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Roleplay from Vulpes

Moroc and the Akanosian Elite Rangers arrive in Saex and prepare camp, only something is missing. Maroc enters the centre of the camp, the men still errecting the tents.

"Where is General Vulpes!?!"

The Rangers looked up, a momentary look of panic crosses their faces before they gather there things ready todeal with the situation at hand. Maroc organises the men into groups.

"Right, when did we last see the general? There has not been a ransom issued so he may not have been captured by hostile forces or atleast he's not in a secured location yet."

One of the men speaks up, "He was riding with us out of Arempos. I just assumed he was travelling a little to the back because he wasn't feeling well."

The men nod in agreement.

"Right, send a messenger to PM Aethius and another to Akanos. We well spread out and start searching between here and Arempos. Don't worry men we will find him before he comes to hard" he whispers to himself "I hope..."

Sir Vulpes Minister of Defense of Lasanar, Duke of Akanos

Roleplay from Kestrelle

The Duchess Kestrelle stood at the entrance of a small chapel in the castle of Duke Vulpes in Akanos City. The servants had done a beautiful job of decorating the chapel in swaths of colourful autumn leaves, deep purple asters, golden black-eyed Susan daisies, and brilliant orange chrysanthemums. The servants had gathered in the small chapel, looking excited and expectant, dressed in their best.

At the altar stood the Minister of Defense, the Prime Minister and the Duchess Poison. Kestrelle looked down at her ivory gown trimmed with deep red velvet and smiled to herself. Her bouquet of flowers matched those of the chapel. A similar crown of autumn flowers encircled her long raven hair.

She took a deep breath and, as the harpist began to play, started her fateful walk down the aisle.

Kestrelle Duchess of Sasrhas, Marshal of the army of Sasrhas

Roleplay from Vulpes

As Vulpes looks at Kestrelle he takes a longing glance and take a sharp breath. His pulse races, he's never seen her like this and can't wait for this to begin. He glances at her once more, she smiles back from under her veil.

Sir Vulpes Minister of Defense of Lasanar, Duke of Akanos

Roleplay from Kestrelle

The Duchess Kestrelle reached the altar and looked up into Vulpes' face. She'd never seen him look so emotional. Normally as Minister of Defense, he kept his feelings under firm control and presented a serious, professional visage to the rest of the world. But now his deep green eyes softened as he looked at her, and his face was transformed into an expression of delight.

Kestrelle was glad he liked what he saw, because she had never seen him look so handsome. She was happy to be here with him on this special day that they'd stolen from the pressures of the battlefield and the politics of the council.

Together they smiled at each other, and turned to face the Prime Minister and the Duchess Poison as the ceremony began.

Kestrelle Duchess of Sasrhas, Marshal of the army of Sasrhas

Roleplay from Vulpes

Turning to face Prime Minister Aethius his long time friend and Duchess Poison he reaches for Kestrelle's hand. Gently holding her hand, to remind him this is real and to calm both their nerves. They both visibly relax.

Vulpes' thinks back on his life so far, this will be the end of a chapter in his life and the beginning of another. It only seems like yesterday that Aethius and him were dreaming together about one day being PM and General. Fate blessed them, granting both their dreams together.

It was in this small chapel, in the presence of the Gods that Vulpes had sworn his oath to Duke William Equar. He had also promised to be there and help William make Akanos prosper. A lot had transpired since that day.

A tear, falls from his eye.

The one man missing from this ceremony, was William. His illness had prevented him from being here, he knew. All the same, he hoped that he would at least be in his thoughts on this day.

Sir Vulpes Minister of Defense of Lasanar, Duke of Akanos

Roleplay from Aethius

Prime Minister Aethius stood there, at the alter. He thought back at old times. How much Akanos, Sasrhas and Lasanar meant to him, to the groom, Minister and Duke Vulpes. Former Duke William, where are you? he thought. He smiled towards them. They looked so happy. Duchess Kestrelle´s beautiful hair and wonderful smile. His dear friend, Minister Vulpes looked like Aethius himself would like to look on his own wedding day in the future.

He whispered in Vulpes ear.

- I know you will make her happy. Good luck my friend, not that you need it. I´ve made an investment in Akanos city in your honor. Consider it a wedding gift, my friend and Duke of Akanos.

The ceremony continued...

Sir Aethius Prime Minister of Lasanar

Roleplay from Poison

Poison smiles at the couple, she had not thought about it before, but the pair seemed right for eachother. Without wanting to delay, Poison nods at Minister Aethius and begins the ceremony.

"We are gathered here under the eyes of Adghar, and Sartan to bless this couple and bring them together as one." Poison motions to the two statues: Adaghar, builder of cities and giver of laws, on her left; and Sartan, God of war and patron of Soldiers and Heroes, on her right.

