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==Kamekaze's Personal Crest==
==Shortly after his appointment as marshal, Kamekaze has drinks with Duke Cartor==
==Shortly after his appointment as marshal, Kamekaze has drinks with Duke Cartor==

Revision as of 09:50, 14 June 2006

Kamekaze's Personal Crest


Shortly after his appointment as marshal, Kamekaze has drinks with Duke Cartor

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze is already in his reserved booth in his favourite pub The Sedated Stallion. Drinking with a woman in his left arm and a nice cold one sloshing down he throat when he hears the the door and out of the corner of his eye he spots Cartor walking into the bar after a hard days work forcing peasants into the RCs and letting convicts off easy. He waves vigourously splashing a few drops of beer on nearby patrons. His woman tears her adoring eyes of Kamekaze and looks round at Cartor and blushes, she had never met the Duke before. "Ah! Cartor my good lord have a seat, this is err... ummm Caroline??"

"Susan" she says slightly put out but still.

"Ah sorry midear the beers you know... Anyway Susan this is Cartor, he's the reason I'm celebrating. Bartender another roundof beers. So where's Erica?? Give her the slip you sly dog you"

Cartor smiles "She didn't feel like coming out. Its been a while since I've been in a pub, getting old and I'm grumpy you know how it is."

"No fortunately I don't." and then under his breath, "tonight I'm 26" winks.

The beers arrive and Kamekaze slips him the silver, the bartender bows low and returnsto his other customers. "A toast, to Domus and her new marshal"

Kamekaze Marshal of the army of Domus

Roleplay from Cartor

Cartor drank from the beer he had been tosting with. It was very bitter, "Could I have a whisky?" Kamekaze looked up from his drink; or Susan's bosom, "Gettings spoiled?" Cartor grabbed for the bottle, "No, drunk." Kamekaze gulped in another beer and started to laugh.

"Now tell me, you grumpy man, why did you decide to marry Erica?" "We aren't married..." Kamekaze hicked slightly, "Whatever..." Cartor let the comment for what it was, "I suppose I love her, I mean she is beautyfull, smart, very philosophic, ..." "Yeah yeah stop the list, stud, I believe she is a fine choise." Cartor drank, looked at Kamekaze, "She is you nkow..."

"I would like to love one day too..." Cartor looked up, "Never loved anyone before?" Kamekaze looked a bit tipsy, "Sure, but not really "love", I was never attracted to anyone to say I would spend my entire life with her." "Or him in your case." Kamekaze didn't notice it, "Or him..." Kamekaze echoed abscently, he seemed to doze off a bit. "Sure I'll pay..." Cartor sighted.

Cartor Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

As Cartor was paying for his whiskeys, Kamekaze snored loudly and accidentally on purpose lolled his head sideways for a better view of Susan's cleavage. She pretended to be annoyed but Kame knew she was loving the attention. He picked his head up again took the whiskey Cartor had bought him took a sip and felt alot more awake. Looking around he spotted Vlad looking sad in the rain outside. Though he would have laughed and pointed had he been sober, he went to the bouncer and told him that Vlad didn't have a woman and needed to be inside. Kame greeted Vlad jovially and said "Welcome Stallion to the Vlad hic" He caught the eye of a nice brunette winked and nodded his head in Vlad's soggy direction. She came over to make Vlad a little more comfortable, "Vlad this is Charlene". "Bartender" having got the bartender's attention he snapped his fingers in a flambouyant way five times and ithin a few moments a bottle of Tequilla, three shot glasses, a sliced lemon and a salt shaker found themselves on the table of the expectant party. Kamekaze took off his glove and slapped Cartor and Vlad lightly on the cheeks "I challenge you Cartor, Vlad to a duel. I bet I can drink you both under the table, ladies please feel free to join in."

Kamekaze Marshal of the army of Domus

Roleplay from Talless the Tactical

Talless snaps up apparently annoyed


Talless pats Fluffy on his head and summons her maiden

Maiden: Yes m'lady

See to it that all the liquer in Aestes is poored out, make it in a landfill, also make sure all new shipments are rejected.

The maiden looks shocked and begins to object when....

NOT A WORD! I am to be obeyed without question! Alcohol does nothing but turn noblemen into slobs who cheat on thier wives at night and beat them during the day.

Maiden: ........b-but

GET MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The maiden runs off slightly frightened hoping the reaction of the people is better than the mood her mistress is in.

Talless the Tactical Baroness of Aestus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Upon recieving Talless' message Kamekaze promptly sends messages out to the pubs of Aestus, and a few servants he used to know well: Smuggle all the liquer out of Aestus, safe storage in the Stallion will be available. "Well it's about time I called it a night. Come Susan I want to show you something. Tell me have you ever seen the back seat of a silver spokes grade 5 carraige??" She giggles. He waves back at the now unconsious Cartor who is crumpled under the table and Vlad who is trying to explain to Charlene the basic financial system of Caligus (wise move considering he's with Veni.) As he goes by the bouncer he says "See to it that Cartor makes it back to the palace safely, make up any excuse for him being drunk to his girlfriend. Do this and I'll see to it that a shiney gold coin finds its way into your pocket next time I'm here."

