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==The Lion's Den==
==The Lion's Den==
Perdan City, 13-5-1020
''Perdan City, 13-5-1020''

Riven had arrived in Perdan as requested by the noble, Sir Rogos V'Orlan but had not yet announced her arrival. Being summoned by a noble specifically could prove to be a blessing or a curse and as Riven had grown quite accustomed to her head she would rather not lose it.
Riven had arrived in Perdan as requested by the noble, Sir Rogos V'Orlan but had not yet announced her arrival. Being summoned by a noble specifically could prove to be a blessing or a curse and as Riven had grown quite accustomed to her head she would rather not lose it.

Latest revision as of 15:26, 19 May 2020

The Lion's Den

Perdan City, 13-5-1020

Riven had arrived in Perdan as requested by the noble, Sir Rogos V'Orlan but had not yet announced her arrival. Being summoned by a noble specifically could prove to be a blessing or a curse and as Riven had grown quite accustomed to her head she would rather not lose it.

The common lady made her way down the streets of Perdan until she came across the Lion's Den Tavern. The tavern was bustling with patrons as it was already late into the evening. Riven scanned the room looking for the Soldier in Argent and Or livery but could not see them.

Somewhat suspicious, she thought so Riven opted to leave her hood up as she made for the barkeep. Having a seat on the well worn stool she ordered herself an ale. Always the worried type, the adventurer sized up the room, for who looked ready to fight and the escape routes. Should things go south Riven had the confidence she could fight her way out of the tavern as Riven had fought her way out of monster dens with worse odds then this tavern. However that was not the issue, it was where to go after leaving the tavern cause unlike a monster den leaving this place would place her squarely in the Lion's Den of Perdan City.

The barkeep returned with the ale to which Riven promptly paid the man his silver. The barkeep was an honest working man and if Riven had to flee she wanted to be square with him.

Glancing around the room once again sipping her ale she wondered, Is this soldier even here yet? Perhaps he is hiding in the corner with his eyes already on the common lady. Riven continued to drink her ale and awaited for what would happen next.

The barkeep swept the coin off the counter and swiftly into his pocket. A blazing fire was lit in the hearth, and a bard fiddled a jaunty tune common to the taverns in the South, as patrons, mostly sailors, laughed and danced in the omnipresent candlelight. Polished oak and well worn stone seemed to make the tavern warmer, more friendly.

The rail thin barkeep gestured for her to follow him, and walked out from behind the bar towards the kitchen.

Dammit, I should have paid more attention, Riven thought to herself, getting up to follow.

He pushed the door open to allow her in, and indicated towards a second door that led out of the bustling tavern kitchen. Serving staff did their best to avoid her, giving her quick glances as she passed through their midst. Adventurers were a rare enough breed to warrant stares, even in the capital. The side door led to a scullery, empty save for one. Sh*t, I f*cking hate backrooms.

"Mizz R'ven."

Lowering her hood Riven quickly scanned the room. One would assume she was just sizing up the occupant, but her eyes sought escape routes. The commoner

spotted a small window that would be perfect, if needed she could scamper through it with ease while her host man would have to take the door.

A behemoth of a man stood at the center island of the room, closing some sort of journal or ledger as she entered. Six foot three, and easily twenty stone, his black hair was closely cropped and he had the worn and stern face of a career soldier, with a nose that had clearly been broken one too many times. His clothing was utilitarian in design, but of excessive quality. A triple stitched quilted doublet dyed an unusually dark crimson, well oiled black chain overtop, and folded on the table was an Argent and Or surcoat. A small, odd amphora stood on the table, clay lid still sealed with wax and ribbon, decorated with painted images of an apiary. A small plate of bread, fruit, and blood sausage was at the end of the table along with it. Not warm, but not entirely cold.

A knife lay on the table near the man, his book, and an empty plate.


She took a few steps closer, seemingly resting her hand on her hip, fingers within drawing distance of her hidden dagger should things go south.

The petite but athletic blonde haired woman replied, "Sure another drink couldn't hurt. So Sir... actually I am not sure I know who you are since we have not met. Why have I been summoned here by Sir V'Orlan?"