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Adorable stuff to be added ^_^<br>
Adorable stuff to be added ^_^<br>
Content Warnings: References to Abuse, Emotional Trauma
Alyssa looked out across the overlook by the little mountainside lodge down into the valley below.  Her mind raced with a dozen different things as the mountain breeze wispped around her, her golden hair blowing around her shoulders.  She could smell Mama Cobb's roasted chicken from the nearby lodge wafting along the breeze as well.  The sunset reminded her of that evening on the hillock with Isana.  Alyssa idly adjusted her sword and belt she wore over her riding pants as she daydreamed of her sweetheart as she cast her gaze towards the foggy cliffs below.  There was no one she trusted more.  Isana would be honest with her and true.  And she loved her, Alyssa felt safe confiding in her.  There is no one else she would know who would help her. While her thoughts of the pretty woman wandered as if on cue she heard footsteps behind her.  She stiffened reflexively and without thinking her hand lowered toward her hip as she turned around to see the woman she loved approach wearing a bright smile.  
Alyssa looked out across the overlook by the little mountainside lodge down into the valley below.  Her mind raced with a dozen different things as the mountain breeze wispped around her, her golden hair blowing around her shoulders.  She could smell Mama Cobb's roasted chicken from the nearby lodge wafting along the breeze as well.  The sunset reminded her of that evening on the hillock with Isana.  Alyssa idly adjusted her sword and belt she wore over her riding pants as she daydreamed of her sweetheart as she cast her gaze towards the foggy cliffs below.  There was no one she trusted more.  Isana would be honest with her and true.  And she loved her, Alyssa felt safe confiding in her.  There is no one else she would know who would help her. While her thoughts of the pretty woman wandered as if on cue she heard footsteps behind her.  She stiffened reflexively and without thinking her hand lowered toward her hip as she turned around to see the woman she loved approach wearing a bright smile.  

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She took a long deep breath, taking in the fresh mountain air and the smell of roast chicken, and the closeness of the woman she loved.
She took a long deep breath, taking in the fresh mountain air and the smell of roast chicken, and the closeness of the woman she loved.
-- -- --
Isana waved off Cedric again.
Isana waved off Cedric again.
“Don’t worry, munchkin, I’ll be back safe tomorrow. I’ve got a meeting. Don’t worry, I’ll bring you some chicken.”
“Don’t worry, munchkin, I’ll be back safe tomorrow. I’ve got a meeting. Don’t worry, I’ll bring you some chicken.”
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“Haha! Um, shall we inside, Aly dear?”
“Haha! Um, shall we inside, Aly dear?”

-- -- --

Alyssa nodded, sliding her arm from her partner's waist through her arm.  Together they followed the savory smell until they reached the dining all of the little mountain lodge.  Inside was a quaint dining  hall, tables on either side of the main walkway through the room towards the shelf of liquors and wines on the wall at the back.  On one side of the shelf clatter and the busy sounds of cooking came from a kitchen from which the warm scent wafted throughout the room.  On the other side a staircase leading to the Lodge's rooms.  
Alyssa nodded, sliding her arm from her partner's waist through her arm.  Together they followed the savory smell until they reached the dining all of the little mountain lodge.  Inside was a quaint dining  hall, tables on either side of the main walkway through the room towards the shelf of liquors and wines on the wall at the back.  On one side of the shelf clatter and the busy sounds of cooking came from a kitchen from which the warm scent wafted throughout the room.  On the other side a staircase leading to the Lodge's rooms.  
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Alyssa squeezed her darling's hand "Will you find us a place to rest our feet dearest, your journey has been long, I'll get some wine and be right there." She said pulling a coin from her purse and taking a step towards the large liquor-ladened shelf
Alyssa squeezed her darling's hand "Will you find us a place to rest our feet dearest, your journey has been long, I'll get some wine and be right there." She said pulling a coin from her purse and taking a step towards the large liquor-ladened shelf
-- -- --
Isana smiled and squeezed her hand back as Alyssa went in search of refreshments. She greeted the men casually with a brief nod.
Isana smiled and squeezed her hand back as Alyssa went in search of refreshments. She greeted the men casually with a brief nod.

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“I love the sound of ‘Dawnstar of the Riverlands’, Aly. It’s so poetic! You know it was stories that brought me to Perdan in the first place… I read of the shimmering white city on the shores of the ocean, and hardly believed it could be so beautiful as the writer described. I should find that writer and thank them somehow, come to think of it. Following their words has thus far been a very fortunate venture.” She paused, taking in the room and her favourite company, and feeling entirely lucky in the moment. Her gaze filled with sky blue, and she noted some tension in Alyssa’s face. “You mentioned there was something you wanted to discuss, love?”
“I love the sound of ‘Dawnstar of the Riverlands’, Aly. It’s so poetic! You know it was stories that brought me to Perdan in the first place… I read of the shimmering white city on the shores of the ocean, and hardly believed it could be so beautiful as the writer described. I should find that writer and thank them somehow, come to think of it. Following their words has thus far been a very fortunate venture.” She paused, taking in the room and her favourite company, and feeling entirely lucky in the moment. Her gaze filled with sky blue, and she noted some tension in Alyssa’s face. “You mentioned there was something you wanted to discuss, love?”

-- -- --

"Ah... yes."  Alyssa said glancing at the clasped hands relaxing on the table.  Her voice softened, for only Isana as the tavern's bustling noise began to pick up.  "I wanted your opinion.  Or, your help perhaps, whichever you feel you can give me."  She traced her thumb across the other's hand as she looked back up at the pretty woman across from her.  Her eyes always held such delight and acceptance.    I am foolish to be afraid of her. She admitted to herself as she exhaled and straightened into a more confident posture.
"Ah... yes."  Alyssa said glancing at the clasped hands relaxing on the table.  Her voice softened, for only Isana as the tavern's bustling noise began to pick up.  "I wanted your opinion.  Or, your help perhaps, whichever you feel you can give me."  She traced her thumb across the other's hand as she looked back up at the pretty woman across from her.  Her eyes always held such delight and acceptance.    I am foolish to be afraid of her. She admitted to herself as she exhaled and straightened into a more confident posture.
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She gave the other woman's hand a squeeze.  "What do you think my love?"
She gave the other woman's hand a squeeze.  "What do you think my love?"
-- -- --

