Kingsley Family/Alyssa/Domus: Difference between revisions

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Alyssa Kingsley
Alyssa Kingsley
Kenneth MacArbin
Kenneth MacArbin
Preston Greer
Preston Greer
Tyrann Thrane
Tyrann Thrane
Ambrose Peregrine
Ambrose Peregrine

Revision as of 03:11, 24 October 2020

On the subject of Caligus, Queen Alyssa's first diplomatic visit, met with honour by the noble men of Caligus, the ancient realm whose old ties to Perdan Alyssa sought to reforge.

Contains the following Characters:

Alyssa Kingsley

Kenneth MacArbin

Preston Greer

Tyrann Thrane

Ambrose Peregrine


The Queen's arrival was met with some fanfare, the Great Gates of Domus opened with a bit of a show by the Caligan guards, seemingly eager to impress the Queen of Perdan. Alyssa glanced at the duke at her side, who gave her his characteristic smile as she shifted in her saddle. Alyssa's expression remained unchanged as the gates opened and the Queen of Perdan and her entourage rode through the gates into the little city at the base of the mountains that crowned the horizon.

Alyssa sat straight in her saddle, her white cloak draped across her shoulders, and down Starlight's back, her noble steed's hoofsteps changing from the light thud of the ground outside to the clop of stone street as she took in the little city; one she had seen only from the mountain paths above.

It looked so different, tall buildings loomed over her, ancient Caligan structures watching over the people who had lived here for centuries. People who watched the Perdanese delegation, and their young queen with curiosity and murmurs.

The roads were cramped, and only left room for two horses abreast, the Caligan escorts leading the way, Alyssa's vanguard two rows in front of her and Duke Kenneth falling in behind his Queen followed by the rest of the Perdanese host. Shadows loomed over the street from the giant buildings above and Alyssa could not help but feel slightly trapped in the cramped streets of Domus. Alyssa shuddered Fortunately the city was small and they reached their destination quickly. The royal palace of Caligus was an old thing. Alyssa knew from her uncle's lessons that kings of many nations had held court in this ancient place, but it was the Caligans who built this place, and it was the Caligans she would meet.

Upon reaching the courtyard, Alyssa and her royal guard dismounted alongside their Caligan escorts. Her hand casually resting on the pommel of her sword, the Queen took a deep breath and glanced once again at her Ambassador.

"Are you ready to meet the High King?" She asked both Kenneth and herself as they walked up the palace steps to do exactly that.


Preston sits in the chambers of alliances waiting on the arrival of the Perdan Queen. He looks out the window and sees a women Riding up on the most beautiful horse the women also beautiful. He turns and tells his scribe " see to it that she gets the most beautiful flowers our kingdom has also make sure we send them the finest ale. Bring them to me at once." Preston shuffles his paperwork to get in order hopefully things will change for the better this time.


Tyrann stood at the threshold with his hands behind his back and his head held high. He watched as the Queen and her envoy ascended the palace steps.

“Welcome Queen Alyssa.” He bowed his head, “And Duke Kenneth, we are pleased to receive you both. If you would follow me. The High King awaits you in the Chamber of Alliances, this way.”


Alyssa and her ambassador climbed the stone stairs to the Caligan palace. They were long and steep like most buildings in the city were, but Alyssa trained herself every morning and ascended the steps with ease. Her escort, bearing a mix of shields with Perdan's royal lion and her own black wolf. The Queen lowered her riding hood as they entered the palace proper, her Caligan hosts motioning her inside.

The Palace itself felt ancient, like a world and people from long ago were watching her with curiosity. She idly wondered how many Perdanese rulers had walked these halls, and how many had done so as friends. Her Caligan hosts bid her wait, as she was to be escorted to the High King by a knight, not a common soldier, something Alyssa appreciated as her eyes wandered across the old stones.

Her wait was interrupted first, not by a knight but by a pair courtier, each with an enormous bouquet of white roses in their arms.

"From our most High King, your Majesty Queen Alyssa"

Alyssa's eyes immediately widened with some concern as she glanced over to Kenneth who seemed like he was holding in a chuckle. She accepted them gracefully with a weary smile and held them awkwardly as they gave the other bouquet to Kenneth and left with a respectful bow. They did not have time to exchange words as the next came in, a proud looking knight who Alyssa recognized as the Lord Tyrann Thrane. Their previous meeting had been well and she was happy to see him, telling him as much as he approached in a dignified manner.

“Welcome Queen Alyssa.” He bowed his head, “And Duke Kenneth, we are pleased to receive you both. If you would follow me. The High King awaits you in the Chamber of Alliances, this way.”

As you say, Lord Tyrann. I trust you have been well since our last meeting. I hope no more foul creatures have found their way into the Caligan countryside. Did you ever get a chance to speak to Duke Gislin?"


