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Count Ruben:  
Count Ruben:  

''Italic text''I hope that you'll remember me. Alibaster, the bastard Mejor...  
''I hope that you'll remember me. Alibaster, the bastard Mejor...  

''Italic text''I've a notion for your ears:  
''I've a notion for your ears:  

''Italic text''Caiyun, your holy city, is my new quest. Ezekiel the young cleric of Astrum is on his way as well, likely with a few more adventurers. Might I suggest sending a contingent of nights with forces large enough to enact takeover where thereby a guild can be established and gold in place to pay adventurers to keep your holy city clean? It could be a holy quest of Astrum to take part in an annual friendly celebratory takeover of your ancient holy lands, and in the meantime adventurers can be paid to keep the peasantry safe from the usual harm, meanwhile on both sides to the east and west the armies of swordfell will harvest the grains needed to perpetuate the kingdom and thereby creating a net to prevent rogue forces from entering southwards.
''Caiyun, your holy city, is my new quest. Ezekiel the young cleric of Astrum is on his way as well, likely with a few more adventurers. Might I suggest sending a contingent of nights with forces large enough to enact takeover where thereby a guild can be established and gold in place to pay adventurers to keep your holy city clean? It could be a holy quest of Astrum to take part in an annual friendly celebratory takeover of your ancient holy lands, and in the meantime adventurers can be paid to keep the peasantry safe from the usual harm, meanwhile on both sides to the east and west the armies of swordfell will harvest the grains needed to perpetuate the kingdom and thereby creating a net to prevent rogue forces from entering southwards.

''Italic text''What do you think?  
''What do you think?  

''Italic text''Alibaster''

The fourth and final paper contains a bulleted list:
The fourth and final paper contains a bulleted list:

Revision as of 06:25, 24 November 2021

Rubèn first rose to prominence on in late June of 2021. Unfortunately the exact date is not known. He began his career in the University of Aegir estates, in the region of Aegir, in the lands of Astrum.

Important Letters and Roleplays from Pasquale Contéfigardo (Chronological)

Unfortunately, this page of record was not created until 23rd November 2021, so roughly 3-4 months of important materials is lost to the ravages of time.

The Accusation of Swordfell

2nd November 2021

You receive a series of letters of plain appearance, all tightly bound with string to prevent unraveling. The whole bundle as well bears a wax seal of green and blue, with a fleur-de-lis pressed into it. As you unravel it, contained within are 4 scrolls of parchment, two of which are lengthy letters addressed to you from a Count Rubèn Contéfigardo, Lord of Nidhogg's Mark. One of the others is a short personal message, from a man named Alibaster and addressed to Rubèn Contéfigardo. Curiously, the final one is from a woman named Mina Mejor, but it shows as being addressed to "All nobles of Swordfell".

The first letter begins:

"Faithful of Sanguis Astroism, I feel I have a duty to weigh in on the discussion at hand, and the results of my thoughts and observations are quite serious."

"Our Light Caryle has clearly contacted nearly every single member of our faith, in an effort to enrich and deepen the bonds that hold us together. His efforts should be recognized, and given respect, for they are unique. In fact, I have had zero contact from any of you, save from the occasional heated discussion within these halls, and which always seems to stem from others, towards Astrum. Some of you may think this is warranted, some might not, but it accurately sums up what has happened. These glorious halls are silent most of the time, and when they are not, they are used to attack the last theocracy."

"In a separate event, a noble of Astrum was jailed in Swordfell, allegedly claimed by the Fellish that he was captured prior to an assassination attempt that never happened. How you can capture an individual, and claim that you knew of their intent for something that has not yet occurred, I do not know. Only the leaders of our faith might possess such precognition, and only after great bouts of fasting and prayer. Either way, after his arrest, the Fellish jailer robbed and tortured the man, which is a deplorable act that only the most vile person might do, especially in a time of peace, between two realms not at war. The disgusting government member maimed the right hand of the noble in question to such an extent that he can neither grip a sword pommel nor write with a quill. He has irreparably changed this man's life forever, and for what? Accusations of a crime that never happened? Despicable. Then he robs his gold and leaves him to rot in a jail cell. Luckily, a guard in Flowrestown, who is himself a devout adherent of Sanguis Astroism, recognized the evil that was being done and set the Astrumite noble free. Following these events, discussions have been handled through secular channels, keeping the event away from church affairs, as such a gory distraction is unbecoming in these chambers."

"Then Light Caryle shares evidence of rudeness and disrespect towards one of the most senior members of our church, from a Swordfell noble, Shelby Bayemvee. The noble then claims that the disrespect was only done because Light Caryle was rude first, and that the original rude message was intentionally left out. Light Caryle then shares the letter in question, with no hint of rudeness whatsoever. This makes the Swordfell noble a liar, and his accusations were towards the Light himself."

