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This story ran from 9/15/2019 until 9/25/2019. The story is told from multiple perspectives during a party held for Duke Smiddich's Birthday aboard his luxury ship Wayfairer's Gambit. Player characters who participated in the story include: Alyssa Kingsley, Isabel Vorn, Kay Peregrine, Smiddich Fontaine, and Ulrick Hawk. Banetal Dragoness was also present for the event, but did not include a roleplaying section. Each character's entry is noted by their family name


(9/15/2019) Roleplay from Smiddich Fontaine Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (24 recipients) Wayfarers Gambit II

Smiddich, the black-bladed pirate duke of Perdan, greeted all of his guests personally as they trod the gangpank onto his ship, the Wayfarers Gambit. He was dressed finely, and groomed, wearing tight breeches, an expensive shirt, and a cape of crushed black velvet. Yet, he wore he rings of steel and brass, wore his hair simply and girded his steel cutlass, a comfortable weight at his hip.

The boat was soon cast off, and the band struck up, many drinks and viands were consumed. Soon, it was not the swell of the sea that had the revelers rolling. The Duke, goblet in hand, had his attention split by old friends and new, attention seekers and deal makers, and an impressive collection of gifts from allies and enemies alike; he had them piled into a heap to rival and pirate horde. A young page in an feathered hat several sizes too large was taking notes with a parchment and quill so that the Duke could write them thanks (and recover his pilfered hat). The ship was like a beacon, festooned with strings of candles and lanterns, her dark timbers swabbed until they shone.

He smoked, and drank, shook hands and kissed fingers, diplomatically sidestepped two marriage proposals and one duel, before finally climbing up into the rigging and urging the muscians to give him a moment. Glasses clinked raucously throughout the ship as silence fell. The Duke looked so damned natural up there, standing in his leather boots on a rope perhaps half an inch thick, before draining his drink, "Happy birthday to me!", he teased, and was immediately drowned out by cheering and the gentle jibes of his peers, "Have a great year, Your Grace! Here's to retaking Bescanon before you grow old!" "Better not get too drunk before hatchets start flying around"

Smiddich puffed on his cigar, "Lords and ladies, Kings and councillors.... friends. Thankyou for your attendance on this, the day of my birth or nearabouts. It is my privilege to serve with and for every one of you. You have my thanks for your gifts and your presence in times tumultuous but not without hope. Please - the galley is stocked with meat and cheese and wine of all strength, so go on and enjoy yourself. Perhaps later, I shall take up the viola and punish you all, but until then.... "Lords and Ladies! Let the competition begin!"

Another cheer! Smiddich swung down from the ropes as easily as any swashbuckler, setting aside his drink to where his attendants had lay a number of wickedly sharp axes and throwing implements; a number of heavy circular targets had been laid against the foc'sle. "Shall we say... 200 gold to whomever can best me?"



Alyssa fastened the gilded clasp of her office to her dress, above her breast. Though the little chain was light she felt it hang heavy on her chest. The dress was white and modest as most of her dresses were. Her aunt had sent her this particular one upon her knighthood. She had had it made to fit her niece's athletic frame and it fit her well, fortunately. Though Alyssa typically preferred more practical clothing while in the field, she felt it was more suitable for a lady to be seen in a dress at functions like these. While at heart she was a warrior, she was still a woman. Besides, the dress was simple and plain and relatively easy to move in. She thanked her aunt for that. Some of the trendier ladies in Perdan could often be seen in elaborate dresses with tight fastenings. Alyssa could feel the suffocation secondhand. While the mail she wore in battle was heavy and hot, it served a practical purpose. Aly could not imagine a good enough reason to subject oneself to such painful gaudiness as these ladies, but their fanciful clothing was highly lauded by courtiers and common folk alike. Alyssa decided her simple shirts and dresses would suffice for her.

