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Roleplay from Guenevere

Guen was happy that she finally arrived in Ser'quea. Her long travels were already taking a toll on her. The first thing she needed to tend to was her bandages, she knew her wound was better, but decided to leave it on to make sure she arrived to Ser'quea with the utmost speed. With that done, she decided to visit Aethelmaer's grave, now that she had a chance. Upon arriving, there were some flowers, and other little things put by family, friends, and enemies. The two things that caught her attention though were the two intricate boxes that were there. One was blue, and the other was green. They looked exactly alike in every way, except for their color. This reminded her of the letter she had recieved from Aethelmaer telling her of these boxes, and that her's was the same too, except it was red. The two boxes were emitting a small glow, almost like they were resonating with each other. Now eyeing the grave, tears started to well in her eyes, as she knelt down, payed her respects, and sent a small prayer to him. With that, she took the two boxes and made her way back to the inn, to clean up.

Roleplay from Guenevere

Guen was hanging around in her tent, reading a book when she heard a noise. Startled she got up to look around, and discovered that the bag she put the three boxes in was glowing. She took the boxes and put them on the table, the red one in the middle, with the blue one on the left, and the green one on the right. They were each giving off an aura, stronger than the one she had seen at Aethelmaer's grave. The light seemed so bright it was making a noise. They seemed to be resonating with each other, until a crack was heard, and a crack appeared around the red box. Guen lifted the top to reveal a parchment.

"Finding this means you have found the Triad of Boxes. With these begins a journey. A journey that will lead you to spiritual connection. You must seek out the three who once owned these boxes, the Wizards of Triad. Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar are their names. Where they are, I do not know, that is something you must find out. To get there, you must use the contents of the other boxes. In the blue box ~crack~ a key, and in the green box ~crack~ a whistle. What their uses are for, I do not know, those will come to you in time. For now, you have your mission, seek out the Wizards of Triad, and a spiritual connection, within yourself, and those around you."

After reading this, Guen felt a sudden burst of happiness. Tears of joy started to well in her eyes. She opened the blue box to reveal a skeleton key, that looked to open a door, or maybe a chest of some sort. The green box wielded a whistle. It wasn't any normal whistle, it actually looked like a small flute of some sort. It had two holes, but still kept the size of a whistle. She took it in her hands, gently blowing into it, releasing four of the most beautiful notes she had ever heard. Although nothing had happened, she still looked around to make sure. Once the search yeilded nothing, she decided to find these wizards, and seek what it wants her to seek. It was late, and since she wasn't feeling tired enough to sleep, she went to the nearest tavern, to enjoy a few drinks over her memories of Aethelmaer, and what the journey ahead might bring.

Roleplay from Guenevere

Guen was indulged in studies at the local library, trying to find any more information on the Wizards of Triad. One book she found, only told her what she already knew. Another search of the shelves, yeilded another book: The Wizard Balthasar Searching through it, she found some information.

"Hidden deep in Ash'rily, lies the Garden of Ragnok, the Cave of Wind, and the Temple of Triad."

With that, Guen had to get ready to travel. She went back to her camp, and her men were all lounging around, talking, and doing whatever else guys do. Guen walked passed a group of them, and some of them even whistled at her. She stopped dead in her tracks, turned around, and walked back over, a look of anger on her face.


"Nothing ma'am!"

"I'm not going to ask again!"

"Just a joke ma'am! Honest!"

"Well, lets not let it happen again! You'll regret it next time."

She winks at him, and she released the tension in her face. She twirls her hair around, and while walking away tells them to gather the men. They scamper off, and gather the men, while Guen gets ready in her tent. She walks out and faces her 33 infantry.

"OK, soldiers. Reading the orders, it's time to move to Ash'rily. GET MOVIN!"

The soldiers all excited quickly gather up all of their stuff, while Guen talks to her second in command, Lothar.

"Lothar? A minute?"

"Always, what is it you wish, lady Guenevere?"

"I am about to embark on a journey. It is in Ash'rily, since orders say to travel there I will go with you, but once in Ash'rily, I must trust you to keep the men in shape, and to make sure they follow orders."

"Of course, m'lady."

Guen turned and entered her tent again, to pack up and ready herself for the trip, putting on her light leather armor, and making sure Blitz was there when she needed it.