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The dinner meeting between Dame Calypso Hwitt and Solomon in Golden Farrow. 4th January 2021

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
As Solomon ate breakfast looking over the harbour, a letter from an young noble reminded him of an meeting he was due to schedule. Writing on some parchment, the letter was sent to Dame Calypso, where they would meet in the Royal Palace for dinner that evening. When the carrier bird had departed, the echoing sounds of an arguement between the child twin echoed from the corridor within, ending what was a rather peaceful morning.
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Calypso had received the letter from Navarch Solomon and been met by her mother, freshly arrived in the city, to prepare for the dinner.

So it was that she arrived at the gates of the palace in formal dress, her hair down up into a complex pattern that had taken hours to do. She looked very nice, though there was no hiding the atheistic (and rather unladylike, her mother made sure to point out) muscles of her arms and back. Not to mention the still fresh scar running from her mouth to her ear, from the siege of Libidizedd.

So it was she was brought by the guards to the dining room, to wait for Solomon to arrive.
Calypso Hwitt

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
After being ushered in by the guards, Calypso found herself in an intimate dining area which basked in the sunlight of the day. After a minute or so, the Navarch came through one of the doors unescorted by no guard. The Navarch wore no crown this day and wore a dinner suit matching the occasion.

Seeing that the young woman was to bow, Solomon waved his hand to prevent the dinner immediately falling unto noble protocol. Instead, he took Calypso's hand and kissed it lightly before gesturing them both to sit:

"I hope we can remove the formalities in this room, for I hope this more of a personal affair than anything for the realm."

Solomon did take in the heroic beauty of the Dame before him. Of only 19, the Countess Svari was right in that she was idealistic for him, at least physically. The right amount of beauty with an athletic body of a warrior was something the Navarch could not deny. Yet, he already knew all of this, for the dinner they had today was to see if they could be romantic partners but also compatible with eachother's life, the children had to be considered and the apparent missing wife.
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Calypso realized that she had never actually seen Solomon up close before, and was pleasantly surprised to see the older man still cut a handsome figure.

Despite having commanded soldiers and fought in numerous battles, she couldn’t help blush strongly when he kissed her hand. Though she was grateful for the lack of formality, she felt ridiculous enough in the dress...

”It is an honor to meet my Navarch...” Calypso trailed off, unsure of what to say. “I am very glad to be here and to meet you finally.”

She sat down opposite Solomon, her dress billowing out like the petals of a flower around her. She gave a sweet smile, “This is nice...far better than the camp tents I have enjoyed recently.” She laughed sheepishly, “I must admit, I’m looking forward to something beside travel provisions this evening!”

She looked forward, hoping that the joke wouldn’t fall flat.
Calypso Hwitt

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Solomon smirked at the Dame's reply and relaxed into his chair:

"Well, you certainly won't have to endure such a meal today, the chef has apparently been up since the early hours slow cooking a beast hunted only the night before. You won't regret savoring the tenderness."

Finding the bottle on the table between them, Solomon gestured towards the wine as he continued:

"Until the food comes, tell me more about yourself and why you're here? I seem to know your writing style more than you as a physical person."
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Calypso took a glass wine with a polite gesture of thanks. She drank a small amount, and noticed that it was far better than what she was used to.

”Navarch there isn’t much to tell when put beside many of the greater of the Nobility here. I am the 4th and youngest child of my family, with two elder brothers and and elder sister. I always showed more promise with a sword than a sewing needle...”

“I took an estate in Golden Farrow almost to the day of when our current war I’m afraid I haven’t much time to enjoy the splendor of the city.”

Calypso grasped at the at the anchor pendant she now wore at her neck before continuing, “I am proud to have fought in every major engagement of the conflict, my unit was even the first upon the wall at Libidizedd, that’s where I received this...”

The young Dame gestured the scar running across her face, wincing involuntarily under the Navarch’s gaze.

“But that is not talk appropriate for a happy occasion such as this one! My apologies! I hope I have not disturbed you!”
Calypso Hwitt

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Solomon smiled as the young dame continued her story, through her food and the bad.

"Dame Calypso, your dedication to Tol Goldora is far from disturbing. The scar you bare shows your ability as a true noble, not those whom knit or the like. In fact, I believe it makes you come across as not only as confident but also to the my eye, endearing."

Taking a drink and suprised himself with the compliments, he replied with his own story.

"My story can be lengthy, so I shall shorten it to not bore. I was the eldest son of my family so when my father died, I entered majority life as a noble in Luria Nova. Serving as a Marshal to the Imperial Marshal and then King of Luria, I founded Tol Goldora with Stratarch Medrawt and the other original founders. The rest of the story is similar to the story of Tol Goldora except for my marriage history. If you weren't aware, I married to Sibylle Kinsey at the end of the Gold Sea War to bring together Westgard and Tol Goldora. It is with her I had my two twins. Yet, she has vanished to places unknown, leaving her children and I."

