Luria Nova/Events/Melee Event: Difference between revisions

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  Despite the intense exchanges, everyone manages to survive the round. Although Galandric got dismounted early on, he valiantly endured with sword and shield in hand, earning the admiration of the cheering crowds.
  Despite the intense exchanges, everyone manages to survive the round. Although Galandric got dismounted early on, he valiantly endured with sword and shield in hand, earning the admiration of the cheering crowds.

In a show of respect for the surviving participants, the last man standing points are evenly distributed among them. Each participant gains 1 point in addition to the 10 basic participation points. Galandric, overcoming his dismount, earns an additional 3 points for being the crowd's favorite player of the round, receiving a well-deserved ovation from the spectators.
In a show of respect for the surviving participants, the last man standing points are evenly distributed among them. Each participant gains 1 point in addition to the 10 basic participation points. Galandric, overcoming his dismount, earns an additional 3 points for being the crowd's favorite player of the round, receiving a well-deserved ovation from the spectators.

Revision as of 07:09, 7 March 2024


Lance(Noble) - -1 Point

Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 2 1
Jousting 1 1
Leadership 2 1
Tactical Mind 2 1
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
⚔Ace(C)(Modified Break Formation) 2 x1.1 🔒(Level)Morale Boost & +2 Advantage


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 2 1
Leadership 3 2
Tactical Mind 1 1
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Flanking Maneuver(C) 1 x1.0


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 3 2 Weaponbreaker(Simple Attack Lowering Enemy's Offense)
Jousting 2 1
Leadership 1 1
Tactical Mind 0
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note


Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 2 1
Jousting 1 1
Leadership 2 1
Tactical Mind 2 1
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
⚔Dragon Tamer(S)(Modified Charge Attack) 1 x1.0 🔒1 Stun & +1 Advantage Number of Enemies stunned equals to (Lvl of the skill)/3. Minimum 1, Maximum 3.
Strike Together(S) 1 x1.0

Njal(Noble) - 0 Points

Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 2 1
Jousting 1 1
Leadership 2 1
Tactical Mind 2 1
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note
Charge Attack(S) 1 x1.0
Flanking Maneuver(C) 1 x1.0

Lexis(Captain) - 0 Point

Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Swordfighting 3 2 First Strike(x2 Effectiveness for the first attack)
Jousting 0 0
Leadership 1 1
Tactical Mind 0 0
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Peasant 1 1(+1) 50
Peasant 1 1 50
Peasant 1 1 50 🩸Injured(By Galandric)
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note

Rojak(Captain) - 10 Points

Knight Level Effectiveness Impacts & Traits Note
Jousting 0 0
Tactical Mind 0 0
Unit Offense Defense Morale Status
Available Tactics Level Multiplier Impact Note


Based on each level you invest in, your impact improves.

Level Points Effectiveness Impact
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 2 Unlocks a Trait(Swordfighting)(Jousting)
4 4 2
5 5 3 Unlocks a Trait(Leadership)
6 6 3 Unlocks an Impact(Swordfighting)(Jousting)
7 10 4
8 12 4
9 15 5 Unlocks a Trait(Swordfighting)(Jousting)
10 18 5 Unlocks a Trait(Leadership)
  • Traits: You can 3 options to choose from when you unlock one.


Affects your attacks while dismounted.


Name Level Description
First Strike 3 Your attack during the first turn of each round will be twice as effective(x2 Effectiveness for the first attack)
Inspiring Presence 3 +1 Morale Boost per turn
Weaponbreaker 3 Your simple attacks will also lower your enemy's offense(By 1)
Powerful Impact 3 +2 Impact Advantage


Affects your attacks while mounted.


Affects your unit stats. The number of troops affected by your leadership is Level/2 rounded up.

Tactical Mind

Affects the number of tactical options and their impacts. You need to which tactic to focus on(Offensive or Defensive).