Isana felt her eyes roll...
Isana felt her eyes roll at the mention of Nemean, but kept quiet until Alyssa had finished speaking.
"I want to be a good leader. I want to push people to better themselves.  But whenever I ask of them for something more, for a better way, it always seems to explode into something dreadful and combative.  I don't wish for this to happen, it's never my intention.  I just... I don't know what I can do better, but I must find a way to do better."
"What do you think my love?"
“I think…” Isana began, blinking unfocused at the table as her mind worked. “Well, first of all, if anyone is stubborn, selfish, and imperious it’s that--” she paused and lowered her voice, “it’s Sir Nemean. He wins. His behaviour at the Gala, I can hardly believe. How anyone could use any of those words describing you, when he is in the room…” she looked to the ceiling incredulously. Alyssa’s hands were tense in her own, and Isana squeezed them back, and offered a bright smile with an earnest look.
“Admitting of course, I am likely to be incredibly biased, my dear, I will do my best. One at a time. First, personally I have not found you ‘controlling’.” Isana’s face twisted into an absurd expression and she shook her head. “You have been a welcoming and guiding presence to the nth in all I have seen: instructive, and not in any negative way. Though I can hardly recall disagreeing with you, come to think of it. Maybe if we disagreed on something where a decision had to be made, quickly…? But no, you listen so well, there is always a compromise. So no, that’s poppycock. You are direct and clear. As for reactions from others, it may take a few minutes to think…”
She lifted her glass as though to sip, then paused, and put it back down with a firm -tink-.
“No, here’s something. You ask for something more, a better path, and things explode. So, as I see it those who explode are resisting a path, a push. That is not you, dearest. It is something of their own mindset that does not want to reach where you direct, has its own intentions and goals.” Isana nodded to herself, looking intently at the wine as she raced along that thread. “Who knows what of the council’s own pursuits, that are important only to them, are dashed or sidelined by putting the realm first. It is easier to villainize an antagonist than deal with the truth of it.” She met Alyssa’s eyes intently. “The council are all peers; it is difficult to see them in that light, but it also makes some sense...” Her voice drifted off, and then her eyebrows lifted thoughtfully and she continued.
“It might also be, depending on whom is reacting, that they do not wish to trust the wisdom of one younger than them. Power and talent in one who is younger can make others jealous, or hypercritical. It could be that your being a woman factors in as well.” A sidelong glance of irritation with her mouth in a firm line showed Isana’s opinion on that thought. “Maybe they feel a personal hurt from past unfortunate, um, events…” she trailed off apologetically and cringed belatedly, knowing the battle she alluded to was often mentioned. Already in deep, she forged ahead, “...past events that cannot be changed, and have been learned from, yet they are slow to trust again?”
Alyssa was quiet. Isana held her breath and hoped she hadn’t trodden too hard on that sensitive point. Aly seemed more distant than usual already today, her mind busy, and probably on the topics at hand. The dark haired dawnstar leaned forward and scooted her chair a little closer to her love.
“I’m sorry, dearest, I charged into that last a bit roughly…” she apologized softly.
Alyssa sighed as she saw light of her life demure slightly after she implied some old pain.  Memories of that day came over her.  The pain in her side from the spear that pierced her, the shouts and cries of the Perdanese as they were butchered, the feeling of horror as she realized her mistake.  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to push them away, focusing on her hand intertwined with the woman across from her.
"No, my love, it's fine."
She hesitated a moment as she gathered her thoughts before continuing in a quiet tone, still idly running her thumb across Isana's hand.  "Perhaps you are right, but... that does not change the fact that I must still lead them.  Why must they be so difficult, so arrogant?  We must all do what is best for the realm..."
She shook her head slightly and forced a smile.  "I'm sorry, my love.  I mean... thank you.  Your words are sweet and a comfort.  And... helpful I think."  her smile then turned to thought as she considered further. "If they don't trust me... how can I regain that trust?  There is nothing that can be done about my youth or my sex.  Perhaps one-on-one dialogue?  Or must I enforce more discipline in the council?  We must be more cohesive.  I don't... wish to have them removed."  She finished with a grimace.  "That would not do, and I suspect would make things worse.
She hmmed. "Maybe... I need to speak to Sir Nemean...  Is that a bad idea?  It never ends well there, but.  Something must be done, and he may be at the root of it, as he is close with the other marshals.  It is comforting to know that it is perhaps not me."
"It's been... difficult between us.  He once held romantic feelings for me.  Asking me to spend time with him, giving me gifts, attempting to touch me..."  She trailed off with a grimace.  "Obviously," She continued giving her partner's hand a gentle squeeze, "I could not provide him with the affection he sought.  I don't know if that has anything to do with this difficulty, but we were never able to find the right footing to find ground between us.  I do not even know where I could begin."
"It's been... difficult between us.  He once held romantic feelings for me.  Asking me to spend time with him, giving me gifts, attempting to touch me..."  She trailed off with a grimace.  "Obviously," She continued giving her partner's hand a gentle squeeze, "I could not provide him with the affection he sought.  I don't know if that has anything to do with this difficulty, but we were never able to find the right footing to find ground between us.  I do not even know where I could begin."
Isana’s eyes widened and her cheeks coloured as she remembered Nemean’s behaviour at the Gala. That explained some of his brevity and stiffness, and familiarity. She chewed the inside of her lip and studied their clasped hands before she spoke.
“It does become more complex when you must unify and lead them, doesn’t it, love… I was focused on the certainty that you are none of those accusations, and missed thinking on that. Enforcing discipline may be difficult, I suspect you’ve already tried. They have to want to cooperate, whether for a carrot or a stick. It’s easy for me to say ‘to the wind with them’, but then they’re still there, expecting leadership while they’re making it difficult. I would just as soon excuse myself from that kind of company and get back to my duties and ignore the obstinate behaviour, like with children working off too much energy. Perhaps they need to grow up,” she finished wryly, and smirked into her goblet as she took a sip. Aly smiled slightly back, but did not laugh as she had hoped.
Isana sighed, and pulled her dark braid in front of her shoulder, smoothing it a few times with thoughtful fingers. She continued after another sip of the wine.
“Words with them, one on one, may help if you can get the right atmosphere. At least with Lord Kenneth; he seems like someone who will bend an ear. Sir Rogos perhaps too, he seems eager to please. I confess I don’t know what to do about His Bossy Trousers Renodin.”
Alyssa raised an eyebrow at this abrupt shift of tone and Isana rushed to continue.
“I know, I know, it’s disrespectful! I shan’t say such things in public company, not to worry. But he perplexes me! And now knowing he has made multiple unwelcome advances on you, darling.... You can more than handle yourself, and have, but it makes me quite… well, upset! And, protective, I suppose…” Isana felt the heat rising higher in her cheeks but she pressed on, the words tumbling out. “The way he just issues orders and then assumes others will follow as though they have no right to anything but compliance to his every whim. I haven’t seen his actions in council obviously, but I can just imagine…”
Isana paused in speaking and took a deep breath. She sat up straight, let her eyes fall closed, and slowly let the breath out, as though the air was thick and heavy and required force. Her eyes blinked open with another breath, and she held the back of her hand to her flushed cheek. “I’m sorry, dearest. I think… he reminds me of my brother, and I can’t stand that sort of behaviour, and I’ve never yet figured out what to do about it. Is there anyone else close to him you could maybe talk to, ask how to get inside that mask? From the current standpoint I don’t think he holds anyone in respect except the King, and even that is more as equals. There was a Lady he was pursuing at the Gala. Perhaps she could lend insight?”
She tilted her head as she watched Aly think, and focused on slowing her own breathing. Hopefully she hadn’t been overheard; much of what she had said was quite improper for a knight of the realm speaking of her peers. What has come over me...
Alyssa chuckled to herself at the mention of "His Bossy Trousers Renodin" and even let a slight smile creep out at her sweetheart's impassioned speech.  Certainly she had felt similar feelings on the subject many times before.  As cute as it was to see her love's fluster, she did not want her to feel discomfort.  A comforting hand reached forward to touch Isana's cheek.  Alyssa's voice came softly, as were her words.
"Do not be sorry, darling. Leandra knows surely how often I have spoken out against the man, in public, or at least semi-public.  You are here, with me, and the only ones in this inn are either Vixen small folk or are mine.  I... don't want you to feel uncomfortable.  Especially for voicing a perfectly reasonable opinion."
She ended with a slightly playful smile.
"Though you are perhaps wise to be concerned about such things.  While he is no commander of yours and you owe him nothing, among the others we must stand united.  The realm must come before our petty differences.  I have tried to explain this to him but he must be more interested in showing how strong and bold he is than the realm.  Though... I do know he is not from here, coming from far south.  Still he should try to be more understanding of us at the very least if he wishes to lead in our Kingdom.  Like you said.  I am not sure how to deal with him either.  The King suggested I simply ignore him, but he is part of the council.  As for Delphine, well she may as well just be another Nemean for she supports everything he says.  Rogos as well hangs on his every word, and is the first to kneel before 'his Prince'.  Frankly that sort of thing concerns me more than Nemean's boorish behaviour."
Alyssa hmmed wistfully.  "There love, now we are both disrespectful.  I wonder...  Actually dear, since you mention those close to him, I think I do know who I could speak to about Sir Nemean.  A man who knows him quite well, who worked closely with his adoptive mother.  While doing diplomatic work alongside His Majesty, I made an amicable acquaintance with the former King of Eponllyn.  He may be able to help."
Alyssa leaned forward and kissed Isana sweetly on the cheek.  "I was wise to ask your advice.  Thank you darling."
"If I may however... Can I ask you about this brother of yours  I don't think I've seen you so... flustered before."
"If I may however... Can I ask you about this brother of yours  I don't think I've seen you so... flustered before."
Isana’s gaze fell again to her goblet, avoiding Alyssa’s expression of concern.
“Well I have several brothers. The one who has caused me to… learn… the most, is Elios…”
Isana fell silent for several long moments. The lodge faded to grey around her as memories and feelings raced through her mind’s eye. Laughter. Humiliation. Subtle plotting. Cruelty. That day in the swamp. Training the recruits. Fletching. She let her eyes fall closed and took a slow, deep breath, then shook her head slightly.
“I don’t know where to start with him, love. Maybe some context will help. Elios is my younger brother by almost three years. I am the eldest child in our family, firstborn to the Everlights of Wailing Wood. I was my father’s pride for those three years, though I don’t remember it exactly. Only a feeling of lingering joy in his presence that has no foundation in living memory.”
She sighed, and reached for the reassurance of Alyssa’s hand in hers. Aly took it and held it firmly as she continued.
“Elios is the first son. The favourite. In the Northern monsterlands life is harsh, and folks stick to their old-fashioned values for superstition or because there’s no time to get creative about it between invasions, who knows. You’d think the populace would want to depend on all their people, but it’s not so. You want a son to be the next lord protector of the house. A son, to carry on the name. Doesn’t matter how famous or powerful you get, if you’re a lady your name is naught. That’s the way we were brought up. Didn’t matter how many tournaments I won at archery, how much faster I could run, how long I worked, how clever I was… there was no victory for me, only stern reminders that I should be looking for a dowry to bring more gold to the house, my behaviour was unbecoming--” her voice choked off. Isana’s brows contorted into silent grief. She shut her eyes tightly against the emotion, held onto the anchor of Alyssa’s hand and let the wave crash over her and subside.
She swallowed and sat up again, squaring her shoulders, and looked to Alyssa. Perplexed blue eyes were fixed on her, full of love and concern. Oh now I’ve gone and made her worry.
“I’m sorry, dearest. It just hit me, doesn’t really bother me that much anymore,” Isana reassured, returning Aly’s gaze earnestly. Her love simply waited, somehow knowing there was more that needed to be said. Isana didn’t want to trouble her. She has enough to think about.
Alyssa tilted her head and asked softly, “Do you want to talk more about it, ‘Sana-dear?”
“I…” Isana hesitated. She bit her lip and looked covertly around the room, at the busy tables full of locals and soldiers, and that Bard fellow who was still looking their way occasionally as though he didn’t care, but actually did. “...Yes, I think I do, if you don't mind, love. But not while we're in here. I feel like… I’ve never told anyone about him, Aly, not who believed me or cared. I think it will be emotional.”
She concluded firmly, with only a slight quaver right at the end. Wide and vulnerable pools of blue-green met Alyssa’s eyes again, asking support despite the squared shoulders on which they rested.
Alyssa's heart began to race with concern as she looked into the gentle nervous sea in her love's eyes.  Her instinct to reach out and hold her, protect her from whatever it was that followed her surged up.  A bit of anger flashed within her as well, the Lioness desiring to roar out at the cause of her darling's pain.  Elios.  What did you do to her.
But Isana was correct.  Here in a room full of song and drink was no place for such a discussion.
Alyssa stood up, her body straight and confident as she stepped around the table to her love and held out her hand, giving her a caring look.  "Then let me take you somewhere else."
Isana took her hand and stood up, Alyssa leading her hand and hand through the crowded bar room as her soldiers parted for the two women to pass unimpeded.  Alyssa's eyes caught Maron who gave her a curious look.  She returned with a glare which caused him to smile and return to fiddling with the strings on his lute.  She exhaled as she took her partner through a side door leading out to a deck overlooking the valley below.  The sun melted into the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Mountain Lodge, deep red and purple clouds framing the natural painting the two women found themselves a part of.
