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The oldest brother by 4 days. Born and raised in the mountains of Drenga, a sparsely populated area far off in the corner of the continent. Most of his childhood was spent sitting in a secluded area in the mountains pondering life. He didn’t spend all his time by himself however, him and his younger brother Gander often played hide and seek together. Their favorite spot was in the woods of Helsera, tip toeing along to not break branches or leaves that would give them away. This is most likely why their footsteps are not often heard. Popping out of nowhere to greet someone is also one of his favorite things to do, and so is singing and dancing. Anything that has a happy atmosphere pleases him.

His life long pursuit is knowledge. Whenever something new is left to be discovered he begins to get all giddy with excitement. Recently testing out theories on how to bring back the dead have taken his interest, sparked by finding someone who replaced their missing kneecap, which he took, with another. He has strong theories and morals but his greatest pleasure is enjoying new things.

He is skinny and not all too strong, and he lost a battle to his younger brother Gander pretty badly. Only his quickness delayed his inevitable defeat. His pursuits in the mind have left his body behind, but he eats healthy by cooking the fruits and vegetables he grows in his garden in the courtyard of his manor in Giblot City. He’s cheerful unless his morals come into question, and loves returning to the city where the rustle and bustle of life are all around him.

Goergyboy the Judge

Goergyboy was a weird judge. Violence and mayhem were not his theme. He preffered to treat them as quests, until it was time to torture or execute them. At that point they were no longer guest, but just experiments. Usually seen humming, skipping, twirlling around and sometimes singing he approached his 'guests' in a light hearted mood. There were many memorable visitors including Morth, Stikes, Dante, and Seraphina. There were many prisoners compliments of the war between Outer Tilog and Giblot, but these few stood out. To toy with their minds and bodies, to see what reaction would be caused by his actions. Using his position to understand the way the enemy thought, while having fun at the attempt. He found them interesting but after awhile decided that understanding them would be compromising to his own sanity.

After toying with their minds, their bodies came next Seraphina being the most memorable in that aspect. The joy he experienced when he learned of bone replacements and the possibilities it would lead up to brought the world into a new prospect. Although the initial attempt failed to this day he still is trying to create the perfect golem, and bring the dead back to life. And there's alot of undead appearing in Giblot in record numbers due to these experiments. Ah being judge was the life, a great position he thought that was more rewarding then anything else but it was time for the next step in life.

Elected as Grand Justicar December 16 2004 after Sadi had left

Elected every month after that until he retired as judge and ran for Prime Minister on June 1 2005

Tour of the OT Tower

When Goergyboy first became judge he had the difficult challenge of surpassing his predecessor, Sadi, in torture. Being very different from Sadi he had to come up with his own way that was effective but not cruel. This led to the renovation of his estate in Giblot. A large cylinder tower was attached to the east wing where all the prisoners were held. It became known as the OT (Outer Tilog) Tower.

At the very tip of the tower was where the prisoners were held. In the room was a large fluffy bed with soft pillows and large comforters. A large barred window allowed the morning sun to shine in and overlooked the garden down in the courtyard. A small wooden lamp stand was near the bed where a garden salad was placed for the prisoner. Only 1 prisoner was allowed per room to keep the sanity or insanity of the prisoner from remaining in tact by talking with the other prisoners.

The first stop across from the rooms was the bathing area. A large bucket sat in the middle of the room with another barred window directly above it. The window allowed rain to fill the tub, and if there was no rain for awhile water from the sea was used. The only other thing in the room was two large stick with a rough bristly brush attached to the end. Used by the guards who didn't want to touch the prisoner.

Down the hall was the operating room. Goergyboy's favorite place, where he experimented on his prize catch Seraphina. This room was dark with no windows only a few candles for light. The room was filled with steel. A large steel table was in the middle with ankle and wrist restraints. Next to is was a steel table with many instruments from clamps to needles and knives to hooks. A drain was placed in the middle of the floor and the room was slightly slanted, as well as the table, so all the blood would go down the drain.

Further down the hall was the Room of Ethics. The room had no windows, and two chairs. One chair had restraints while the other was just an ordinary chair. When restrained on the chair the old man of the room would read to the prisoner the Book of Morales about how to be a good human. The book was large and consisted of many chapters, taking hours upon hours to read. It was written by Goergyboy himself. Stikes was the first and last victim of this room, but it proved most successful.