"As I know each of the people here have agreed to be here, and have given their blessing, there is no need to ask for objections" Poison smiles at the couple.

"Duchess Kestrelle of Sasrhas, in the eyes of the Gods and these witnesses. Do you take this man to be your husband, to live with him, to honour him and hold him dear to your heart through all that the Gods may bestow upon you?"

Poison Duchess of Ozrat

Roleplay from Kestrelle

Duchess Poison, officiator of the ceremony, spoke:

"Duchess Kestrelle of Sasrhas, in the eyes of the Gods and these witnesses. Do you take this man to be your husband, to live with him, to honour him and hold him dear to your heart through all that the Gods may bestow upon you?"

Kestrelle turned to her husband-to-be, eyes shining, unafraid of the future since it would be by his side. She replied confidently, for all the chapel to hear:

"Yes, I do."

Kestrelle Duchess of Sasrhas, Marshal of the army of Sasrhas

Roleplay from Poison

"And under the eyes of Adaghar and Sartan, do you General Vulpes, take this woman to be your wife?"

Poison Duchess of Ozrat

Roleplay from Vulpes

Vulpes turns to Kestrelle and looks deeply into her eyes, taking both her hands in his. He knew this was the woman that would hold his heart till the end. He smiles softly, and confidently says:

"Yes, I do"

Sir Vulpes Minister of Defense of Lasanar, Duke of Akanos

Roleplay from Poison

Without knowing the rituals of a Sartanian wedding, Poison has to go on the thoughts of what a Adagharin wedding should be like. She turns behind her and picks up a bowl, then hands it to Minister Aethius. And then reaches into her pocket to retreive a knife.

Holding General Vulpes left hand, she says "I take the blood of this man to be given as a sacrifice to Adaghar and Sartan" Poison then cuts the palm of Vulpe's left hand, and lets some blood drip into the bowl, before letting him take it away.

She then turns to Duchess Kestrelle, and holds her right hand, "I take the blood of this woman to also be given as a sacrifice to Adaghar and Sartan." Poison then cuts the palm of Kestrelle's right and lets the blood drip into the same bowl.

"With their blood united as one, their souls do too unite, bringing this pair together."

Poison dips a finger into the bowl, and then smears blood onto the forehead of General Vulpes, and then on the forehead of Duchess Kestrelle

"In the eyes of the Gods, I now proclaim you both to be husband and wife." Poison smiles, and breaths a small sigh of relief. Her friends are married and happy, and there was nothing more she could ever wish for them.

Poison Duchess of Ozrat

Roleplay from Kestrelle

Duchess Kestrelle smiled even as the sharp knife sliced into her hand. It was so sharp it didn't cause her any pain, and Poison knew exactly how deep to cut to leave a small permanent scar. Kestrelle was glad that her good friend Poison was here, as she trusted her with her life. There were few other people she'd trust so far as to allow them to open her flesh with a blade, and one of them was the handsome groom beside her.

Vulpes took his cut as stoically as she, and as they were marked with their comingled blood as a symbol of their joined lives, Kestrelle reached for her new husband's wounded hand with her own.

Kestrelle Duchess of Sasrhas, Marshal of the army of Sasrhas

Roleplay from Aethius

Aethius smiled. This was the most precious day since he took the office of Prime Minister, or perhaps even long before that. Holding that bowl, he felt strongly connected with the married couple and their future happiness.

Sir Aethius Prime Minister of Lasanar

Roleplay from Kestrelle

At the direction of Duchess Poison's pronouncement that they were now husband and wife, Vulpes' and Kestrelle's lips met in public for the first time. As they shared their first public kiss, the Duke's servants in the chapel broke into loud applause while Duchess Poison and the Prime Minister beamed, pleased with their role in uniting these two nobles in holy matrimony.

The new couple led a triumphal procession from the castle's chapel. Kestrelle peeked outside a window as they passed, seeing the people of the city beginning to gather for a celebration and laughed to herself. So much for trying to keep this a secret, she thought with amusement, and turned to see her new husband smiling down at her.

Vulpes led them to a set of doors leading to a wide stone balcony. As they stepped out onto the balcony and looked down, they could see some familiar faces in the crowd: Marshal Caesare with his troops, looking distinctly festive and decorated with red roses, alongside Halcyon who looked suspiciously as if he'd been weeping, Lynx with quite a few barrels that the people were already lining up to taste, and several others.

"I think we've been discovered, my love," Kestrelle said to her husband.

"So it appears," the Minister of Defense replied with a grin. "Let's hope they'll allow us part of the night for a honeymoon before we have to go back to the front. But in the meantime..." He swept her in his arms and kissed her as the crowd below cheered for the newlyweds.

Kestrelle Duchess of Sasrhas, Marshal of the army of Sasrhas