Alyssa watched as Isana took a step past her, towards the sturdy wood railing, gazing out into the sunset valley below.  I want to watch every one of these with you. She thought fondly as the beautiful woman admired the stunning sight before them.  Alyssa took a purposeful step behind her and gently wrapped her arms around Isana's waist, holding her in a loving embrace.  Isana placed her hands on top of hers as Alyssa nuzzled the back of her neck sweetly.
"It's beautifuly, Aly."
"Mhm"  Alyssa muttered holding closely.
A few moments passed as they took the warm spring sunset in.
"Isana, I'm here.  And I'll always be."
"Isana, I'm here.  And I'll always be."
Isana leaned back into the protective wall of Aly’s embrace and nodded mutely. She was lost in recollections, sorting through them, trying to pick where to start now that talking about him was imminent. Speaking about him felt embarrassing, even though it was Alyssa. She had to trust. Why did she still approach it as though she were preparing an argument to explain to her father… like she had so many times…
“I… I just… thank you. I can’t say how much this means, Aly. I have needed to talk about him for a long time… and have never felt there was somewhere safe enough to try.” Isana crossed her arms over her chest to hold Alyssa’s and gave a little squeeze. She looked back over her shoulder only briefly to see the beautiful blue eyes full of concern and reflected sunset light focused on her. “I hope it won’t change how you think of me…” she said in a whisper.
Alyssa’s embrace tightened securely around her and her chin came to rest on Isana’s shoulder. Her voice murmured in Isana’s ear, “I’ve got you, always. You’re safe here, Sana-dear.”
Thinking back across the years, Isana’s mind’s eye saw all the times she had fought, had safety pulled from under her. She swallowed hard and shut her eyes, and began to speak, her voice tight and strained.
“It’s hard to talk about him… I likened Renodin to my brother. The similarities I see are narcissism, freedom from consequence, extreme privilege, and the wanton use of those things to the detriment of others. Beyond that, pressing them for advantage. Using power in jealousy or for furthering personal goals over any other consideration. Maybe even falsely in the name of some greater cause. Elios isn’t even clever about it, he just walked on people with his influence. Renodin is akin to my brother if Elios had more cleverness.”
Her eyes slid open, staring out at the spilled ink sky. Her voice thin, pitched only for Aly to hear, she continued tentatively as though her words were not to be trusted and might turn on her at any moment.
“Elios was never a brother to me. There was not a time… not… one time, when I enjoyed recognition for something I worked hard for, and it was because of his efforts. He needed to be always prime, and I was what stood in his way. I was the best shot of all the archer trainees at the Manor, noble-born or not. If I was in a competition, he would sabotage the equipment, or see to it that some rumour was spread so that the event always ended in laughter or scorn about the Everlight girl. When I brought evidence to a marshal or my father they would criticize that I’d not taken proper care of my own equipment, or assign more work to ‘take my mind off idle gossip’. Do you think I’d fletch with wire? A rusty bit woven through one of my tournament fletchings did this.”
She held up her left hand so Aly could see the long scar that ran along the edge of her thumb and the divot in her index finger. Isana gripped the railing with her other hand, eyes focused unseeing into the deepening night as she spoke. Her voice held tautly quiet despite the rising passion in it.
“In training Elios hit outside armor or direct to my hands when the marshal wasn’t looking, and if I called him on it I was simply ‘trying to make him look bad’, or ‘not tough enough’, or ‘should have been faster to block it’. He has always been heavy-set and strong, though he’s shorter than me, and he hit so hard he broke bones in my hands more than once. Hands are not a target in training. The one time he was caught by a marshal and punished for dirty fighting, that marshal was dismissed by father the next day. Elios announced to the trainees that he’d been let go for lacking skill. He was the best coach we’d ever had in the Wood... The evening after the dismissal, when I’d finally thought I’d found an ally and then lost him, we were sent patrolling with the militia--of course they paired us two siblings together. Patrolling around the river hunting monsters, I got mired in the swamp…”
Isana paused, and when she resumed her voice was barely a haunted whisper.
“Instead of helping me up, Elios left his spear on the bank and jumped on my back, pushing me down into the muck until I could not breathe, and then left me there struggling for air.  I nearly died. I awoke in the Manor two days later. He had told everyone he chased monsters away from me until he could call for help… The hero. That was when I knew how deeply I could not trust him. He had power, had everyone in the palm of his hand. Everyone believed his word, or at least acted on it. I never found a way to combat it. I tried to talk with him so many times, tried to show others what he did. I never went on patrol with him again.”
Isana had gone rigid while she spoke, trembling tautly. She felt Aly’s head rest closer against hers, reassuring. The words would not stop, they flowed like a river bursting its dam though her voice was so husky it sounded like she would choke.
“I could only have what he did not want. Even then, I was not left alone to work in peace, because my strife was something he wanted. When I stopped hunting on patrols and took on training the new recruits, it was because ‘she’s too afraid of the monsters’, not because my dear brother would always so protectively assign his sister to his patrol group. I couldn’t trust him, Aly, not my own brother. It should have been us against the monsters and the world, not him against me. What a team we’d have been! He could not settle to be equals, only better, by any means necessary. And my family always sided with him, turned a deaf ear, or like my little sister Skye, had no strength to back me up. I had to leave. I had to leave, MY home, to have a life worth living! To be respected, not ridiculed and fearing sabotage or worse! That’s not family!”
Her voice cracked as she finished. Tears welled in her skyward-facing eyes. What is she going to think of me, so weak I ran away… Isana finally gave a sob and the tension broke into shakes that wracked her body. She turned and buried her face in Alyssa’s shoulder, unable to meet her eyes. At least she would have this bit of comfort before she was on her own again.
Aly felt a great mix of feelings all at once.  Heartbreak, anger, the ripping apart of old wounds, concern, uncertainty, but most of all deep love for the woman she held in her arms.  Isana had lifted her up at her darkest, her bright smile and lighthearted spirit carrying Alyssa gently through the turmoil of war, never faltering, despite everything.  How could she do anything less for Isana now.
But what can I say.
Alyssa thought quickly, carefully of what she could say to this woman to ease her pain, but she could find no words. She had never been counted on like this.  To build strategy, or lead of course, but to comfort.  She had little experience in comfort beyond what she had been shown herself by Isana or the occasional reassurance from her aunt or uncle.  But she could not find the words, so she just held her close and tight gently swaying in a slow rhythm, for some time as Isana sobbed into her shoulder, occasionally kissing the side of her head reassuringly or nuzzling her cheek sweetly.  She felt the tears warm and wet on her shoulder, but held tight to her, not wanting to let her go, to remind her she would not be left.  As the breathing slowed and the tears softened, Alyssa broke the silence.  She didn't know what to say, so she just said what she felt.
"He is gone my love, and if he ever deigns to hurt you again, he will find his wonderful sister under her Lady's protection.  For he does not deserve you and never did.  You are home now, Isana Everlight.  To the one they made you choose, but that does not make it less of a home.  All you had to be was yourself for the realm to fall for you.  For me to fall for you.  To brave the unknown and the hardship of what was done to you, and the war we faced together, and never letting it break you; facing the worst of the world with a bow and a smile.  It is not Elios who is the hero.  He is nothing.  It is you, my love, and I believe all of Perdan knows it.  All of your true family.  We'll never leave you.  I'll never leave you.  And we shall stand with you in battle and in peace as your family, and I'll stand right here by your side for so long as you wish.  I... hope that is a very long time."
Alyssa leaned back out of the embrace, and looked lovingly in the deep blues and greens of her eyes now reddening from the tears.  She gently took her love's cheek in her hand, the familiar soft warmth she gave off filled Alyssa with affection and determination as she touched their foreheads together and nuzzled Isana sweetly, still holding her body close, but gently, hoping to give back as much of the love and strength this woman had given her as she could.
Isana cried hard. So hard her skull ached and her teeth began to chatter. The waves of long-held torment came crashing out of her, sobs heaved like waves over a floodgate in spring storms. She felt wretched with despair and certain this would be the end of the beautiful beginning the two women had shared. Guilt and embarrassment coloured her thoughts: she, a knight of the realm, showed weakness and lack of propriety again, losing control in front of her sweet and brilliant Alyssa. Her heart caught desperately in her throat as her mind roiled. She’s going to leave me...
Gradually she noticed Alyssa still held her close. One arm encircled her shoulders and the other wrapped warm and low around her back. Isana’s fearful mind focused on the sensation and she realized Alyssa’s presence hadn't become  tentative with distaste or revulsion. Aly’s warm nose nuzzled Isana as she wept, and lips placed soothing soft kisses on her dark hair and her cheek. Isana’s tears surged again at the realization of caring, at the hope that she was safe, that her vulnerable heart had finally found refuge. She felt protected by this incredible warrior woman she loved so deeply. Despair became release and anguished memories were thrown free from their dark corner of shame.
In time her tears ran out and Isana took several shaky breaths, then leaned exhausted into the arms that still supported her. She hiccuped. Alyssa’s voice rumbled reassuringly against her wet cheek.
"He is gone my love, and if he ever deigns to hurt you again, he will find his wonderful sister under her Lady's protection.  For he does not deserve you and never did.  You are home now, Isana Everlight. 
(. . .) and I'll stand right here by your side for so long as you wish.  I... hope that is a very long time."
Alyssa pulled away slightly and Isana looked up at her through a blur of tears. Their foreheads pressed together, Isana’s whole vision was the shining blue sky of her darling’s eyes. She felt her heart flutter with a rush of love for this woman who accepted her so fully even with her hidden history of shame and cowardice. Isana’s arms tightened around her love’s heavy autumn cloak. She replied with a hint of her northern Beluan accent evident, her voice hoarse, soft, and interrupted by occasional hiccups.
“Aly, my dearest heart. I will be beside you as long as you'll have me. Ahnn, my head hurts. Maybe I got knocked out n’ I’m about to wake, and didn't just tell you all those things? Did I? I was sure you’d go away too, say you'd been... mistaken... about me. But you're still here, and saying such sweetness that if I had more tears I'd cry them right now. I’ve been ashamed for so long, so sure of bein’ wrong, that's all I ever was at home…" Her lip trembled and she took a steadying breath. "I've never had a family, not rightly, til now. And I feared that-- feared sharing how I ran away would sully what we have, it'd never be the same once you knew how 'Isana is a coward who can't even stand up to her little brother'.”
Isana felt Aly’s brow furrow against her own, the bright blue gaze flicking back and forth as it looked into Isana’s eyes with disbelief. The blonde woman gave the slightest shake of her head. Before she could interject Isana tilted her head back and continued.
"Oh, darling! Alyssa. My Lady, my love. I'll no longer listen to that voice that calls me coward. I have a place to belong, and someone who knows all of me to belong with. The past can stay there. You've helped me close that chapter, and see the truth of myself, finally. There is a future full of many wonderful things ahead, things I didn't think were possible, until you. There are no words for what you mean to me. You give me hope. Thank you, darling, with all my heart."
Isana straightened in her Lady's embrace and pulled her closer again. The warmth of optimism returned to her thoughts. Her face was streaked with tears and her eyes glassy and red, but her expression was one of peace as she smiled softly at the woman she loved.
Alyssa exhaled slowly, holding her woman tightly. Hope. That is indeed what we have here.  What you have given me, my love, and now I you.  "Yes 'Sana-dear.  You deserve a little hope, for all of it you have given me.  You bring happiness to everyone you meet and everything you do.  There is no one in this world who deserves joy and love so much as you.  I am grateful to you and to whatever fates brought you to me to be the person who can give you that."
She pulled her arms back, resting her hands on Isana's hips as she looked to the swirling blue and green ocean of her lover.  Her eyes were puffy from the tears, her face red and flushed.  Still she was beautiful to Alyssa who gently moved one hand to her cheek, and wiped away the last tear running down her face.  Their bodies pressed close together Alyssa tilted her head slightly up to nuzzle her once again and place a gentle kiss upon her partner's lips. Their foreheads touched as they held tightly to one another, their breath close as Isana's breathing slowed to match Alyssa's own, and they swayed ever so slightly back and forth in a gentle and  loving embrace.
Finally Alyssa pulled back again and motioned over the balcony at the valley below, and the horizon beyond which the sun fell slowly behind.
"See that sunset, my darling?" She asked as Isana turned around and leaned backwards into Alyssa who slid her hands around her waist and rested her head sweetly on Isana's shoulder.  "As that sun disappears, so shall the past that haunts you.  For it shall be gone, and when it is, I shall be here, holding you close."
She could feel Isana smile at that, which warmed her own heart.  Suddenly realizing how tired she was, Alyssa glanced behind her and spotted a fine sturdy chair nearby for visitors to enjoy the view.  She took a step back, her hand finding Isana's with practiced ease, as she gave her partner a little tug, Alyssa settling down in the chair, and Isana settling down in her lap.  The woman wore a smile which Alyssa could never help but reflect as she wrapped her arms around Alyssa's neck and cuddled close in her lap.
Together they watched the sun fall slowly over the horizon as night came over the two of them, finding comfort and security in each other in a small Mountain Lodge overlooking the quiet valley below.

