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The Queen's Fitting

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
Queen Amélie had been wandering around the royal palace for the last few days finally becoming better acquainted with her new home. The first few weeks as her tenure had been extremely hectic while on the campaign trail that the Queen of Portion never had a chance to relax in her own home.

That was quickly changing however as Amélie was relaxing in the study while engaging in diplomacy with the rulers of the Colonies. Amélie thought to herself how much more pleasant it was to read her correspondence sitting in a comfortable chair rather than reading the letters on horse back.

Finishing the most recent letter the Queen set it aside and called for her handmaiden, "Emma, EMMA!"

Emma rushed into the room quickly inquiring, "Yes your Majesty, what do you need?"

"Eet seems Duke, non Chairtheng Garm eez finallee goéng to visit Portion zo we can engage een zum propair diplomacy. Zis eez quite le occasheon, la first statelee visit since ai 'ave taken la crown. Ai wish to look spectaculair zo ai need a nu dress, summon la seamstrez at once."

"Yes your Majesty, i'll summon your personal dress maker at once." The fair handmaiden quickly replied as she ran out of the room.

Queen Tempest would continue to look over her letters, reading a little of the King of Oritolon rambling on about some sort of vision in the desert when Emma returned to the study with a petite cute looking old lady.

"My Queen, Gertrude is here with me, she made your previous dresses after... ahem... your unpleasant accident." Emma stated as she made her way to Amélie to help the Queen strip down to her undergarments.

Standing in front of the mirror as Gertrude measured the Queen, Amélie ranted a little over what kind of dress she wanted. "Noire... Non... rouge. Non freehls. Ai am sik of freehls. Oh et mak suré its not too long ai wish fair mon feet to be seen. All lé boasteng doés me not good if zéy cannot be seen"

Gertrude was measuring Queen Amélie's waist while the Queen was rambling about her new dress when she spoke, "You have gain 3 inches around your waste your Majesty since your last fitting."

"WHAT?!" The Queen of Portion shouted, "Ai nevair! What are you zum 'ak!? Get oot! Get oot, get oot!" Amélie continued to shout as Gertrude quickly gathered her things and retreated from the study.

"Emma, bring me one of my older dresses at once!" Queen Tempest ordered her handmaiden who bolted out of the room to fetch the dress that was requested.

Amélie stood in front of the mirror while waiting for Emma to return studying her own reflection. Her wound was mostly healed by now however Amelie couldn't see éa noticeable difference to her waistline. The Queen wasn't eating more than normal, if anything Amélie had been eating less since her injury. Emma returned with a dress and helped her Queen wear the fabulous robe. However when the time came to do the dress up in the back it simply did not fit.

Emma spoke softly to her Queen, "Your Majesty could this be, you know?"

"Could zis bé what Emma?" Amélie replied equally softely.

"Never mind your Majesty. I'll be sure your new gown is prepared as you requested."

"Excellent see zat eet eez. Fair now ai weehl retiyaire to mon chambairs. And send up mon scribe."

Queen Amélie looked at herself once more in the mirror before departing the study.
Amélie Tempest