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Content Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence


Latest revision as of 04:23, 21 January 2023

Content Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence


Terror from the woods, Ustimbar

Banners silently flapped in the wind as they moved through the rogue lands of Ustimbar. The Royal Knights formed a long line, stretching across the road, guarding the Queen amidst them. Markvart's Bisciyan riders formed the front of the column, acting as vanguard and scouting in front of them.

Silence surrounded the woods around them. Suspicious, unsettling silence, like calm before a sudden storm. Markvart's riders, worried about the sudden silence, kept their eyes locked on the forest, trying to pierce the trees and dense bushes with their gaze. But no one expected, what was about to happen.

A lone rider, one of the scouts Markvart sent forward, leapt over the nearby horizon and raced towards the column, shouting and waving his arms. Stopping their horses, the Bisciyans just managed to draw swords in confused anticipation before a dozen monsters emerged from the forest, smashing into the riders. Markvart couldn't make out what was attacking them, he had never seen such a creature before. Slashing his soldiers almost in half with massive claws, slaughtering their horses, the unprepared Bisciyans stood no chance against the onslaught. Markvart stabbed one of the monsters, as he attacked him, getting his sword stuck inside of the creature. Not willing to lose his sword, he kept holding and trying to pull it out, when the monster turned and began to run away, the sudden movement making Markvart fall of his horse.

His own screams were concealed by the wailing and screams of his dying retainers, as the monster pulled Markvart into the dark forest and away from the fight.



The state of the North was far beyond what Alyssa expected following the landing in Sirion. The landing itself had already caused unexpected logistical problems, as degraded infrastructure had made a full-scale landing impossible, and diverted some of their ships to other ports. She had expected some disrepair given the difficulties the Republicans had had maintaining control over their wayward Northern provinces, but the devastation was extensive and alarming as the Royal party made their way towards Parm.

Entire towns had been abandoned and left to collapse on themselves, the rotting and broken homes and buildings of villages they passed brought bitter memories of the destruction brought to the land of Perdan, though here she knew it was not warfare but neglect that wrought this desolation. The few people they passed watched the royal party with varied glances of concern, scorn, or desperation. As their journey took them through the woods of Osslamar, fog drifted in from the coast, darkening the already thick canopy with a haunting atmosphere.

Alyssa was mostly silent, except when taking reports from her knights and dispatching communications to the rest of the column, as if any loud noise might disturb the forest itself and bring upon its wrath.

"That last junction is not on our map." She said quietly to Kira Verall, her personal bodyguard who rode at her side.

"No, Your Majesty, but given our present course, it should connect to the same main road we will reach on our current route."

Alyssa scrunched her lip and glanced to her knight. "And has there been any word from my wife's section of the column? There was some question as to whether we had the correct rendezvous point."

Kira's lip twitched slightly before she continued, "Nothing, Your Majesty."

Alyssa's heart sank. "So we are not lost, Kira?"

"I assure it." The knight replied with a salute. It was then the screaming began from the vanguard. Alyssa drew her sword without hesitation and reined her horse dashing forward, Kira right behind.

The scene was chaos when they arrived, large brutish monsters as tall as two men, with terrible horns, beaks, claws, and maws were ripping through the vanguard soldiers, dragging men off horses and crushing supply carts. Alyssa charged ahead, her blade cutting deep into the side of one, Kira's slicing across the other, as the creature roared in pain and black blood sprayed from its wounds. As they crossed for another pass however, Alyssa was knocked straight from her horse by a great clawed fist which stretched out monstrously from one of the other massive beasts.

She fell upon her back, breathless her sword clattering to the ground several feet away. She wheezed and felt the ringing in her ears, disoriented and winded from the blow and fall. As she struggled to regain breath she saw the blonde knight slide expertly from her saddle, a frenzied cry coming from Kira as she grabbed a spear lost by one of the guardsmen and charged the creature, impaling its leg clean through.