Latest revision as of 03:19, 20 July 2020

Adorable stuff to be added ^_^

Content Warnings: References to Abuse, Emotional Trauma


Alyssa looked out across the overlook by the little mountainside lodge down into the valley below. Her mind raced with a dozen different things as the mountain breeze wispped around her, her golden hair blowing around her shoulders. She could smell Mama Cobb's roasted chicken from the nearby lodge wafting along the breeze as well. The sunset reminded her of that evening on the hillock with Isana. Alyssa idly adjusted her sword and belt she wore over her riding pants as she daydreamed of her sweetheart as she cast her gaze towards the foggy cliffs below. There was no one she trusted more. Isana would be honest with her and true. And she loved her, Alyssa felt safe confiding in her. There is no one else she would know who would help her. While her thoughts of the pretty woman wandered as if on cue she heard footsteps behind her. She stiffened reflexively and without thinking her hand lowered toward her hip as she turned around to see the woman she loved approach wearing a bright smile.

Alyssa exhaled, straightened, and gave a quick weary smile before rushing to her and putting an arm around her partner's waist, holding her tight, pushing herself up on the balls of her feet the couple inches between them and meeting Isana's lips in a loving kiss. Her darling's lips were warm, and her breath gave Alyssa's weary form life as they held each other

" 'Sana..." she muttered nuzzling her cheek as their lips parted. "I am happy to see you."

She took a long deep breath, taking in the fresh mountain air and the smell of roast chicken, and the closeness of the woman she loved.