The last part of the tower is the cafeteria. For those who would rather starve to death then eat the garden salad they were allowed to eat meat from here. The cafeteria was staffed by criminals who were convicted of the most severe crimes. Whenever a prisoner had to have meat instead of the salad or else perish of malnutrition one of the criminals was chopped and ground up into a mushy meal. The Outer Tilog prisoners didn't have this option though as they would most likely enjoy the taste of flesh. They were stuck with the salad.

Seraphina's Torture

"Well your 'friends' have all been dealt with and welcomed to my fine establishment. Now I can properly say hello to OT's newest blood."

The rising sun shines through the large bared window in the top tower. Two men grab you and take you out of the cell as a dozen hand maidens enter to clean any mess created the previous day. The bed sheets are taken away to be washed, and another set is brought in with puffy pink flower patters.

You are pushed away from the doorway and taken across the hall to another room with a large bucket in the middle capable of holding several people. A small bit of light comes through the window that was placed directly above the large bucket. As you notice the window the Judge gives you a push and you are suddenly submerged in freezing cold water still clothed.

"In you go! What good is torturing a dirty OT hmmm? The smell is a bit distracting for my work, and I do not want to disappoint you on your first visit."

He begins dancing and humming in a quirky manner as the two men apply a type of liquid to a large brush on a stick. They then proceed to scrub you clean with the rough bristles. Even your hair is attended to and soon after you are left with a flowery smell.

"Done already? Well the smell is an improvement. Reminds me of my garden, my garden, my garden, how I love my garden. Don't you just love the taste of fresh vegetables and fruits? Sure meat is good, but surviving on meat alone is plain nonsense. The taste, the texture, the fiber it is all good."

He spun around quickly and clapped his hands.

"Oh seamstress," he yelled down the hall in a methodical tone, "this OT is clean but still has those filthy clothes. Bring something nice will you?"

The guards left the room as the seamstress entered with a cloth draped over her arm. A dainty creature she was, yet her fingers were callused from all the sewing.

"I'll leave you two alone, behave now she is very skilled. She even made my lovely robe, it hangs a bit loosely but I like it that way."

He spun around showing off the robe then smiled and left. You were left uncuffed when they left and the puny seamstress was all alone defenseless standing there as she waited for you to hand over your clothes. After awhile Goergyboy reenters to find the seamstress on the floor.

"Why can't you OT's cooperate, it's less painful that way. I really liked her too. You, take her to the ward I'll check her wounds later."

One of the guards took the seamstress away as the other grabbed your arms and held them behind your back as you were forced to stand. Goergyboy walks over and while using a dagger carves off your clothes. After which the robe is put on as the guard forces you to cooperate.

"You know, I figured you were big enough to dress yourself but perhaps I give you OT's too much credit. Now since I'm the doctor of my tower I'll have to go attend to the seamstress. It really helps to build loyalty when you treat their wounds for them.

I'll deal with you later and we'll finish this. Until then take a nap and perhaps eat some of the salad left in your room. You'll need your strength for when I return."

He left quickly once again humming his way down the hall. You are taken to your cell and placed back in your room where a garden salad is sitting on a wooden table besides the big cushioned bed.


Alone in the familiar room up in the tower a bird sits at the open window chirping loudly. It's quite annoying really, but before you can deal with the bird the door slams open and the bird flies away. At the door is the stunning judge Goergyboy with his two signature guards Olaf and Chester.

"I've been waiting for you, yes I have. You've wounded me, and it has been such a long time since I have been wounded I was beginning to forget what it was like. Wasn't all too fun being stuck in bed, probably as much fun as sitting here all day. So let's have some fun."

Olaf and Chester each take an arm and drag you along while following the judge. You pass the giant tub which is usually the first stop for OT prisoners.

"We'll be skipping this part, I don't want to waste any more time on you or let you try to escape again."

You are taken down the hall, with it's many massive windows letting in the sunlight and fresh air. You pass a few rooms with words scribbled on a wooden block nailed next to the door. The names of the rooms were; Reading Room, Lunch Room, The Lounge, Kitchen, Cell Block A, The Ratery, and The Ward. After passing all those rooms you come to a stop. The sign on this door says "Operation Room".

"Ah, here we are, one of my favorite places. Olaf, Chester, you stay at the door."

The two take their positions each on one side of the door. Goergyboy shoves you along while humming a sweet tone to himself. The room is dead dark save for a few candles. There are no windows, only solid stone walls encasing the area. In the middle of the room is what looks like a table standing straight up. There are wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs on the table.