"You will not touch her!" The knight cried as the beast fell to its knee. She slammed herself into it knocking it over through sheer fury, pulling her sword again from its sheath and burying it again and again into the creature's neck. The woman slaughtered the beast with unbridled fury, until only a bloody mess remained, she leaped off and ran to Alyssa's side, coated in doom, her face red with fury and despair.

"Your Majesty... there is blood..."

The world still spun in Alyssa's head, and a wave of uncertainty hit her. She looked up at the knight in confusion.

"Was that me?" she said through gasps for air.

Kira looked back equally confused. "You were knocked from your horse, Your Majesty."

Things began to settle and her breathing returned to her. "I... Yes." Alyssa said standing to her feet, with Kira's assistance. The battle had ended as quickly as it started, several of the creatures dead on the ground the rest retreated, though only a few humans remained, the rest scattered into the woods in the confusion. She pulled off her gauntlet and touched where she felt blood on her cheek, though she found no wound.

"Not mine." She said, though she did feel a bruise on her forehead. She glanced around at the scattered company.

"What do we do, your Majesty?" one of her knights asked

Alyssa's breath steadied as her attention shifted. "Our duty as always, protect the people of Perdan and lead them to safety. Find the rest of our company, find a way out."


Alyssa donned her gloves, sliding the white velvet up to her elbows. Even after nearly 20 years she had not gotten used to them. A gauntlet she imagined would still fit better, though since the war had ended she grimaced at the thought of that too. She gave a sigh and flattened the skirt of her gown, a bit resigned to the opulence of such formal attire. Today was an official state appearance, and so tradition and the prestige of the Kingdom required an extra level of regality in her appearance to fulfill her role as a symbol of the Kingdom.

Despite her protests, she even ended up with a light application of cosmetics to go along with the fanciful white lace dress the ministers had dressed her in.

"I am the protector of the Kingdom," She argued, uselessly. "How am I to protect our people- That is far too tight!"

They at least allowed her to decide upon her own hairstyle, a simple and conservative bun, in the middle to allow room for the jewelled crown of Perdan, in its full splendor, and its full weight, the large spikey circlet of gold and jewels resting heavily atop her head.

Despite her discomfort, Alyssa understood the importance of appearances, and the importance of personal sacrifice, especially for one's people. At least she would be able to see Isana dressed up as gaudily as she was, the thought amused and excited her, allowing her a small beacon of hope amidst what would very likely be a long ceremony.

She fiddled with the lace to ensure it was set perfectly when a knock came at the door. "Your Majesty..." called the soft voice of her personal secretary.

"Enter, Thea."

She did and the other bowed graciously. "You are beautiful, Your Majesty..."

"So I have been told." Alyssa replied, glancing over to the bed for her sword, and sliding it through the golden sash around her waist.

"You look like a true Queen, Your Majesty. Sirion will be impressed with us."

Alyssa hmmed at that, considering the statement thoughtfully. "Do I only look a true Queen, Thea?"

"You are a true Queen, Your Majesty, I meant no offense."

Alyssa stiffened at this, her eyes narrowing, the bright blue growing chiller as her gaze fell to the young woman before her. "You would not lie to me would you, Thea."

Thea froze and tensed up, likely sensing she had made some mistake, to her credit, her voice trembled only a little as she answered. "You saved my life, and my son from that awful woman. You are my Queen, Your Majesty."

Alyssa nodded slowly. "True enough. But what if I had failed, or what if I had chosen to protect someone else over you? Would I still be a true and righteous Queen?"

Thea hesitated for a moment. "That, I don't believe is within my power to answer, choices like that, those aren't up to me, Your Majesty."

"No," Alyssa said a bit resigned, "I suppose they are not. They are up to me."

"But you did save me, Your Majesty. And a lot of others. That doesn't go away."

"No," Alyssa said, her expression unchanged. "I suppose not. Thea, are they ready to announce us?"

"Oh!" The other exclaimed, jumping slightly. "Yes, Your Majesty, that what I came to tell you."

"Please take me to my escorts, Thea."