Isana waved off Cedric again. “Don’t worry, munchkin, I’ll be back safe tomorrow. I’ve got a meeting. Don’t worry, I’ll bring you some chicken.” Cedric had blushed red to the tips of his ears at being called munchkin, and stormed off to find some work to do in the camp as his dark-haired knight commander smiled to herself and took off at a quickstep. Now that the evening was here, and they had a plan, all the other misgivings and worries had been dissolved from sheer excitement. She hadn’t seen Alyssa since the night of the Gala (it was not even 2 days ago) and Isana had thought of little else. Those smiles, the dance, the feeling of her so close, their awkward happiness… she was grinning, again, as her quickstep turned into a jog following the delicious scent of roast chicken that led to her dearest heart. She spotted Alyssa before the Imperatrix saw her: blonde hair bright in the twilight and whipping about in the evening breeze, apparently investigating the mountains they were to cross on the morrow. Isana slowed her pace to approach quietly and appreciate the sight of her love’s athletic grace, as she had all those months ago in the training ring. She stood effortlessly, strong back straight, shoulders squared and statuesque even at her ease, profile and body language powerful and light at once. Alyssa was sharp as always. Isana was still 10 paces away when she saw Aly stiffen and spin with a hand toward her sword. Isana’s face broke into a wide, open-mouthed smile. She held her hands out to catch the lithe blonde woman who came flying into her arms. The expression Aly had worn when she spun around was full of her usual campaign weariness, but the warm and tender kiss that found Isana’s lips was full of electric life. " 'Sana..." she muttered nuzzling her cheek as their lips parted. "I am happy to see you." “Mmmmm, and I you, my darling.” Isana leaned into the nuzzle and giggled. She wrapped her strong archer’s arms around Aly’s warm shoulders and back and pulled her even closer in a tight hug, their bodies pressed together. Her lips softly found the side of her love’s neck and she breathed deeply of her scent. No sandalwood this time, she was all fresh mountain air and that certain something that was her own. “So close to you, is the best place.” Isana mumbled into the downy hair tickling her nose. She sighed blissfully. Then she slowly eased off the hug to move back where she could see the other woman’s eyes again, catching the blue in her deeper blue-green for a long moment. They stood with arms around each other and just breathed, smiling, in the twilight. Isana’s stomach growled, and they both laughed. “Haha! Um, shall we inside, Aly dear?”


Alyssa nodded, sliding her arm from her partner's waist through her arm. Together they followed the savory smell until they reached the dining all of the little mountain lodge. Inside was a quaint dining hall, tables on either side of the main walkway through the room towards the shelf of liquors and wines on the wall at the back. On one side of the shelf clatter and the busy sounds of cooking came from a kitchen from which the warm scent wafted throughout the room. On the other side a staircase leading to the Lodge's rooms.

The serving girl was lighting lanterns as the came in, she straightened up and giving a low curtsy as the entered. "M'lady." She said respectfully to Alyssa, looking at the floor. "And... M'lady" She said to Isana who Alyssa held close to. "Welcome to the Southwind Lodge, m'ladies!" She said with a welcoming smile. Alyssa recognized her from her previous stay her but she did not recall the name

"Svanna!" Called a familiar cranky voice from a familiar old woman from the nearby kitchen. The serving girl looked alarmed, Alyssa wondered what she could be in trouble for. "Did you get Lady Kingsley's room prepared? We don't get noble visitors too oft-" She interrupted herself as she poked her head out from the kitchen. "Ah, Lady Kingsley." Mama Cobb called out setting down whatever she was holding and drying off her hands. She came forward and gave a bow to her before giving another one to Isana. The old woman must be in her sixties, she was fairly short and plump her hair was short and white-gray mixed, and poorly cut. Her apron was fairly dirty, likely from having cooked a large meal for the inn's visitors of which there seemed to be only a handful.

 "You brought a pretty lady with you this time m'lady." She said looking back and forth between the two, arm in arm.  Alyssa nodded once.  

"Isana Everlight, Dawnstar of the Riverlands. She is my partner and my knight."

Mama Cobb gave Alyssa a sly look which she returned with a confused one and then grew concerned. Before she could speak however, Mama Cobb turned to Miss Svana who stood seeming awkward off to the side of them. "Go make sure the room is suitable. You've arrived just in time for supper Lady Dawnstar of the Riverlands. It'll be out shortly." She gave a kind smile and turned off before Alyssa could say anything. "I suppose we should find a seat. you can tell me of your journey up here." Alyssa glanced around the room. Most of the tables were occupied, a few by some of her trusted soldiers others by locals, all of whom were staring at the noblewomen, and all of whom turned back to their drinks upon Alyssa's cold gaze over them.

A few tables remained empty, another occupied by Maron, the singer who had incessantly attached himself to Alyssa's company, and who she had given up on ever being rid of. He held his feet up on the table (which Alyssa knew would earn him chastisement from the establishment's proprietor) and strummed his lute idly some unknown smirk on his face. On the other side of the room Alyssa's captain the short, sturdy, and exquisitely bearded Cal Reed sat drinking with one of her Lieutenants, a dark-humoured man the rest of the company knew as Sullen Gordon. They apparently just noticed the two ladies walk in as they stood up at attention with a Perdanese salute.

"M'lady!" Cal Reed said stiffly "M'lady's lady!" Sullen Gordon said half as stiffly as he stood up giving an 'ow' as he banged his knee on the table trying to do so.

Alyssa cringed slightly and saluted them back as the captain ribbed his subordinate.

Alyssa squeezed her darling's hand "Will you find us a place to rest our feet dearest, your journey has been long, I'll get some wine and be right there." She said pulling a coin from her purse and taking a step towards the large liquor-ladened shelf


Isana smiled and squeezed her hand back as Alyssa went in search of refreshments. She greeted the men casually with a brief nod.

“At ease, gentlemen. Captain Cal, always a pleasure. I hope you enjoy your evening.”

She nodded again in dismissal, then took to looking about the room to choose a spot. It was busier than she had expected in this far-flung lodge. Since Alyssa had mentioned she wanted to talk, perhaps somewhere further from the troops where they could have relative privacy would be nice. She chose a table nearer the stairs on the side opposite the Captain, and as far as they could get from the dandy who followed Alyssa about (often irritating her in process) though she couldn’t remember his name. To both sides of the table she chose were locals; an older couple and a small family. Across the aisle was empty.

Isana pulled out a chair for Alyssa and stood waiting behind it with a cheeky little one-sided smile, which widened when the blonde woman approached laden with wine and saw her. Alyssa gave a little shake of her head and a silent laugh. She inclined her head and took the seat, Isana pushing it in gallantly behind her.

“You’re irrepressible, dearest,” Alyssa said warmly as her knight relaxed into the chair at her right. The small square tables made for a very comfortable conversational distance.

Isana smiled brilliantly at the compliment. She accepted the goblet with a nod and set it down to one side, questing instead to hold Aly’s hand in her own on the table.

“I love the sound of ‘Dawnstar of the Riverlands’, Aly. It’s so poetic! You know it was stories that brought me to Perdan in the first place… I read of the shimmering white city on the shores of the ocean, and hardly believed it could be so beautiful as the writer described. I should find that writer and thank them somehow, come to think of it. Following their words has thus far been a very fortunate venture.” She paused, taking in the room and her favourite company, and feeling entirely lucky in the moment. Her gaze filled with sky blue, and she noted some tension in Alyssa’s face. “You mentioned there was something you wanted to discuss, love?”


"Ah... yes." Alyssa said glancing at the clasped hands relaxing on the table. Her voice softened, for only Isana as the tavern's bustling noise began to pick up. "I wanted your opinion. Or, your help perhaps, whichever you feel you can give me." She traced her thumb across the other's hand as she looked back up at the pretty woman across from her. Her eyes always held such delight and acceptance. I am foolish to be afraid of her. She admitted to herself as she exhaled and straightened into a more confident posture.

"I am concerned that perhaps... I am too..." What is the right word? "Imperious? Err... Stubborn?" She frowned. "The King used selfish..."

Alyssa tapped her foot in her boot beneath the table. "Am I... controlling?" She asked with concern. "Perhaps you recall the situation with Lord Kenneth some time ago. It... blew up, as it always seems to do whenever I involve myself. Whether among my subordinates, or just among others in the realm. Particularly when Sir Nemean is involved." She noted, biting her tongue at the mention of the now de-marshaled knight. Alyssa looked back up at Isana hopefully.

"I want to be a good leader. I want to push people to better themselves. But whenever I ask of them for something more, for a better way, it always seems to explode into something dreadful and combative. I don't wish for this to happen, it's never my intention. I just... I don't know what I can do better, but I must find a way to do better."

She gave the other woman's hand a squeeze. "What do you think my love?"


Isana felt her eyes roll at the mention of Nemean, but kept quiet until Alyssa had finished speaking.

"I want to be a good leader. I want to push people to better themselves. But whenever I ask of them for something more, for a better way, it always seems to explode into something dreadful and combative. I don't wish for this to happen, it's never my intention. I just... I don't know what I can do better, but I must find a way to do better."

