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--[[User:The Blackest Pen|The Blackest Pen]]
--[[User:The Blackest Pen|The Blackest Pen]]
It is no problem; You are learning and will soon know these things. I was once a novice editor too. --[[User:Bishamon Family|Bishamon Family]] 21:35, 14 August 2006 (CEST)

Revision as of 19:35, 14 August 2006

Everything The Blackest Pen shares with you is an effort to destroy you and your world with evil. - That's . . . comforting. Not. I think you've mastered the 'air of menace' job requirement.--Egregious 20:59, 12 August 2006 (CEST)

By destroying you, I mean saveing you from good. This philosophy is often lost on people of "good" nature.

I have already allowed myself to be destroyed by The Blackest Cult. The rebirth of my entire being is what the "good people" of the world would say was "death of my own being".

Just as we do not allow the word "evil" to be anything but a false symbol or figurehead to confuse and sway good to our desired effect. true evil understands that they are not evil, that evil is an invented word placed on the more inteligent and crafty of the race of man, to create hate agaisnt us.

I do not need to prove this to you...nor do I even wish you to understand. if you are not evil, i have no use for you or your energy. In fact, your soul is simply an empty parking lot waiting for evil to come and claime it as "our space" when the time is right.

If you are not evil...why are you here? if you are evil...please feel free to debate this or commune with me on the matter so i may serve you what I think to be true and hope you understand.

I can not speak for one single member of the BC, but I can freely and honestly say, I am one member who fully loves you for your evil, no matter what it leads you to think about myself or the BC. I only hope to bring you into our group to better both our chances of survival in this savage world of piggish "good".

--The Blackest Pen 21:17, 12 August 2006 (CEST)The Blackest Pen

I wish to know... is not being selfserving and selfish also a indication of evil? And yet, in your philosophy, your evilness is not served by this, only by united, communally minded individuals, that are evil.

Well, I'll look out for myself, and my friends, not my other "evil" brethren that do not share my views or deeds, thank you very much. Widfara/--The1exile 21:35, 12 August 2006 (CEST)

Your words show wisdom, and true evil. I would like a chance to talk with you on deeper levels.

Serving yourself IS a very powerful tool of evil. But evil is often more prideful (why should we not be?) in thinking they need no one but themselvs. This idea (though not wrong...there is no "wrong") forgets the fact that five wolves can hunt one bear better then one.

Bears are not pact animals...wolves are. This allows them to use stratagy to over power enemies.

Now you may say that you need no stratagy or pack to do your kind of evil. If that is surly true, then yes, you have no need for the BC. But if you have three enemies, should you not jump them with twleve wolves? fair fights often are left to the toss of the dice...fairly and justly they end with one man winning through great effort and skill over another man. But evil is wiser then that. Evil will not allow this invented idea of "fair play" sway them into outnumbering a foe. In fact, the idea of "fair play" was invented to stop people like us from joining and using the wisest of tactics to destroy. The smartest wolves will always beat the bear...the bear is not wise enough to band together, or use "unfair" tactics. That is their limping wound, not ours.

These philosophys are older then me and you. They have found their way into many age old texts and teachings of great evil men of history. There are many books on this subject of banding together.

yes...we do not promote friendship, but we do promote safty in numbers. Yes, we do not promote loveing unconditionally, but we do promote working with simular evils (even those you hate) to outnumber and crush those who hunt you.

Good has united thousands of years ago. They have built an entire society that seeks to destroy "evil" on name-base alone. We need not commit a crime, just being who we are is crime enough alone. If we are born to be hunted, would we not be smarter then the bear if we united for ALL of our benifit.

Consider those with us who do not even remotly care about each other (and there are many of us who are that way...i am not one of them) does it not serve that individual to use other evils to their benifit by uniting? Or better yet, does it "limit" you or risk you a better chance of "loseing" by banding with others who may hate the common man as much as you or I?

I don't need to like you to jump your enemy if he is a common enemy. I will attack from behind, you from the side...our third member can distract him with jewles and lies long enough for us to devour the sucker who DARED challenge evil in the first place.

Evil lives under rocks to survive...this is wrong. This is the main point here. If you disagree with wanting to crush good so evil longer needs to creep like insects to survive in a savage world of "good", then are best left alone with your evil ways.

if you change you mind, i wish to talk more with you on the matter. I offer you no false words, or poison bait. Evil can be honest...hence why I am a prophet of the BC (since i am one who truly adopts its teachings in my heart, not just use it to better my chances at survival).

I thank you for entering this debate, and dearly desire to delv deeper into it with you no matter the outcome. As long as we openly talk of evil, then we are communing and hopfully helping other evils. you may have no desire to help all evil, but I seriously do...and I feel all evil to be my family.

That is why I am known as --The Blackest Pen 22:07, 12 August 2006 (CEST)The Blackest Pen

I do not live and work by myself, and only to serve myself, but nor do I serve a greater cause above my own profit. The others, despite what ideals they may serve, also follow me for their own profit. Indeed, I corrupted one member of this circle simply with the concept of profit with gold.

To allow more would create a society in which one of the evil members could backstab me and stop my plans by informing the current "good" (not always good, but their intentions, or at least excuses, are, and if they fear the true good enough to hide behid excuses, then they are no evil brethren of mine) of their leadership.

If you find yourself on the east continent... look me up. --Widfara/The1exile 23:10, 12 August 2006 (CEST)

Well, you show loyalty to freinds (as long as it suits you of course), this shows you are the "greater evil" not the "bottom feeding sort"

I truly hope to hear from you as my friend someday. That way we can get past this hurtle and move on to taking over the world together. I wish all your plots well, and praise your efforts in evil there. I hope you grow into a force of a thousand friends, then become we can be one-thousand-and-one evil friends.

Evil does not HAVE to backstab people they work with as partners in an evil plot.

With respect

--The Blackest Pen

It is no problem; You are learning and will soon know these things. I was once a novice editor too. --Bishamon Family 21:35, 14 August 2006 (CEST)