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Latest revision as of 21:54, 2 December 2020

Roleplay from Lyanna Arylon
The Wedding of Monterys and Lyanna, Temple of Tydalin, Sirion City


It was unusual for weddings in Sirion -- or anywhere else, for that matter -- to take place in the evening, yet that had been something important to Lyanna. She had joined the Valinorist faith some time ago, and would be taking her vows inside the Temple of Tydalin, the spiritual home of Valinorism in Sirion, but she was born a Torenist and raised in the faith of her father.

She had asked for an evening wedding because it was said that Tor revealed himself in the dead of night, and the light of fire that illuminates a night service is a symbol for the fire of Tor's grace. These traditions were important to her, as they were one of the last remaining connections that she had to her father. He had founded Torenism at the Shrine of Seeklander on the blighted continent of Dwilight, and the faith had been central to his identity. The wedding itself was to be deeply ceremonial, with a noticeable lack of pageantry and pomp. Each word uttered, each cloth worn, each prayer recited is there for a symbolic reason. She may no longer be a Torenist, but it felt right to honor the old traditions.

One interesting quirk that Lyanna also insisted on preserving was one involving guests. In the old ceremony, a place in the front three rows of the audience was reserved for hostile enemies of the parties being married. The old teachings regarded both honor and conflict highly, and are reflected in this custom. Each enemy of those to be married was extended an invitation with the promise of personal armistice for the duration of the week of celebration. They were given a place of honor in the gallery, and were highlighted during the ceremony for their noble dedication to the opposition of the betrothed. Many outsiders, to Lyanna's vague recollection of her youth, were stunned at seeing this part of the service, yet it always left attendees with a deep admiration for the gesture.

While she fought to preserve this tradition, she also gave ground on it as well. Inside the grand Temple they were to be married in, there were actually three separated groups of seating -- left, center, and right -- separated by aisles, and the Prime Minister had insisted that honored state guests were to be given great prominence, as well as leading citizens of Sirion. Thus, the invited adversaries of both Lyanna and Monterys would be placed in the front three rows of the left grouping, the Sirionites in the center, and Queen Alyssa, her entourage and other foreign dignitaries would be on the right. A fair compromise.

The dress for the occasion was another point of contention. Lyanna had asked for Monterys to dress in a ceremonial garb that dates from the earliest days of the South-East continent, a military uniform no longer worn in any land. It would have been black with leather accents, and a deep colored cape. Lyanna had her father's wedding uniform, which had a cape of a deep evergreen, signifying the realm of Everguard and his epithet, The Emerald King. Monterys had no objection to the uniform itself, but asked Lyanna if she would agree to allow him to wear a cape of scarlet, to signify his allegiance to Sirion. As a former Prime Minister, this was important to him, and Lyanna happily agreed.

She, on the other hand, had a flowing gown made from an exotic imported material that appeared to be a thin silky type of velvet. It was a very light shade of silver -- almost white -- and had a unique sheen to it that nearly glowed. The neck was high, and the sleeves tapered down her arms, covering the top part of her hand. Over the dress was an elegant, finely woven red corset with white stitching which served to accentuate her figure. In the old tradition, the woman's dress was to be doused with Holy Water from the Mountain of Betrayal on Dwilight, but this proved to be impossible so Lyanna asked Prime Minister Micah to bless the dress with oils and water from the Sirion river, in the name of Tydalin.

The music had filled the Temple for some time, in anticipation of the wedding. Ancient wooden flutes, crafted by the elves thousands of years ago, were being played, accompanied by thundering drums and the fanfare of trumpets. Monterys stood at the front of the Temple next to the Prime Minister, who was officiating the wedding. They were waiting for her. As soon as she stepped through the doors into the worship hall, the music would change, and the wedding would officially begin.

Steading herself, she reached for the door, ready to go forward.

"Lyanna, wait..." came a familiar voice from behind her.
Lyanna Arylon

Roleplay from Lyanna Arylon
Lyanna froze.

"You didn't think I would allow you to get married without being there for you, did you?" the voice continued.