Alyssa stood in front of the looking glass making sure she looked suitable. She was no longer just a knight any more. She was the Imperatrix of Perdan, and she must look as a noble lady should. Her stance was rigid and straight as it usually was, her golden locks, usually kept up and out of the way were tonight tied back in a simple braid that fell just past her shoulders. She wore a small silver pendant that belonged to her mother, one of the few treasures that escaped the fire. Thumbing it gently she looked over to the bed in her quarters where the Imperator's Blade lay. Lord Davenport had brought it to her, another symbol of her office. She picked up the scabbard and pulled the blade out an inch to inspect it. The blade was bright and ornate. It was for ceremonial purpose so it was not sharp, but it was a pretty thing and light. Davenport had told her little of it other than she would be expected to wear it in public, and during special events. Alyssa slid the scabbard through the gold-trimmed sash on her waist and placed a hand on the pommel taking a deep breath. She never felt ready for these things, always wary that she might mix up her courtesies or say something foolish in front of the Duke or the King. Feeling as ready as she could, she stepped out of her quarters.

She stepped onto the boat nervously. Alyssa was unfamiliar with ships and barges and the like, and had never actually been on a boat before. The music was loud and joyous and the partygoers laughed and danced merrily. It was an odd scene, she thought, to take place in the middle of a war. Almost as if nothing was unusual. Several courtiers, most of whom she had never met came up to her, congratulating her and granting her compliments and platitudes. By the end of it she did not remember a single one of their faces or names. The Duke himself, her host, even came to her and offered his support and congratulations. Alyssa fumbled through a brief conversation with him before a lovely courtier in a green dress she had not met took his attention. Alyssa wondered what it was like running a city as big as Perdan. It was little wonder he could not leave the city to join in battle, and that the duke's lavish parties were all so well attended. Every man and woman with noble arms in the city no matter how minor must be seeking his favor, and balancing their wishes and whims must take up all his time. Alyssa was exhausted just imagining it.

She retreated to a corner of the ship she found mostly unoccupied but she was startled by the sight of a familiar lady. She allowed herself a quick smile before tilting her head up nobly and walking to her.

Isabel seemed spot her as she approached as she straightened herself and stood at ease. "Imperatrix." she said as Alyssa came to her. Alyssa frowned.

"My Lady." Alyssa nodded to her. "You are familiar. You need not refer to me as such in private. My name alone is suitable."

She caught the other's smile as she replied. "Very well, Alyssa, as you say."

Their conversation was relaxed and Aly found herself much more comfortable conversing with one she was familiar with than the dozens of nobles of the capital she barely knew. Either the evening's wine or the familiar company of her friend gave the evening a much more relaxing atmosphere. For a moment she almost forgot about the sword at her hip and the clasp above her breast that signaled the weight of responsibility she had just been handed at her young age. She even smiled a few a times. Finally the Duke himself called to everyone aboard. "Lords and Ladies! Let the competition begin!"

She had forgotten about the throwing competition the Duke had promised. By the time she and Isabel had reached where the crowd had gathered, she spotted the familiar face of Lord Ulric gathering his axes ready to throw.

"Will you be throwing, Alyssa?" Isabel asked her.

"I am not certain..." Alyssa said uncertainly. "I do not wish to make a fool of myself immediately after my appointment."

Isabel laughed. "You are strong, I am sure you would throw fine. I'd like to see you try."

Alyssa bit her lip in consideration. "Perhaps, my lady, you would be a suitable thrower as well. Surely you have more skill at range than I."

"Hm..." the other woman thought aloud, "Maybe so. But I still think you would do well."

Alyssa took a deep breath and nodded. "As you say,my lady."

She heard Duke Smiddich's boom voice again. "Any other throwers?!" He called to the crowd. Alyssa stepped forward.



Alyssa flipped the axe in her hand. She wasn't unfamiliar with the weapon but she was a swordswoman first, and more used to keeping her weapon in her hand than loosing it. The axes were ornate and inlaid with symbols she had never seen before. She wondered if they were from some far-off land or a special order the Duke had made. Either way they were lovely weapons. When she heard the first thunk and a cheer from the nobles aboard she looked back to see the King himself take the honour of the first throw. The strike was on target just off center. A good throw, Aly thought to herself somewhat impressed. The King accepted their praise with modesty and a charming witticism. Quickly she returned back to Isabel with the axe.

Isabel, holding Alyssa's goblet of wine smiled at her return. "So you are going to try then?"

Alyssa, biting her lip, turned back to look at the king who was accepting the praise of his subjects after his second throw, another hit on the target.

As Alyssa turned back she offered a meek smile. "Perhaps after you show me how first?" She asked holding the handle of the axe to the other girl.

