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Rhaella Targaryen was inspecting swords in one of Agyr's armories when Tsu found her. She picked up a slim, elegant sword, testing its weight; flipping it from hand to hand, she admired the shine of the silvered blade and the deep violet amethyst set near the hilt. My colors. She held it up to the light and looked at it edge on, squinting.

"A fine blade," observed Sun Tsu from behind her as he approached, "The perfect length for you."

Rhaella turned to greet him. "Arch Priest Tsu, this is an unexpected pleasure."

Tsu bowed his head. "And it is always a pleasure to see you, Lady Targaryen."

Rhaella tapped him on a shoulder with the sword. "Rhaella will suffice. Now, what sends a man of your power and importance chasing me around the city? And in your finest Arch Priest outfit as well," she noted, "I certainly hope you aren't here to arrest me on his grace's behalf."

Tsu snorted derisively. "If you displeased his grace, I suspect it would not be a Lord sent to deal with you. Certainly not me." He shook his head, "I'm not here at Rubeus' bidding, but my business concerns him, yes. You remember what we talked about when last we spoke?"

"Of course, yes, I remember."

"It is time." Tsu replied, "right now."

Rhaella cocked her head. "Already? Indeed. This will be serve," she snapped at the smith, and flipped a golden coin at him. She walked with Tsu out of the building and slid the newly purchased sword into its scabbard. Climbing atop her mahogany horse, she buckled the scabbard into place. As Tsu mounted up, she turned to him. "The palace?"

"The palace," he agreed, and kicked his horse to a run. They rode through the huge gate before the castle as the sun began to sink into the horizon. As they climbed the twisting stairs to the king's suite, Tsu gave Rhaella a hasty explanation. "I received a message this morning. He has agreed to our proposal, and his terms are acceptable. He is not willing to wait long, however; we must send a messenger on the morrow, if we are to reach him. This is fortuitously timed- with Rubeus raving about traitors and the audacity of Ar Agyr, I was beginning to worry that he would lead the army and fight them himself. Your brother was right to disobey him, Rhaella, but Rubeus saw what he did as a betrayal. If all of his generals have betrayed him, who can he trust? I fear it has driven him past the brink of madness."

They halted at a landing on the stairs leading to the royal apartments. Rhaella's expression had hardened. "Betrayal is never right. Mad or not, Rubeus is our king. A king chosen by us, if you remember. Aemon was right to disagree with his grace, but to stoop to outright treason.."

Tsu looked shocked. "Do you mean to say you feel no enmity towards Rubeus, even after he sent an assassin to murder your twin brother?"

She turned away. "I loved my brother," she replied after a pause, "but Rubeus is my king. It was just, what he did. Aemon.. Aemon brought this on himself." She paused again, and when she resumed speaking her voice was quiet. "Years ago, I was forced to choose between my rightful liege and my twin brother. I chose Aemon. Since that day I have hoped beyond hope that I never have to make that choice again." She turned to face Tsu, anger flashing in her violet eyes. "You have forced this upon me. You came to me because you know I'm the only one Rubeus trusts, and my brother's fate made me a likely person to help you. Well, I'll help you, but I will abide by what Rubeus decides. If he refuses and you want to force the issue, you'll be alone. I'll not send my troops against the man I've served for the last decade. Whatever happens in Melhed, I will be beside him, sword drawn."

"Then he must not refuse. We must make him see.. make him understand that this is the best way. The only way." He clapped her gently on the shoulder, and resumed climbing the stairs.

A pair of armored soldiers stood guard before the oaken doors to Rubeus' apartments. They refused to allow Tsu entrance, until Rhaella explained that they had urgent and private business with the king. The guards were used to Rhaella coming and going at irregular hours; she sent them away with a pair of heavy golden coins. Pushing slowly past the doors, she led Tsu past the foyer and down a dark hallway to Rubeus' study. They could hear the sound of armor clanking.

They reached a closed door, and Rhaella stopped. Tsu raised his hand to knock, and paused. Faintly audible through the door, they could hear someone talking extremely fast, though the words were a mystery. Suddenly a shout rang out. "Who's there?!" The door was thrown open with a bang, and Tsu stared in shock at Rubeus. His black hair was matted and stringy with sweat, and the shape of his skull was plainly visible in his gaunt face. His eyes were sunken pits, with deep bags beneath. His fine red armor hid the shape of his body, but it seemed his sword arm was strong enough- the serrated blade was held at arm's length, pointed at Tsu's face. Recognition dawned on Rubeus' face, fighting a losing battle with suspicion. "Lord Sun, my Arch Priest.." He turned to look at Rhaella, "..and my Targaryen aide. What exactly has prompted you to interrupt my thoughts?"