  • Cost is per man.
  • (O) = Leadership bonus applies to the offensive stat of the unit
  • (D) = Leadership bonus applies to the defensive stat of the unit
  • (C) = Leadership bonus applies to the chosen stat of the unit

Tier I

Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Formation Chaotic Cost
Peasant(D) 1 1 50 1 -3 1
Thug(O) 2 0 40 -2 2 2
Hunter(O) 2 1 60 2 -1 3

Tier II

Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Formation Chaotic Cost
Retired Soldier(D) 2 2 55 2 0 4
Orzian Skirmisher(O) 3 1 60 0 2 5
Sallowtown Spearmen(D) 3 3 50 4 -2 7

Tier III

Backgrounds Offense Defense Morale Formation Chaotic Cost
Aylwinic Auxiliary(O) 4 4 45 4 -1 9
Margarethan Axemaster(O) 6 4 55 1 5 12
Baelrican Blademaster(C) 9 9 65 3 3 15


Tactics are triggered randomly in each round, influenced by your tactical mind points, providing a higher likelihood of performing specific tactics based on your choices. Having more points invested increases your chance of triggering and succeeding in performing the tactics.

Tactic Type Description
Strike Together(S) Offensive Enhances your chances of inflicting injury or demoralizing enemies with a single attack.
Hold Position(F) Defensive Attempts to stand firm against advancing enemies, reinforcing your defensive stance.
Break Formation(C) Offensive Strives to disrupt the enemy formation. If successful, their formation breaks down, but failure risks breaking your own formation.
Charge Attack(S) Offensive Executes a straightforward charge attack. Success results in a melee engagement with the enemy. However, failure leads to the complete breakdown of your formation.
Flanking Maneuver(C) Offensive Attempt to outflank your opponents, attacking from the sides or rear for increased chances of success. However, if the maneuver fails, you risk exposing your own flanks.
Shield Wall(F) Defensive Form a defensive shield wall, providing increased protection against enemy attacks. Effective against frontal assaults, but vulnerable to flanking or attacks from behind.
Countercharge(F) Defensive Anticipate enemy charges and respond with a countercharge, disrupting their momentum. Requires precise timing and can be highly effective when executed correctly.
Custom Tactic(?) ? You can create your own tactic to counter any existing tactic.
  • Offensive and Defensive tactics use your unit's associated stats.

Tactical Advantage

(S)imple tactics are more effective against (C)hotic tactics. (C)haotic tactics against (F)ormation tactics. (F)ormation tactics against (S)imple tactics.

  • S > C > F > S

Each tactic has specific usage conditions. (S)imple tactics are available at any time, except when your unit is in a state of panic. For (F)ormation tactics, your unit must maintain a stable morale state within the range of 31 to 89. (C)haotic tactics require your unit to be above 50.

Advantage Calculation:

  • Tactic Type Check(S, C, F)
  • Level Difference Check
  • Offensive or Defensive Tactic. For Offensive, add Unit's Offensive number. For Defensive to the opposite.
  • For (C) and (F), add unit numbers associated.
  • Advantage Added
  • = Final Total


Offensive and Defensive impact trigger chances are separate.

Level Tactical Points Impact Multiplier Unlock Impact Type
1 1 x1.0 Morale Damage
2 2 x1.1 Morale Boost
3 3 x1.2 Lower Enemy Defense
4 4 x1.3 Lower Enemy Offense
5 5 x1.4 Cause Injury to Unit
6 7 x1.5 Cause Injury to Knight
7 9 x1.6 Stun(Knight gets dismounted when stunned)
8 11 x1.7 Critical Hit(Chance)
9 13 x1.8 3% Instant Kill(Chance)
10 15 x2.0 Change Tactics


After each round, depending on your performance, you will receive game points. You can use them to either improve your knight's stats or your unit stats. Or you can improve your tactics.


Melee Event Announcement

With everyone now prepared, we are excited to officially commence the event. Each round will feature a distinct format, ranging from free-for-alls to unexpected team-ups with participants you may not prefer. Throughout the event, the number of turns per round will vary, demanding strategic decisions on whom to attack and which tactics to employ. The rest will be left to chance.

