow the example of our steadfast northern allies in Fronen, and our friends in Riombara, follow the lead of Plergoth and Ashborn, signing treaties with us. Even a gesture of support is appreciated, everything is a help. Can you spare us 50 gold? Can you spare us 2 TLs with units? Can you spare us an infiltrator? Please, unify alongside us. We are a small realm, a realm fighting for its very survival. For now, we remain steadfast. But we cannot hold on forever! Please, send aid! Nobles of Belluaterra: if you have the slightest conscience, if you have the slightest pangs of compassion for the lives of the people of Irombro, if you have the slighest sympathies with our beliefs in freedom, the right to liberties and religious freedom, if you have ever for a single moment felt that Luz de Bia's behavior was wrong, speak out! Your voices are wanted! Send letters to your rulers, rulers of realms neighboring Luz de Bia, Nhoc himself, your judges, your generals, your leaders and region lords. Send messages to your guild leaders and priests! If you have the slightest pity on us, use your greatest weapon: the voice and written word! If you cannot give us your swordarm, give us at least one letter in your handwriting, one interview with your mouth! Speak to those in power, practice advocacy in the name of humanitarianism! Perhaps your religion disagrees with the primary religion in the southlands, Qyrvaggism, but surely you can at least pity the people! Surely you can see the value of humanitarian aid! Have you food to spare? Come, replenish the stores which the Luz de Bians have torched or robbed! EVen be it the smallest humanitarian aids, we will be in gratitude forever more! And, if we survive this dread conflict, we shall do all within our power to come to your aid, if ever we may. This is my promise, Amekal Vellos, and this is the promise of Irombrozia. We help our friends. We have imtegrity, which our enemies lack. Rah himself has advocated, to expedite the TO of Irombro, mass murder of civilians. He says they will slaughter anyone who does ANYTHING to oppose the TO. Seemingly, the Luz de Bians have no respect for humanitarian goals. When we have fallen, you may be next. How long will Luz de Bia's liust for land and power be satiated by southern conquests? How long before their hosts march north to fight there? Help us now, and you may help yourselves in the long run! LONG LIVE IROMBROZIA THE GOLDEN!

Struggle in the Streets

September 11, 1006- We in Irombrozia are running short of resources. Loyalty and morale among the people remain high, but the Luz de Bians just arent leaving. They have about 6.5k in place in the city, no TO running yet, just.... sitting there. The rest, presumably, are getting reinforcementd. HELP US PLEASE!?

Steady Defense!

September 9, 1006- Even with absolutely minimal governmental forces available to fight against Luz de Bia, the people remain strong, and have thrown off another TO attempt! Loyalty remains entirely unshaken, and morale is high! How long will this go on before other nations see the blatant expansionistic policies of Luz de Bia and come to our aid?

The Sturdy Peasentry!

September 8, 1006- The Luz de Bian TO has been broken by the strong wills and arms of Irombro's peasentry! The city stands strong, not capitulating to the brutal expansionist goals of Luz de Bia in the slightest! Morale remains high, and the people's loyalty is unshaken in the slightest! HAIL IROMBROZIA! Though our entire council is either in prison, or wounded, we remain faithful! This is written from behind enemy lines, they have surrounded the Grand Temple of Qyrvagg. Thus far, it has not bee violated, but I remain ever vigilant at the gates. As the Prophet of Qyrvagg, I calm the minds and hearts of my flock, who hold hourly vigils by the gates of the temple, to pray for the souls of those who have fallen, to pray for courage and the strength to grow through these hard times, and to pray for the well-being of the Church, no matter the outcome of this war.

The Battle of Irombro

September 6, 1006- It has happenned. As I write this, please keep in mind, it is written from a Luz de Bian(or is it Avalonian?) prison cell. About 18k of Luz de Bian and Avalonian forces attacked our roughly 7k defending troops in Irombro. In the initial battle, we were crushed, and many TLs were captured or wounded. In the ensuing conflict, myself, Marc, Baiko, Torrero, and numerous others have been knocked out of action. Peasent militias were called up, but to no avail. Not only this, but a Luz de Bian, or maybe Avalonian, assassin assaulted Amekal, on the streets of Irombro, as he CALMED THE FEARS OF THE PEOPLE. He did nothing but calm them, merely encourage them to not be afraid. In response, the members of the Axis of Evil saw fit to assassinate him. What bloody nice chaps. Now, to my most recent bit of propaganda. Avalon! Avalon.... can someone PLEASE finish the job Fronen started? Sure, Irombrozia wasnt an ally of Fronen, technically. TECHNICALLY. But when we fight alongside each other, in strategic coordination and tandem, to rid the world of the Luz de Bian threat.... what may not be an alliance in paper is surely an alliance of spirit. Do the members of the Axis of Evil have so little respect for such matters? It seems the only law they respect is that which is spelled out in small print....