Slowly, with a feeling of disbelief filling her, she turned her head to meet the eyes of the stranger who was behind her. He was very tall at well over six feet, and had piercing blue eyes. His white blonde hair was long enough to be tied back, and he wore upon his head a golden crown, shaped into several tall spikes with an emerald jewel encrusted in the center. He had a beard, which was the same color as his hair, and was shaped meticulously, with it cut short at the sides and with a thick mustache and chin. He was young, but definitely showing signs of a hard life, with somewhat whethered skin and crows feet around his eyes. He wore a simple charcoal coat with silver accents, which went as low as his knees, and his left shoulder was covered by a cape of emerald. He had high, black leather boots that featured several buckles down the outside of each leg. And he wore a sword at his hip, with a narrow guard and handle wrapped in leather. On the scabbard was an emblem -- a golden shield with a blue stripe cutting through it diagonally. The sign of House Arylon.

"Gheric?" she croaked.

He smiled broadly, before nodding. "I am pleased to see that you didn't expect me. It makes my surprise that much more... well... surprising."

Lyanna let out a squeal of delight before jumping on him and wrapping her arms around his thick, strong neck. She kissed him on the cheek as tears flowed down her face. "How? How is this possible? Your Kingdom..."

"I honestly did not think I could come. Westgard is current experiencing a massive invasion by the Netherworld, our army is pinned down in Ammando, we have lost regions, and my leadership is needed," he replied.

'Then how... why? How..." Lyanna could barely speak.

"It would take a long time to explain, but I was in the north of our kingdom attempting to break a massive host while the rest of our army gathered to hit the beasts in the south. After my men slaughtered the northern army, I ordered them to march for our capital where I would bolster our lines and then head to join the rest of the army in patrolling the homeland. I realized at that time that if I left my men in the care of Captain Algytha and boarded a ship on the coast, I could travel here to attend your wedding, and then afterward I could return to the ship and sail for my capital, and I would return to Gelene at almost the exact same time that my men arrive, thereby losing nothing in the journey."

She couldn't believe that he would go to such lengths to be with her for the wedding. "You... you didn't have to do that. I wouldn't have..."

He held his hand up to her lips. "I know, dear sister. I know. And that's why I love you. You have a forgiving heart. But for too long have you had to endure a family that is distant. I owed it to you -- and I owed it to Monterys -- to be here for this. And so here I stand."

Now fully speechless, Lyanna could only retreat into tears as she embraced her brother.

After a short time, Gheric reached down and put his hand on her chin, lifting her eyes toward his. "They're waiting, Lyanna. It is time for me to give you away to your husband."

She was flabbergasted. With her father gone, she had decided to simply march down the aisle herself, being accompanied by no one. Now here was Gheric, her brother, the High King of Westgard, a kingdom that stands where her father's once stood, and he was here to give her away.

Overjoyed, she reached for his outstretched hand, and hooked her arm around his. Gheric reached for the door, opened it, and stepped with Lyanna into the Temple's Great Hall. Seeing this, the music immediately changed, and the wedding began.
Lyanna Arylon

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon
Monterys stood inside the temple in his ceremonial uniform and a scarlet cape. His strikingly silver hair was neatly combed and tied at the back, with several peculiarly woven braids falling freely, which was homage to the handiwork of the elven maids that has somewhat fallen out of fashion in Sirion nowadays. He was slightly nervous, awaiting the arrival of his love which was soon to become his wife. The music was very pleasant and the Temple hosted truly the finest nobility that this continent could summon. Micah stood at the center of the temple, ready to preside over the ceremony according to the rites of the Path of Valinor, a Land of the Gods, that only he, the Pethron of the Order, visited so far. "Tydalin's blessings upon you, Your Majesty." Monterys greeted the Prime Minister, understanding how much this moment means to him and all the faithful that follow the Gods of Valinor.

