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Latest revision as of 21:47, 12 October 2019


While you rot in your cell, Minister of Injustice Darius Rea visits you and says:

Welcome back Little Dukey Leatho! How have you been?

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli was in the CoOT-MPoCK, City of Outer Tilog Market Place of Crap & Knickknacks, just as the sun was breaking the horizon. He stroked his chin contemplating the item in his hand. Semeli wasn't sure if he wanted to buy the VooDoo Doll shaped like the WetHam Monarch-rian Rian from the Cart of VD, or Voodoo Dolls. It was then that he heard someone approaching...
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Darius Rea
*Non-Sober RP

It had been a fun day. He had Little Dukey Leatho in his dungeons again, and he had enough fluff to pay for more men. He nearly skipped down the streets of the city in elation, thinking only of the pile of torture routines he had waiting for his good friend.
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli watched the man skipping towards him. With each second he got closer and closer. It was almost as if he didn't see Semeli there. Semeli stroked his thick mustache. It wasn't a 1970s adult mustache but a massive thick brown mustache reminiscent of the late 19th century. The man drew within one joyful skip of Semeli. Semeli thought this man must be lost in IT: imaginary torturing. Before Semeli could move as he imagined imaginary torturing skipping men, the skipping man smashed into Semeli, knocking him to the ground. "Oiii mate," Semeli called from the ground, "what cha' think ya doin' skippin' round inta folks?"
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel stumbled out of the bar, for a first visit to the capital this one was pretty good, from behind her she heard the Barkeep cry out "OI, You didn't pay" Sabathiel looked back annoyed and pouted at the man, she looked at her small coin push, opening it she saw a moth fly out and nothing else, she then ran, very fast, or as fast and coordinated a drunk young adult can run, looking back she smiled when she saw the barkeep was not following her, she turned back just to see she was a mere second form colliding with two people ahead, she tried to stop but merely caused herself to trip on loose stone tile and fly head first into the pair.
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Darius Rea
The first collision hurt, but the second was so much worse. Darius yelled, eyes still screwed tight, "Who in the ABYSS ran into me? I have a prisoner to torture and behead!" He opened his eyes to two lesser nobles nursing fresh bruises.
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Justin Sparhawk
Looks like my ale bribe just ran out the door.
Justin Sparhawk

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli scowled, "ran inta ya! Ya skipped inta me!" Semeli stood up and brushed off his white tunic.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hanzo guffawed as two nobles started to bicker in the streets near him. He wagged his fingers at them and tutted.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli stroked his thick mustache again as this enigmatic figure started wagging a finger at him. This finger wagger looked just like the guy who fought in a duel...wait, wasn't the skipping guy in the duel too!?
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hanzo raised an eyebrow and raised the stakes by wagging his third leg.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Darius Rea
Darius sighed, seeing Hazno Brain getting in on the action. "Don't start you bloody soft hearted teddy bear!"
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabatheil stood, bruised and hurt, her thin bones are not made for this sort of impact, Sabatheil looked about wondering if she had escaped the Bartender and that one guy, She saw a man tutting her and two men bickering behind her, "OI, What are you tutting at you upitty cricket-tit"
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno roared with laughter as the petty insults directed toward him. He put his third leg away and swagged over to the group.

"Hello nitwits. Are we all headed toward the Blue Moon Orgy Saloon?"

