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Fellow Revenants,

Irondale's Minister of Defense reached out to me recently, here is his letter:

(Personal message to Felixous Contéfigardo) - 7 hours, 31 minutes ago Arch Angel Felixous,

I am reaching out as it seems the usual channels for diplomatic discussion are not yielding any results. And so I hope that you will be more receptive, especially since you have received the same news as I that Nothoi has over 100,000 CS of rogue forces scattered along their borders, and likely more beyond that.

Simply put, this war needs to end. With Tor now in our possession, Reven does not have the numbers to retake the region. You and I both know this. So while our two armies sit staring at each other, the necromancers in the south and their forces continue to push north. I would much rather be sending the Noctan Legion to assist in the south, but that is impossible until this conflict is resolved. We set out to take Tor, and have. Let us put down our blades so that we can turn back to defending humanity and ensuring we are not wiped out by rogue forces.

If Nothoi falls next, Reven is left in the direct sights of the hordes in the south. Is that something you are prepared to defend against? I know that Reven does not have many friends, so who will come to your aid? If this war continues on, I can assure you that Irondale will not. But if we stop this nonsense and assist Nothoi, then I can work within Irondale to ensure there is assistance if that need comes to pass.

I look forward to hearing back from you Arch Angel. I do not wish for our blades to cross again.


Grante Le Monte Minister of Defense of Irondale Duke of Land's End Earl of Heen

And in reply, here is my response. Hopefully all of you think I acquitted myself admirably in responding to this "the carrot or the stick" type letter:

(Personal message to Grante Le Monte) - 37 minutes ago Minister of Defense Grante,

This war is one of self defense on our part. A greater and more well-equipped foe struck us. Now we sit awaiting the next blow, doing nothing to provoke, just as before the conflict began.

However, I agree that Reven is unable to dislodge the Irondale forces from Tor. In my opinion, the war should be ended. I do not get to make that decision, but I will pass along your words and sentiments to my leader, along with my agreement with said letters.

Afterwards, as for Nothoi and the rest of humanity, we will only assist because it is in our own self-interest. The world cares not for Reven, and so the Revenants have no cares to give out in return.

Perhaps if war after war was not engaged against the people here, and large realms did not prey upon the smaller, then the sentiment might be different. But unfortunately that is the way of the world oftentimes: might makes right, and the weak suffer. And while it is the truth, those that perpetuate it still lack honor in my eyes.

I will again endeavor to send as many troops as we are able to the south, and in fact I even argued this to my realm-mates during and after the last war with Shattered Vales. However, because they know the disdain and hatred that the other countries show to this land, their concerns for the safety of foreigners that hate them is low, and there was much pushback against my suggestion and calls for volunteers. I will try again to sway and motivate them to aid those who spit at them, but do not expect much.

As for your promises of assistance after we do help humanity, we shall see. I have my doubts. Perhaps you can prove me wrong.

Felixous Contéfigardo Arch Angel of Reven Earl of Junohep Marshal of the Depraved Legion