Greystoke Family/Edmund: Difference between revisions

From BattleMaster Wiki
Line 76: Line 76:
Food 63 250 (not trading) (not trading) (N/A) (N/A)
Food 63 250 (not trading) (not trading) (N/A) (N/A)
Wood 109 (not trading) (not trading) (N/A) (N/A)
Wood 109 (not trading) (not trading) (N/A) (N/A)
All prices are per 100 units. Remember that the prices are from the regions perspective, e.g. what  
All prices are per 100 units. Remember that the prices are from the regions perspective, e.g. what  
they are selling you food for when you buy some. Also note that prices are always rounded in  
they are selling you food for when you buy some. Also note that prices are always rounded in  

Revision as of 04:59, 19 July 2006

The Art of Trading

I thought I would try my hand as a trader. The constant go to a battle, wait for the takeover to finish, back to refit, on to the next battle was beginning to seem a little dull. I didn't have enough honor or prestige (or something) to become an infiltrator, and the realm didn't seem to need any beaurocrats.

It turns out there must be an art to being a trader that I haven't discovered, or the class needs serious work. Maybe I haven't learned all the tricks yet. I will impart what I have learned so far....

As a trader, you must consider several things --

  1. Troops and Paraphenalia
  2. Gold and Commodities
  3. Trading Information
  4. Politics

Troops and Paraphenalia

At first I assumed that a trader should travel alone. This would arouse the least amount of suspicion when travelling in foreign realms. The manual states that when you buy caravans, they come with the men needed to work them.

However, a friend suggested that I might appear as an infiltrator that way. He said it might be best to retain about 7 men as guards. Without thinking too deeply on this subject, I decided to follow his advice.

You don't need a banner, but you do need caravans. I started out with the idea of needing many caravans, but decided to start small. It is well I did so, as I have yet to fill both of the ones I purchased. Each caravan holds 100 bushels of food.

Gold and Commodities

A trader is different than a teamster, in that the trader buys the goods and sells them after transportation. A teamster is merely paid for the transportation. The game doesn't support teamsters, only traders. That means we must first buy the goods we want to sell. You will still collect taxes. In some realms you will collect less taxes than a Troop Leader because you don't have the men to support.

When it comes time to buy the goods, if you don't have enough gold, you can borrow from a bank. Ethiala on South East also has two trading guilds which I joined. They will each allow me to borrow from them.

It seems at first as if the world supports two commodities - food and wood. In practice, however, it appears as if wood is so plentiful and consumed so little as to make it nearly useless as a trading commodity. That leaves food. Perhaps I am wrong to do so, but I concentrate entirely on food as a commodity.

Trading Information

As a trader, the idea is to buy low and sell high. I understand that the best way to do this is to buy in one realm and sell in another. I believe this is because a realms banker can readjust food as needed between regions within a realm, thus reducing the need for a trader.

So, to buy low and sell high, the most important tool for a trader is information concerning food selers and food buyers. The tools for finding this information are:

  1. Actions -> Chat with merchants
  2. Actions -> Trading
  3. Actions -> Visit the black market
  4. Orders -> Send out Scouts
  5. Information -> Trade Information

Chat with Merchants

Chatting with local merchants will produce results such as those provided in the example below:

Chatting forever with the local merchants in Talex, here is what you learn about some interesting deals:

      Region	        Food	                        Wood
      	        avail	Sell	Buy	notes	avail	Sell	Buy
      Talex	  0	  -	12		1170	-	3
      Erahol	  0				100		
      Isular	  0	  25	 5    shortage  500	10	5
      Lenamaziel   0				460		
      Anrimap	  0	  22	 3		150	25	-
      Upasael	  0	  25	 5		0	10	5
      Remton	  0	  -	25		1150	40	10
      Tunozo	  0	  15	 5		100	10	-
      Pesol	 40	  -	12		420	-	3
      The harvest will be in 2 days.

The example provided has several points of interest. The purpose of the "chat" (as can be seen from the example) is to provide the trader with rumors of the selling and buying prices in a random selection of regions. It will also provide the availability of the resource.

First, to buy some food you need a food source. If you were armed with only the report provided as an example, you would see that only Pesol has any food available. Unfortunately, (as can also be seen) the dash means they are not selling any. This fact seems to be extremely common in the game. No food sources!

Next, who could you sell food to? In the example shown above, only Remton will pay higher than any of the other regions selling prices. This is also an extremely common situation in the game. No regions will pay enough to make it worth your while to transport the food. Even a 1 gold difference would make 100 gold per caravan! Yet all I've found is regions where the buying price is much lower than the selling price!

Beware, the conditions found in this report are very short-lived. In most cases the deal viewed in the report is gone by the time you get to the region!

Your Caravans You own 2 caravans, currently loaded with 10 bushels of food. (free capacity: 190 units)


The Ornaz Warehouses
Good		Stored	Reserve		buying for	selling for		buy...	sell...
Food 	 	63 	250 	 	(not trading) 	(not trading) 	 	(N/A) 	(N/A)
Wood 	 	109 		 	(not trading) 	(not trading) 	 	(N/A) 	(N/A)

All prices are per 100 units. Remember that the prices are from the regions perspective, e.g. what 
they are selling you food for when you buy some. Also note that prices are always rounded in 
the warehouse's favour.


Sending out scouts will produce the normal scouting report. However, if you are a trader there will be an extra section of the report similar to that shown below:

Trade Postings
Good	ca. stored	Buying for	Selling for
Food 	300 units 	   12 gold	(not trading)

The report shows trading informtion for the region you are scouting. In this example, the region being scouted is not selling any food, but is buying food for 12 gold per bushel (or per 100 bushels).

Trade Information

Using the Informtion->Trade Information function produces a report similar to that shown below:

Food and Harvest Information:

    * It is Summer. The weather (harvest in 7 days):
      East Coast: Average

Trade Postings in Larmebsi
Good	ca. stored	Buying for	Selling for
Food 	 250 units 	   12 gold	(not trading)
Wood 	 300 units 	    3 gold	(not trading)

Of course, the info shown will be for the region you are currently in. The informtion provided in this exmple indicates that Larmebsi has 250 food units (bushels), but is not interested in selling any. If you have food, they will pay 12 gold for each bushel that you have. Or is it each 100 bushels?


To further complicate matters, if you do find a seller or buyer, there is a good chance they will be in an enemy realm. Now that politics are involved in your trading you will probably need permissions from the governments of both realms to travel between them. Your own government might not want you helping an enemy, even if you are making a profit on the transfer.