Hanzo roared with laughter again while eyeing Miss Sabathiel Blackstone from head to toe.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli looked around as the finger wagger started playing with himself. The young lady was saying something about her tit and the Skipping Guy was calling the finger wagger a teddy bear, what ever that was. Semeli was a combination of hurt, confused, and oddly tingly in certain places. He looked back towards the finger wagger who had quit playing with himself and asked if they were all going to an orgy. "I'm not goin' ta tha BMOS, I was thinkin' bout doin' some peasant bowling today. Maybe a little hamster darts." Semeli smiled.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno winked at Semeli. "Alright, mate, just don't fall asleep tonight!"
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Darius Rea
"Well, you all can just move over, I have Important Things to do! What does an InJustice need to do to torture Little Dukey Leatho arouind here????"
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel cringed under the gaze of the noble "You not to bad on the eyes but I am not feeling in the mood for a bit of a poke" Sabathiel ears perked up at the word of torture "Torture? Can I join you Mr Minister man, I haven't scooped eyes in like three hours"
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
The finger wagger warned Semeli to not fall asleep. Semeli's eyes opened wide, he wondered what that meant. Before he could respond the Skipping One said something about torturing a little ducky! Semeli was excited, but the lady asked to join before Semeli could. No matter, more the merrier surely! All could hear the exitment in Semeli's voice, "torturin' a lil' ducky!? Count me in, if ya do not mind an extra torture partner. Semeli Foote is tha name by the way." Semeli held out his hand to the Minister of InJustice, Semeli was surprised he didn't know who it was from the beginning.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Darius Rea
"Ok, ok, who wants to come?"
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno smirked at her response. He especially loved when they resisted.

"Oh, my dear lady, I stab and jab. Pokes and prods are that way."

Hazno pointed at the Minister of InJustice.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabatheil jumped up and down in excitement " I DO, I DO, I DO"
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli jumped up and down like a child, "me! me! me!"
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno really wanted to come. But instead we decided to join the posse for a torture spree.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Darius Rea
Darius sighed, a parent standing in front of eager children. "Ok, follow me, you degenerates. Abyss knows I could use the creatively."
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel looked sideways at the noble who kept talking about methods of stabbing "Not tonight, torture more fun"

Sabathiel continued to bounce about "When do we start, I can tickle him with feathers, cutting an onion in front of him, drop soap in his eyes"

Sabathiel didn't skip a beat and ran straight towards the dungeons her arms tossed out behind her sides.

She leapt through the window straight into the main chamber, a dark, dirty stone room with doors leading into the various cells, after opening the ninth cell she saw a old man, he looked important and so she assumed that this was the Duke Duck Guy.

She heard a flurry of feet as Sabathiel realised she forgot to close the last 8 cell doors wasting no time Sabathiel ran towards the skinny, dirty and malnourished prisoners and leapt onto the on sinking her sharp teeth into their neck.
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Malnourished peasants ran past the unknown lady who jumped on one like a vampire. Semeli enjoyed the image but made sure to grab one for himself too. It was the first ragged lady he could reach. Semeli raised one eyebrow, this one wasn't as nice as the Screeching Horse Harpies...a loud screech echoed through the dungeon out of no where....odd. But this nasty peasant would do work for now. Semeli suddenly realized, he was here to torture the Ducky, guess he would have to wait until he was back with the Screeching Horse Harpies...another loud screech echoed through the dungeon...Semeli jabbed his dagger into the smelly lady's chest and tossed he to the ground. Onto the Ducky! Nevermind the other seven prisoners who were escaping.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Darius Rea
Several prisoners flew down the hallway past him, freed by one of his posse. He sighed, silently beheading 3 of them on the way by.
Darius Rea

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno shrugged nonchalantly and followed the group toward the dungeon. His eyes locked onto the bouncing figure's behind as she excitedly ran ahead.

As they reached the dungeon, Hazno was surprised to see a gaggle of prisoners trying to make their escape. He shook his head. The Minster was certainly poor at his job.

Hazno yawned at the posse began to dig into peasant flesh. He took out a pipe and started to pack it with the dark, stinky tobacco. A little peasant boy ran by and Hazno casually tripped him. As the boy struggled to get up, he curb-stomped his head and ended with a twist of his metal-plated boot.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli looked back as the Finger Wagger tripped a small child before stomping his head in. Semeli once again felt the tingly as he winked at the Finger Wagger.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno caught the wink and sucked hard on his pipe.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel drank the metallic tasting red sauce, she made sure to fill a canteen with the stuff, she then saw that another three peasants were escaping so Sabathiel reached to her waist and pulled out her dagger boomerang, and tossed it down the corridor, she had to jump to make sure she didn't hit any of her torture buddies, just as the last three were about escape the dungeon, the dagger sliced through their necks like butter through snow, one technically left the dungeon as their head rolled out the door, with her mistake now unmistaken Sabathiel turned back, blood running down the side of her lip, her eyes sparkling in joy.
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli watched the Finger Wagger suck hard on his pipe. Suddenly his concentration was broken as a dagger went flying over his head, killing the last three prisoners who were escaping. Semeli looked back at the Vampire Lady who caught the returning dagger. "Nice one mate!" Semeli grinned, "onta tha Ducky!" Semeli yelled with a finger in the air before marching into the cell with the Ducky Duke.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno turned his attention to the "Ducky". It actually happened to be the noble that was captured in his region - Naan Forest. "Looking at the Minister of InJustice is torture enough, don't you think?" He joked with the vampire lady and the seductive Semeli.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Semeli chuckled and gave the InJustice a friendly slap on the arm. "Indeed, finger wagger, indeed." Semeli said before composing himself.