Four Whiteguard Knights stood behind her, Kira, Julian, Michel, and Louis, their white capes flowing nearly to the ground. The train of her own dress spread about a foot behind her. Isana stood at her right with her arm around Alyssa's, she looked beautiful as always. The stopped at doors to the hall of the throne of the Duke of Osmeneliath. Isana gave her broad smile, which Alyssa could not help but melt into a bright and fond look of affection of her own, right as the doors opened for their announcement.

Clever. Alyssa thought to herself as they stepped forward, now unable to break the warm expression she wore with all eyes now on her. She does indeed have a mind for this.

"Presenting," Cried the herald who stood next to Lord Speaker Ivo at the head of the room. "Alyssa Everlight-Kingsley I, Queen Regnant of Perdan, the Riverlands, Greater Oligarch, and the Grand Court of Aix! Escorting: Isana Everlight, Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Perdan, Countess of Brive, Dawnstar of Perdan!"



(sound to accompany: )

Isana held her arm proudly and proper with Alyssa's white-gloved arm resting on hers as consort as they stepped easily along the corridor.

The Queen's consort was dressed in a deep green velvet gown with a wide neckline that hugged her bust, then hung from the empire waist in a rich curtain to shade just above the floor tiles. Her dark chestnut hair was braided elegantly and twisted about her head with one plait left to trail down her nape. A delicate silver chain with a carved obsidian wolf, bordered in tiny emeralds and diamonds, sparkled at the hollow of her throat. She was the night sky beside which Alyssa's starlike splendour glowed. Shoulders squared and chin raised, the pair was resplendent as they awaited their introduction.

The Queen-consort felt her darling shift ever so slightly as they stood, and spared a glance up at the heavy formal crown. That thing, impressive as it was, drew her ire. Its weight tensed Alyssa's neck, and combined with the stiff formality of a first court presentation, boded a monstrous headache for her wife later on. The measures she could take to counter it rolled forward in her mind, automatic: steal her away for a break to get that blasted spike castle off her head for a few moments; request refreshments frequently; aim to guide their conversations to areas with less clamour to reduce the amount of leaning in to hear clearly that was required; and so on.

Blue eyes caught hers as she mused, and Isana smiled with pleasure. Alyssa's hummingbird smile in return lingered longer than usual. Isana thought she could hear the thoughts within: it was beautiful to be together through all life's experiences, evolving, learning, exploring.

Her thought was interrupted as the huge doors before them clunked and began to swing open.

"Presenting," Cried the herald who stood next to Lord Speaker Ivo at the head of the room. "Alyssa Everlight-Kingsley I, Queen Regnant of Perdan, the Riverlands, Greater Oligarch, and the Grand Court of Aix! Escorting: Isana Everlight, Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Perdan, Countess of Brive, Dawnstar of Perdan!"

Before green-blue eyes the room's sea of faces was revealed in a swirl of colour. Isana pulled in a slow, deep breath and smiled the formal smile expected on such occasions. Pride and excitement warmed the expression beyond this expectation. What would today hold? Whatever it needed to.



The Queen looked over the balcony of the palatial guest estate that had been provided to the Perdan company for their stay in Sirion City. The famed city was a thing of mystery to the people of Perdan. Few of her people had ever stepped foot in this land, much less the ancient city where the elves so long ago settled their capital. Even fewer had done so as friends.

And yet here they stood.

Isana draped over her from behind, head resting easily on Alyssa's shoulder, arms around her waist. Alyssa's hand rested idly over Isana's, tracing lines over her fingers. She leaned back slightly into the comforting support of her wife, gazing out over the elegant towers and spires below.

How strange, she thought, the path that has led us here. The Queen of Perdan, standing peacefully in the friendly city. She wondered to herself if this would be the future of the Continent. This peaceful moment surrounded by beauty and love and friendship. That would be nice, she thought, and closing her eyes and hmming quietly, the gentle summer breeze brushing past her. A dream of peace so long held now so vividly fulfilled. This was worth the pain and the endless nights battling in courtrooms and battlefields. It was worth everything.

She was in that moment for an eternity. She wished for an eternity more.