"What do you think my love?"

“I think…” Isana began, blinking unfocused at the table as her mind worked. “Well, first of all, if anyone is stubborn, selfish, and imperious it’s that--” she paused and lowered her voice, “it’s Sir Nemean. He wins. His behaviour at the Gala, I can hardly believe. How anyone could use any of those words describing you, when he is in the room…” she looked to the ceiling incredulously. Alyssa’s hands were tense in her own, and Isana squeezed them back, and offered a bright smile with an earnest look.

“Admitting of course, I am likely to be incredibly biased, my dear, I will do my best. One at a time. First, personally I have not found you ‘controlling’.” Isana’s face twisted into an absurd expression and she shook her head. “You have been a welcoming and guiding presence to the nth in all I have seen: instructive, and not in any negative way. Though I can hardly recall disagreeing with you, come to think of it. Maybe if we disagreed on something where a decision had to be made, quickly…? But no, you listen so well, there is always a compromise. So no, that’s poppycock. You are direct and clear. As for reactions from others, it may take a few minutes to think…”

She lifted her glass as though to sip, then paused, and put it back down with a firm -tink-.

“No, here’s something. You ask for something more, a better path, and things explode. So, as I see it those who explode are resisting a path, a push. That is not you, dearest. It is something of their own mindset that does not want to reach where you direct, has its own intentions and goals.” Isana nodded to herself, looking intently at the wine as she raced along that thread. “Who knows what of the council’s own pursuits, that are important only to them, are dashed or sidelined by putting the realm first. It is easier to villainize an antagonist than deal with the truth of it.” She met Alyssa’s eyes intently. “The council are all peers; it is difficult to see them in that light, but it also makes some sense...” Her voice drifted off, and then her eyebrows lifted thoughtfully and she continued.

“It might also be, depending on whom is reacting, that they do not wish to trust the wisdom of one younger than them. Power and talent in one who is younger can make others jealous, or hypercritical. It could be that your being a woman factors in as well.” A sidelong glance of irritation with her mouth in a firm line showed Isana’s opinion on that thought. “Maybe they feel a personal hurt from past unfortunate, um, events…” she trailed off apologetically and cringed belatedly, knowing the battle she alluded to was often mentioned. Already in deep, she forged ahead, “...past events that cannot be changed, and have been learned from, yet they are slow to trust again?”

Alyssa was quiet. Isana held her breath and hoped she hadn’t trodden too hard on that sensitive point. Aly seemed more distant than usual already today, her mind busy, and probably on the topics at hand. The dark haired dawnstar leaned forward and scooted her chair a little closer to her love.

“I’m sorry, dearest, I charged into that last a bit roughly…” she apologized softly.


Alyssa sighed as she saw light of her life demure slightly after she implied some old pain. Memories of that day came over her. The pain in her side from the spear that pierced her, the shouts and cries of the Perdanese as they were butchered, the feeling of horror as she realized her mistake. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to push them away, focusing on her hand intertwined with the woman across from her.

"No, my love, it's fine."

She hesitated a moment as she gathered her thoughts before continuing in a quiet tone, still idly running her thumb across Isana's hand. "Perhaps you are right, but... that does not change the fact that I must still lead them. Why must they be so difficult, so arrogant? We must all do what is best for the realm..."

She shook her head slightly and forced a smile. "I'm sorry, my love. I mean... thank you. Your words are sweet and a comfort. And... helpful I think." her smile then turned to thought as she considered further. "If they don't trust me... how can I regain that trust? There is nothing that can be done about my youth or my sex. Perhaps one-on-one dialogue? Or must I enforce more discipline in the council? We must be more cohesive. I don't... wish to have them removed." She finished with a grimace. "That would not do, and I suspect would make things worse.

She hmmed. "Maybe... I need to speak to Sir Nemean... Is that a bad idea? It never ends well there, but. Something must be done, and he may be at the root of it, as he is close with the other marshals. It is comforting to know that it is perhaps not me."

"It's been... difficult between us. He once held romantic feelings for me. Asking me to spend time with him, giving me gifts, attempting to touch me..." She trailed off with a grimace. "Obviously," She continued giving her partner's hand a gentle squeeze, "I could not provide him with the affection he sought. I don't know if that has anything to do with this difficulty, but we were never able to find the right footing to find ground between us. I do not even know where I could begin."


"It's been... difficult between us. He once held romantic feelings for me. Asking me to spend time with him, giving me gifts, attempting to touch me..." She trailed off with a grimace. "Obviously," She continued giving her partner's hand a gentle squeeze, "I could not provide him with the affection he sought. I don't know if that has anything to do with this difficulty, but we were never able to find the right footing to find ground between us. I do not even know where I could begin."

Isana’s eyes widened and her cheeks coloured as she remembered Nemean’s behaviour at the Gala. That explained some of his brevity and stiffness, and familiarity. She chewed the inside of her lip and studied their clasped hands before she spoke.

“It does become more complex when you must unify and lead them, doesn’t it, love… I was focused on the certainty that you are none of those accusations, and missed thinking on that. Enforcing discipline may be difficult, I suspect you’ve already tried. They have to want to cooperate, whether for a carrot or a stick. It’s easy for me to say ‘to the wind with them’, but then they’re still there, expecting leadership while they’re making it difficult. I would just as soon excuse myself from that kind of company and get back to my duties and ignore the obstinate behaviour, like with children working off too much energy. Perhaps they need to grow up,” she finished wryly, and smirked into her goblet as she took a sip. Aly smiled slightly back, but did not laugh as she had hoped.

Isana sighed, and pulled her dark braid in front of her shoulder, smoothing it a few times with thoughtful fingers. She continued after another sip of the wine.

“Words with them, one on one, may help if you can get the right atmosphere. At least with Lord Kenneth; he seems like someone who will bend an ear. Sir Rogos perhaps too, he seems eager to please. I confess I don’t know what to do about His Bossy Trousers Renodin.”

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at this abrupt shift of tone and Isana rushed to continue.

“I know, I know, it’s disrespectful! I shan’t say such things in public company, not to worry. But he perplexes me! And now knowing he has made multiple unwelcome advances on you, darling.... You can more than handle yourself, and have, but it makes me quite… well, upset! And, protective, I suppose…” Isana felt the heat rising higher in her cheeks but she pressed on, the words tumbling out. “The way he just issues orders and then assumes others will follow as though they have no right to anything but compliance to his every whim. I haven’t seen his actions in council obviously, but I can just imagine…”

Isana paused in speaking and took a deep breath. She sat up straight, let her eyes fall closed, and slowly let the breath out, as though the air was thick and heavy and required force. Her eyes blinked open with another breath, and she held the back of her hand to her flushed cheek. “I’m sorry, dearest. I think… he reminds me of my brother, and I can’t stand that sort of behaviour, and I’ve never yet figured out what to do about it. Is there anyone else close to him you could maybe talk to, ask how to get inside that mask? From the current standpoint I don’t think he holds anyone in respect except the King, and even that is more as equals. There was a Lady he was pursuing at the Gala. Perhaps she could lend insight?”

She tilted her head as she watched Aly think, and focused on slowing her own breathing. Hopefully she hadn’t been overheard; much of what she had said was quite improper for a knight of the realm speaking of her peers. What has come over me...


Alyssa chuckled to herself at the mention of "His Bossy Trousers Renodin" and even let a slight smile creep out at her sweetheart's impassioned speech. Certainly she had felt similar feelings on the subject many times before. As cute as it was to see her love's fluster, she did not want her to feel discomfort. A comforting hand reached forward to touch Isana's cheek. Alyssa's voice came softly, as were her words.

"Do not be sorry, darling. Leandra knows surely how often I have spoken out against the man, in public, or at least semi-public. You are here, with me, and the only ones in this inn are either Vixen small folk or are mine. I... don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Especially for voicing a perfectly reasonable opinion."

She ended with a slightly playful smile.

"Though you are perhaps wise to be concerned about such things. While he is no commander of yours and you owe him nothing, among the others we must stand united. The realm must come before our petty differences. I have tried to explain this to him but he must be more interested in showing how strong and bold he is than the realm. Though... I do know he is not from here, coming from far south. Still he should try to be more understanding of us at the very least if he wishes to lead in our Kingdom. Like you said. I am not sure how to deal with him either. The King suggested I simply ignore him, but he is part of the council. As for Delphine, well she may as well just be another Nemean for she supports everything he says. Rogos as well hangs on his every word, and is the first to kneel before 'his Prince'. Frankly that sort of thing concerns me more than Nemean's boorish behaviour."

