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Interview with ShaddarRim, Prime Minister of the League

First you ask me what is the cause of this conflict.

- Well that is a very long story indeed. It started some time ago when Anacan had not yet succeeded from the Commonwealth and I was still serving as General. I will not try to cover up that I was planning to assault Palnasos, the region who had been taken from Svunnetland by Nighthelm. After suggesting it to the other allied Generals, they were all positive about the idea, of course the General of Casshern did not agree. Though all other Generals saw the plan behind giving Svunnetland their city back. It would make Svunnetland selfsufficient again, which means that they could again defend themselves against Lasanar, which was breathing down on them. Though the plan had been made, it was never set in motion as none of the rulers wanted to be the first to state they would go along with the plan.

Some time later, I got elected as the new King of the Coast. The first thing that happened was a heavy discussion going on between me and some V-members. They are always bragging about themselves and claiming how honourful and good they are. They think everyone agrees with them and they can just roll into anyones realm to fullfil some witchhunt they invented by themselves. I thought it would be time to tell them the truth and how many other people saw them, as bragging children who think they can play inquisitor as they please and in the same time exterminate the people who do not agree with them, pure genocide if you ask me.

Some time later, Olwe the bold decided to succeed from the Commonwealth. Our King had fallen ill and we were not planning to sit idle and wait for his recovery. Then there was a tournament the same discussion with the V-members flared up again. Only this time, since Anacan got seperated, Renquest though he could join in as well. Just to offer Conan, his brother, an excuse to go to war with another realm, as usual. That man is a serious threat to this islands healthensurance. He always tells lies to get his way, this time no different. Though some rulers fall for his cheap and easy tricks, others don't. But he is getting caught in his own webs of deceit at the moment.

Since Soliferum got a bit pushy to go to war, although they had no reason, they conspired with Valius to try and eradicate the League of Anacan.

Second, you ask me what my personal beliefs are what could be accomplished in this conflict.

- To put it very simple, to make Conan lose his disguise as an honest ruler and show the rest of the world the truth behind the whole V-guild.

Do you think this conflict could escalate into a North vs South war now that Greater Aenilia has become involved?

- I do not believe that it would. Since none of the southern realms have really good ties with the northern realm, Ethiala and Lasanar for example. They are not very likely to join in this war.

Do you think that Malteo was right and honourable in his attempts to end this conflict through the duel?

- Yes, I believe he was very right to challenge their leaders to a duel to death. It is a sad thing that he died, but he died for his realm, the most honourable thing a noble can do.

I may add to this that I am at the moment trying to do the same, like Maltheo did; challenge their rulers to a duel till death. Maltheo insisted to duel both Valius and Conan. Because Conan came with some cheap excuses that he could not endanger his life for his realm, shows his lack of courage. So Valius dueled Maltheo first and Maltheo lost to him. I want to do the same for Anacan, though I will not duel Valius until I've dueled Conan, that is the way Maltheo wanted it and I do not want him to hide behind his cheap talks. If you ask me, he is all about his puffed up ego, but does not have the backbone to back up his deeds.

What do you think can be done to resolve this conflict?

- Either the southern forces surrender or Anacan dies, that are the only two options. We will not think about surrendering and be subject to some abusive treaty invented by them. We are also not turning in any regions, should things go well for us, we will conquer every region we lost and take some more from them.

Any other comments you wish to make?

- Certainly, I wish to warn the rest of the island of the unhonourful and sneaky plots Conan and Valius concoct to have things go their way. Do not listen to anything that their forked tongues try to utter, as it will only contain lies and excuses to conceal them.