Footsteps from within returned her to Sirion. Her head turned sharply to the intruding sound, her eyes alert and watchful as her aid approached purposefully and gave a graceful bow.

"Your Majesty, we are prepared to tour the city at your command."

Alyssa nodded, still wrapped in Isana's affection, her hand holding tight to her wife's.

"Have our noble Sir Markvart meet us in the courtyard, we'll be only a few moments longer." Alyssa replied looking out again over the peaceful city beyond.


In a tree garden near the private residence the Perdan delegation had been granted, the Queen relaxed beneath a well shaded tree, her back leaned against it for support, her golden royal circlet set aside atop a stack of letters. Alyssa skimmed the most recent batch of letters that had been handed to her by her accompanied aides. While she had been enjoying some time away from responsibilities, her role did not end at the borders of Perdan. She pushed her reading glasses back up to the bridge of her nose, and flipped the pages containing the most recent news, realm reports, and diplomatic missives.

Her other hand was occupied by Isana's, her wife laying with her head in Alyssa's lap, hand over her chest clasped with Alyssa's. The slight breeze was cool and gentle, Isana's warmth a welcoming contrast. She felt so very at peace.

She felt the page in her freehand peel backwards seemingly on its own to see Isana's free hand pulling the sheet away, revealing deep blue-green eyes sparkling at her with a warm familiar smile.

"Anything interesting?"

Alyssa said and gave Isana's hand a little squeeze. "More reports from the South. I'm really at a loss 'Sana. With Caligus an enormous question mark, I'm not sure what we could do."

Isana raised her brows a bit at the statement and continued to smile. "A question mark, hmm? As ever their monarch has been?" The words were gently teasing.

Alyssa groaned quietly, pulling off her spectacles. "Frankly, I do not see a situation where a discussion between us will lead to anything good."

Not wanting to give her wife too hard a time about it, Isana wriggled a bit and sat up, turning to keep Alyssa's free hand twined in her own. She lifted it to her lips.

"Perhaps, darling, you could give your newest Diplomat a chance to reach out to the far eastern realm? I could use it as a chance for an introduction and opening channels, and see what I can find out."

"Yes but..." She trailed off cringing quietly. "Are you certain? That person is impossible. I'm hesitant to subject you to the same fate I was forced to endure for so long."

"You wouldn't be subjecting me to anything, Aly-dear. I know fairly well what I'm offering to walk into and... honestly it's curiosity as much as duty that's driving me." She grinned and nuzzled at the hand on her cheek. "I can always hide behind slow couriers or feign naivete if the princely one gets to be a handful. Or at least try! I'd like to test my mettle against his."

"It was just... you know how it was." She let her eyes focus on Isana's, determination crossing her features. "I will not allow that person to do that. If you desire the task, I shall give it to you." She put a gentle hand upon her cheek and leaned forward. "I trust you, Isana, more than anyone in this world. I know that you will succeed."

"Your Majesty." a stern voice interrupted flatly. Alyssa looked up at her bodyguard standing at attention before her. "You asked to be notified when Duke Rearden had arrived in the city."

"So I did, Kira." Alyssa replied as Isana got to her feet and held out a hand to help Alyssa up. The queen glanced over at her circlet, leaning down to pick it up and return it to her head. Isana adjusted it for her, Kira watching silently at attention.

"Well, my newest diplomat," Alyssa said with a smile. "We have a Duke to meet with."

Isana pushed her long dark hair back over her shoulders and saluted crisply. "Diplomat Everlight, at your service, your Majesty!" She could feel the irritation of Kira over her shoulder and held the silliness a moment longer for that reason alone. The knight was too tightly wound by her estimation.

"Your Royal Highness, Duke Rearden," Said the herald "I have the honour of introducing you to Her Royal Majesty, Alyssa Everlight-Kingsley I, Queen of Perdan, the Riverlands, Greater Oligarch, and the Grand Court of Aix. And Her Majesty, Isana Everlight, Queen-Consort of Perdan, Countess of Brive, Dawnstar of Perdan. Also invited at his convenience, Sir Markvart Goldwater of Perdan"

They were invited onto an elegant patio overlooking the garden below, colourful and decorative awnings shaded the ornately carved stone tables and benches. A porcelain teaset sat upon one of the tables, as the Queens of Perdan stepped forward to meet with the new Duke of Oroya.


