Difference between revisions of "Sterksain Family/Grimbaldus"

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Very elegant yet very earthy <br>
Very elegant yet very earthy <br>
Home of many but no one speaks <br>
Home of many but no one speaks <br>
Where is it the path continues <br> <br>
Where is it the path continues? <br> <br>
He who makes it, doesn't need it <br>
He who makes it, doesn't need it <br>

Revision as of 03:49, 21 May 2006

Grimbaldus Sterksain

The youngest of the family, always looked up to his brother Aethelmaer, and absolutely hated Trystrem. His parents were fond of him, although Aethelmaer was the one that was favored the most. He was liked more than Trystrem, so that kept him happy.

The Younger Days

Grimbaldus wasn't much of anything when he was young. He never really liked the fact that Aethelmaer always wanted to get out. He would follow sometimes, but only when it wouldn't get him in trouble, like just to go search the house for things, or for when they were trying to watch Trystrem get into trouble, or something to that effect. Often times would run away, where Aethelmaer wouldn't and never got into any trouble.

Growing up

Grimbaldus was always quiet, his parents were thankful for that. With their hands full with Trystrem, and Aethelmaer all the time, Grim was a welcome relief. There was the occasional time when Grim would do something to attract his parents attention. Kept them from thinking he wasn't gonna be anything when he grew up. One day, when Grim was seven, he was in his pen playing with Aethelmaer. They had been play wrestling over a stuffed animal, when Grim had pinned down Aethelmaer and won. Grim took his prize and he took a nap in one corner of the pen. When he awoke, the pen was open, and Aethelmaer was gone. Instead of normally finding his parent to deal with what happened, he took it into his own hands, and began looking for Aethelmaer. He knew Aeth would have tried to get out if he could, and not surprisingly the front door was wide open. He walked out, and down the street started calling out his name, he began to walk through the woods, and kept calling his name. The sun began to set, and Grim knew it was too late to do anything now. Giving up, he went back home, and then told his parents about what had happened. This shocked them, and after his long day, he went to bed.

For the next couple of years, Grimbaldus was sent to school. These years flew by, although he felt like they were going slowly. Over these years, he watched Aethelmaer being taught the ways of the ranger, and helped him with his training as much as he could.

The Accident

Aethelmaer had been training in the woods, his father had work to do and left Aethelmaer and Grimbaldus alone at home. Aethelmaer did what he did best, and did what he wasn't supposed to do. This time he went out to train alone like he always did, and Grim of course went to help. This time, he couldn't help feeling something terrible was going to happen. Deeper and deeper they went into the woods, when Aeth had finally found the clearing he normally goes to. Grimbaldus was told by Aeth to climb up the trees and pick apples, while Aethelmaer hammered planks to the trees to hold the apples. Grim returned with pockets full of apples, and set them upon the shelves. Aethelmaer took a position where the apples were all at varying distances, and fired his first arrow. It found its mark in the closest apple. The next apple was pierced. Then the next. And again, he pierced the fourth. The last, he took careful aim then just before he let go, his foot came out from under him by some unknown force, and the arrow flew off into the air. Grim was just running around a tree just behind Aethelmaer, and oblivious to what had happened continued. Aethelmaer hit the ground watching the arrow, and then saw Grim, waltzing around the tree. It seemed as if it was in slow motion, he went to scream for Grim, but it was too late. The arrow came down and Aethelmaer couldn't watch. Grim suddenly felt a sharp pain, as an arrow lodged itself into his stomach, and fell over writhing in pain. Aethelmaer chose not to watch, but could hear the violent screams of his brother, piercing his ears. Grim tried to remove the arrow, but his strength had left him, and only caused more pain, so he lied there wondering what was to become of him. The pain being to much for him, he finally passed out. Aethelmaer opened his eyes, when the screams were gone, and bolted for the house. All he could do was hope his parents were home.

Grim awoke with a huge pain in his stomach, he tried to sit up, but he didn't have any strength in his stomach muscles. He also felt queazy and managed to turn to the side before he vomited. He felt as if he was being suffocated from the inside, having trouble breathing. After a few struggling painful coughs, his mother finally walked in. She insisted that Grim stay laying down, and resting as that would only complicate the matter. After getting down some water, Grim fell into an uneasy sleep. This sleep brought dreams of death and destruction. He felt he his skin was burning and that he was being ripped apart by unknown forces. He also dreamt that his parents were both killed in a raid by bandits, and that he was alone to face the world. He awoke again the next day, still with the pain in his stomach, but this time a doctor was hunched over him. The doctor gave him strange liquids that made him feel numb inside. At least he was able to sleep without the pain. With some more water, and this time a little bit of food, he was able to sleep a good nights rest.

Becoming of Age

Grimbaldus never really had any special skills as he grew up. The only thing that kept him going was his eagerness to learn. School had brought him everything he had wanted, and that was an infinite amount of knowledge. With this knowledge he became a pretty smart young man. When Aethelmaer went out on hunts, he took along Grim, often for his knowledge, and for his brilliant strategies.

A Strange Door

Grim, one day, was extremely bored with his studies, and with it being summer, he also felt the worthlessness of studying if he wasn't to be tested on the new materials. Since school ended, Grim had been figuring out what he should do. He decided one day to help Aethelmaer with his training of the sword and bow, practically because Aethelmaer had begged him to come, but didn't give him a reason. The two set out into the woods, and Grim found out he was tricked into coming on a little journey after they had passed by where Aethelmaer normally trains. Aethelmaer had finally told him of a stone door he had found, but couldn't open due to a riddle of a strange language that he couldn't read. Grim was tempted to just turn around and go back home, but some strange force told him something was to come of this little journey. Finally, when they had reached the door, Grim studied the passage and learned it was of the language he was studying: Latin. It read as a riddle:

I lie in secret
Back in town
Hidden in store
Where metal hangs
Abound under stone
Lies the way
To the path
Inside this door

Grim had no idea what it was trying to say except for the fact that the something was hidden in town that would bring them to the path leading them inside this strange door. After a few minutes of thinking, Aethelmaer guessed that it was hidden in the Blacksmith's shop. So, they traveled to the blacksmith's shop and as they were standing inside the shop, Grim found out he floor was made of stone. Whatever it was they were searching for was to be found under it. So Grim and Aethelmaer got down on hands and knees, knocking at the floor until finally, one of the stone blocks sounded different than the rest. Grim took Aethelmaer's sword and pried open the small cover to a small hole in the floor, where lay a small glass bottle with a scroll inside. The two anxiously took it, set back the cover and ran outside. Grim smashed the bottle on the ground, unrolled the scroll, and it read:

The path continues:
Royal chambers for royal people
Very elegant yet very earthy
Home of many but no one speaks
Where is it the path continues?

He who makes it, doesn't need it
He who buys it, doesn't use it
He who uses it, doesn't know it
Where does the next step lie?