While you’re examining the room Goergyboy quickly spins you around, pushes you on to the vertical table and the cuffs lock in place. Then he disappears from sight for a minute as he goes behind the table. A loud squeaking noise begins to surface and slowly the table seems to be moving. The table is seemingly falling down towards the backwards. As the table becomes horizontal Goergyboy's face is directly above yours with the usual smile, and his hands slightly apart from your own. He had went behind the table to pull it down.

"I just love doing that. It's simple how it's done really, but it gets people every time."

He then grabs a chair and sets it by the table next to your left leg. He pulls over another table with some objects on them you can't make out.

"Ho ho, he he, ha ha, it's time to get to work."

Grabbing something off the table, he slices down the cloth covering your leg. Then you feel a sharp pain above your kneecap. Letting out a long "ohhhh" he grabs something else from the table. You can feel the skin above your kneecap being torn apart. Then a dense tapping sound is heard. He has gone all the way to the bone and is now examining the wound.

He uncuffs your left leg, and lifts up your leg. He moves it and bends it watching how the knee cap reacts and as he moves your leg in all these directions blood is squirting out. He then returns your leg to the cuffs and you can feel the sharp point of a blade again.

He cuts further along the leg all around the kneecap. He uncuffs your leg again and repeats the movements. You can now see that your kneecap has been entirely exposed. The blood squirts out profusely and is beginning to stain your clothes and seep into the wooden table.

As your leg is moved against your will you notice him starring at how your leg is functioning. A few minutes of back and forth motions then your leg is cuffed back down. Grabbing what looks like a set of tongs that a weapon smith would use, he moves your kneecap forcefully from side to side. The pain of having your body do what it can't normally do is immense and shortly after a snap is heard.

"Uh oh, I wonder what I've done. Ah well, I must tell you this is astounding. The human body is such a mystery, but there seem to be no one who shares curiosity. Oh it is a dreadful shame really. It's so complex, so unknown. But with all you OT's I'll figure it out yet."

His voice was at ease, and had the sound of a child receiving his first sword. He grabbed the tongs again and began shifting the kneecap again. Any thoughts you had while he was talking were quickly gone as the pain returned. He became determined with his movements and shortly after grabbed a small hammer.

You hear the pounding of the hammer on the bone, and then something gives way. The pain is indescribable as he raises the tongs in triumph presenting your dislodged kneecap.

"Aha I've got it. This will go in my collection. Hmmm, I wonder how one walks while missing a kneecap. Let's fix you up before I get too far ahead of myself."

You see him take a long piece of string and what looks like a fishing hook. The pain is sharp but almost unnoticeable as the removed kneecap is still in your mind. The wound is sewn up and the blood cleaned off. Then he calls for the guards.

The guards return, and upon instructions uncuff your hands and feet and carry you outside. There you are tossed out, as Goergyboy watches to see how you will manage to move.

Falcon's Excution

The sun came through the large window in the tower of Goergyboy's compound, where the OT's were kept. As the light came in the fluffy big bed moved slightly as the captured Forgenn shifted under the large pink wool sheets with pretty flower patterns. All of a sudden the door slammed open, arousing Forgenn from his slumber. What he saw was the Judge of Giblot, Goergyboy, with a stern look escorted by 2 beefy guards.

"Forgenn, your time of death is nigh!" yelled Goergyboy.

This was not the Goergyboy the recent OT prisoners have gotten use to. He usually sang and danced while in their presence, yet he was not in such a mood and there was no smile upon his face.

Forgenn was pulled out of bed, and dragged to the plaza of Giblot City. The peasants were already gathered and some nobles as well as word of the execution spread. Forgenn was tied to a large pole in the middle of the plaza on a wooden platform a foot above the on lookers.

"Forgenn, you have been deemed an enemy of the realm and you will pay for your crimes! You said you would join Giblot when I last let you go yet you only came back to attack us twice. You have brought dishonor upon your name and are unfit to live any longer!"

A dagger was brought forth and Forgenn squirmed as Goergyboy brought the dagger close to him. He screamed while he could yelling "I'll join Giblot I will!"

Goergyboy took the dagger and sliced his throat, ending Forgenn's life as the life left his body that hung there with it's eyes wide open and jaw dropped.

"A criminal has died today and Giblot has gotten it's first taste of an OT noble's blood. Do not forget this for there are still more out there!"