Rearden surveyed the Perdanese delegation in front of him. He did not know this Sir Markvart Goldwater, but he did know both Queen Alyssa, one of his family's oldest friends and allies, and her wife, the Queen-Consort, Isana Everlight, though admittedly less so.

He had memories of this patio, as it had been a favorite of his sister Lyanna in her time as Governess of Avamar. When Rearden still toiled as a commoner, it was here that Lyanna had invited him to inform him that she had discovered his parentage, and intended to support his elevation to the nobility. She had invited him here, where they overlooked the intricately designed gardens of Avamar and shared a meal together. He had left that meeting a member of the House of Arylon, after a lifetime of brutality fighting against monsters and undead, while hunting the countryside for valuable objects to rehabilitate and sell. It was that moment that changed his life, leading to him eventually becoming the Lord Speaker of Sirion, an ancient and storied realm, and a beacon -- at least to Rearden -- of hope and opportunity.

As he approached the Queen of Perdan and her delegation, he crisply stopped, met her gaze, and bowed deeply, careful to not allow his knee to touch the ground as he lowered his body and his head. That one small detail was the difference between a bow of respect and hospitality, and a formal submission to someone who rules and commands you.

He had grown much better at this over the years. No doubt Queen Alyssa remembers his early attempts at diplomatic niceties early in his tenure as Lord Speaker, when he visited Perdan and was dazzled by the Queen's presentation of her Royal Palace. Those were... acceptable, Rearden supposed, but hardly impressive. His common blood was difficult to refine, but he was now a man of 46 years, and had grown into his prominent role as a leading citizen of Sirion.

As he rose, he spoke directly to the Queen.

"Your highness," he began, "it brings me much joy to see you again. And to do so here in Avamar is a special treat."

Alyssa nodded politely, though Rearden thought he could see the faintest crack of a smile on her face.

"As I mentioned to you in my letter upon arriving here, I have a gift for you, if you'll permit." Rearden then reached his hand around his rather elegant black leather tunic with silver clasps, pulling a small satchel to his hip. He opened it, and pulled out an ancient-looking bit of parchment, rolled into a cylinder and wrapped with a red silk ribbon. He handed it to the Queen.

She took it, puzzled yet obviously curious as to what the contents of the parchment were. Diplomatic protocol for gifts of this type would make it extremely rude to open, so she handed the gift carefully to one of her servants, without breaking eye contact with Rearden.

"I found this in the archives of Oroya once I was able to take up residence in the Republican palace. Our realm, as you know, is ancient in the extreme and has at times commanded nearly the entire north-eastern half of this continent. Yet even I did not know that at one time, our Republic had spread as far west as that city."

And indeed, the histories -- at least the ones that Rearden knew -- never mention Oroya as part of Sirion. For generations it was part of many other realms, but never Sirion. It would take Rearden weeks to learn that it had indeed been held in the past, and that when it was a large store of documents had been transferred to the city, as there was a desire to build a world-recognized library and educational academy there.

"The document I just handed you," he said, "is the first written document in the Sirion archives that references Perdan. It is a report filed by an Ambassador of the realm, about his encounter with a people in and around your capital city, that he called the Pier'donn, reflecting the Elven influence of our language at the time. At this time, your people were entirely unknown to us, and the Ambassador's report -- filed with what was then known as our Prime Minister -- detailed his impressions of this far away, alien people. He spoke of their strength and ingenuity, their zest for life and their openness to outsiders. It is clear that he greatly respected this people, and he recommended that Sirion send a delegation of friendship to initiate formal diplomatic relations with them."

Now Queen Alyssa's smile was real enough that it was impossible to hide.

"Please, Duke Rearden," she said while gesturing to the table with the porcelain tea set, "sit and let us talk of that friendship, a thousand years after that first contact."