Isabel gave her a skeptical look but took the axe and handed Alyssa her goblet. "I still think you would be better suited than I." She said as she stepped over toward the targets. "Lady Isabel!" The Duke cried boisterously as she stepped up to the line while the king pulled his last axe from the wood.

Alyssa took a modest drink from her goblet as everyone cleared and Isabel reared herself to throw. Alyssa watched as the young lady aimed intently at at her target. She felt a strange sense of pride and excitement at the sharpness of her friend's focus. She had seen Isabel shoot arrows before and they always hit their mark. She was anxious to see if that skill would translate. When Isabel released the axe it spun through the air landing directly in the center of the target. The crowd was silent for a beat and everyone cheered at once excitedly. Even Alyssa excitedly called her name once before realizing that her voice had gotten lost in the crowd.

Even the King seemed to be impressed. Isabel seemed somewhat surprised herself, though whether from the hit or from the sudden rush of attention she could not say. Whatever it was she cooled quickly and threw her second throw, hitting just off the center but in a higher scoring marker, defeating the King himself in the first round. He seemed pleased however and graciously congratulated the lady on her victory while Alyssa took another sip of wine.

Alyssa smiled at Isabel's return. "Well done my lady." She said unable to think of anything else to say. Isabel nodded modestly. "So what should I do to throw as well as you my lady?" Isabel chuckled lightly but spent the next few minutes giving Alyssa instruction while Duke Smiddich and Duke Banetal duked it out. When Duke Smiddich emerged victorious he called for the next. Alyssa met Isabel's eyes and nodded confidently as she stepped up. She was surprised to see her opponent, Lord Ulric, who she had not seen aboard until now.

"Imperatrix." He greeted with a respectful bow. "Marshal." She replied with a curtsy.

I should not lose to my direct subordinate. They need to know their Imperatrix is worthy. She thought, taking a deep breath.

Lord Ulric threw first, hitting a strong mid-scoring marker. Alyssa steaded herself as she stepped to throw, holding her arm like Isabel told her too. She released to her surprise hitting the target, though farther from the center as Lord Ulric. She could see him smile which only strengthened her determination. He hit near his same target, but slightly lower, giving him a fair score.

She could see the King watching her as she stepped up again for her second throw. They trust in you. She thought to herself as she winded back. She threw and watched the axe spin through the air landing in the center where Isabel's had landed before. The crowd cheered, including the King, Isabel, and Duke Smiddich. Lord Ulric smiled as well, accepting his defeat honourably.

"Well thrown my lord." She said as they exchanged respectful bows before Duke Smiddich called the next pair. Alyssa was about to hand the axe over when the Duke called her name and Isabel's as well. Alyssa's confidence plummeted though outwardly she remained as steady and composed as ever. She curtsied to her opponent wishing her luck. As their axes flew, the crowd cheer both of them on, however everyone hushed again when Duke Smiddich announced the results, a full draw. She looked at Isabel with a fire, now determined to win, seeing that victory was only one through away, and feeling good about her previous tosses.

Alyssa threw first landing near the center as the crowd gasped. She watched as Isabel stepped up to throw, that same fierceness in her eyes. She loosed the axe and it landed in the center of the wooden target, where the lady's last throw had landed. Alyssa cursed herself as she turned to Alyssa with a smile. Aly could not help but return it and admit defeat. At least I defeated one opponent. She thought returning to her spot in the crowd, taking another goblet of wine from a server, sipping on it quietly. As the crowd cheered the victorious Lady Isabel, Duke Smiddich seemed quite impressed and perhaps a little drunk, wagering a sack of gold on his own toss against the young lady. Alyssa also felt a little drunk, from the wine and the competition, returning to cheering for her friend now no longer caring whether her voice made through the crowd.

The match was over quickly as Duke Smiddich scored nearly half what he had in the previous round. Too much wine perhaps, gentle duke. She thought to herself and giggled softly. She had not seen Isabel drinking and she threw as well as she had all night. The aim seemed easy to her. Just as Alyssa suspected.

When the crowd returned to mingling and dancing. Alyssa rushed over to congratulate the other girl, uncharacteristically greeting her with a big a smile. "I am very proud of you my lady. The King, the Imperatrix, and the Duke of Perdan were no match for you."