"Afterwards, another Swordfell noble speaks up, Cassandra Arano, claiming that the Light is acting for Astrum and not the church, and using his position for political gains for Astrum somehow, without claiming how his search for heretics would do so. Merely questioning members of the faith and speaking to them is now somehow illegal for the Light, as if he could not separate the secular and the sacred. Furthermore, the dame in question that spoke up with her accusatory tone and evidence-less claims, is, in fact, a refugee from Astrum, having left there to join Swordfell. Hardly the most unbiased and objective person to be speaking about personal involvement. She then directly insults the Light again when he answers a question that she put out publicly to the church."

"And finally, and most grievous of all: a direct attempt by a second former member of Astrum in Swordfell, Mina Mejor, to involve using church holy grounds of Caiyun and Cailyn to be claimed by Astrum (when we were in no position to do so) in order to stop and or slow the encroaching hordes of monsters and undead upon Swordfell. By attempting to manipulate Astrum to take them, then unholy creatures would instead seek Astrum, and more specifically, the would-be separated provinces of Caiyun and Cailyn. This woman attempted to jeopardize two sites that are among the holiest locations of our faith, going so far as to even hire one of her bastard relatives do attempt to convince me to do her dirty work and sell the idea to Astrum's leadership."

Copies of the second and third letters mentioned previously:

Letter from Mina Mejor Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Swordfell (25 recipients) - 23 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes ago

I guess I mis represented my intentions:

Astrum is a tool and easy to manipulate because of their faith.

For instance:

We want rogues to stop coming from the north, they want a story behind their sacred city. The two are coordinate.

Etc, etc, but whatever the will be done.

Mina Mejor

Letter from Alibaster Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp-combat (Personal message to Rubèn Contéfigardo) - 25 days, 3 hours, 58 minutes ago Count Ruben:

I hope that you'll remember me. Alibaster, the bastard Mejor...

I've a notion for your ears:

Caiyun, your holy city, is my new quest. Ezekiel the young cleric of Astrum is on his way as well, likely with a few more adventurers. Might I suggest sending a contingent of nights with forces large enough to enact takeover where thereby a guild can be established and gold in place to pay adventurers to keep your holy city clean? It could be a holy quest of Astrum to take part in an annual friendly celebratory takeover of your ancient holy lands, and in the meantime adventurers can be paid to keep the peasantry safe from the usual harm, meanwhile on both sides to the east and west the armies of swordfell will harvest the grains needed to perpetuate the kingdom and thereby creating a net to prevent rogue forces from entering southwards.

What do you think?


The fourth and final paper contains a bulleted list:

"With all of the information contained within the two letters that I have just given you, in addition to the ones previously shared in our Halls, show that members of Swordfell:"

have disrespected our Light (Shelby, Cassandra) have made false claims about our Light in church documents (Shelby) have lied about their own motivations and history (Cassandra, Mina) have attempted to underhandedly manipulate church members (Mina) have directly suggested and made moves to threaten our holy sites (Mina) have failed to publicly report to these Halls of their realm-mate Mina's plot against the church sites (Perdita, Cassandra, Augustus, Shelby, Yrsa, Giselle, Hari, Bryce) have tortured a man to within an inch of his life, maimed and crippled him, and robbed him of his gold to boot, all without a crime being committed (Chancellor Hari Seldon) Here the handwriting becomes clearer and more composed, as if the writer knows the importance and weight of what of is being written, and wants to ensure it's legibility.

"I think it is clear and evident that something or someone in Swordfell has a corrupting influence on the people there, and that it's land may even be shielded or hidden from the Red Light of the Bright Three. I would like to make a motion to censure members of the church that hail from Swordfell, until church leadership can get to the bottom of what causes their aberrant behavior. I do not believe that any of the people there are evil or malicious, just that their actions are not wholly their own, and that the church is the best authority to ascertain what indeed is the cause."

"I hope and pray that we are able to get to the bottom of this matter quickly. Time is of the essence. More beasts and creatures of the night assault mine neighbor in Aegir's Deep, which I am sure you know, as people all over the continent no doubt hear of those regular fierce huge battles. I believe these events connected with the goings-on in Swordfell, mayhaps daimonic intervention intended to split us asunder. If so, I will always was fight to stay close with you as a shared member of our faith, as long as I draw breath."

Salvation Lies In The Red Light Above,

Faithfully, Knight Stalwart Rubèn Contéfigardo Count of Nidhogg's Mark