Then she appeared. Lyanna gracefully walked the aisle in a gown that appeared to be a thin silky type of velvet. It was a very light shade of silver -- almost white -- and had a unique sheen to it that nearly glowed. The neck was high, and the sleeves tapered down her arms, covering the top part of her hand. Over the dress was an elegant, finely woven red corset with white stitching which served to accentuate her figure. Lyanna's hair was strawberry blonde, her saccharine lips concealed a set of dazzling, angel-white teeth which paired perfectly with her arched eyebrows that looked down gently, with kindness. Lyanna's beauty was beyond comparison, but Monterys couldn't help but stand in awe as he saw her brother walking with her down the aisle. There he was, against all reason and logic, Gheric Arylon, his blood-brother and a stalwart companion from the life he lead before he arrived to Sirion. Monterys looked like he saw a ghost, quite literally, but as both of the Arylons approached him he simply stood there, grateful to have one as a friend and the other that will soon become his wife.

"Brother...I have no words..." Monterys let out a short sigh and placed his hand at Gheric's shoulder. "It has been years. You looker stronger than ever." With a smile on his face Gheric took Lyanna's hand and offered it to Monterys. After a bow, Monterys took her hand and turned towards Pethron Micah, waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Monterys Velaryon

Roleplay from Lyanna Arylon
Perspective of Gheric Arylon, High King of Westgard

After placing Lyanna's hand in Monterys', Gheric bowed to his old friend and walked off as the couple turned to face the Prime Minister. Looking for a place to sit, he was taken aback when he saw a row of seated dignitaries on the right side of the stage, headed by a beautiful woman wearing a crown. This must be the Queen of Perdan, the woman that Lyanna had written to him about with such fondness. As he slowly walked toward her, he was surprised to see that the woman had snapped her fingers in the direction of a man on the end of the seat, causing him to quickly stand up and move to the somewhat crowded row behind. With seeming military precision, the other attendees in the row -- save the Queen and the woman next to her, who it seemed was... holding her hand? -- slid down to make a space that was clearly intended for Gheric to sit in.

Obliging, he walked to the other end of the row and entered the pew, ensuring that by taking his seat he would not cause any issue by stepping over, or on, an important Queen. He took his place next to the woman to the Queen's right, and sat down. He looked over and met eyes with Lyanna's friend -- he seemed to recall her name was Alyssa -- and gave her a nod of thanks for the gesture. When it was appropriate and the ceremony was over, he would make certain to get to know this woman. If nothing else, she was the only other person besides him who knew the burden of possessing a royal title.


Perspective of Micah Smallwood, Prime Minister of Sirion

Micah watched as the mysterious King took his seat next to the Queen of Perdan. Who was he? Neither Monterys nor Lyanna had told him there would be a visiting dignitary that would be taking part in the ceremony. And he had walked Lyanna down the aisle to the alter? Was this person... her father? No, that couldn't be true. He was obviously far too young, and besides, Lyanna had told Micah about her father many times, always speaking about him with reverence, but definitely saying that he was gone. Though, she had said he was missing, not dead. Or at least that is what he thought he remembered. Either way, the man couldn't be her father. So who was it?

Suddenly, as Monterys cleared his throat politely, Micah realized that he had been lost in thought and that he had initiated an awkward silence in the Hall. Immediately snapping back into his role, he began.


Perspective of Lyanna Arylon, Chief Justice of Sirion

Micah began the introduction he had planned as he spoke to the gathered attendees. It was a massive wedding, with the visiting nobles that were here for the Tournament, as well as visiting friends, other judges from around the continent, and of course her friend Alyssa, Queen of Perdan. As the Prime Minister explained that the gathered audience was here to witness a special bond between two people, who were joining together in love, and were also forming an unbreakable union between the House of Arylon and the House of Velaryon, Lyanna couldn't help but be overwhelmed with a sense of joy and contentment.

Here she was, looking into the eyes of the man she loved, about to become his wife. Her brother had come to give her away. Her greatest friend was there to support her. And the union was being presided over by the Prime Minster of Sirion. It was at this moment that she realized just how fortunate she was.


Perspective of Gheric Arylon, High King of Westgard

This Prime Minister was a very eloquent speaker, Gheric thought to himself. He had delivered a moving introduction, and handled his duties well.

