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Latest revision as of 06:40, 10 September 2006

September 4th 2006

Torin walked through the streets of Tarasac, full of memories. He had declined Orl Fane's company since only he had been given permission to enter the city. As he passed the various shops and homes he was flooded with memories. Memories of his childhood. Memories of Keldorn, Darius, Alan, Sara. Of his family, and his old friends. Most of all he was filled with memories of Elia.

Overwhelmed with sorrow, Torin made his way though his old home seeking out his reason for being here. It was in a small field that he found it, nestled under a nearby tree. A medium sized stone place in the ground with white flowers growing around it. Her grave.

Torin fell to his knees and began to cry. He had pushed back the memories and the feelings for so long and was now experiencing them full force. He thought of how he had first met her, how he knew the minute he saw her she was the one. He thought about the times they had shared together the endless summer days where everything in the world just seemed right. He thought about the way she could just make everything seem fine, no matter how horrible it really was. He thought about how anxious he had been picking out the ring he intended to use to propose to her. Then he thought about how she had died before he was given the chance. It was more then he could bare. He cried for what seemed hours.

Kneeling at her grave Torin reached into his clothes and took off the gold chain he always wore. He unhinged it and slid the engagement ring off and into his palm. He kissed it and then laid it at her headstone and said between tears, "If only I had given this to you earlier, god I wish I had... god damn it I wish I had..." Torin then stood and wiping the tears from his face turned around. Standing several meters behind him was a lone figure that he instantly recognized. Torin drew his axe.

"What the HELL are you doing here?!" he screamed half in embarrassment half in rage.

"I knew you would be here," his father replied. "I figured it would take nothing short of an undead horde to stop you from coming here today and even that would be a toss up. Put the weapon away son."

"GO TO HELL!" Torin roared at the top of his lungs. His voice was filled with sorrow and fury. "You cane to my home, you insulted my country, you insulted my actions, you praised that worthless scum who deserves to be dead and I thank god every morning that he is, but worst of all you cursed her name! You are nothing to me! You are not my father! Now stand aside or I swear I will kill you tonight!"

"You wouldn't do that." His father replied calmly, "You'd be arrested and killed yourself."

"Why wouldn't I?!" Torin shot back, "You think I have anything to live for? My only reason for living is gone! All that's left of her is what precious memories I have! You have NO idea what I've gone through! And if it wasn't for you and your damn planning she would still be alive! I am giving you one last chance, leave NOW!"

Torin's father stood there for a moment and then finally said, "Alright, I'll go. Know however, that I am truly sorry for what I did. As for what I said before, you must understand Sara had left, I was worried. I apologize. I hope one day you will forgive me and come home."

And with that Torin was left alone in the cemetery. He spent the rest of the night at her grave remembering the past and wishing he had just one more chance to see her again.