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The Extreme family

Lord Darkfire:-

Lord Darkfire was a mighty hero known long ago for some of the famous battles he faught in under the command of the Iron Throne of Ubent. He was his parents first child and elder brother to Lady Misty and Lord Gunfire. Lord Darkfire died on the battlefield serving his country; He died with honour as a famous Iron Knight of Ubent long ago.

Lady Misty:-

Lady Misty is a strong minded woman and when she puts her mind to it she lets nothing get in her way. She is a renound beurocrat and has spent many years serving as one. Although her brother Lord Darkfire decided to stay in Ubent near the family home, Lady Misty decided to start her career in Ibladesh, this was during the time when Ibladesh and Ubent were allies. Lady Misty quickly rose up the ranks and was appointed Countess of Oc Lu Pesh; She remained the countess of Oc Lu Pesh for many years, protecting the region and its people from harms way. As time passed and certain events took place such as the broken Alliance with Ubent, and her family and as Ibladesh finally took up arms to restore peace across the East Continent Lady Misty found religion in the form of a patheon of gods and godess's. After a certain ammount of time Lady Misty became a spiritual leader and constructed a Church in Oc Lu Pesh so that many people could have the opportunity to respect and honour the gods in a place of worship. Due to the respect Lady Misty had earned and due to the loyalty she had shown to Ibladesh she was made a member of the council and given the job of the realms Judge, and soon after that she became Banker of Ibladesh. As it seemed all was going well for Lady Misty it seemed that somewhere on the island she had made an enemy and was struck in her sleep with a poison dagger; It looked as if she wouldnt make it through the night and the pontifex at the time Lady Sorcha had no choice but to appoint a new Count or Countess of Oc Lu Pesh; Although the gods blessed Lady Misty and gave her the strength to recover. Now without any title to hold other than a Spiritual leader she thought it best to depart from Ibladesh after her many years of loyal service and begin her physical spiritual journey and travel the world delivering the teachings and wisdom of the gods to others on the East Continent; But it seemed as if there was another fate in mind for Lady Misty before her journey would begin, she was appointed as the Duchess of Ibladesh; Which she thought was one of the biggest honours there could be... to be appointed the position of Duchess of a capital city; But before accepting the position Lady Misty made sure that the pontifex knew that the position would only be temporary. A few months down the line Lady Misty knew the time was now to begin her journey, she bid her friends goodbye and vowed to return one day and began her spiritual journey, she traveled far, delivering lessons about the gods to those that would here her speak on her way and eventually reached the Realm of the Light of Fountain.