"Right then, lets get ta tha fun!" Semeli was bursting with enthusiasm, rubbing his hands as he approached the chained Duke in the damp cell.

"I know just tha thing," Semeli said before pulling out a spoon from his pocket, "we scoop out his eyes!"

Semeli frowned as he noticed it was the wrong spoon, "wait, this isn't me eye scoopin' spoon."
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel laughed at the flirty guy's joke and entered the room, looking at the old disheveled man, she immediately ran to to cabinet looking in wonder at all the tools and leather stuff, she grabbed a knife and one over to the Duck Duke "Hello Duck man I am Sabathiel, I am here to torture you, are you ready?" Not waiting for a response Sabathiel produced a onion from her pocket and began cutting it on the chest of the Duck man, trying not to cut him but allowing the occasional slip up and whenever she would the sting from the onion juice would make the man cringe in pain causing Sabathiel to giggle, intoxicated from the booze and bloodlust of killing peasants. Sabatheil looked disappointed at the Semeli guy when he said no scooping eyes.
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Hazno Harte
Hazno watched his friends approach the tattered figure and start to slice onions on his chest. He grinned and had a brilliant idea.

The shelf to his right was overflowing with various vials of liquid. Hazno chose the nastiest, ugly, black sludge which he figured was crude oil.

He walked to the man's head and pried his mouth open. With one hand he shoved the cork between the man's teeth then began to pour the black sludge down his throat.

Every time the man choked and gurgled, Hazno's blood flowed faster.
Hazno Harte

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
The horrid smell of onions started to fill the cell. Semeli choked on the repugnant scent. Coughing and hacking, Semeli heard the Vampire Lady say her own name, finally he knew who this dagger boom-a-rang lady was.

"Right..," cough cough, "enough with tha onion Staba-Thiel!" Semeli continued coughing.

Semeli struggled to catch his breath as the finger wagger forced his way past Sabathiel and started to force feed the Ducky some vile vial of black sludge. That was when Semeli had a great idea, he ran beside the finger wagger and pulled out a feather. Quickly Semeli danced the feather at the edge of the Ducky's nose. Semeli chuckled as the aged Ducky, with his long white hair, struggled with the thick liquid running down his throat and the desire to sneeze.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabatheil stopped cutting the onions a few seconds before being pushed past by the flirty guy with the Semeli guy following behind with a feather, not to be out done Sabathiel went back to the table and pulled out a flat bludgeon she quickly went back to the duke and began to smack his thighs with the bludgeon, giggling intensely as the man's thighs turned red.
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
As the vile vial emptied and Semeli's feather hand fatigued, the InJustice was singing maniacally, incoherently, and out of tune. Sabathiel had been beating the Ducky's tense legs to a blood red. Semeli stepped back and let out a sigh. This was not enough. "Tis time!" Semeli yelled, "for tha worst one yet. Tha...comfy chair!" Dun dun duuuunnnn. Semeli ran out of the damp cell quickly, breezing past the staggering InJustice. His shoulder caught the door frame sending Semeli tumbling down onto the hay strewn floor. Semeli scampered to his feet, out of the cell, and out of sight. A moment later a scratching noise could be heard down the hall. It grew louder and louder. The sound was reaching a climax as Semeli pushed the chair to the cell door. Drat! It wouldn't fit. "Damn ya stupid chair," Semeli grumbled, "help me Stab-a-thiel, help."
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel dropped her bat and ran to help the Semeli guy move the chair, she crawled underneath it and began pushing up ward, realising this wasn't working she began to pull, when the chair finally cam through Sabatheil fell backwards landing hard on her rump "Owie" She then stood up and helped Semeli step up the chair "Now what Semeli man?"
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Clang. The bat fell to the floor as Sabathiel rushed to Semeli's aid. First she pushed upward on the chair and nothing good happened. "No, no, no," Semeli was getting frustrated.