Alyssa hmmed wistfully. "There love, now we are both disrespectful. I wonder... Actually dear, since you mention those close to him, I think I do know who I could speak to about Sir Nemean. A man who knows him quite well, who worked closely with his adoptive mother. While doing diplomatic work alongside His Majesty, I made an amicable acquaintance with the former King of Eponllyn. He may be able to help."

Alyssa leaned forward and kissed Isana sweetly on the cheek. "I was wise to ask your advice. Thank you darling."

"If I may however... Can I ask you about this brother of yours I don't think I've seen you so... flustered before."


"If I may however... Can I ask you about this brother of yours I don't think I've seen you so... flustered before."


Isana’s gaze fell again to her goblet, avoiding Alyssa’s expression of concern.

“Well I have several brothers. The one who has caused me to… learn… the most, is Elios…”

Isana fell silent for several long moments. The lodge faded to grey around her as memories and feelings raced through her mind’s eye. Laughter. Humiliation. Subtle plotting. Cruelty. That day in the swamp. Training the recruits. Fletching. She let her eyes fall closed and took a slow, deep breath, then shook her head slightly.

“I don’t know where to start with him, love. Maybe some context will help. Elios is my younger brother by almost three years. I am the eldest child in our family, firstborn to the Everlights of Wailing Wood. I was my father’s pride for those three years, though I don’t remember it exactly. Only a feeling of lingering joy in his presence that has no foundation in living memory.”

She sighed, and reached for the reassurance of Alyssa’s hand in hers. Aly took it and held it firmly as she continued.

“Elios is the first son. The favourite. In the Northern monsterlands life is harsh, and folks stick to their old-fashioned values for superstition or because there’s no time to get creative about it between invasions, who knows. You’d think the populace would want to depend on all their people, but it’s not so. You want a son to be the next lord protector of the house. A son, to carry on the name. Doesn’t matter how famous or powerful you get, if you’re a lady your name is naught. That’s the way we were brought up. Didn’t matter how many tournaments I won at archery, how much faster I could run, how long I worked, how clever I was… there was no victory for me, only stern reminders that I should be looking for a dowry to bring more gold to the house, my behaviour was unbecoming--” her voice choked off. Isana’s brows contorted into silent grief. She shut her eyes tightly against the emotion, held onto the anchor of Alyssa’s hand and let the wave crash over her and subside.

She swallowed and sat up again, squaring her shoulders, and looked to Alyssa. Perplexed blue eyes were fixed on her, full of love and concern. Oh now I’ve gone and made her worry. “I’m sorry, dearest. It just hit me, doesn’t really bother me that much anymore,” Isana reassured, returning Aly’s gaze earnestly. Her love simply waited, somehow knowing there was more that needed to be said. Isana didn’t want to trouble her. She has enough to think about.

Alyssa tilted her head and asked softly, “Do you want to talk more about it, ‘Sana-dear?”

“I…” Isana hesitated. She bit her lip and looked covertly around the room, at the busy tables full of locals and soldiers, and that Bard fellow who was still looking their way occasionally as though he didn’t care, but actually did. “...Yes, I think I do, if you don't mind, love. But not while we're in here. I feel like… I’ve never told anyone about him, Aly, not who believed me or cared. I think it will be emotional.”

She concluded firmly, with only a slight quaver right at the end. Wide and vulnerable pools of blue-green met Alyssa’s eyes again, asking support despite the squared shoulders on which they rested.


Alyssa's heart began to race with concern as she looked into the gentle nervous sea in her love's eyes. Her instinct to reach out and hold her, protect her from whatever it was that followed her surged up. A bit of anger flashed within her as well, the Lioness desiring to roar out at the cause of her darling's pain. Elios. What did you do to her.

But Isana was correct. Here in a room full of song and drink was no place for such a discussion.

Alyssa stood up, her body straight and confident as she stepped around the table to her love and held out her hand, giving her a caring look. "Then let me take you somewhere else."

Isana took her hand and stood up, Alyssa leading her hand and hand through the crowded bar room as her soldiers parted for the two women to pass unimpeded. Alyssa's eyes caught Maron who gave her a curious look. She returned with a glare which caused him to smile and return to fiddling with the strings on his lute. She exhaled as she took her partner through a side door leading out to a deck overlooking the valley below. The sun melted into the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Mountain Lodge, deep red and purple clouds framing the natural painting the two women found themselves a part of.

Alyssa watched as Isana took a step past her, towards the sturdy wood railing, gazing out into the sunset valley below. I want to watch every one of these with you. She thought fondly as the beautiful woman admired the stunning sight before them. Alyssa took a purposeful step behind her and gently wrapped her arms around Isana's waist, holding her in a loving embrace. Isana placed her hands on top of hers as Alyssa nuzzled the back of her neck sweetly.

"It's beautifuly, Aly."

"Mhm" Alyssa muttered holding closely.

A few moments passed as they took the warm spring sunset in.

"Isana, I'm here. And I'll always be."


"Isana, I'm here. And I'll always be."

Isana leaned back into the protective wall of Aly’s embrace and nodded mutely. She was lost in recollections, sorting through them, trying to pick where to start now that talking about him was imminent. Speaking about him felt embarrassing, even though it was Alyssa. She had to trust. Why did she still approach it as though she were preparing an argument to explain to her father… like she had so many times…

“I… I just… thank you. I can’t say how much this means, Aly. I have needed to talk about him for a long time… and have never felt there was somewhere safe enough to try.” Isana crossed her arms over her chest to hold Alyssa’s and gave a little squeeze. She looked back over her shoulder only briefly to see the beautiful blue eyes full of concern and reflected sunset light focused on her. “I hope it won’t change how you think of me…” she said in a whisper.

Alyssa’s embrace tightened securely around her and her chin came to rest on Isana’s shoulder. Her voice murmured in Isana’s ear, “I’ve got you, always. You’re safe here, Sana-dear.”

Thinking back across the years, Isana’s mind’s eye saw all the times she had fought, had safety pulled from under her. She swallowed hard and shut her eyes, and began to speak, her voice tight and strained.

“It’s hard to talk about him… I likened Renodin to my brother. The similarities I see are narcissism, freedom from consequence, extreme privilege, and the wanton use of those things to the detriment of others. Beyond that, pressing them for advantage. Using power in jealousy or for furthering personal goals over any other consideration. Maybe even falsely in the name of some greater cause. Elios isn’t even clever about it, he just walked on people with his influence. Renodin is akin to my brother if Elios had more cleverness.”

Her eyes slid open, staring out at the spilled ink sky. Her voice thin, pitched only for Aly to hear, she continued tentatively as though her words were not to be trusted and might turn on her at any moment.

“Elios was never a brother to me. There was not a time… not… one time, when I enjoyed recognition for something I worked hard for, and it was because of his efforts. He needed to be always prime, and I was what stood in his way. I was the best shot of all the archer trainees at the Manor, noble-born or not. If I was in a competition, he would sabotage the equipment, or see to it that some rumour was spread so that the event always ended in laughter or scorn about the Everlight girl. When I brought evidence to a marshal or my father they would criticize that I’d not taken proper care of my own equipment, or assign more work to ‘take my mind off idle gossip’. Do you think I’d fletch with wire? A rusty bit woven through one of my tournament fletchings did this.”

She held up her left hand so Aly could see the long scar that ran along the edge of her thumb and the divot in her index finger. Isana gripped the railing with her other hand, eyes focused unseeing into the deepening night as she spoke. Her voice held tautly quiet despite the rising passion in it.

“In training Elios hit outside armor or direct to my hands when the marshal wasn’t looking, and if I called him on it I was simply ‘trying to make him look bad’, or ‘not tough enough’, or ‘should have been faster to block it’. He has always been heavy-set and strong, though he’s shorter than me, and he hit so hard he broke bones in my hands more than once. Hands are not a target in training. The one time he was caught by a marshal and punished for dirty fighting, that marshal was dismissed by father the next day. Elios announced to the trainees that he’d been let go for lacking skill. He was the best coach we’d ever had in the Wood... The evening after the dismissal, when I’d finally thought I’d found an ally and then lost him, we were sent patrolling with the militia--of course they paired us two siblings together. Patrolling around the river hunting monsters, I got mired in the swamp…”

Isana paused, and when she resumed her voice was barely a haunted whisper.

“Instead of helping me up, Elios left his spear on the bank and jumped on my back, pushing me down into the muck until I could not breathe, and then left me there struggling for air. I nearly died. I awoke in the Manor two days later. He had told everyone he chased monsters away from me until he could call for help… The hero. That was when I knew how deeply I could not trust him. He had power, had everyone in the palm of his hand. Everyone believed his word, or at least acted on it. I never found a way to combat it. I tried to talk with him so many times, tried to show others what he did. I never went on patrol with him again.”