A cheer went up as Lady Isabel's axe scored the winning toss. The crowd was pleased and excited to have witnessed the spirited contest between the normally serious nobles, the high stations of the participants making it additionally fun.

Smiddich, the black bladed pirate Duke of Perdan held her slim arm aloft in victory, "My Lords and ladies, dignitaries, may I present our victor! May you never have to face her with an axe in her hand!", he roared, and the crowd laughed with him. He let her go, pledging the gold reward as soon as he was able to attend the bank; it was money well spent for the fun.

"My friends, for you are, first and foremost, thankyou again for attending my birthday gala. As we slowly make our way back home, I want to let you know how much it had meant to me to spend this perfect time with each of you.".

The Duke climbed easily atop a table, raising his goblet of meat,

"To you!", he pledged, "To me!", with a wink, "To Perdan!", they drank.

Later, sticky wine and flavoursome cigars were served, with pastries and cream and other delicacies. The able sailors let loose a fusillade from the cannons, her bronze gouting flame and ash across the bay to the delight and fear of the guests.

Smiddich himself took up the viol and played two numbers, one a jaunty kid and the other more private and some sombre. His playing spoke both of vigorous classical training mixed with ribald shanty. As the boat washed up along the dock, he would give his farewells personally assisting those shaky legs into solid ground, and good evening.



Isabel looks toward her friend flushed from all the attention she received during the contest. "You did great too lady Alyssa." being uncomfortable surrounded Isabel looks around nervously for a place less crowded. "If this were a sword contest... well we both know how that would turn out." Isabel says with a small smile. "Do you mind us moving away from the crowd a bit I don't do well with crowds." Isabel asks and starts to move to a more secluded area while fiddling with her necklace



Alyssa took another drink of wine and giggled quietly. "If this were a sword contest my lady, that bag would still be in the duke's purse," She said nodding towards the bag Isabel had won from the contest. "I know not who trained him, but he is famed for his prowess in the tournament."

She quickly glanced to the large crowd Isabel was referring to and nodded at the other, clearly uncomfortable. "As you wish my lady." She placed her free hand on the Sword of the Imperator at her hip and marched a step behind Isabel. As she walked purposefully she took a step a little off, nearly falling off balance but caught herself spilling only a drop of the wine in her goblet. She quietly glanced around discretely but no one had seemed to notice. She took a deep breath and returned to her usual stiff gait as Isabel opened the door to one of the large cabins on the deck.

As they entered, they found themselves in a reception parlor, with lovely furnishings and carpets from a far off land. Alyssa suspected this was a place the Duke sometimes met with honoured guests to make them feel at ease as they discussed business and to impart upon them his wealth and stature. They were not alone in this room as three noblemen drank and gambled at dice on a desk near the back of the room and a few ministers sipped wine discussing matters of coin and state. A young couple flirted on bench tucked away in the far corner. Warm bright lanterns and the nearly full moon lit the room, and though they were not alone, Alyssa felt at ease here much moreso than the large crowd on the deck. The room spun a little as the two ladies took seats near the big oak table in the center of the room, but Alyssa felt warm and content. She reflected on the evening, drinking from one of the duke's lavish goblets.

Moments like these are few in our lives so full of war and suffering.  Celebrating each other and the bonds we share as countrymen.  She glanced at Isabel, who had stopped thumbing her pendant.  This is why we fight.  For Perdan, for each other.  She sighed, still lost in thought.



Servants mill around the room with platters of food and drink for the guests. One such servent approaches Isabel and offers her a goblet which Isabel good naturally accepts. Confused on what to talk about since her friend is silence Isabel takes a drink from the goblet while thinking of what to do. Maybe I should congratulate her promotion with something… would she like a gift? Another drink, But she seems to be thinking about something serious considering the look on her face… another drink, Maybe I should... “give her a hug?” Isabel blinks and looks around to see if anyone noticed what she said. Seems no one noticed… “So Alyssa how have you been I enjoy our meetings, I am really happy you were picked as the new Imperatrix I wish we could meet more.” Isabel stops takes a breath finishes her drink and asks “Alyssa are you ok, can I help?”



Alyssa snapped back from her thoughts and met Isabel's eyes, who was looking at her expectantly.