"Yes, your Highness, quite well." He smiled, remembering fondly that day in the field, and extended his arm ushering them to begin walking. They continued down the corridor adorned with tapestries depicting ancient kings and important battles. "A few have found their way, but we were swift to intervene. Our issue now is with the peasantry, well I needn't trouble you with such affairs your Grace." As they walked Tyrann would make vague comments on a few tapestries as he knew not much of Caligan history.

"But yes, I have spoken with Duke Gislin and I believe I can expect him shortly. I am eager to meet him, men of the cloth have always seemed...different. Ah at last..." They soon came upon an old oak door with thick iron hinges and ornate carvings of vines deep within it's grain. It was opened from inside and the High King of Caligus could be seen at the head of the table. "After you, your Grace...Duke Kenneth." He bowed his head once more.


By the dais where the High King was seated the procession saw a kneeled knight dressed in plate armour of blued steel. Beside him lied a heap of battered tourney shields, among them the guests could notice a golden pegasus of house Sharpspeare and Velaryon's sun in splendor on blue and white. The man stood up slowly as the Queen and her entourage entered the great chamber and offered a courtly bow, holding his helmet under his arm.

His head was shaven clean, he was not very tall but had a powerful build and looked like a robust warrior. If the foreign lords followed the recent news from Isadril they probably could guess that it must have been Sir Ambrose, the winner of the recent tournament. Apparently he came to offer his monarch the trophies he brought back from the tourney and perhaps to catch a glimpse of the Perdanese ruler and her companion.

He did not have a haunting resemblance with his kinsman Kay, but those who knew about the relation could certainly notice the similarities. Blue piercing eyes would strike the Queen and her Ambassador the most, instantly triggering a flashback to the dying bed of an old King. Except that this one still had both eyes intact.


Preston See's Ambrose walk and immediately stands "let's raise our ale in honor of Ambrose for winning also thank you for bringing more honor to Caligus and yourself as well." Preston nods and takes a drink from his goblet he sets it down and looks at his scribe "see to it he gets the finest meat we have to offer" The scribe nods and hurries off.


Kenneth had enjoyed taking in the city as they rode, his first time amid the ancient buildings. Even after living in Perdan all these years, he was still surprised and intrigued to see lands this old, most inhabited for longer than Dwilight, much less his home in Farrowfield, had been settled.

He was equally interested in observing how Alyssa worked with the Caligan Ruler. He knew she maintained various contacts, and it seemed that her working relationship with this one was quite strong. He had worked, somewhat, with Rowan but other than that he knew next to no one in these lands, and building some relationships of his own was certainly in order.

"Are you ready to meet the High King?" She asked both Kenneth and herself as they walked up the palace steps to do exactly that.

He grinned back at her.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I would be a poor Ambassador were I not."

He had expected an escort, of course, but he had not expected the flowers. Evidently the Caligans had been as inspired by the queen as various others in Perdan had been, amusingly. He could guess her reaction even without looking at her face, and motioned to one of his attendants to pass off the bouquets to and accompany the pair, displaying the gifts without impeding their recipients.

As Alyssa and, yes, from his memorization of the Caligan high nobility this must be Tyrann Thrane, conversed, he made a few mental notes.

"Many thanks, Baron Tyrann, and I look forward to seeing you later if possible."

But as they entered, a pair of eyes caught his own. He had known a kinsman of Kay's was in Caligus, but knowing that and seeing familiar eyes in that unfamiliar face...His normally expressive face became a momentary smiling mask as he looked at the man who had to be Ambrose. Later, Kenneth...

He recovered, and moved smoothly into his duties, stepping forward into a deep bow to the High King on his dais before his clear voice rang through the hall.

"Your Majesty, High King of Caligus, Duke of Aureus, Lord Preston of the House of Greer, I present to you Her Majesty, Queen of Perdan, Shining Paladin of the Golden Lions, Lady Alyssa of the House of Kingsley. And in honour of your high station and the ancient name of the realm of Caligus, and on behalf of Her Majesty and Perdan, I present also these gifts!"

As arranged, attendants moved forward, kneeling and offering up two beautiful chests.

"These chests are made from the finest cherry trees of the Dim Woods, renowned for their strength and beauty since time immemorial. Within, you will find tokens of our realm: A shield, forged of steel from the Mines of Perdan, that you might guard yourself as we guard our honour; and the finest Merlau, from the Belmont meaderies, that you may enjoy yourself as we celebrate our merriment. Thus does Perdan wish to be known, and thus do we hope you will know us, High King."

His speech concluded, Kenneth bowed again, and took three steps backwards until he was properly behind Alyssa once more.


...Before entering the Chamber of Alliances...

"Indeed, I shall have it arranged after the proceedings." He placed his hands behind his back and nodded. He was the last to enter the chamber, giving another nod to Sir Ambrose. He stood behind his seat as titles and pleasantries were exchanged. He caught himself staring at the Queen of Perdan he quickly shifted his gaze to the High King.