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Roleplay from Amélie Tempest, Queen of Portion
Amelie rallied what remained of her men for the coming battle. The previous clash with the soldiers of Outer Tilog in the hills of Vir el Mari had left only a handful of Frundi’s Finest standing and ready to fight again.

Still the Queen of Portion was not hesitant, fully aware she would likely clash with Duke Garm and his Wargs once again in another extremely one sided charge of cavalry. When the horns blew Queen Tempest charged forward straight towards the Tilogian ranks in what could only be described as a brave or foolish endeavour depending on who tells the story.

The choice was simple for Amelie, fight or run away; meaning there wasn’t really a choice to be made. Her honour would not let her back down from a fight, any fight regardless of the odds. Barreling down the field Frundi’s Finest spotted their target and Queen Tempest steered her men to face the Wargs head on once more.

The clash was spectacularly brief, Amelie’s unit entirely wiped out in a single change with the Queen thrown from her horse landing in the dirt. A lone riderless Warg approached the Lady grasping for her sword but after the short flight and subsequent crash landing on the ground Amelie lacked the strength to wield a blade.

Queen Amelie wasn’t a small woman by any standard but it mattered not to the lumbering Warg who quite easily grasped her torso within its mouth. With razor sharp teeth the beast pierced her breastplate with ease. Lady Tempest let out a shrieking cry as the warmth of blood flowed all over her. The beast suspended the woman in a moment of agony, blood running from undeather her armor dripping to the ground below. The Warg attempted to finish her off by tossing the Queen of Portion to and fro like a ragdoll.

When the thrashing reached a full forced frenzy the Warg finally released Amelie from its jaws of death flinging her far away to crash upon the ground once more. All consciousness was lost within the battered woman left for dead in the dirt.


By some miracle the healers had found Amelie and managed to drag the Queen back to her tent. Amelie wouldn’t make a sound or any kind of movement while the healers removed her armour to access the damage. The healers gave each other a solemn look at each other then back to the wound. The teeth of the beast cut deep, and it was clear that ribs were broken in the process; with the addition of the hint of a foul smell The Queen’s outlook was bleak. The healers set to work to save their Queen.


Consciousness might have left Amelie’s body but not her spirit for she found herself on an entirely new battlefield. Not one of the colonies but some otherworldly dimension. Climbing the nearby ridge would reveal all, two massive armies in the valley below ready for battle. A showdown between good and evil was about to take place.

With a flash of blinding light a divine figure descended from the heavens towards Queen Amelie, the godly figure could only be the Highfather himself.

“Crusader Amelie, my child, take this sword and join me so we may rid the world of evil.”

Amelie knelt before the figure before replying, “My Lord, Mon Dieu, ai live to sairve and if you need mé fair zis divine purpose ai will glady be your swaird.”

“Then rise my child the time is nigh.”

Crusader Amelie rose and looked to the battlefield, a clash of destiny between all manner of creatures from the heavens and hells. Angels and Daimons would face off this day.

When the golden trumpets sounded Amelie would charge without hesitation rushing straight to the front lines to find her piece of the glory. Today was the day she would prove her true valor before the eyes of the Highfather.


As the battle raged on Queen Amelie traversed the frontline with ease slaying and minor daimon that crossed her path but despite her own effort the initiative was being lost. It was becoming clear to even Crusader Tempest that the daimonic forces would take the day unless something, no someone saved the day.

Amelie scanned the battlefield for the Highfather for only his light could ensure the crusaders would triumph in this battle but his radiance remained elusive. Instead the Queen only managed to lock eyes with a greater Daimon who starred into her very soul as the monster starting bowling his way to the Lady.

Only a monster such as a Daimon Lord could so easily brush aside all the lesser daimons and crusaders in his path while he hurtled towards Amelie. The Crusader readied her sword as the 10 foot tall monster with claws tougher than steel took finished the gap and took a swipe at Amelie. Attempting to parry the claws was futile as they shattered her sword in one swoop. With a quick follow through of his other hand the Daimon Lord impaled Queen Amelie in her chest then lifted her high above his head only to quickly slam the helpless lady back on the ground.


Within the tent the healers were taking a moment to rest as they had stabilized the Queen, or so they thought. Amelie suddenly started coughing blood drawing attention from the healers. They studied the wound and came to find it was fresh again, and with even more claw marks then before. They did what they could to stop the bleeding but were no longer confident they could save the Queen.


With her life leaving Amelie the beaten lifeless crusader laid on the ground not even able to scream in pain for she was drowning in her own blood.

Looking down at her and the Daimon Lord spoke, “Y zambuguür nyzzuv bryvgḧul häz grohurrgzyb ryvbügh”

Not understanding such speech Amelie watched as the final light was leaving her eyes when she heard a distinct trumpet blast. Has the Highfather finally come to say the day, Queen Tempest thought to herself.

As she lay dying in a pool of her own blood Amelie Tempest watched as all the Angels and the Highfather himself ascended from the battlefield leaving all the Crusaders including herself for dead. She had given him her life and he so readily cast her soul to the wind..?

The Daimon Lord began chanting some kind of incantation causing one of his claws to give off a heinous red glow. Plunging the claw straight into Amelie’s heart the monster spoke again, “Your immortal soul belongs to me now, prepare the mortal plane for my arrival.”

As the Daimon Lord withdrew his claw from the lady she felt a rush of life fill her and lost all vision.


“GAAAAAAAAAAAAASP” taking a deep breath Princess Amelie sat sitting straight up while her vision slowly returned. She found herself no longer dying in a pool of her own blood but in her tent? She scanned the dull brown canvas to see who was present. Only two healers and a man she could not recall. He was at least wearing the colours of her new banner so she addressed him, “Who are you sair, et whaire are mon councilairs, mon knights?”

Alone, left abandoned by everything she held dear was a lone knight standing before her wondering what became of his Queen.
Amélie Tempest, Queen of Portion