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Letter from Magnus In these times of uncertainty, it's important to keep up ones spirits. We do have a festival going on for the TOM's birthday, but due to recent events in the realm, I don't think participation in the merry making has been to great. So I have decided to give everyone a real reason to celabrate.(no Im not leaving the realm so dont start cheering yet)!

Today is the birthday of not only my esteemed battle group commander, but also one of my closest Shield Brothers, non other than:



Party at the 'MAIMED SEAGULL'! DISCLAIMER! Enter at your own risk! Not responsible for falls, lost pets, or being picked up by the Watch!

Magnus (Imperial Knight)

Letter from Evangeline Happy Birthday Sir Maelg!!

Everyone in Perdan keep your cats inside tonight... Sir Magnus will be out! lol

Evangeline (Imperial Knight)

Letter from Maelg Thank you Magnus (cheeky bastard ;),

Drinks in the Maimed Seagull! I think we have put the barkeeps children through schooling and set them up with another inn in Partora!

Anyone know what it's called? I'd like to keep my support for the family going.

Maelg (Knight of Dimwood)

Letter from Magnus Why Maelg, I cant believe you dont remember the name of the new Inn! He named it after you were telling him how far ahead you were in our little contest. The new inn was offically named that night, the 'BLOODY EAGLE!' Falcion suggested the 'PUREED PIGEON' but it just didn't have the same ring to it!

Roleplay from Crash Crash walks into the maimed seagull. as he approaches the room, a chair with only 2 legs came flying out.

Turning around, Crash said in a whisper,

"To hell with the party, i'm outta here."

Letter from Maelg a chair with only 2 legs came flying out.

Yep, you found the right place. We threw that chair out because Magnus stepped on another cat and fell on the chair, breaking it...

Maelg (Knight of Dimwood)

Letter from Crash uh oh... my cat frequented maimed seagull. it disappeared yesterday. =S

my cat is brown and had some darker brown stripes on its body. i dont suppose... you've seen it?

Letter from Maelg Yes. I have seen it. We've had it stuffed, and now sits in the corner watching everyone. Best behave cat I've ever seen...

Maelg (Knight of Dimwood)

Letter from Magnus I would like to reiter...reliter...say one more time,

DISCLAIMER! Enter at your own risk! Not responsible for falls, lost pets, or being picked up by the Watch!

Also add to that, or injuries by any flying furnishing, person(live or dead), or any other Bloody things!

Any questions, see the cat in the corner!

Magnus (Imperial Knight)

Letter from Crash NOOOOOOOOOO

Crash cries

Crash (Noble)

Roleplay from Austin

Austin headed down the streets of Perdan City to the Maimed Seagull. Not typically much of a drinker (despite what the barkeep in Partora with the huge outstanding tab for Austin would have you believe), he had had enough of standing on the city walls, watching for an enemy that wasn't going to come. Pushing open the door to the 'Gull, the typical sounds of a crowded bar met his ears...at the same instant, an empty beer mug met with the side of Austin's head.

I knew I should have worn my armor, thought Austin, rubbing his head as he walked up to the bar to get a drink. It's never a good idea to be without your armor, as long as Magnus is about.

Taking his drink to a corner of the bar, he sat down at an empty table, and noticed a cat sitting on a shelf next to him.

"Enjoying the party, my feline friend?" The cat just stared straight ahead, with it's strangely glassy (perhaps you would say dead?) eyes, and its back bent at a very strange angle, as if it had been stepping on more than once...

"Not much of a talker, eh, cat? That's ok, me either." Austin took a drink, and turned to listen as Magnus and Maelg compared their Blood Eagle scores.

Austin (Knight of Perdan)

Roleplay from Evangeline The marketplace in Perdan was bustling.

Evangeline hefted the bag of gold at her waist, she felt guilty shopping for Maelg's birthday present with his own money but Magnus and Maelg had insisted she try playing Lions at the Maimed Seagull last night. They said she could keep whatever coins she could get into the cup. She hefted the purse again and smiled to herself.

She looked at the crowded stalls with their fine clothes and jewellery. Nothing seemed to quite suit her husband. Maybe a weapon of some sorts would be more appreciated.

All of a sudden she hear raucous laughter and a trader with a big belly and a loud voice was appealing to all the younger soldiers. "OFFICAL MAGNUS SOLARIN BLOOD EAGLE KIT!", he was screaming. Evangeline looked incredulously at the man. "It includes a nice cleaving axe, rib shears, and a bone handled filet knife! Each and every kit comes in its own walnut presentation box with gilt hinges and solid locking hasp!" "Are you serious?" she questions the man "Of course, it is a must for all serious conosours of the sport! And free to the first 10 customers thier kits will be autographed by none other than Sir Magnus himself!" Evangeline shook her head and began walking away. "A 25 gold piece value yours for the low, low price of 10 gold pieces due to our special introductory offer!", the trader called out after her.

Shopping could wait...

Evangeline (Imperial Knight)

Roleplay from Maelg ...in the Maimed Seagull...

"..and then I put his kidneys up THERE!.. You should've seen i.. DUCK!" With practised skill, Maelg and Magnus duck a flying glass, which collects some other poor sod behind them.

"So I've managed 11 so far... how about you Magnus? and cats don't count!"

Maelg (Knight of Dimwood)

Roleplay from Magnus Inside the 'Maimed Seagull' a nortorious(now anyways)public house in Perdan City........

Magnus looked around the room and smiled to himself, he was happy! There was plenty of mead, good friends, and since he had just stepped on the last one, NO CATS! Maelg being the friend he was had sent it out to get it stuffed.(always the thoughtful one)Magnus was over come with emotion at the gesture and rose to his feet and roared for quiet he was going to make a toast.

"QUIET, QUIET YOU LOT!" silence finally falling on the crowd, Magnus continues,"Today many many many well a few anyway years ago this great man, this Shield Brother seated next to me was born into this world!" Cheers erupt but are quieted as Magnus continued again,"Its not every day you can call the Commander of your Battle Group your friend, or vice verse! So I would like to offer a toast and at the end after every horn, glass or bowl is drained I ask you show respect for him as we do in my land and throw them into the fire and yell "SO SAY WE ALL!" Lifting his glass Magnus began his toast:

To this man I've come to know and love Who leads like a Lion and not a dove

The Crimson Wing he does Command With Steel eyes and Iron hand

Him at the lead we'll drive our foes Making BLOOD EAGLES and giving woes

His sword is sharp, his lance like steel It must be this Evangeline finds his great appeal

Starwalt Friend and Deadly Foe May his fame and family always Gro'

And with that Magnus roared and drained his horn of mead flining it into the fire as the crowd roared as one, "SO SAY WE ALL"! Some poor soul not wearing his helm was inadvertantly struck on the head by a wayward glass as he can in the door to join the party. But seeming unhurt he continued on to get a drink.

After a time Magnus leaned over to Maelg and said,"Hehehe I know Im not the soberest guy here, but Im not even that drunk!"

"What are you talking about?" Maelg asked looking around then at his friend.

Mangnus points at the stranger in the corner and says,"That guys so drunk, he's talkin to the stuffed cat you gave me!" "Well I guess if the "kitty" holds still long enough some poor sod will try to chat it up!"