Isana listened to the fiery-haired Duke with careful attention. He exuded a familiar and almost casual air, while executing proper formality in this occasion with exacting detail: in other words, he was good at diplomacy and had been for some time. She recalled only snippets of him from their last meeting. At that time she had been entirely immersed in her new relationship and had eyes for little else than Alyssa. While her eyes and heart now were still full of her radiant wife, she at least could pay more attention to the surroundings.

"The document I just handed you," he said, "is the first written document in the Sirion archives that references Perdan. It is a report filed by an Ambassador of the realm, about his encounter with a people in and around your capital city, that he called the Pier'donn, reflecting the Elven influence of our language at the time. At this time, your people were entirely unknown to us, and the Ambassador's report -- filed with what was then known as our Prime Minister -- detailed his impressions of this far away, alien people. He spoke of their strength and ingenuity, their zest for life and their openness to outsiders. It is clear that he greatly respected this people, and he recommended that Sirion send a delegation of friendship to initiate formal diplomatic relations with them."

Her eyes widened. That document was surely priceless. Her gaze flicked to Alyssa who seemed... simply pleased. Maybe even delighted. Not surprised at all? Isana shushed her inner voice to pay attention once more lest she miss something that would explain this situation.

Real warmth coloured Alyssa's voice as she invited the Duke to begin tea, effectively moving the meeting to both a more casual and more meaningful phase.

"Please, Duke Rearden, sit and let us talk of that friendship, a thousand years after that first contact."

Isana paused carefully. Where normally she would have stepped forward to gallantly proffer a seat for her wife, this was an official situation. Her delegation had invited, and now she must wait for the indication to continue. For her part she schooled the amazement from her features and brought up a polite smile. This was setting up to be a very interesting afternoon.


Rearden's attention briefly drifted to Queen Alyssa's wife, the Lady Isana Everlight, a woman he only briefly met on two occasions in the past, and didn't know. She was lovely, of course, and Alyssa had always told Rearden how emotionally dependent on her she was. It was clear the two were in love, and that their bond was real. When first he met her, a flash of jealousy had come over him, as he had grown particularly... fond of Alyssa in the wake of his sister's disappearance, and likely death. He was certain the Perdanese Queen was aware of his affections, but when he learned that she was... uninterested in his gender, he swore internally to himself that he would keep any such feelings of his in reserve, and maintain a strictly professional and diplomatic posture with her and the Royal Court.

He found that once he let that flicker dissipate, he was able to take an interest in this Isana in her own right, and he found her to be a fascinating individual. Strong. Beautiful. Cunning. Unfailingly loyal to her wife and Queen.

And now, as he looked her way, he noticed a hint of uncertainty in her, perhaps even discomfort. Rearden's life among the commoners necessitated him developing an ability to read people in this way, which he found to be somewhat useful in diplomatic situations. He supposed that the Lady Isana was holding back a normal courtesy for her wife because of the diplomatic nature of the meeting.

Rearden had never really been much for such formality, so he met Isana's gaze, smiled, and gave her an almost imperceptible nod of permission to do what it was she felt compelled to do. He did not want this tea to be rigid, full of protocol and distant back and forths that were common in such meetings usually. He found the best -- and most useful -- conversations happened when people felt comfortable, and were free to speak candidly with one another without pressure.

Isana correctly interpreted his non-verbal communication and stepped forward to offer a seat at the table to her wife.

As Alyssa and Rearden sat, he once again turned his attention to the Queen's wife, gesturing to an available chair. "Lady Isana, I would be honored -- with the Queen's permission of course -- if you would join us for tea. Your wife and I know each other well, but I have not had the pleasure of getting to know you beyond our prior encounters. Anyone that is as important to the Queen of Perdan as you are is someone I would like to know better."


Markvart stood together with a few other courtiers and minor nobles, silently and in awe observing the surrounding gardens and their Sirionite hosts. They stood behind their Liege, offering courtly bows and lowering their gazes out of respect, staying silent as the Royals before them exchanged greetings and gifts.