Our inaugural round kicks off as a free-for-all, spanning three intense turns. The last participant standing will secure an additional 5 points. Following this round, all participants will receive a baseline of 5 points. Furthermore, the individual chosen as the crowd's favorite will earn an extra 3 points. Remember to captivate and entertain your audience. You have one day to craft your strategy for the upcoming round. Best of luck to all participants! May the melee unfold in your favor!

Round 1 - Free-For-All, 3 Turns

Basic Reward: 5 points
Last Man Standing Reward: 5 points
Crowd's Favourite: 3 points

Turn 1

The exhilarating first turn of the round kicks off with all participants thundering towards each other on their mighty steeds.
Lance skillfully thrusts the tip of his lance at Linden, who retaliates with a perfectly timed strike of his own. The clash sends shockwaves through Lance, but Linden's lance leaves a mark on Lance's weapon.
Seizing the opportunity, Njal exploits the moment and delivers a powerful blow, almost sending Lance tumbling off his horse.
Quick on the draw, Samson seizes the chance to strike at Njal. In the midst of the chaos, Galandric and Lexis engage in a fierce exchange. With a single, expertly aimed blow to Galandric's chest, Lexis dismounts him in a spectacle of skill. However, Galandric's counterattack lands on one of Lexis' hired peasants, leaving the unfortunate soul wounded in the midst of the thrilling battlefield.

Turn 2

The second turn of the round erupts into utter chaos as the battlefield becomes a flurry of swift movements and clashes.
Lance, seizing the moment, shifts his focus to Galandric, who is still recovering from Lexis' brutal initial strike. Lance's lance collides with Galandric's shield, forcefully pushing him back.
Undeterred by Lance's assault, Galandric swiftly pursues Lexis, managing to strike him with his sword just as Lexis attempts to ride away.
In a surprising turn of events, Linden switches targets and charges after Samson. With precision, he lands a clean blow that momentarily throws Samson off balance.
Recovering swiftly, Samson retaliates, directing his attack at Galandric, who had just finished engaging with Lexis. Despite Samson's forceful strike, Galandric's shield proves resilient and withstands the assault.
Meanwhile, Njal redirects his attention to the closest target, which happens to be Linden. Riding after him, Njal times his attack perfectly, striking Linden as soon as he completes his maneuver. Despite the impact, Linden skillfully regains his balance.
Not to be outdone, Lexis turns away from Galandric and charges at Samson. With finesse, Lexis delivers a powerful and clean attack on Samson, who manages to cling to his horse, at least for the time being. The battlefield pulses with the intensity of each rider's maneuvers and the clash of weapons.

Turn 3

As the final turn of the round unfolds, the battlefield is charged with anticipation. Lance charges at Samson, delivering a swift blow that nearly dislodges him from his horse. However, Samson retaliates with equal vigor, countering Lance's attack and almost causing him to lose balance on his mount.
Undeterred by his earlier dismount, Galandric persists in chasing Lexis. Catching up just before Lexis initiates his charge, Galandric lands a forceful blow directly to Lexis' body. The impact is powerful enough to almost dismount Lexis, but he skillfully regains his balance, swiftly returning a blow to Galandric.
Linden changes course, riding toward Njal with remarkable speed. Upon catching up, he delivers a strong blow to Njal, who resiliently shakes it off. In a surprising turn, Njal retaliates with a hit that catches Linden off guard.
Despite the intense exchanges, everyone manages to survive the round. Although Galandric got dismounted early on, he valiantly endured with sword and shield in hand, earning the admiration of the cheering crowds.
In a show of respect for the surviving participants, the last man standing points are evenly distributed among them. Each participant gains 1 point in addition to the 10 basic participation points. Galandric, overcoming his dismount, earns an additional 3 points for being the crowd's favorite player of the round, receiving a well-deserved ovation from the spectators.