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Latest revision as of 23:55, 22 June 2006


Lords of the NA,

Here, the Alliance of SA/Falasan set forth our terms for peace, which our four realms are ready to agree upon. Please be sure to make any comments to the entire group.

The Treaty of Southern Atamara I

Date: 6/22/06

Involved Parties: "NA": Cagilan Empire, Tara

"Alliance": Falasan, Carelia, Abington, RedSpan

Region Allocation & Other Terms

As retribution for their various war crimes against the Alliance, the following NA regions will be confiscated and distributed thusly:

  • Falasan: Jagla and Aigalang
  • RedSpan: Foda and Tandsu
  • Carelia: Skalk, Ledunds, Alatol

-Carelia will be granting Tarkhog to Abington to assist with their ongoing food shortage.

-Abington requires 200 bushels of food per week from CE. This food is to be made available at the lowest prices and the closest region(s) to Abington borders for the duration of the treaty.

-The regions named in this section will remain in control of the listed realms even after this treaty has expired.

Realm Boundaries


  • Any region flying the flag of an Alliance member, including the regions mentioned in the "Allocation" section, for the duration of this treaty.


  • Any region flying the flag of an NA member, minus the regions mentioned in the "Allocation" section, for the duration of this treaty.

All realms mentioned as Parties to this treaty agree to respect the boundaries detailed above. This means:

1) No damage of any kind will be done to any regions owned by the opposite group.

2) No TO attempts will be made in any regions owned by the opposite group.

3) No force greater than 1,000 CS will be moved into any regions owned by the opposite group at any time.

  • Any action that violates one of these 3 rules will be considered a breach of this treaty.

-All hired mercenaries will also be expected to honor these boundaries and the associated terms layed out in this section. Hiring them to do otherwise will be considered a violation of this treaty, and the realm employing them will be held accountable.

-Any captured Infiltrator who is a member (or hired mercenary) of any realm that is part of this agreement is prosecutable to the full extent of a Judge's capability.


This treaty will remain in effect for a total of 6 months from the date of signing.

The expiration date is: 12/22/06 (this will change with the date at the top of the agreement until signed by all parties)

  • Any colony founded or co-founded by any realm signing this treaty will also be subject to the terms of this treaty.
  • Any voilation of this treaty by a member of the NA will cause all members of the Alliance to seek retribution, and is grounds to void this treaty.
  • Any violation of this treay by a member of the Alliance will cause all members of the NA to seek retribution, and is grounds to void this treaty.

I agree before my gods and peers that my realm will respect & obey these terms of peace until the "Duration" condition has been met: