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Roleplays and Letters between Realms

January 18th, 2021

All taking place the day after Perdan's defender victory. The messages sent in mostly chronological order, top to bottom. Some messages were moved to side by side for better digestion:

Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss

Letter from Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota
Message sent to to all nobles in Itor Boss (17 recipients)
Nobles of Perdan,

How wonderful it is to meet you in battle again, finally! It has been a fairly quiet war from all of you! Now that you are all here, I want to say how proud I am of you that I heard reports of one of our taxmen being attacked and his wares robbed. As well as your attempts to destroy military infrastructure! Why you all will raiding with the best of the soon. Shame about your high-and-mighty moral posturing though...Regardless, I am proud to have met you in battle and I do look forward to our second round in a few hours. We shall see if your infantry break again as quickly as they did the first time!

But I would be remiss if I did not extend my personal greeting to you, Queen Alyssa of Perdan. I am overjoyed you have joined us on this occasion and extend my most gracious courtesy and an invitation to Tota should you ever wish to visit. Now that your Cassus Belli is all but a point of comedy now, given your Nobles attacks on our land, perhaps we can party together soon!

I wish you all a speedy recovery and hope you enjoy your few hours of peace, we will be seeing you again soon.

With Utmost Care,
Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota

Roleplay from Adrianna Le Monte
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
===== Before the Battle of Itor Boss =====

The She-Wolf took a deep breath of the cold, frigid air of winter as she stepped out from her hastily erected tent. She could smell it, the scent of battle was here, and soon they would be bathed in its glory. Remembering that she had archers with her, a scowl crossed her face. She would very likely not see the enemy up close today. A shame, and she took note that when the chance arose, there would be a change to that. Patriacc's little insult about shooting little sticks had gotten to her, even if she had not shown it at the time.

Her captain, Hadronia approached with a bowl held. Smiling she took it from her, thanking her as the woman ran off to continue lining the men and women up for battle. Sitting down in a chair she had placed outside, she hummed to herself as she applied the blue warpaint she often wore going into battle. Three straight blue lines over her right eye, two curved ones around her left, and one small one gliding down her pointed chin. Satisfied with it, she went to join the rest of her unit on the frontline.

Glancing at the banners that waved on their side, another scowl crossed her face. There were a few she noticed immediately that were absent. They will learn soon enough to stop disappointing her. Stepping up to the front, as they often had infantry and archers line up together, she paced up and down for a second along the lines, silent as she let her glare on those assembled do the talking for now. Until it was time for words.

"Yssrgardians! Wolves! Do you see those pathetic kitten banners over there?! They thought that they could march into our lands, steal our tax gold, and damage our buildings! And how do they respond when we march to war?! They try and hide in Perleone's lands, thinking it made them safe!" She let out a bellow of a laugh as she stopped in the center. "But since when did a border stop us from taking what we wanted! We came here for their blood and victory! And we will not be leaving until we have it! Be ferocious, be blood-thirsty! And do not stop even as you hear the cries for mercy. For those are the cries of the weak! The undeserving! There is no greater death than that on the battlefield and to beg for anything else brings the greatest shame on your family!"

With that, she turned around and let off her best imitation of a howl, signaling for their forces to charge across the field towards the waiting Perdanese. It would be a glorious day indeed, no matter the outcome!

The Aftermath

As she had predicted, it was indeed a bloody mess of a battle. With no wind, both sides were dropping like flies from the sustained archer fire. But it did not take long for the melee to start, as the sound of steel could be heard echoing across the field. Adrianna yearned to be among it herself, but knew her place was here with her unit, ensuring nothing went awry. And things certainly did at first, to what she thought was their advantage. A horde of undead had appeared out of the woods and smashed into Perdan's forces. Yet their impact would be limited.

The pitched battle dragged on for hours as each side fought ferociously. Despite being outnumbered, the Wolves were holding their own. But eventually, that would change. Before she knew it, she heard shouts coming from her own unit. Confused, she turned to see what could be causing it. They were routing from simple arrows! Only 6 lay dead, and by now, 28 looked wounded. She did not realize they were so soft that having half the unit incapacitated would cause them to flee. Hoping the rest of the army would still stand with her absence, and knowing there was not much she could do from here anyways, she chased after her fleeing troops. Any who were nearby could hear her and sense her anger.

"You cowardly pups! Do you not want to see victory! Dine in Valhalla! But rather flee!? I will give you something to flee from!" She was last seen dragging off a poor soldier she had managed to catch, clearly knocked unconscious by her as the healers scrambled to gather the wounded. Now it was unclear if some of the troops were fleeing due to the enemy, or fleeing from Adrianna.
Adrianna Le Monte

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
The last few minutes was weighing heavily on Amelara's mind and conscience. Her own arrows had slain those who were once her allies, one had even brought Imperatrix Delphine down. Mixed feelings of guilt, nauseau and fear filled her as she helped one of her own wounded to his feet. Maybe directly helping the tough warriors would improve their opinion of their petite, very non-wolf leader. Her unit had broken mere seconds after her Marshal's.

The sounds of shouting and screaming had almost become background noise, though one voice stood up - a voice she knew well by now, except in a far more enraged state than she had ever witnessed.

Passing the wounded man to her muscular captain, Galeria, Amelara paused in shock to witness Marshal Adrianna's treatment of one of her own. The sight made her insides turn cold - although brutal in itself for anyone to witness, it brought many doubts voices of her old allies into her mind as they had questioned her choice of realm to leave for.

She knew Adrianna to be hot-headed, hard and tough. She had seen the woman angry, hell, she had seen a lot of the woman and her wolf-ish instincts.

But this... Amelara saw a different side now, one that filled her with fear, shock and... hurt, almost as if the chasing and dragging was against Amelara herself.

As much as her instinct drove her to run like both her's and Adrianna's men were, she refused. Besides, surely she meant more to the she-wolf than a nameless soldier, by now? Amelara was still a Lady, she was still a Dame. She may not be in Perdan where such titles meant more, but surely she still meant something. Then, the same thought had passed her mind since her first night meeting Adrianna, but it clearly didn't seem to be on the wolf's mind as much as Amel's.

"Marshal Adrianna!" Her voice shouted before her brain could catch up, rushing forward towards the unconscious man being dragged. The rest of her unit women shot her looks of confusion and as if questioning her sanity as they ran, "The battle is over! Your people fought valiantly, they deserve better than.." her naive courage deserted her then as she found herself rooted to the spot, probably under the intensity of Adrianna's glare by now. One final burst, "Than this."

She could make out Galeria face-palming in the corner of her eye.
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Oliver Laststar
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
To the Self-proclaimed Fishlover Patriacc,

-bitten lands.

Let me inform you of something else. We merely took back what was our own, and being that your lands could never hold anything of value in it: we are forced to assume that everything in your treasuries was once our own gold you've stolen. There is no wrong in raiding dishonorable thieves. It was never yours to begin with. Such an odd way of thinking you have! Perhaps if you spent your time with less despoiling and contracting as many loin-rotting diseases as you could; and rather, read more books. You'd see the ridiculousness of your own words!

Of course I shall look forward to beating you and your unit for perhaps, The Fourth time this war? That is, if you seriously choose to stay rather than flee when we have so many more armies in your lands than you do.

For the One-time Lady: Amelara,

I see your traitorous ways have rottened you to the point where you even fight your once allies now- As I feared! You disappoint me Amelara. You could have had so much more in Perdan, and now you lie with dogs and naked madmen. Who knows? Perhaps soon enough you'll betray Yssrgard and fire your arrows into their backs as well one day, before fleeing to whichever realm next.
Oliver Laststar

Roleplay from Oliver Laststar
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
It was a fierce fight Oliver had landed himself in. The battle had met its peak once the rest of the infantry finally charged into the front lines. There were only mounds of corpses and rivulets of blood to greet him, when his unit has made it. The carnage of Lady Delphine's unit was terrible indeed, but he was soon forced to tear his eyes away to face the incoming undead horde and barbarians.

He shouted as loud as he could, rasping and nearly breaking his voice to keep his small guard from breaking too early. One naked lunatic rushes in at him, screaming like his mind was torn from the man, and Oliver cut him down without barely a look.

If only I had the rest of my men here. We'd shove over these pigs in short order...

But soon enough, his men took too many casualties from the fierce melee, and the barbarian king was shoving through their lines behind them. Oliver begrudgingly had to retreat, and not a moment too soon before his troops then finally broke apart under the intensity of the bloodbath.

When Sir Oliver made it far enough away with a few loyally remaining men and women as the battle raged on behind. He turned around, and there he spotted it finally. The traitorous. Loathsome banner of Lady Amelara far beyond the front lines. Maybe he can just barely see her next to it. The familiar lithe figure of the woman giving out orders to her archers.

He raises the bloodied point of his sword in the direction of the Guards of the Wind. The metal gleams under the sun's light, and streams of blood drip off the blade: A promise of unfinished business. Then finally the young knight nobly retreats.
Oliver Laststar

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
As her men and women retreated, Amelara glanced to the opponent army, eyes scanning the battlefield as they had done frequently. Specifically searching for people of interest from Perdan - mostly because she wanted to ensure they were okay. Alyssa still fought, she noted that Patriacc was moving closer to her, which sent a small bout of anxiety through her.. for both combatants.

Her eyes moved back, and she frowned as she spotted a lone knight looking back at the battlefield as men fled around him. Rather, looking back towards her.

She looked to the crest he bore, and a shiver ran down her spine as she realised she looked upon Oliver Laststar. And as she watched, almost as if he could tell he had caught her attention, he raised his sword towards her. The sun glinted, highlighting the blood of her new people that coated the dangerous tip as he held it for her to see.

She understood the meaning well, it left her feeling numb and more shaken than anything else had today. The feeling stayed with her long after the knight turned and vanished from view.
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota
Message sent to to all nobles in Itor Boss (17 recipients)
Ser Oliver,

Ah the young Oliver, the only one of you Perdanese lot with any bite now that Amelara made the correct decision in seeing you all for the hypocrites you really are. As to your points, Ser, I will say what I have been saying for the entirety of this conflict, you and all your compatriots are hypocrites. You would no doubt justify any action you took as being righteous if committed against us. A hypocrite will always do that. I have a cousin like that, on Beluaterra, I think. Never takes responsibility for his actions, or when he does he insists he is always in the right. Like you!

I'm afraid your experience of this past battle is quite different than mine, Ser Oliver. I distinctly remember seeing your banners in the battle as my men and routed your pathetic lot from the field. Oh how ridiculous you looked as you ran! At least for your sake you ran faster than those other four men of yours. They screamed for their mothers as my axe split their heads open. They died like cowards, running in the face of the enemy, and they will have no peace in the afterlife, as they will never dine in Valhalla!. May the crows peck at their corpses!

Why upon conferring with my men, it also seems I have met the Queen Alyssa already after all! I sent her men running from the field as well!

Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota

Letter from Germanico Mercator

Wolf King of Yssrgard Royal of Yssrgard Duke of Orgeon

Count of Noritor
Message sent to to all nobles in Itor Boss (17 recipients)
Steward Ollyvur,

Those big words for someone with tiny unit. Patriacc making you run from battle like little kitten you are!

Go back to Purr-Dan and count beans, nerd!

Germanico Mercator

Wolf King of Yssrgard Royal of Yssrgard Duke of Orgeon

Count of Noritor

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
After the battle, Amelara sees Patriacc walked up to her with his contingent of infantry, most are wounded but are walking. Patriacc is completely unharmed, though his armor is dented, and he is covered in dirt, dust, and blood. The handle of two-handed dane axe he carries is broken in half and the axe head itself is covered in gore.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Amelara too was unharmed, although unlike Patriacc she was also mostly clean of any blood. Her face was ashen though, the very image of a woman with much on her mind.

Flinching as Patriacc took her hand, she looked to him, first registering his presence. Her eyes hovered over the head of his axe, swallowing as she looked back to his face with a small smile.

"I... did." She nodded, "My own arrow brought down Imperatrix Delphine, their general.. I only lost five men. It is still five lives, but it is nothing compared to the casualites I faced whilst in Perdan. My people are more capable, and my allies are stronger at my side. It was.. a good battle."

She reached to place a hand to his cheek, leaning up to kiss him, "I am glad you are okay too, my wolf. I am sorry for my actions and words earlier, they were not my true thoughts or.. well.. anything meaningful." She kissed him again.
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Amelara Everwind Dame of Tota
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss

Your words are meaningless and wasted. I fired arrows into no backs, I informed you all at my earliest opportunity of my intentions.

I did not join Yssrgard to hide away and live a quiet life in comfort. If you expected me to desert my new allies as you once deserted me, then you indeed do not know me at all.

I find it amusing how only you, little Oliver, resort to insults and slander against me when I have given you nor your kin any. The rest of them were quite happy to see me gone, even wishing me well.

I saw your gesture before you retreated, do not worry. I get the message that you wish you left me for dead loud and clear.

Amelara Everwind Dame of Tota

Letter from Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Lord Patriacc,

I would take this opportunity to clarify the incident you refer to regarding the robbery that took place in Aeng. Despite the illegality of such actions being very clearly defined in our laws and bulletins, one young Sir, on his first campaign and in desperation due to inexperience and lack of discipline, committed a crime against the people of Yssrgard. Within an hour he was admonished harshly for this act, and informed of the laws and their very serious consequences in Perdan. We have banished knights from the realm on more than one occasion for this behaviour, and I will see to it that it continues if such wanton disregard for human life and dignity is perpetrated by a knight of this realm.

The knight in question has stepped forward voluntarily and admitted his crimes, swearing before myself and his commanders that such a thing will never happen again, and while this does not excuse his acts, I will not condemn a man to exile when he is willing to show that he will do better. The path of honour the knights of Perdan follow is not always easy, and no one among us has never made a mistake or fallen from the path. And while this mistake is severe, I believe it is how this knight proceeds going forward that will show the world what sort of a knight he is. From what I have seen from him I believe utterly that he will show himself to be a true knight.

I would recommend you consider the context of this action as you attempt fallaciously to compare it with the behaviour considered acceptable in your own realm. From the letters I have seen from you, I believe you are far too clever to truly believe that a single instance of a young knight acting in haste and inexperience is comparable to engaging in intentional and widespread slaughter, arson, rapage, and theft against innocent people in realms all across The Continent. The behaviour exhibited by the nobles of Yssrgard is systemic and purposeful. It is encouraged by its leaders. The situations are hardly the same.

Sir Oliver,

I would recommend you choose your words more carefully when addressing outside of our realm, as it is easy for others to misinterpret them or wield them against you and your realm. You as well seem under the impression that the act was intended as a way to impress revenge upon Yssrgard. It was not, as I have explained. There is wrong in raiding others, regardless of who they are. Our fight is not against the smallfolk and innocent peasants of Yssrgard. It is those who take up arms against others that we are seeking to stop, not fieldworkers who wish only to work hard to feed their families and keep them safe.

I have said this before. This is not a war of vengeance. This is a war to protect our realm and realms all across The Continent from those who would sow violence and death for their own amusement. It is a grim duty, and relishing in revenge and harm to others will not help us achieve it. Hatred will lead to nothing but suffering for everyone. I do not believe you were yet knighted during the North and South war, but I am sure all who remember it can assure you of where the desire for vengeance can lead. I hope you will trust me, who lived through such darkness and experienced directly the horrors of revenge inflicted.

Take up your sword and shield, my brave and noble knight. They is the strongest tools for justice and peace, if you can wield it as such.

Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan

Roleplay from Adrianna Le Monte
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Most of her troops had grown used to these outbursts after a battle, especially one of close defeat. And they knew how to ride it out. For Adrianna never ran after them but simply stomped about howling her anger out as most would go hide. Sure, one or two always got caught, but she never harmed them. Seriously. She was in the process of grabbing another one by the scruff of her neck when she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her. A foolish voice.

As she turned, Amelara came face to face with the 5' 8 woman, though right now, she might as well have appeared as a giant to the poor woman. Her eyes shown with an anger and intensity that Amelara had not seen before. Far different than the playful, seductive glares she used their first night of meeting. Or even her ones seen later in the banter with Patriacc. This had something barbaric behind it, as if possessed by a raging beast. Likely, this was why many gave her the moniker She-Wolf.

Seeing Amelara's concern for the man she had by the tunic, she lifted him up in her arm, as he slowly came to, his legs barely supporting him. A look of fear was on his face, but little did Amelara know it was not for his own safety but hers. "Deserve better? Deserve BETTER?! These cowards RAN from the battle! With only 6 dead, going to the feast halls of Valhalla. Another 28 lay wounded! And this man?" She hoisted him up higher, his feet just leaving the ground and his tunic cutting into his neck. With her free hand, she motioned to those who were just getting out of sight. (Who though Amelara was crazy, but would later bring her rounds of drinks at the campfire for buying them time). "And those men decided they were too good for Valhalla! Or to defend the wounded! If they had not scattered like prey, we might even have won the battle!

Adrianna tossed the man aside now, her focus solely on the pup standing before her. Her voice took on a sarcastic tone to it, her eyes still shining with fury. "But don't worry, Amelara says they fought bravely! Valiantly even! Why, that must mean something." Before anyone could react, Adrianna backhanded Amelara across her face, the sound of her knuckles whacking the side of her head echoing a few feet away. Luckily, since she was with the archers, she did not have her gauntlets on, but only reinforced leather.

"Valor means nothing when you have lost. Bravery means nothing when you flee! It be best you learn that now pup! Unless you want to learn that lesson now? Trust me, it will NOT be as fun as our first private lesson." She proceeded to cross her arms, still staring down at the poor dame, though no mercy was shown or felt by Adrianna. Amelara was finally getting to see the complete picture of who Adrianna Le Monte, the She-Wolf, truly was. Patriacc was one of the few that had ever managed to get so close to her in terms of friendship, and it was clear why.
Adrianna Le Monte

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Queen Alyssa,

Your reputation for being an educated woman of talent with the pen is well deserved, I see! Would but we could speak to each other in better times! Therefore, I shall continue to speak to you respectfully, in part for your own demeanor and in part because you carry the respect of someone I have grown to care deeply for in the past few months.

I must, however, point out that for all the honey of your words, they taste of the most foul vinegar. For all your talk of honor the reality is that you are a tyrant, seeking to impose your singular will upon a smaller neighbor that has thus far embarrassed your realm of almost double our number.

Furthermore, the reality is that your current efforts cannot defeat us. You underestimate us if you think we will abide by your tyrannical peace conditions and bend our knees to your control, whether literal or by proxy as a satellite kingdom, which is what you would have us become. A few unused recruitment centers in rural regions will not drive us to our knee.

The fundamental truth you and your people must come to understand is that we are willing to go to any length to defeat you. You cannot say the same. That is why you will lose. Every day you continue with this conflict we all become stronger, therefore I hope you do, but understand that until you use our tactics against us, victory will be impossible.

Until you accept this and make peace, good men and women will continue to die. The brave will dine in Valhalla forever, so I do not weep for them, while the cowardly shall rot forever, no great loss.

Think on these realities as you prepare for our next battle.

Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Itor Boss

"Leandra almighty..."

Jacelyn took off his dented helmet, damaged by an Yssrgardian warhammer, and overlooked the countryside plunging into darkness. Both armies were all over the place, with only a handful of units keeping their cohesion and forcing the enemy off the field. His own men turned tail and ran, and many have been butchered from behind.

His look hardened and his thoughts stopped flowing He could clearly see all around him, and knew well enough what would come together with first light. The Barbarians were many and fierce, Perdanites have lost many soldiers and even the banner of the Imperatrix fell.

But he never ran away from a fight, and today was not a good day to change habits. No more running. No more hiding in the shadows whilst the enemy closes in. He made up his mind and nothing would be able to convince him.
Jacelyn Goldwater

Roleplay from Ender Fate
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Ender picked himself off the ground and surveyed the destruction that surrounded him. They had won, but the fight seemed all too close. He cursed himself for charging in too eagerly, ahead of most of the infantry regiment. The nerves of his first real battle had gotten the best of him, and he knew that he could not let himself get carried away again. For the sake of those under his command, and for Perdan. How many more died and were wounded by his moment of zealous adrenaline?

He looked down at his blade, bloodied for the first time by actual enemies hellbent on his destruction. A scenario worlds apart from the sparring matches back at his family's manor in the countryside.

Not even to speak of the undead that fought alongside the barbarians. His training had been against the living, not against the formerly dead. How monstrous an enemy to fight alongside a scourge that was devastating their own peasantry. Ender was glad that the undead had been wiped clean from these lands and was sure that the commonfolk would cheer at the thought.

Wiping his blade clean on his tunic, he set off to his encampment to help tend to the wounded. And to prepare for the battles yet to come.
Ender Fate

Roleplay from Christopher Stewart
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
He looked upon the field and simply said, "I suppose this is what happens when magic isn't involved".
Christopher Stewart

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Patriacc was seeing to the repair of his axe, broken in two at the end of the last battle when he heard Amelara shout at Adrianna. He knew to ignore the Marshal when she was in one of her moods but he also knew Amelara had not seen the Marshal when she was being petulant.

He watched patiently as the women exchanged words, as he too much respect for the both of them to step in a dispute among nobles. He cared for both of them, Adrianna as his oldest friend, and Amelara as his...paramour. Courted.

His upbringing began to war with his heart. He should step in, but he wanted to desperately, to help the woman that had shared so much with him in such a short time. At the same time though, he knew Adrianna spoke truly.

It is the lot of man however that the mind cannot overcome the heart and it was this truth that led Patriacc to walk quickly to near where the women stood. He breathed heavily, clearly angry, as he raised his arms to strike out, but decided at the last to merely stand beside the pair. He was only a few feet away, but his eyes went from both, hands balled into fists.

Patriacc said nothing, however, waiting to see what would happen next.
Patriacc Hwitt

Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Every part of her wished she had walked away, let it be. Now more seconds had passed, it seemed obvious that nothing serious was going to happen.. but this was serious, to Amelara at least.

After all the turmoil her own brain was putting her through today, why did she have to interfere? Facing her betrayed allies in battle, her harsh words to Patriacc, killing them, striking down Delphine, Oliver's chilling gesture..

Now face-to-face with someone who now seemed a stranger once more. She was suddenly brought back to as if she was riding down the hill to first confront Adrianna and demand entrance to Yssrgard. As if everything since hadn't happened.

She caught the fear in the man's face, the expression boosting the feeling of 'righteousness' again, a glimmer of determination returning to her demeanor. Until the ice wolf began to speak.

Amelara took a step back from the ferocity of her tone, struggling to keep her composure but still meeting that horrible glare. She was here now, she couldn't just stand like a cowered puppy with no response. She chose to make her point, she had no choice but to continue, "They are not cowards! They live to fight another day rather than dying needlessly! They will return to fight for you tomorrow, and help us win then. Did you not lecture Patriacc for this earlier? How every man was needed for this battle? Does it not seem hypocritic--"


Amelara's world spun from the extraordinarily blow, her vision and hearing dimming momentarily as she lost her balance, falling into the dirt.

She placed a shaky hand to the stinging side of her face, the physical pain nowhere near the emotional as she stared up at Adrianna, eyes filled with the shock and hurt.

The tears were already coming, only making the Dame feel more shamed than she already did. Her Captain and the rest of her unit were only feet away, after all, as well as the fact that the thought of Adrianna thinking her weak was a devastating idea. Letting the forming bruise show in the sunlight, letting her tears fall without interfering, she looked back to her piercing eyes one more time, "...If that is the case, Marshal Adrianna, then why are you not charging to finish what they could not? If there is only shame in retreating, then why are you not duelling Queen Alyssa and her entire army by yourself?"

She climbed back to her feet, facing her again, "But what do I know? Just a pup, right? Nothing compared to the terrifying and strong Adrianna... everyone has to do what she wants." Her expression darkened just as her bruise did, "I know enough about villains to know they are far weaker than the facade they show. You must have many weaknesses plagueing your dreams."

She finally raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face, wincing as her fingers brushed the mark, oblivious to Patriacc's presence behind her, "I do not flee now, even as your men and everyone else clearly has before. I have learnt your lesson already."

Letter from Micheal Daubeny Noble of Perdan
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Margrave Hwitt,

You talk a lot of words for a man whose army just lost the battle today.

Close as it was we still beat you.

Dame Amelara,

I suppose my letter read true then and we are to exchange volleys at one and other.

I regret this had to come to pass, you seemed like a nice person.

Hwit, Everwind and all the rest of you wolves who came running into our lines teeth and claws barred.

I look across this field and I see men and women who hold some honour to them but in a much different way then I have seen in Perdan.

You are worthy foes, I wish you all good health and good luck. May the best find victory in the morrow.

In Honour,
Micheal Daubeny Noble of Perdan

Letter from Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
Ser Daubney,

And you talk a lot of words for a man fighting for a realm with almost triple the Nobles of ours! That is the thing isn't it? By all standards of military thinking your realm should have beaten us months ago. But you have failed. For the reasons I have laid out already you cannot defeat us. You think we care of losing a single battle? Ten? A hundred? Each makes us stronger! Each time we will return the better for it. The Yssrgardian people are prepared to fight indefinitely. The question you should ask yourself is how much of your people's blood are you willing to shed for a wasted cause?

We will not cease our way of life. We will never stop stop raiding. It is how we survive. So either get the strength of will to see the job through or go home to your tea parties and play toy soldier.

Patriacc Hwitt Margrave of Tota

Roleplay from Adrianna Le Monte
Message sent to To Everyone in Itor Boss
The fact that this woman was still standing there, meeting her gaze, caught even Adrianna off guard. And it showed for a split second on her face until it vanished again behind the mask of anger. Most would have ran by now or would at least be cowering. Instead, Amelara not only remained but even had a response back. There was something about her, and Adrianna did not know if she liked it or not. Only time would tell. Though the tears welling up were not going to score any sympathy points, especially since she could not even stay standing after such a light blow.

"Returning to the point you were trying to make. Every soldier WAS needed. And if every person stood their ground instead of fleeing, this battle would have gone differently!" Her voice was staying raised, even as she saw Patriacc approaching. He barely registered since this would not be the first time he saw an outburst, but certainly the first against one he cared for. "You know full well there is a difference between myself just charging blindly and our army holding firm in the face of the enemy! That is what I want, not half my unit running away without ANY melee!"

As she got to her feet, Adrianna did not make any move to even help Amelara. She continued to glower at her as their eyes met again at almost the same level. As the next words rolled off Amelara's tongue, they struck a cord deep, one that had not been touched in a long time. Which made her puff up even more in anger and spite, determined not to show any sign of what she interpreted as weakness.

"You are damn right you are but a pup! A fast learning one at least! And when what I want is clearly the right direction, I expect people to listen! When victory is this close, " Adrianna made a hand gesture inches away from her face to indicate how close. "Then we must stand firm and resolute! If that means I must be the villian to you, then I do not care. If I must be the VILLIAN to all to get what we need done, so be it!"

Taking a breath, she finally recognized Patriacc standing off to the side, his anger clear as he stood there with balled fist. Considering she was already on a roll, Adrianna decided to keep it going. "And do YOU have something to say?! Or just going to stand there in silence?! At least your pup here has learned to stand for herself! Next time, maybe she will actually strike back!" Turning back to Amelara, she gave one last glare. "Good, maybe you can teach the rest of them."

With that, Adrianna spun around and stormed off towards her tent, still yelling at her scattered troops. "You see that!? The new pup had no problem standing her ground! And none of you are even to be found! If you hear me, I expect you all to be armed and ready for the next battle! And don't flee without entering melee or I swear!" Reaching her tent, she saw Hadronia standing off to the side. The only reason she even remained was the fact that Hadronia was larger and simply knocked Adrianna out during her first outburst, earning her instant respect. "Hadronia, have the servants fetch me four bottles of wine. I will need it if I am to sleep after today." She entered the tent, but poked her head out. "And once the wine is here, I want ZERO disturbances. There are reports I must complete."

The last bit was a lie. In truth, what Amelara said had some truth to it. But none could know that words were all it took to penetrate the armor she had built up over a decade. It was nothing a few bottles and smashing some furniture could not fix.
Adrianna Le Monte