Isana had gone rigid while she spoke, trembling tautly. She felt Aly’s head rest closer against hers, reassuring. The words would not stop, they flowed like a river bursting its dam though her voice was so husky it sounded like she would choke.

“I could only have what he did not want. Even then, I was not left alone to work in peace, because my strife was something he wanted. When I stopped hunting on patrols and took on training the new recruits, it was because ‘she’s too afraid of the monsters’, not because my dear brother would always so protectively assign his sister to his patrol group. I couldn’t trust him, Aly, not my own brother. It should have been us against the monsters and the world, not him against me. What a team we’d have been! He could not settle to be equals, only better, by any means necessary. And my family always sided with him, turned a deaf ear, or like my little sister Skye, had no strength to back me up. I had to leave. I had to leave, MY home, to have a life worth living! To be respected, not ridiculed and fearing sabotage or worse! That’s not family!”

Her voice cracked as she finished. Tears welled in her skyward-facing eyes. What is she going to think of me, so weak I ran away… Isana finally gave a sob and the tension broke into shakes that wracked her body. She turned and buried her face in Alyssa’s shoulder, unable to meet her eyes. At least she would have this bit of comfort before she was on her own again.


Aly felt a great mix of feelings all at once. Heartbreak, anger, the ripping apart of old wounds, concern, uncertainty, but most of all deep love for the woman she held in her arms. Isana had lifted her up at her darkest, her bright smile and lighthearted spirit carrying Alyssa gently through the turmoil of war, never faltering, despite everything. How could she do anything less for Isana now.

But what can I say.

Alyssa thought quickly, carefully of what she could say to this woman to ease her pain, but she could find no words. She had never been counted on like this. To build strategy, or lead of course, but to comfort. She had little experience in comfort beyond what she had been shown herself by Isana or the occasional reassurance from her aunt or uncle. But she could not find the words, so she just held her close and tight gently swaying in a slow rhythm, for some time as Isana sobbed into her shoulder, occasionally kissing the side of her head reassuringly or nuzzling her cheek sweetly. She felt the tears warm and wet on her shoulder, but held tight to her, not wanting to let her go, to remind her she would not be left. As the breathing slowed and the tears softened, Alyssa broke the silence. She didn't know what to say, so she just said what she felt.

"He is gone my love, and if he ever deigns to hurt you again, he will find his wonderful sister under her Lady's protection. For he does not deserve you and never did. You are home now, Isana Everlight. To the one they made you choose, but that does not make it less of a home. All you had to be was yourself for the realm to fall for you. For me to fall for you. To brave the unknown and the hardship of what was done to you, and the war we faced together, and never letting it break you; facing the worst of the world with a bow and a smile. It is not Elios who is the hero. He is nothing. It is you, my love, and I believe all of Perdan knows it. All of your true family. We'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. And we shall stand with you in battle and in peace as your family, and I'll stand right here by your side for so long as you wish. I... hope that is a very long time."

Alyssa leaned back out of the embrace, and looked lovingly in the deep blues and greens of her eyes now reddening from the tears. She gently took her love's cheek in her hand, the familiar soft warmth she gave off filled Alyssa with affection and determination as she touched their foreheads together and nuzzled Isana sweetly, still holding her body close, but gently, hoping to give back as much of the love and strength this woman had given her as she could.


Isana cried hard. So hard her skull ached and her teeth began to chatter. The waves of long-held torment came crashing out of her, sobs heaved like waves over a floodgate in spring storms. She felt wretched with despair and certain this would be the end of the beautiful beginning the two women had shared. Guilt and embarrassment coloured her thoughts: she, a knight of the realm, showed weakness and lack of propriety again, losing control in front of her sweet and brilliant Alyssa. Her heart caught desperately in her throat as her mind roiled. She’s going to leave me...

Gradually she noticed Alyssa still held her close. One arm encircled her shoulders and the other wrapped warm and low around her back. Isana’s fearful mind focused on the sensation and she realized Alyssa’s presence hadn't become tentative with distaste or revulsion. Aly’s warm nose nuzzled Isana as she wept, and lips placed soothing soft kisses on her dark hair and her cheek. Isana’s tears surged again at the realization of caring, at the hope that she was safe, that her vulnerable heart had finally found refuge. She felt protected by this incredible warrior woman she loved so deeply. Despair became release and anguished memories were thrown free from their dark corner of shame.

In time her tears ran out and Isana took several shaky breaths, then leaned exhausted into the arms that still supported her. She hiccuped. Alyssa’s voice rumbled reassuringly against her wet cheek.

"He is gone my love, and if he ever deigns to hurt you again, he will find his wonderful sister under her Lady's protection. For he does not deserve you and never did. You are home now, Isana Everlight. (. . .) and I'll stand right here by your side for so long as you wish. I... hope that is a very long time."

Alyssa pulled away slightly and Isana looked up at her through a blur of tears. Their foreheads pressed together, Isana’s whole vision was the shining blue sky of her darling’s eyes. She felt her heart flutter with a rush of love for this woman who accepted her so fully even with her hidden history of shame and cowardice. Isana’s arms tightened around her love’s heavy autumn cloak. She replied with a hint of her northern Beluan accent evident, her voice hoarse, soft, and interrupted by occasional hiccups.

“Aly, my dearest heart. I will be beside you as long as you'll have me. Ahnn, my head hurts. Maybe I got knocked out n’ I’m about to wake, and didn't just tell you all those things? Did I? I was sure you’d go away too, say you'd been... mistaken... about me. But you're still here, and saying such sweetness that if I had more tears I'd cry them right now. I’ve been ashamed for so long, so sure of bein’ wrong, that's all I ever was at home…" Her lip trembled and she took a steadying breath. "I've never had a family, not rightly, til now. And I feared that-- feared sharing how I ran away would sully what we have, it'd never be the same once you knew how 'Isana is a coward who can't even stand up to her little brother'.”

Isana felt Aly’s brow furrow against her own, the bright blue gaze flicking back and forth as it looked into Isana’s eyes with disbelief. The blonde woman gave the slightest shake of her head. Before she could interject Isana tilted her head back and continued.

"Oh, darling! Alyssa. My Lady, my love. I'll no longer listen to that voice that calls me coward. I have a place to belong, and someone who knows all of me to belong with. The past can stay there. You've helped me close that chapter, and see the truth of myself, finally. There is a future full of many wonderful things ahead, things I didn't think were possible, until you. There are no words for what you mean to me. You give me hope. Thank you, darling, with all my heart."

Isana straightened in her Lady's embrace and pulled her closer again. The warmth of optimism returned to her thoughts. Her face was streaked with tears and her eyes glassy and red, but her expression was one of peace as she smiled softly at the woman she loved.


Alyssa exhaled slowly, holding her woman tightly. Hope. That is indeed what we have here.  What you have given me, my love, and now I you.  "Yes 'Sana-dear.  You deserve a little hope, for all of it you have given me.  You bring happiness to everyone you meet and everything you do.  There is no one in this world who deserves joy and love so much as you.  I am grateful to you and to whatever fates brought you to me to be the person who can give you that."

She pulled her arms back, resting her hands on Isana's hips as she looked to the swirling blue and green ocean of her lover.  Her eyes were puffy from the tears, her face red and flushed.  Still she was beautiful to Alyssa who gently moved one hand to her cheek, and wiped away the last tear running down her face.  Their bodies pressed close together Alyssa tilted her head slightly up to nuzzle her once again and place a gentle kiss upon her partner's lips. Their foreheads touched as they held tightly to one another, their breath close as Isana's breathing slowed to match Alyssa's own, and they swayed ever so slightly back and forth in a gentle and  loving embrace.

Finally Alyssa pulled back again and motioned over the balcony at the valley below, and the horizon beyond which the sun fell slowly behind.

"See that sunset, my darling?" She asked as Isana turned around and leaned backwards into Alyssa who slid her hands around her waist and rested her head sweetly on Isana's shoulder.  "As that sun disappears, so shall the past that haunts you.  For it shall be gone, and when it is, I shall be here, holding you close."

She could feel Isana smile at that, which warmed her own heart.  Suddenly realizing how tired she was, Alyssa glanced behind her and spotted a fine sturdy chair nearby for visitors to enjoy the view.  She took a step back, her hand finding Isana's with practiced ease, as she gave her partner a little tug, Alyssa settling down in the chair, and Isana settling down in her lap.  The woman wore a smile which Alyssa could never help but reflect as she wrapped her arms around Alyssa's neck and cuddled close in her lap.

Together they watched the sun fall slowly over the horizon as night came over the two of them, finding comfort and security in each other in a small Mountain Lodge overlooking the quiet valley below.