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*This is totally OOC for now, please send me any suggestions you may have.
===Supernatural Forces===
* '''Quantim'''- Omniscient, deity, Benevolent, not Omnipotent (but very powerful), eternal, immaterial, not omnipresent
* '''Quantim'''- Omniscient, deity, Benevolent, not Omnipotent (but very powerful), eternal, immaterial, not omnipresent
* '''Archquantos'''- Angelic type beings, first creation of Quantim, benevolent, half-material
* '''Archquantos'''- Angelic type beings, first creation of Quantim, benevolent, half-material

Latest revision as of 07:19, 11 December 2006

  • Quantim- Omniscient, deity, Benevolent, not Omnipotent (but very powerful), eternal, immaterial, not omnipresent
  • Archquantos- Angelic type beings, first creation of Quantim, benevolent, half-material
  • Earthina- Luck, fate, fortune, nature-force, mother nature, wife of Quantim, material
  • Demigors- Demons, created by Rashina, half-material
    • Undead- Evil people who have died, material
    • Monsters- creations of the Demigors, material
  • Rashina- Evil deity, fallen Archquanto, half-material, not omniscient, omnipotent, or eternal, but is present wherever humans do evil

The World

  • Has always been; will always be. Wife of Quantim
  • Quantim has ultimate rule of all things except the human will
  • Rashina only has power which humans give him
  • The world has a conscious soul/intellect behind it (Earthina)
  • Humanity to work the land for Quantim; and take care of his animals.


  • The children of Quantim to work his land. Material
  • Have free will, but Quantim knows what they will choose
  • Rashina will be defeated when all people choose Quantim
  • Always redeemable no matter how far gone


"These things are some of what I have learned in my absence. The lust for gold is the undoing of many people be it Noble or peasant. Gold is useful as a tool to make things better for your realm and for your family, but when it becomes a point of gathering gold just to hoard it then it kills the soul.

We all have things to accomplish and things to learn this lifetime. It will be filled with temptations and detours along the way but should we learn the lessons we will move on in our next life. There will be Nobles who will return as a peasant because they forgot their lessons and peasants that return as true Nobility because they learned. Wars will be fought and always will, you need to devote yourself to your realm and your family, fight the wars but always remember these very lands we stand on will be fought over by our children and theirs and theirs.

I preach devotion to your family and then to your realm for that is how it must be in the larger scheme of life. Realms come and go but the family is eternal. Therefore keep your family first and teach them the correct things in life, then you shall be rewarded in the dark days after death and before life again."

As Edward walked the streets of Krimml he listened as many people were discussing the coming conflict and whether Fontan should help their allies in their fight of retake what was taken from them. One man approached Edward and asked,

"What does your god say of this situation priest?"

Edward responded with a story

"There was once a man who had a son, when that son had grown to manhood he slapped his fathers face and took some of his land from him. At this same time a good friend and neighbor had a group of slaves rebel and asked the father for help, The Father helped his friend first and after it was settled the friend helped the father retake what had been taken from him, after which the father rejoiced and allowed his wayward son to return home."


  • Quantim will be a physical king in a blissful afterlife for everyone who truly chooses him as God.
  • Those who never have a fair chance to choose Quantim (stillborn, super-isolated, never encounter priest or knowledgeable believer) will be reincarnated. Those who learn and reach perfection in life will go to be with Quantim and enjoy the rewards of the afterlife. Others who have lessons to learn will reincarnate to learn these lessons.
  • Those who have a fair chance and refuse will become the soil on which the blissful tread in the afterlife.


  • Elders
Arch Priest/Founder
Edward Kane
  • Full Members
Blissful Believer
New Believer
  • Applicants
Child of Quantim
Child of Earthina


1. Know and believe the truth of Quantism, and always be in harmony with it, following that path only.

2. Defend Quantism, and every aspect of it, with your life.

3. Seek to remove all poverty and illness; doing good for all of humanity; and show due humility and respect in doing so.

4. Serve loyalty that to which one has given one’s oath, one’s lord and nation.

5. Show courage in all of your actions.

6. Do not hesitate to go to war if war is that which is right; and do not stop the fight against evil if it cannot be reformed into the true Quantism.

7. Obey all the laws of feudalism, completely serving your lord, duchy, and nation, so long as those laws and duties do not contradict Quantism and by contradicting corrupt it.

8. Remain faithful to your word no matter the cost, and show honesty and integrity in all of your ways.

9. Show generosity; and reward that which deserves reward; and punish that which deserves punishment.

10. Always, even if it costs you your life, stand for that which is in harmony Quantism: that which is good and right, and always stands against evil and wrong.

There are 10 virtues that guide the principles of the Quantism, and define how to live one’s life along with the 10 laws.

1. Morality- Strive always to do that which is right and moral

2. Courage- Always be valiant and courageous in the face of enemies; and be an inspiration to your friends.

3. Benevolence- Show goodness to all those that you can; behaving well to everyone; especially those beneath you.

4. Respect- Known one’s place, showing due honor to those deserving of it or in higher position, whether they deserve it or not.

5. Honesty- Strive always to speak the truth only; and nothing but the truth; using not loopholes or deception if it is possible.

6. Honor- Strive always to shower honor upon your family, your nation, and yourself, raising the praise given to those things.

7. Loyalty- always remain true to that which you are aligned with; and never betray it.

8. Integrity- do not sway from that which is right and true; and always adhere to the truth and Quantism.

9. Filial Piety- always show respect and service to the elderly, the ancestors who are Quantims, and one’s family who is older than you.

10. Humility- Know that whatever your rank; your place is to serve. Man shall serve woman, and woman shall serve man. Peasant shall serve lord by giving tax, lord shall serve peasant by protecting. Seek always to serve, and to be humble before others.