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'''July 4, 2006''' - ''Armistices all round''
'''July 4, 2006''' - ''Armistices all round''

'''Here follows a copy of the Ubentian Armistice:'''
Here follows a copy of the Ubentian Armistice:
Instrument of Armistice between the Republic of Ubent and the Southern Federation

'''''Instrument of Armistice between the Republic of Ubent and the Southern Federation''

Revision as of 03:59, 5 July 2006

July 4, 2006 - Armistices all round

Here follows a copy of the Ubentian Armistice:

Instrument of Armistice between the Republic of Ubent and the Southern Federation

Being necessary to ensure the survival of the Republic of Ubent, the aforementioned agrees to the following terms:

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Winkamus to Federation member the Kingdom of Yssaria, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist.

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Mines of Isadril to Federation member the Theocracy of Ibladesh, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist.

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Moyale to Federation member the Empire of Itorunt, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist. As the Itorunt Empire currently shares no border with the Ubent Republic, the region will be surrendered to Ibladesh in trust until a further arrangement between Itorunt and Ibladesh is made.

The Republic of Ubent will limit its military forces to that force necessary only to defend against monsters, undead and other minor aggressors. This is considered as 6,000 Combat Strength. This value may be varied on situation and appeal to the Federation.

The Republic of Ubent will renounce its alliances with the Kingdoms of Perdan and Caligus. In return, the Federation will accept overtures of peace from Ubent, and guarantee no incursions on Ubent's borders unless any item of this instrument is broken by Ubent.

The Republic of Ubent agrees to deny safe harbour or passage to any former member of the Kingdoms of Perdan, Caligus or Kalmar sufficiently experienced to know the ways of their former realms.

These terms will be supported by the Republic of Ubent and the members of the Southern Federation. Should any party lapse in their duty, the remaining parties will agree on suitable chastisement.


Zog Returns

Prime Minister of the Republic of Ubent


King of the Kingdom of Yssaria


Pontifex of the Theocracy of Ibladesh


King of the Empire of Itorunt

July 3, 2006 - Old Rancagua withstands verbal assaults of Avamar

I will quote the words of a fiery young patriotic writer, of whom I had quite a lot of respect up until now. I will not say anything, because quite simply I think they describe the situation quite well.

Excerpts from the Kalmarian Chronicles, Edition 1:

The true Kalamarians have been overtaken by the cruel tyrant El Cid who has changed our government in to a desptic regime.....I on behalf of the true and noble people of the Kalmar Islands ask for military aid of any realm that opposes the maniac rule of an evil dissident.....Glory to the true Kalmar!

It continues......I am sad Lord Legatus that you have been turned and decieved by the lies and the forked tongues of the Avamarians:

.....government of Old Rancagus under King Thalanteus has moved their capital to Kazhak. This should make it easier for them to help us! Personal thanks to Old Rancagua. In other new the Avamarian Government in exile led by Lalakis has announced that it does nto support El Cid.

It gets all the better. You too Lord Legatus were infuriated and insulted by the Avamarians and their sudden willingness to accept El Cid's rebellion as they supported it. Truth is, this is what Avamarians do, they are sick, twisted and evil, you saw it once too, before they poisoned your mind, just as they have done to poor Prometheus:

I regret to bring you news of betrayel. The Avamarians, reads as follows: Lalakis' Second Statement. Now until this point I had naught but laudations for the glowing cultural pinnacle that was Avamar.....But now, I must scold and criticize the complete stupidity and unjust words of Lalakis, last Prime Minister of Avamar....second statement that is completely opposite the first, Lalakis lists requirements for old Avamar's acceptance of the el cid hijacking....

And now you write the true feelings behind it all:

....democracy or a republic is all well and good, except of the people of Kalmar Islands are no longer there. The voice of Avamar is not the true voice of Kalmar Islands. A democracy is run by the native people, not by forigners who are unwanted.....

Avamar only takes so that they can infest, they have no real interest in co-existence with other people. They poison others and then, when their guard is down strike hard against morality:

.....saying the New Avamar that will supposedly exist on MY HOMELAND is to be exactly the same as your old Avamar.....The only similarity between Kalmar and Avamar is that they were both taken over by foreigners and the people are being tormented through war and foreign oppression......

You have described them quite well:

.....So the majority of Avamarians have to agree to usurp a peaceful ally's kingdom? That just shows the desperation and inhumanity of the Avamarians. You think Avamarians have the right to decide whether or not the Kalmarians should be taken over?.....

WHAT?!? Now this is an outrage, a disgrace to my people! I implore no Kalmarian agree to this. The Avamarians think they have the right to take over a peaceful kingdom and then allow its former nobles back in under them? You think we should forsake our struggles to regain control of our lands and swear loyalty to you? Who plan to take it from us? I will not be a slave to those who are vultures. Searching for bones of a kingdom defeated by another. They come in like the vulture to pick on and take the bones for themselves not doing the work and do as they will with those bones. The eagle of Avamarian culture has come to this vulturelike desperation? Disgusting!......

So you Lalakis think you are goign to take over a kingdom that for oen had good rulers that was supported by the people, but after that have another take the blame? If you come into KI and recognize it as new Avamar, you too are a hijacker.....You will be responsible for this CRIME as well.....Oh wait I seem to have forgotten, the Avamarians do not care so long as they have some land. If you so much as enter KI in support of El cid, you too are to blame for the takeover of a peacful, but poor and weak nation.

You are quite right Lord Legatus, so why are you helping them?:

No honest realm bound by unwritten but ever felt moral law, that guides each human being would ever support Avamar. And should this bleak future come to pass for my homeland. I shall NEVER cease fighting you Lalakis, Avamarians.

I am sad....why did you stop fighting the demon like Lalakis and his voracious Avamarians? For shame Lord Legatus, as a true Kalmarian and Royalist you should be fighting alongside us, for this new realm that we shall create in the ashes of the old if for YOU!

How can you fight against us when we are doing this for you! How can you stand how can you stand here and berate us when you share the same ideals! Avamar is a CANCER! A cancer of this Continent, stop hindering us and walk up behind that non-person One and STAB HIM IN THE HEART!