As the ceremony continued on, both Monterys and Lyanna recited a pledge of fidelity to one another. This, of course, was pretty standard fare in most weddings, but he was quite moved by the genuine, honest affection he heard in both of their voices. This was no political marriage, they were clearly quite taken with each other.

After the vows, a rather remarkable scene took place. The Prime Minister turned his back on the couple and walked over to the elaborate altar, and picked up an unsheathed sword that was laying on it. He then returned to Monterys and Lyanna, holding the sword upright in front of him. What were they about to do?
Lyanna Arylon

Roleplay from Lyanna Arylon
Perspective of Micah Smallwood, Prime Minister of Sirion

Micah held the sword in front of him. Lyanna had wanted to do this -- it was not a typical act you would find in weddings in Sirion, and certainly not in Valinorism. She claimed this was part of an ancient ceremony that was very important to her family, and Monterys had agreed to it. He, for his part, saw nothing wrong with it, though he did find what was about to happen a bit uncivilized.

"You have pledged yourselves to each other, and shown those gathered here that you wish to join together as one," he bellowed. "Now, in front of these witnesses, make real that union."

Monterys, without hesitation, reached his hand up to the blade, and ran it along the sharp end, causing a gash to form and blood to flow. He then pulled back his hand and held his palm in the air upside down. Lyanna followed, doing the same. Afterward, the couple moved closer to each other and grasped their wounded hands together, as they kissed.

"Monterys and Lyanna, you now share one heart that beats for a common blood. I hereby declare your nobles houses joined, and you to be married."

As he uttered those words, the gathered crowd exploded in cheers.


Perspective of Monterys Velaryon, former Prime Minister of Sirion and Margrave of Trinbar

He was overjoyed. Lyanna had asked him for this part of the ceremony, and while it was unusual, he thought it suited him just fine. He was, after all, a warrior at heart. This was a warrior's wedding. If he was being honest, this was exactly what a wedding should be. People put too much faith in words -- he prefered action. And in this one symbolic action, he felt more alive, and more connected to Lyanna than he ever would have been if it had been a more traditional ceremony. As the cheers rung around him, he smiled, and once again kissed Lyanna.


Perspective of Gheric Arylon, High King of Westgard

Torenism! This was a key part of the Torenist wedding. He had not seen anything like this since he was a boy, but he recognized the blood mixture immediately. His sister still honored their family.

As he realized this, Monterys and Lyanna began walking down the aisle, and Gheric noticed that they did so by passing under a ceiling of swords held by Sirion knights. If she truly respected the tradition, these would all be swords that had drawn blood in battle.

At the reception, if this held, they would unveil a new family crest highlighting the union of their Houses, and they would drink and laugh the night away all the way into the next morning. He was now very glad he had come.
Lyanna Arylon

Roleplay from Brock Ketchum
Glad to receive invitation to this wedding dinner and knowing both groom and bride himself, Brock dresses in best clothes for the wedding. As the guests stand up, Brock does likewise.
Brock Ketchum

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire
The Judge of Perdan held the Ambassador of Perdan's hand as the wedding unfolded before them. Dustiria marveled at how different the ceremony was from any she had seen. None of the sappy long vows just a true warrior ceremony. As the couple cut themselves and joined bloody hands together she was surprised. The hand has so much that can be severed. That they were able to do this with no lasting damage showed their love to all that watched. She couldn't help but squeeze her own loves hand and wonder what their own wedding would be like someday. Dustiria was very glad to have been able to attend this foreign, to her wedding, and meet so many new people. Dustiria pet Burr in her lap as the ceremony concluded.


Dustiria watched the tournament with her Queen and her love Kenneth. She cheered on her fellows from Perdan and burr yowled from her shoulder . This was her first time watching a tournament and not participating. Everything about this trip had been novel and enjoyable. Soon enough she would head back to Perdan and her Judge work. For now she would enjoy a rare time with her dear friends and love before she returned. It had been years since they were all together but all know her mantra, duty first.
Dustiria Noire