Some of the crowd booed as they wanted Forgenn to suffer, yet Goergyboy just left the podium and had the body taken into his manor where it would be given a proper burial.

Seraphina's Execution

The Golem Attempt

Seraphina was taken to the operation table in Goergyboy's estate located in Giblot city. Previously he took her knee cap out of her left leg and when she returned again he found out that she replaced her knee cap with another. This discovery amazed Goergyboy and now he would pursue his wonder and curiosity further.

Could he defy death and reanimate a corpse, or exchange various parts to make a golem to obey his whims, could he play god? Oh the possibilities tickled him as he laughed childishly to himself as Seraphina awaited tied on the wooden table. Various body parts and various test subjects were brought in. Starting with the leg he took the knee cap from it was time to begin.

"My dear Seraphina you've visited so often yet now it's time to test our little theory."

Grabbing a large cleaver he proceeded to hack off the left leg. The cleaver was dull and got stuck in the bone. With a hard yank and a second swing the left leg came off. The blood was quick to spurt out and a tourniquet had to be added quickly. Using a leg from a recently deceased peasant the leg was lined up where the old one had been and sewn on.

He decided to move on to the right arm and give a sort of diagonal symmetry with the alterations. No sense replacing the entire body. Seraphina was still alive despite losing the leg. He could only imagine how painful it could be so being the humane judge he drugged her with some herbs from Rollsovar which caused her to pass out.

The right arm was taken off with the same difficulty as the left leg, and a tourniquet was again applied to stop the blood loss. The right arm came from the same recently deceased peasant. Now that the two limbs Goergyboy wished to replace were attached and secured he undid the tourniquets and let the blood flow freely to the new appendages.

The blood was rejecting the new parts and the amount of blood leaking onto the floor was becoming alarming. In a state of panic and worry he retied the tourniquets. The results left him frustrated.

"Why just the knee? Why isn't this working?! So far there has been no gain in knowledge, none! This is proving worthless, work damn you work!"

He moved the arm in the style it would had it been functional trying to give the process a helping hand. He found the arm to still be cold from death. Perhaps the replacement was too old and already considered dead to the body. It was time to move on to something more lively.

As he grabbed a basic handsaw he looked at her face and wondered what was on her mind. He would soon find out. Taking the top part of her skull off trying carefully to avoid the brain he struggled to free the grey matter from it's host. After a firm tug he watched the expression on her face go from pain to lifeless. Her entire body went limp, and he knew he had to act fast.

He had bought a dog off a street merchant that was a bit old in years yet still lively. Killing the innocent animal didn't sit well with him, but this was for science, and the possibilities could be astronomical. And after all the procedure might work and the dog would still be alive just in a different body. The dog struggled with the rope that tied him to the wall.

Rather then force the animal to sit through such pain he drugged the dog as he did with Seraphina. The brain was quickly taken out and the dog's body stopped all motion. Blood leaked out of the skull and onto the floor and the same was the case for Seraphina's corpse. The brains we swapped and the top of the skulls put back on, yet this part took massive effort. Tying the skin together was not possible with the large chunk of bone and a cloth was used to hold the top of the skulls in place until a better alternative could be found.

He waited for ten minutes hoping the bodies would begin to move. The bodies remained limp, and the floor of the operation room had become stained with pools of blood. Heavily disheartened Goergyboy announced the news to the realm that the enemy was killed, yet when alone he wept as not only were the lives lost for good yet it was all in vain. His attempts to play god have ended two lives.

Project Golem....failed.

Goergyboy the Ruler

A short month and 5 days is all the time he has had as Prime Minister. Never-the-less those were memorable times, especially later. The first month was nothing out of the ordinary, except for the Assassins Guild trying to lay claim to his beloved Helsera. That was quickly put to a stop though.

In the first 5 days of the new month a huge debate encompassed Giblot. Some dark truths were known, and alot of bottled up anger was let loose. Goergyboy stripped Gotchaz of the city of Giblot since he would not willingly step down. The motives stemed from the resentment of Gotchaz being given the title while only being in the realm for 5 days, and having 2 council positions.

This fueld further debate, in which Thantos' bully boy tactics and lies about Goergyboy's motives came forth, and Goergyboy unleashed his own attack. In the end Goergyboy stepped down to prove this wasn't for power, but for morality. Goergyboy lost the re-election, but he is most certain he will reign again.

Goergyboy and Others