Rhaella placed her hand on Rubeus' blade and gently forced it down. "We have something to discuss with you. Won't you let us in?" As the haggard king ushered them inside, she took in the state of Rubeus' study. The furniture had been moved to the sides of the room- most of it was piled, as if thrown, against the walls. An ornately carved chair was even inside the hearth, though it was unlit. An old hand-and-a-half sword, the same deep red as Rubeus' blade, rested atop the mantle. The only unassaulted furniture was Rubeus' desk, which was piled with scrolls from the army and rolled maps. One was spread out, held flat with a dagger and a half-empty wine goblet- it showed the river crossing at Bil Havil, with notes on fortifications and sketches of the bridge itself. She leaned over to look as Rubeus shut the door, seeing marks made with dots of wine all over the map.

Rubeus noticed her curiosity. "I broke my inkwell," he said angrily, gesturing at a red stain on the floor and a pile of shattered glass. "But look at my plan!" He said with mounting excitement, joining her at the desk and gesticulating at various winestains. "Ar Agyr will be camped here, and we'll approach from here, with archers in-" He stopped suddenly, glancing over his shoulder at Tsu. "I will tell you another time," he said hastily, sweeping dagger and goblet off the desk and tucking the map into his belt. Turning to Tsu, he lifted his sword slightly and said, "Meanwhile, I ask again. Why are you here?"

Tsu glanced at Rhaella as she joined his side, and he began to explain, "We have.. a matter to discuss with you, of some urgency." His gaze flicked nervously around the room, avoiding the king's glittering orange eyes. "We.. what if we could make a peace with Fronen, and Enweil?"

Rubeus' eyes narrowed. "They would never make a peace with us, not with acceptable terms. And Ar Agyr must bleed before this war is over."

Tsu ignored the last part. "At this point any terms would be acceptable, don't you agree?"

"No!" Rubeus snapped, "Melhed is not a realm of kneelers. We've not fared badly- true, things have not gone as hoped, but I've cleansed the traitors and now we can win this war!" He exclaimed, clenching his fist. He began pacing the room feverishly. "The traitors, they were bringing us down, spoiling all my plans. But they're gone now, all of them. They can't hurt the realm anymore. We will not dishonor Melhed to appease those fools, not when we can finally beat them!" He stopped pacing, and turned to look at Tsu once again. "Is this why you came? To ask me to make peace? They would not even speak to me if I wanted to, and I do not!"

"Yes, that is why we came, in fact." Tsu licked his lips nervously, "Fronen has offered to negotiate a truce," he paused, and cut to the heart of the matter, "but only if you no longer rule. We were hoping, for the good of our nation, you would be willing to step down.."

Rubeus' eyes flashed. "I knew it! You've been cavorting with those dogs, scheming to bring me down! You've always been jealous, you want my throne and my crown and you'll digrace the realm to get them!"

"No, your grace! We wish to save the realm, don't you see that?" Rhaella stammered desperately, "The realm burns, our people flee across the river or into the mountains, Mhed is being put to the sword as we speak-"

Rubeus turned on her, his anger growing like a thunderhead. "And you! You want revenge for your brother, is that it?! I should have known, treason is in your blood!"

"No, no, y'grace-"

Suddenly his rage boiled forth, and he roared wordlessly, swinging his sword at her. She gasped in shock, sliding her brand new sword from its scabbard, and blocked the blow without thinking. The impact of Rubeus' heavy blade nearly knocked it out of her hand, but she was instantly parrying another cut. She backpedaled desperately, blocking blow after jarring blow while Rubeus roared incoherently. Her legs tangled in those of an overturned chair and she fell, her head ringing against the stone wall. She landed in a heap on a pile of furniture and twisted, raising her sword to block another slash. Rubeus was standing over her, sword raised; and froze as a blade was leveled at his neck.

"Your grace, put your sword away," said Tsu calmly from behind him, wielding a long, red bastard sword with both hands.

Rubeus' eyes smoldered with hate. "You would threaten me, your king?" He spoke over his shoulder,"and with my grandfather's sword, no less?" He growled, "You will suffer for this, Lord Sun-" He twisted and ducked, driving his sword upward to skewer Tsu. Tsu danced back, parrying awkwardly, then shifted into a two-handed stance. The ringing of their duel echoed through the chamber as Rhaella scrambled to her feet. The battle had lasted mere seconds and Tsu was already losing; his parries were slow with the heavy sword, and he was bleeding from a wound on his shoulder. Rubeus will kill him. As that thought entered her head, Rubeus swung with ferocious strength, sending Tsu's stolen blade spinning away.

As Rubeus reared back to strike, Rhaella came from behind and kicked his sword hand. The jagged, bloodred sword vibrated as it lodged in the wood of the floor, out of the king's reach. Tsu grabbed up the sword he had lost, leveling it at Rubeus' neck again as Rhaella did the same. They stood, panting, catching their breath from the short but intense fight. They were both sweaty and bleeding; Tsu from his shoulder, Rhaella the back of her head and, she discovered, her side. He nearly killed me, she realized, he has been my life for ten years, I have been loyal to this man beyond even my family, and he would kill me now if he could. Her head rolled back and she laughed hollowly, closing her eyes against the sting of tears. The whole time, Rubeus stood silently, hands away from his sides, fists opening and closing. She was glad she could not see his face.

"Your grace," said Tsu finally, an unmistakeable edge in his voice, "you are stepping down as ruler."