It was then that Sabatheil started to pull the chair in towards the cell. Slowly the chair squeezed into the cell. "Almost there..." Semeli grunted as he pushed with all his might.


With a thud Sabatheil fell back on her hind quarters and the comfy bright red suede chair followed. "Owie" Sabatheil said before standing up to help Semeli step up the chair "Now what Semeli man?"

"Now, we put the Ducky in tha chair." Semeli said nefariously, stroking his thick brown mustache.

Semeli rushed over to the weary old Ducky and started to undo the shackles.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabatheil rushed back over to the duck duke and helped Semeli man undo the shackles and carry him over to the chair, getting some of the leather strips on the bench Sabathiel began to fasten the duke's legs and arms to the chair, stepping back to observe her handy work she squealed in delight, this, this was fun she jumped alit in excitement and looked to Semeli as if to ask what next
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
Sabathiel was bouncing with excitement and looking at Semeli for what to do next. "Now," Semeli said with a grin, "we get this pins and needles."

Semeli rushed over to the eastern wall and scoured through the various devices. Knifes, pears of anguishes, scrubbing brushes, feathers, eye scooping spoons, chisels, heretic forks, actual forks, and more all rattled around in the search for the bag of pins and needles. Some items even clanged down to the floor as feathers rustled up into the air here and there.

"Ow!" Semeli screeched, pulling his hand back quickly. Shacking his hand in the air to cool the sting and then sucking on the finger tip to sooth the burn. "Heres ta bag," Semeli mumbled as his free hand grabbed the small black sack of pins and needles.

He tossed the bag to Sabathiel.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel caught the bag and pulled out a small pin and slowly slid in into the underside of the Duck man's knee, cried out in pain "Be quiet duck man it's just a bit of acupuncture" She then slid another one into his thigh.
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
As the cries from Blint echoed in the cell, Semeli continued searching for a second bag. Aha! There she blows! Semeli grabbed the fine velvet bag and started to open it as he made his way to the comfy chair. With plop the snoring InJustice hit the floor, a flask rolled out of his trench coat. Semeli paid it no mind and continued to the Ducky. He opened the velvet bag and started jabbing pins into Ducky's chest. The maniacal grin widen across his face as Semeli picked up his pace. Pins into the chest, needles to the arm, pins to the leg, needles between the legs. It took no time at all for the bag to empty. Semeli's nefarious smile fadded, "now what," he asked Sabathiel.
Semeli Foote

Roleplay from Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny
Sabathiel smiled and held up a vat of tar and bag of feathers, "let's give this Ducky his feathers" she then began to lather the tar onto the duke
Sabathiel Blackstone Daubeny

Roleplay from Semeli Foote
"Excellent," Semeli said tapping his fingers together. After a moment he rushed to aid the tar and feathering. Once the Ducky was a proper Ducky, Semeli ran over grabbing a bucket of yellow paint. He emptied the bucket on the Ducky. "Perfect!" Semeli yelled. All this torture was getting him excited, he was ready to go back to his Screeching Horse Harpies for...a loud screech echoed through the halls of the dungeon, out of no where. "Shut UP!" Semeli yelled, halting the screech.

"Tis been fun, Stab-a-Seal, but I have ta go...see a lady about a horse," Semeli winked. "Good day m'lady," Semeli said with a bow before leaving the cell to tend to his Screeching Horse Harpies.

A screech roared through the dungeon...
Semeli Foote

Letter from Darius Rea
Teamwork gets the Torture done!


Darius Rea Minister of Injustice of Outer Tilog

Duke of Fiends and Flame
Darius Rea