"Ah. I'm sorry my lady," She said straightening. " I am well. I've been thinking a lot about my new responsibilities, the weight is considerable. But I should not burden you with mine own responsibilities. I'll bear them with honour." Alyssa waved her hand dismissively and shook her head, changing the subject, and trying to push the thoughts from her mind. Tonight is not the night to worry of such things. The Duke has spent considerably so that we might not, even for one evening. She thought placing her arm on the table and resting her head in her palm, smiling dumbly trying to focus on Isabel while the room spun slightly around her.

"The army has been on mind all day, I'd rather hear of better things. Could you tell me more of the Beluaterrans, and the land where your family is from? Did you have any friends there? What of your family? Mine own great grandfather fought the terrible creatures from beyond I have heard though I know little about him, only his name and some of the old kingdoms, and a few of the takes about him my uncle told me. His banner was a wolf as well, though the colours are opposite. My squire suggested it to differentiate mine own path.". Alyssa babbled on for a few minutes about her life as Isabel listened intently. When she realized how long she had been speaking she stopped and glanced nervously at the other.

"I'm sorry..." She said shaking her head, which made her dizzy. "I've been rude, talking all this time. Please tell me more of your own family, my lady, I'd like to learn more of you and your family.". Alyssa leaned forward slightly, focusing carefully.



Upon hearing her friends request Isabel sits up a bit straighter and takes a deep breath. “As you are aware my family is a bit different compared to most nobles.” Isabel says a difficult expression crosses her face. “ If you remember my family started from a hunter who was raised to nobility. His skill with the bow was unrivaled by even so called masters and his ability to survive anywhere was sought out by many nobles for their soldiers, but neither of these skills were ever taught. There are secrets in the skills that can not leave our family secrets that if they got out could endanger many people, and because of that we are not allowed to talk much about our training or the tests we must take to be considered adults in the family.” Isabel shutters slightly. “ Do you remember the story about the wolves?” Isabel asks suddenly “That event happens to everyone when they undergo that training be it with different animals but for some reason members of the Vorn family have always had a connection with the wilderness and we all have various animal companions. The first had a connection with birds which is why the bird on our coat of arms. My friend and cousin Ellen who stayed on Beluaterra has the same affinity…” Isabel stops and shakes her head, “I am not supposed to tell you this so please forget I said anything. Lets see stories from when I was on Beluaterra…” Isabel thinks for a long moment before tears start to form. “I had two cousins I looked up to. Ellen who is on Beluaterra and her younger sister Helena. There are rules in our family about passing tests before being accepted as an adult and full member of the family, well Ellen was the best of our age group in all aspects she was smart, loyal, and her skills in survival and with the bow was unrivaled in our family but she was too kind to be a warrior. Her younger sister Helena was the opposite she was sub par on most things and even failed to get an animal companion during the test. In light of such things she had two choices, one was to become a commoner and live that life or the second option to become an adventurer and rise to nobility to be accepted back into the family. She chose the second option and she left the Vorn family the same day I started my journey to come here. I haven’t seen her and the family does not keep tabs on those that have fallen.” Isabel starts to cry “ I miss both of them very much and no one even knowing what has happened to Helena is just too much.” Isabel fiddles with her necklace continues to cry and shows no more signs of talking.



Alyssa listened intently, watching Isabel's eyes as she finished her story. When the tears began to form, however, Alyssa became concerned, unsure of what to do. Should I comfort her? How should I do that? She froze, eyes wide with concern as the other cried quietly and Alyssa parsed out what to do. She glanced over at the others in the room, the dicers too focused on their game and the lovers too focused on each other to notice the Imperatrix and her companion on their own side of the cabin.

Alyssa remembered the last time she cried, after the fire when she was still a girl. She had felt so lost and alone. Like there was no one in the world but her. She had nothing but the dress she wore. The empty feeling she once felt crept back, that memory of seeing the last of her life burn away as she stood beside the dying fire. She must have felt the same. Her sisters gone not knowing if she will ever see them again. And then she herself shipped away to a far off land. Alyssa knew that feeling. The grief of losing the ones who cared for her and the fear of the unknown before her.

Aly recalled the words her aunt had told her that day, the last time she cried. Don't fear little dove, Alyssa recalled, You are not alone. There are still those who care for you. And we will carry you until you are strong again.

