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Hassan Barghouti

Age: 24
Realm: Sandalak
Status: Hero
Rank: Knight, Brute Squad member

Hassan started his career in Sandalak where he fought for two years before retiring after he got married and became a father. He lived a quiet life in Sandalak City, until his brother was killed by the enemies of Ikalak during the battle of Korlok. Infuriated by the death of Najib, Hassan picked up his bow again and started a new career in the ranks of Sandalak, as a Knight of Korlok, so he could continue his brother's work: keeping Korlok out of Ikalak's grasp for good.

He quickly established his name and grew to become and even more dedicated soldier than his late brother, and was consequently awarded the First Battle of Ikalak medal and the Conqueror of Ikalak medal for his efforts in liberating the Ikalakian capital and putting it under Sandalakian control. He was a master in archery, and favoured archer units over other types. He expected his soldiers to be every bit as good with a bow as he was, which made his archers amongst the best in the world. They could easily compete in terms of strength with units much larger than themselves.

But after he suffered a head injury during one of the many battles on the South-East Island, Hassan underwent a complete metamorphosis. He started training his body vigorously, which quickly turned the slender, refined soldier in a muscular, ferocious warrior. He never touched his bow again, and instead, retrieved Najib's scimitar from his grave, so he could fight in the frontlines, where the blood flowed and the fighting was at its most primitive and brutal. For every life he claimed, he marked his chest with a tattooed skull-and-crossbones. After a few months, he ran out of space to put them on.

He was a member of Lord Boswick's Brute Squad, an elite team of only the most blood-thirsty and twisted warriors in the ranks of Sandalak, whose only goal was to spill as much blood as possible. Whether it was the blood of soldiers, or common peasants, it did not matter. The Brute Squad brought only death and destruction in their wake. Under their lead, the Sandalakian army massacred over 20,000 peasants in Taselak City alone, and thousands more elswehere.

"Al-Muntaqim, The Avenger"


First Battle of Ikalak Medal
Conqueror of Ikalak Medal

Dueling History:

Argos (Ikalak): defeat by surrender Delaran (Sandalak): victory by first blood