Kamekaze Marshal of the army of Domus

Drinking with the Finance Duo

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze was checking the new recruits. They were all standing very still and looking nervous. Kamekaze was smiling slightly which unnerved them even more. Finally he said "Good, good, fear is good, I don't want you to leap into battle suicidally... But I don't want you to abandon your positions or you'll have me to answer to...Well men, the Yssarians are no where in sight so I suggest you train for a few hours and maybe later enjoy whats left of your night."

He continues to walk toward the mounted soldiers and notices one whose horse is adorned with Aestus symbol of a yellow A on a Blue and Red striped background. He is very young and Kamekaze asks him "Tell me lad, how old are you?" "18 sir I just joined up." "18? I would have thought a lad of your age would try to avoid the front line, were you drafted to the barracks?" "No sir, I just turned 18 when alcohol in Aestus was made illegal." "Ah understandable" "Well, carry on"

Kamekaze continues walking along the line and once he reaches the end we says "Right that'll do, Dismissed!" He turns on his heel and is about to head out of the barracks just as Vlad is walking by.

"Vlad! Hey Vlad!"

Kamekaze High Marshal of Caligus

Roleplay from Vlad

Vlad was just walking by, back from the postal office.

"Kamekaze! good to see you here, I am just ready with my last paperwork."

"Hehe, Vlad, Always a busy man!"

"You need to relax some time, Medium is doing a great job, and you shouldnt start with even more work."

"There is a bar down the road, never tried it, its new, and very fancy, atracts lots of women" Kamekaze almost sees him self infront of him with dozen of girls around him.

"A well, It never hurts to take a few pints!" Kamekaze allready started to walk towards the bar, But Vlad waits a few seconds and remembers tehre last time together in a bar.

"Ow and Kame, Don't 'intoruduce' me to women from the local aristocracy again.." Kamekaze looks confused.

"You know... They like me for the mere fact I am a noble, I like women who place them selves on a same level as me..." Kamekazes head is almost looking to fall off instantly.

"eeeh, Vlad?"

"Uhm, Yes?"

"ARE you ok?"

"Yes... why?"

"Like... Your talking like a women..."

"HAHA, maybe thats why you cant acttualy KEEP any of them!"

The silent and Quite atmosphere of the Cosy streets of Domus was heavily interupted by the laugther of these two nobles as they walked into the bar.

While the evening was merly begun....

Vlad (Lord)

Letter from Medium

Thanks Vlad =).

Medium Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Baron of Scio

Roleplay from Vlad

After a few beers.

"Wow! where did that came from?"

"Did you hear that Kame? It was almost like Mediums voice... Damn anoying little squeky..."

"IT IS mediums voice Vlad, Hes just standing right behind you!" Kamekaze wispers carefully in Vlads ear...

Vlad (Lord)

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Medium and Vlad start talking finances while Kame allows his mind and his eyes to wander... He spots a blonde chick with a friend who had almost finished drinking something frilly. He turns back to face the money pushers.

"-so I was thinking about Nascot maybe we should have the civil servants-"

He wasn't missing anything...

"If you'll excuse me.."

He walks towards the ladies and takes a seat next to the friend. "Barman I'll have a glass of your finest ale, and seeing as these fine ladies have nearly finished theirs I'll buy them a fresh drink."

While the drinks are being prepared he introduces themselves but feels that saying his full title would be pompous, so instead he makes sure his money bag rattles loudly as he takes his seat and his sword is made visible as he swirls his cloak not to get it caught under the seat. He sees them looking at it but pretends not to

"This is my first time in this bar... I tend to stick to a bar run by someone I know" (he does not name the bar as he does not want the girls to know where to find him) "Was in the neighborhood and Vlad wanted a drink" He gestures over his shoulder and they look but quickly return their eyes to Kame and flutter their lashes.

He then sets about th routine: funny anecdotes, mild criticism of the blonde and then inviting them back to his table. They agree.

He walks towards the table and hears them muttering behind his back. If all had gone to plan the blonde would be sitting in the empty seat next to him.

She does (jackpot)

The other sits in between her friend and Medium. Medium and Vlad smile and introduce themselves and the friend starts trying to catch Mediums eye, Kamekaze pulls his lips off the blonde's and kick's Mediums's shin sharply under the table. Medium catches on but now Kame has the problem of Vlad being the 5th wheel. He decides that he should start a converstion about "The good old days" and allow Medium to decide whether he wants to join in or continue sucking off his new friend's face...

Kamekaze High Marshal of Caligus