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Founding Prophet Kenneth Gotz (Luria Nova)
Heliacal Wassgandr Felsenbach (Luria Nova)
Prophet Tybalt Tideweaver (Luria Nova)
Seers Celina Stormreaver (Luria Nova) Galandric Aboolio (Luria Nova)
Nobles 13
Estimated Followers 120,000
Temples 12
Shrines 73

Stub: This article is currently just a concept to be discussed in the discord and is not reflective of the current religion

Lux Nova was founded as an offshoot of the church of Sanguis Astroism by the Holy Prophet Kenneth Gotz. In the aftermath of the Lurian D'Haran War Kenneth was appalled at the use of the Sanguis Astro church as a tool of warfare on the side of the D'Haran war front. He brought his concerns to the council of the Bloodstar church and called for the offending prophetess Katrina Dragul to step down from her role of leadership in the church, but was told that it was he who was wrong to question the power and authority of the church.

This caused Kenneth to go out into the Desert of Silhouettes in order to undergo a period of prayer, meditation, and reflection about his faith. Under the blistering Summer sun he searched for meaning behind where the church had strayed, and after several days without food or water, a vision came to him. An apparition of Mathurin Hossenfeffer, the founder of Sanguis Astroism, appeared before him made from sparkling rays of light. The figure pointed to the sky, and to the sun. Kenneth looked and beheld truth within the light of the blinding Sun. It all became so clear to him, that within his third prophecy Mathurian had been saying that the Sun itself was the tool of prophecy, and that it was the third eye that would grant humanity visions beyond sight.

Culture of the Faith

The Absolute Power of the Sun

Followers of Lux Nova believe that the Sun is the one true source of power and knowledge in the universe, but that only the most powerfully trained and adapted of mortal men can hone their minds to take in the awesome force of the Sun directly. They believe that the Bloodstars of Sanguinis Astroism do carry a modicum power for knowledge and prophecy, but only because they reflect small points of it from the ultimate source, the Sun. They believe in the beginning the bloodstars were from where Mathurin Hossenfeffer drew his first two prophesies, but they believe that by his end the prophet had discovered the true source of his power was in fact the Sun. It is beleived he worried that if he shared this knowledge with his church that they would destroy themselves, that the full power of the sun was too powerful for any but the most disciplined of minds to take in with any meaningful result. Thus Mathurin left his third prophecy as a means for future generations, who he hoped would gain insight and wisdom through generational knowledge, would one day be able to discover the truth of where his otherworld insights had originated.

The Common Followers of Lux Nova

It is accepted in Lux Nova that only the most wise and disciplined of minds can look into the face of the sun and pull forth knowledge and wisdom from its light. Others will simply be overwhelmed by the unmitigated and unfiltered deluge that is the raw power of the sun, and as a result they are blinded by the Suns rays. As a matter of principle, Noble born individuals are the only one expected to even stand a chance of being able to discipline themselves into deriving truth from the light. Commoners and others are expected typically only to listen to the words of the prophets and seers, for to look at the Sun themselves would result in only blindness and madness. Some try anyway, and the prophets get to say 'I told you so.' Most commoners will discuss prophecies and truths passed down from the prophet and it keeps them busy and occupied, as they should be.

The Noble Followers of Lux Nova

Nobles are typically given to the expectation that their blood and heritage grants them the pedicure to better be able to take in and interpret the knowledge and power of the Sun. Despite this, most are expected not to be able to do so by staring directly into it. Instead many look to other means of looking into the Suns light and deriving truths. For many the Bloodstars remain an active and reliable medium through which to derive prophecy without the dangers of going blind. For other more daring souls, looking into the Sun indirectly through the medium of a thin cloth or through the reflection of a clear pool of water has been said to grant visions. Typically most nobles only rely on such practices when they want to privately seek out answers for their prayers though, and the rest of the time they seek our the trained prophets and seers of the faith, who through years of disciplined training are said to have mastered interpreting the light of the Sun.