Markvart's jaw dropped as soon as the delegation entered the gardens of Avamar, due to its sheer beauty and opulence. Never before had he left the lands of Bisciye and estates of his family, let alone witness the majesty of the once-elven realm's cities.


Rearden and the delegation from Perdan had been sitting at tea for hours, discussing the state of the geopolitical world on the Eastern Continent, the respective histories of their realms, and reminiscing of old times. He found the entire meeting quite refreshing, as he was able to not only see and talk with an old, dear friend in Queen Alyssa, but also spend time getting to know others, including the Lady Isana.

As they spoke, he noticed the third Perdanese guest, a man named Markvart Goldwater, lurking on the edge behind the Queen during tea.

As the long afternoon gave way to early evening, the delegation collectively decided that the formal discussion should conclude, and Rearden invited the Queen and her wife for a walk in the famed Gardens of Avamar, a renowned sight to behold that he was eager to share with his guests. As they ventured forth, the Queen's delegation -- and Rearden's personal guard -- followed at a respectful distance, also taking in the enjoyment of a walk through the Gardens.

As the trio continued to talk, Rearden found himself curious to look back at this third Perdanese noble, who seemed to be awestruck about his surroundings. Having been to the Perdan capital city, Rearden was himself familiar with the feeling of seeing something grand and new, and being overwhelmed by its beauty. Perdan and its surrounding territories featured magnificent architecture, well designed city blocks, colorful markets, and impressive courtyards. Though, he supposed, in all his time there he had not seen a garden quite like the one here in Avamar. Indeed, it is so beloved and cherished by Sirionites that his sister, the Lady Lyanna Arylon, had actually attempted to recreate it in Sirion City, when she was made Governess of the realm's capital and had to leave Avamar behind.

Rearden smiled, and returned to the conversation and walk with his guests.

As they continued, a man wearing a gold and blue sash -- the colors of House Arylon -- approached the party. He was met by a protective group of the Queensguard, who stopped the man before he could come anywhere near the delegation.

"Your highness... that man is a member of my household. You have nothing to fear from him."

Queen Alyssa nodded in the direction of her guards, and they let go of the man and let him pass.

As he approached, he stopped ten paces away and lowered himself into a graceful bow, very much like the one Rearden had executed upon seeing the Queen earlier that same day. Well trained, this one was.

"Queen Alyssa, Duke Rearden... I beg your forgiveness," he said as he rose, "but I have an urgent message from the Lord Speaker for the Governor of Oroya." He then held out a hand containing a parchment with the Seal of the Speaker affixed to it in wax.

Rearden took the message from the man, who then bowed again, and left just as quickly as he had come. Rearden cut open the scroll and unfurled it, reading the message inside. As he did, his face turned grim and a flash of serious determination was visible in him. He had immediately shifted in demeanor from a man of gentle openness, to that of a dangerous and uncompromising soldier. The change visibly unnerved both the Queen and the Lady Isana who, he remembered, had never seen him in any other context besides that of a dignified diplomat. They knew nothing of his savage, militant side.

"Highness, I beg your forgiveness, but it seems that there is increasing military activity in the north, and the army has been ordered into my city," he said. "Apparently diplomatic tensions are threatening to possibly spill into war, and I am needed to protect Oroya."

A look of sincere worry was plain on the faces of both women. They didn't need to know the details to know something was wrong, and that Rearden's life may very well become quite difficult. Queen Alyssa said nothing, giving only an understanding nod.

Rearden immediately fell into a deep, prolonged bow, this time allowing his knee to make contact with the ground in what would ordinarily be considered a diplomatic mistake. It was no mistake, though, but rather a sign of deep respect and affection for his guests. As his eyes rose from his bow, he reached out his hand, and took Queen Alyssa's into his own gently before leaning forward and kissing it.

"I want you to know," he said quietly under his breath, "that if it was anyone other than you who had come, I never would have left my city. I knew this might happen, but such are my feelings that I could not allow you to leave without seeing you. Please stay in Avamar as long as you like with my blessing, and travel carefully home. Clouds are gathering on the horizon."