And she was right. Her aunt and uncle cared for her, loved her, provided for her, tested her, and shaped her into the young woman she was. They were her rock in the storm, and knew they always would be, if she needed them. Poor Isabel is far from home though. So it falls to me. I will be her rock. It is my duty to serve the people Perdan, all of them, however I can; and Isabel is my dear friend. I have to try.

Cautiously, as the room still spun a little, she took a deep breath and moved her chair right beside Isabel's. Slowly and somewhat nervously she put her arm around the girl's shoulder, and hugged her. As calmly and quietly as she could she whispered to the other: "Don't fear little dove, you are not alone. There are still those who care for you. And I will carry you until you are strong again."



Isabel clutched onto Alyssa’s white dress. The feeling of the first warm embrace she has had since she was sent to her new home in Perdan. Alyssa’s soothing words help to calm Isabel down enough for her to realize what she was doing and sat back with a start. “I am so sorry” Isabel began tears still in her eyes, “I am supposed to be here and help you but I am just a mess it’s no wonder why they sent me away.” at those words Isabel’s expression turned even sadder but no more tears came. “I’m sorry... I am so sorry I’m ruining the party… Sorry I will leave so you can enjoy yourself.” Isabel tries to get up and leave but realizes she is still clutching Alyssa’s dress. “I’m sorry…” Isabel says as she collapses back into her seat unable to let her friend go for reasons even she can’t comprehend. Instead of letting go Isabel seems to grab tighter as if the only thing holding her together is her hand on Alyssa’s dress. “I don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like I’m trying to swim but I have weights tied to my legs and it takes all I have to just keep my head above water.” Isabel hugs Alyssa tightly and lets out a small shaky breath. “I am so glad to have met you Alyssa I don’t know what I would be doing without you.” Isabel relaxes and slowly lets go of Alyssa tho still holding her sleeve and regains some composer. “I am sorry about that the emotions tend to build up normally I can deal with them fine but tonight I don’t know what it is that is making me like this. I’m sorry I will understand if you wish me to leave so you can enjoy the rest of the party Lady Alyssa.”



Alyssa placed her hand reassuringly on the other girl's. "No my lady, I believe my place is here." You are Perdan my lady, as much as any of us. She looked around the room. The lovers had left to find a lonelier place and the dicers were packing up their game. When she looked out the window she saw moonlight reflecting off of sails in the harbour. "Besides, I believe we are nearing the end of the party. It's gotten quieter."

Indeed, the viola outside had stopped and the noise of the crowd had died down.

"Would you like to stay here for a bit longer, my lady? Or I can escort you back to the palace if you'd like. I am armed to protect after all." She said smiling meekly and placing hand on the sword at her hip.



“We can leave” Isabel said looking towards Alyssa with a hint of a smile. “It is probably best to not overstay our welcome and with the party winding down it seems like it’s time to go. I would be honored to be escorted back if you do not mind.” Isabel stand up still holding hands with Alyssa and help pull her to her feet. “Do you think we should say our goodbye or do you think everyone is either gone or too drunk to notice?”



"The Duke has many guests to bid farewell to, perhaps it is best to lessen his burden. I shall send him a letter tomorrow thanking him for his hospitality."

With Isabel holding one hand and her other on the Blade of the Imperator, Alyssa led the girl back out onto the deck where indeed a crowd had gathered around the Duke wishing him well. The two slipped through the crowd and down the plank to the dock where Perdan's Wooden Wall, the grand fleet lay anchored, magnificent sails of white and gold and red fluttered through the breezy night as warm lanterns lit their path. As they walked across toward the city proper, Alyssa stepped somewhat clumsily over the rickety boards of the old docks, still holding Isabel's hand for balance. The sight must have been funny as Isabel smiled slightly at Alyssa's drunken march.

When they both reached the city street, illuminated by the moon and by lantern posts and the occasional patrolman who saluted Alyssa upon seeing the blade at her hip. Alyssa kept close to her charge to maintain her own balance and to assure the other of safety. The blade was not even sharp and they were walking through the nicest of the city's districts, but she still felt the responsibility of her mission to lead Isabel back to her apartments in the palace.

Alyssa did not say much as they wandered through the nighttime cityscape a pleasant feeling of contentness came over her, the haze of the wine and the warmth of the summer night, the simple pride of her fulfilling her duty made her smile dumbly to herself as the two ladies continued through the moonlit streets of Perdan.