The Seers and Prophets

Nobles who dedicate their lives to being priests or priestesses of Lux Nova dedicate themselves to training in order to better interpret the signs and messages the Suns light provides. In the beginning they typically learn by using the Bloodstar or other refractions of light in the night sky that are easier to take in and understand, and as their skills and discipline develop they typically escalate to more daring methods. Only once a priest or priestess can stare into the light of the Sun directly and pull forth visions and knowledge can they earn the greater title of "Prophet" within the church. It is the role of the priesthood to share their prophecies with their congregation, and the more of these prophecies can be interpreted as coming true the more influential in the church they tend to be regarded. Unsurprisingly some of the most influential Prophets are known for their extremely esoteric and open to interpretation prophecies.

The Heliacal

It is the standing tradition among the church of Lux Nova that while the seers and prophets of the church interpret the wisdom of the Sun, wielding the unmitigated power of the Sun requires an Investiture. While an Investiture can be used to sanctify and item with a portion of the Suns power and make it into a holy relic, it can also be used to invest the suns power directly into an individual. Taking in the power of the sun itself is said to be a task no normal man or woman can achieve, and to attempt it would result in their annihilation. Only the most noble of nobles can hold an investiture within their body and survive, that of course being an actively serving Ruler. The one that undergoes this process becomes the Heliacal of Lux Nova, a living embodiment of the Suns power and wisdom on the mortal realm, and is considered head of the church. While they may not be able to derive prophecy from the Sun as the priests of the faith do, their investiture is considered to grant them inhuman wisdom and intellect, and some even say it can grant him or her divine powers. By tradition the active ruler of Luria Nova, the founding place of Lux Nova, has been the one to undergo the Investiture ritual within the Desert of Silhouettes and become Heliacal of the Church. When a ruler steps down or is otherwise removed from their seat of power the investiture leaves them, and the new ruler is not considered the Heliacal of the church until they undergo the ritual themselves.

The Grand Prophet

The Grand Prophet is the religious leader of Lux Nova, second only to the Heliacal. When there is no current Heliacal, they are the defacto leader of the faith. It is their job to oversee the maintenance and running of the church, promote and appoints seers and prophets within the church, and carry out many of the rituals of the faith. Prophesies passed down by the Grand Prophet are considered to be absolute and beyond doubt. If the prophesy for whatever reason appears not to have come to pass it is simply due to a misinterpretations or because the specified events are destined for some far off future beyond the lifetimes of those alive when it was made. The words of the Grand prophet are constantly recorded by a full time scribe so future generations can read through them and interpret their words for any hint of prophecy within day to day conversation.

Rituals of the Faith

There are several notable rituals within the faith of Lux Nova, most of them in some way involving staring at the sun.

The Ritual of Entry

This ritual is performed upon any and all who join the faith of Lux Nova. The aspiring applicant must strip themselves of outer garments and bask in the warmth of the sun while kneeling in front of one of Lux Nova's temples. They stare into the face of the sun with closed eyes. Typically a temple priest will look for signs from the sun as the individual does this and will pass on whatever insight about the persons future they derive from the Sun during the ceremony.

The Prophets Ritual

When a Seer of the faith becomes skilled enough in their craft to be promoted to the ranks of Prophet they must be anointed at a holy place of the faith. Typically the Desert of Silhouettes, where the prophet Kenneth has his vision, or the Temple in the city of Shinnen, the first temple of the faith, are used for this ceremony. In times of unrest it is possible to carry out the ceremony at any temple of the faith, but it is considered better to perform the ritual in one of the holiest places. The Grand Prophet stands back to back with the aspirant and both stare upward into the Sun for 5 minutes without interruption. Afterward, the aspirant reveals what vision they saw within the suns light. If the Grand Prophet corroborates their vision, they are named a prophet. If the Grand Prophet does not, the aspirant is not promoted, and this is generally considered a great dishonor.

The Heliacal Ceremony

Considered to be the most holy ceremony of the faith, this ornate ritual can only be carried out within the Desert of Silhouettes. All of the faithful are invited to partake in this ritual within the desert, Commoner and noble alike, and furthermore it is expected that all prophets and seers attend otherwise bring great dishonor on themselves. The pilgrimage to where the Founding Prophet Kenneth first had his vision is considered part of the tribulation that the new Heliacal must endure, though only a small part. ((TO be finished from here))