The Axis of Evil

September 4, 1006- As Irombrozian forces rally, recruit, and get prepared in Irombro, 14000 CS of Luz de Bian and, whats this? AVALONIAN troops have gathered in Ruefillo. It seems Fronen and Avalon are determined to continue their conflict.... by proxy! Yet we must ask, why is Avalon truly here? To bug Fronen? Perhaps. But shouldnt they aid their federation member Enweil and smash Plergoth? There must be an ulterior motive to their contribtion to the Horde of the Immoral Fiends.... ah! I have it! Religion! It was well known that, since their first encounters, the Order of the Druids has instructed their followers to attack and kill Qyrvaggians and Qyrvaggian priests, which is why Qyrvaggism never spread much into Avalon. Perhaps Avalon feels a religious need to assault Irombrozia because Qyrvaggism is based here? So one of our foes is bent on religious fanatacism and destruction of a rival theology, and the other is infested by immorality. Yep, its a party.

A Regretable Necessity

September 2, 1006- For the past few days, the Royal Military has been stationed in Cagamir, breaking Luz de Bian resistance. We have, unfortunately, been forced to use certain brutal tactics, looting and pillaging. The TO failed to get started, so we decided to make the best of things and simply destroy Luz de Bian assets there and remove the insurgent propaganda-based loyalty the Luz de Bians have inspired there. Just minutes ago, a group of peasents banded together and attacked the Royal Military, and were, regretably, destroyed in a quick and brutal battle. According to initial reports, there may have been Luz de Bian Covert Ops agents involved. It saddens us all that such brutal tactics as looting have become necessary to rid the land of the poison of Luz de Bia.

A Trade in Blood

August 28, 1006- Many events have occurred since our last article. Our TO in Rii was never completed, due to a Luz de Bian assault of some 6k forces against our 4k defending. Our forces were defeated in pitched battle, though we did not truly expect victory in a field battle. Yet the greatest loss was not in terms of troops or money. No, the greatest loss was the loss of High Marshall Slomcha. He bravely stood and fought, yet was slain. A brilliant mind, excellent tactician, devoted patriot, brave warrior, and constant friend, he shall be remembered forever as Slomcha the Bold. We in Irombrozia mourn, and hope to repay this debt. This war has now cost the lives of two generals. Is there no nation which will come to end the scourge of Luz de Bia? Even as we continue the good fight, and try our hardest, to such little avail, we have hope that we may be aided from afar. We win the minor skirmishes, and lose the field battles. Are there none who will aid us?

TO Started and Stopped

August 25, 1006- Two days ago, on the 23rd, Luz began a TO of Bolkenia with their 5k force. Luckily, do to the strong will and devotion of the people there, the TO was broken, and Luz de Bia seems to be withdrawing. As our armies rally and regroup, we look to the typical military genius of High MArshall Slomcha to lead us. What shall be our next target? Rumours spread that Luz de Bia plans on bringing seige engines and launching a full scale attack on Irombro, yet the exact truth of this is unknown. Will we gather in the walls and try to hold out? Will we sally forth and smite our foes? Only time will tell.

Driven to the Walls

August 22, 1006- We have had our first string of defeats. Three in three days. The first was an 8k vs. 4k battle in Rii. Our forces were solidly whooped, though we put up a good fight. The TO was broken. This signals the first defeat of the Royal Military of Irombrozia. Then we pulled back to Irombro, and a Luzian expeditionary force attacked a few of our small units in Bolkenia with 5k, giving a second defeat. Then we rallied our forces to attack Bolkenia, and.... failed because many TLs didnt move. Thus, it is with a grim heart we regroup in Irombro. Times draw darker as Luzian forces are in the process of taking over Bolkenia, though, admittedly, with limited success. Pray for us, and, please, remember our plight and aid us.

Cleansing Campaign

August 20, 1006- Due to a proliferation of Luz de Bian propaganda and insurgents in the Irombrozian Soevereign Territory(which everyone knows we have claim to!) of Rii, it has been decided that the region must be cleansed. Taxes have been removed from the Luz de Bian tax offices, food supplies relocated to Irombrozian loyalist warehouses, and every form of political and military havoc has been wreaked against Luz de Bia. Luckily, no peasents have been harmed in the process.

Looking up!