Understanding that this was alot of information, he hoped the lady would not be put off.
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
After weeks of interrupted military campaign and the one...unfortunate incident with bloodmoon was nice to simply enjoy the company of another that did not fight for her. The only other Noble she had interacted with closely was the Tidespeaker and she hadn't spent much time with the woman, even though Calypso owed the woman her life. She had blushed heavily despite herself again when Solomon had complimented her, like a young girl. She wasn't use to it, most of the men she spoke to saw her as a military commander and not a young woman.

"I know quite a bit of your history, for it is storied, my Navarch! I had heard of your previous marriage, but not that your wife had leave you alone with two children, how must be hard. Children need a mother..." It finally dawned on her that had to be at least part of why he was looking for pairings now.

"It...must be hard indeed," Calypso said, taking another sip of the excellent wine, trying not to drink too much too quickly, "I couldn't imagine what its like to have the weight of the realm on your shoulders and being the only parent to two children. I commend you on your strength, Navarch Solomon. My eldest brother is actually around fifteen years older than myself...he had children that I helped to look after through much of my childhood."

Calypso looked across the table to the Navarch, "I've always felt children are wonderful and precious things, so removed from...the realities of the world, if only for a time. I have sometimes thought would it would be like to have children of my own...I suppose I just never thought that would be possible for me, given the warrior's path...but I've always thought it would be nice." Calypso trailed off again, smiling genuinely at the thought, as servants began to cart off the empty dishes around them.
Calypso Hwitt

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Solomon leaned back in his chair and contemplated his reply. He was pleased that Calypso had some experience with children but that would not be her primary role. No, it would be to carry out her noble life and her own path, but supporting eachother throughout. That is something that was so unfortunately absent from his current wife so was not guaranteed:

"There is always time for children, even for those treading a hero's path, for they are our successors and legacy. Mine will hopefully inherit a better world than I previously lived in, that is a goal of any parent."

While the Navarch was quite on the nose, he had to be sure before any... feelings... were involved, which he could see occurring if they repeated this dinner over the next season or two:

"I am looking for a wife, this is well known to the continent of Dwilight. I am at a age now where I do not want to play games with my personal life. I do not want to get involved in another marriage where the persons involved had no affection, attraction nor loyalty to another. In addition, I do not expect a wife to give up her livelihood at all, I fear Sibylle chose to do that herself and resented me for it. I want a partner to be their own person, have their own career whilst also jointly bringing up the pre-existing children alongside her own with me. Yet together, we bring a family into this world that is not only well equipped for the harshness of the world but also holds the right standards. A tough ask I say."

Leaning forward, Solomon asked his ultimate question:

"So, considering all of that, is this something that you want to pursue? I believe that based on today, something could happen."
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Calypso folded her hands into her lap and listened intently as Solomon spoke. When he had finally finished, leaned back in his chair she thought for a long moment. She knew that what she said now could be one of the most important decisions she made in her life and therefore didn’t want to rush into a reply.

”Well if it were up only to my family, my Navarch, I would agree wholeheartedly and immediately based only on the fact that my marriage to you would be a great honor to my family. I honor that responsibility, but know that my replay does not come as a result of that.”

“I had honestly never thought before that anyone would be interested in a wife that walks the hero’s path. But my time with you tonight has shown me that you are genuine and forthright with what you are looking for and thankfully I think our goals and wishes are aligned.”

”This has been wonderful and you have been a most gracious host, my Navarch. It would please me greatly, and I hope it would please you, to spend more time together and see where this takes us!”
Calypso Hwitt

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Solomon got up from his chair to help the Same out of her seat as they left the dining area and out towards the Palace exit:

"I am glad you feel similar on this, perhaps next time we should take a more active activity, either a good walk or even some time in the academy. Until next time..."

Taking her hand into his for a kiss, he stood by the gate awaiting for Calypso's departure.
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Calypso offered her hand to the Navarch with a polite curtsy as the gate to the royal palace opened. At the mention of academy training Calypso's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I have heard many stories of your martial abilities, my Navarch and I would love the chance to train and spend more time with you! I hope to hear from you soon!"

With a last parting smile, Calypso made her way out to the awaiting carriage, and her captain, Xena, to return home. The sun was hanging low in the sky an soon the city would go to sleep for the evening. As she left, one of the guardsd gave her a strange look, almost taking a double-take as Calypso made her way out. She avoided the gaze, preferring to avoid thinking about the last time she had been here altogether.

As the carriage made its way out of sight of the palace and the gates closed, Calypso smiled with giddy excitement to Xena, "He likes me! And I didn't make a fool of myself!"
Calypso Hwitt