August 20, 1006- As the TO continues well, our forces muster in Rii. The Luz de Bians gather in Ardmore, poised to strike. But at us, or Riombara? Who knows? Whatever the case, victory shall come in the end; or at least a glorious death. Luz de Bian assassins continue to roam our lands, killing and burning at every chance. Both Slomcha and Hireshmont have been wounded by such assassins, as have several other TLs. But in spite of this, in spite of all our trials and tribulations, we stand strong and defiant still. Even after 10 days, the Luz de Bians have yet to gain any further advantage over us, and have yet to win a major victory. Perhaps their moral corruption and decay continues to their military ability as well? The only advantage our foes have over us is one of numbers and resources. Given anything close to a level playing field and our superior intellect, courage, and strength of will would smash the Luz de Bians. As it is, we watch the borders, worrying even as we win.

Continuing Success!

August 19, 1006- After we regrouped our forces, and pondered how next to give Luz de Bia a bloody nose, we decided to strike out for Rii. Well, we did so, and, without even having our whole mobile force, mustered 3k there. It seems our mobile army grows larger with every campaign! In a small skirmish in Rii, a small Luzian detachment was smashed to bits and pieces by the Royal Military, as more reinforcements gathered in Irombro to move into Rii. Thus far, the war seems to be going excellently!

Victory in the First Campaigns!

August 13, 1006- In the first full-fledged battles of this war, 10k CS of Luz de Bian forces assaulted the walls of Irombro, and the fields of Bolkenia. The TO on Cagamir was ended to fight the battle in Cagamir, but, due to infiltrators delaying travel, reinforcements were scattered, and two successive battles(consisting of approcimately 2.5k of Royal Irombrozian Troops and about 4k of Luz de Bian troops, in two different battles) were fought, both resulting in solid Luz de Bian victories. But, there is good news! See, the first battle we were fighting healthy and ready Luzian troops. But the second battle was full of batterred units, though they still had numbers. Why were they batterred? They were fleeing from Irombro where 8k of them(simultaneous with the first battles in Bolkenia, a 2k Luz vs. 1k Irombro battle) assaulted our 6k Royal Defense Force! In a heated battle, the Luzians were hurled off the walls! One Luz TL was captured, and the Duke of Grehk was seriously wounded. Beyond this, some 8 TLs, including Nhoc himself, were otherwise wounded! A brilliant victory on the walls of Irombro! Now if only Riombara would maybe get a spine and fight Luz de Bia? Oh, word has it that RAPE has been attempted on Queen Baiko whilst in prison. Being the fighter she is, the attempt failed. Thats just a rumour, mind you, but who knows with Luz de Bia?

Queen Baiko Kidnapped!

August 12, 1006- When 5000 CS of Luz de Bian forces invaded Bolkenia this morning, they cruelly kidnapped Queen Baiko, and threw her in the Luz de Bian dungeons. This is what Nhoc the Corrupt has to say about that:

Letter from Nhoc (12 minutes ago)
(personal message to Hireshmont)
Yeah, I'm sure you're very jealous it wasn't you.
For the record we'll give her the treatment you folks are used to in your realm, we'll bathe her everyday and apply regular spankings as well.
Your mouth is already watering, isn't it?
Chancellor of Luz de Bia
[reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

As we said, he's a sicko.

Bolkenian Skirmishes

August 11, 1006- As the Luz de Bians gather in Ruefillo, the Royal Military gathers its forces at various bases within our area of control. Roughly 500 Luz de Bian troops are stationed in Ruefillo, and several more units are ready to strike at Bolkenia in Eno. Small skirmishes, consisting of less than 2k forces at the largest, have broken out in Bolkenia, resulting, in both occasions, in Irombrozian victories, though one wonders how long this will last as the Luz de Bian Usurpation Brigades muster on our borders to begin a full-scale invasion. Meanwhile, the retributive TO of Cagamir continues. The people flock to our banner, due to our friendly and cordial behavior. We may indeed fail in the TO, due to the efforts of Luz de Bian insurgency forces assassinating various TLs, but the people surely are in our favor. This conflict goes well for our side, as of now.

Friendly Reclamation of Cagamir!

August 10, 1006- Mere moments after Queen Baiko declared war, Hireshmont had set about with his MASSIVE unit in reclaiming Cagamir. A friendly TO has been begun, and is running smoothly. The first peasents and officials are already changing sides. Things are looking up, even with hordes of Luz de Bians on the horizon.


August 10, 1006- Due to the many insults given by Luz de Bia, Queen Baiko the Beautiful saw fit to declare war on Luz de Bia! We at the Free South Times applaud her courage! To death and glory! Hail Qyrvagg! Hail Irombrozia! Patriotism is running high, we are ready to fight and, if need be, die! The war has begun in victory with a 3k vs. 1k victory in Cagamir over the kidnapper, Gorian! Now he is in our perverse Arch Priest Hireshmont's dungeons... who knows what goes on there... sometimes I wonder about my half-brother...