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(Created page with " ===The Case of Daimon Worship of Bolkenia=== {{message2 |Type=Letter |Sender=Mariana le Craint |Content= Grand Inquisitor Divus Lancaster, This is a formal request to ope...")
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===The Case of Daimon Worship of Bolkenia===
===The Case of Daimon Worship of Bolkenia===
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Work was underway. Mariana took this time to relax. The evening sun was descending below the horizon. The gentle coastal breeze blew through her hair. Walking along the coastal pathway, she followed the coastline with her eyes. Seeing the ruins of civilization resting just below the waters surface.
Passing by a ruined tower, she approached out of curiosity. Its crumbling stones, covered in vines, seemingly creaked with every passing breeze. A large oak door was all that stood in her way. Its hinges rusted, a simple push caused the door to fall to the ground causing a cloud of dust to erupt in the room. Once it settled, she took a careful step into the room.
The still air hung heavy in the room, rotten furniture was piled up against the side wall. A picture frame hung on the wall, the painting having been torn away left fragile yellowing edges clinging desperately to the edges. The room had not seen sunlight in years. Mariana reached for the floor, taking a table leg of a table that no longer remained, she wrapped it in a piece of fabric and lit it. The room was then engulfed in the orange hue of the firelight.
With the room lit up, she could not see the mess that was the room. The furniture showed signs of being thrown against the wall, shards of wood littered the floor. However, what caught her attention however was a large red stain leading towards a hatch. Mariana drew her blade and approached the hatch. A rusted iron lock, barely holding together, kept the hatch down. Without much effort, Mariana hit the lock with the pommel of her dagger, releasing the latch. Immediately she was greeted by the smell of decay, the hatch was covered in scratch marks made from the inside.
Mariana took a deep breath before climbing down the ladder. The air was heavy, like a mist filled the room. Carefully she continued in, her dagger now pointed forward and the torch held high. She same to a large basement, manacles and chains hung from the walls. However, the more disturbing part was within the centre of the room. A deep red circle, made from the same stain as seen upstairs, of strange symbols and a language she did not know. A single plinth in the centre of the room made of a dark stone. Resting on top was the partial skeleton of a person,  marks implying it was gnawed at by rats. This was enough for Mariana, her brow furrowed she took a step back and returned up the stairs.
She closed the hatch and placed the remains of armchair and dresser on top and left the tower. Once she left she began to run back towards the stronghold. She murmured something under her breath as she went.
"The Grand Inquisitor is going to want to hear about this." 
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May Obeah bless you,  
May Obeah bless you,  
|Sender=Divus Lancaster
Excellent, keep me up to date on your progress. If we need to rally additional Inquisition agents, we shall do so. Of course, I leave it to your discretion. I trust you to get the job done.
With faith,
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
The air was still. The moon was high in the sky. The town below has settled and began to close up for the knight. Mariana however was hard at work.
Towards the outskirts of town sat a large and opulent house that overshadowed the town bellow. Smoke bellowed from the chimney however the rest of the house was quiet. Mariana carefully approached the house, her hood drawn and a mask covering her face. She had scoped the house out before and learned that a back window was normally left open. This was how she had planned to enter.
As she approached, like usual, the window was open. The room within was lit up but no sounds could be heard within. Carefully, Mariana climbed through the window into a large dining room. A painting of the Elder rested precariously on the wall. The creepy picture unnerved Mariana slightly, however her determination kept her going. She stepped carefully over to the door and peered through the keyhole. It opened into an empty entry hall. She smiled and opened the door.
Faced with two choices, another door or up the staircase. Placing her ear to the door she could hear a slight muffled voice. Therefore, she made her way up the stairs, careful to make sure not to make a sound. The upper floor had three more rooms. One by one she examined each door carefully. Two doors were open, leading to a bedroom and storeroom. She quickly went through each but found nothing of importance. The final door was locked, however peering through she found the Elders office. The lock was rather intricate, opening it would require the key or breaking the door. Deciding that the key would be a better option she made her way down the stairs once again, assuming that the Elder must have the key.
She came to the door towards the final room, the one with the voice, she looked through the keyhole again and spotted a man standing before a hearth. She quickly analysed her options, trying to come up with the best solution. Suddenly, inspiration came to her. She wrapped her knuckles against the door and hid herself towards the side and waited. Before long the door swung open. Mariana proceeded to leap through, drawing her blade, pushing the man to the floor. As she suspected, this was the Elder.
"Please... don't hurt me. What do you want?" The man pleaded, sweat forming on his forehead trying to break free from Mariana's grip.
Mariana did not reply, instead reached into his pocket, finding the key she needed. She then began to laugh manically.
"There is nothing you can do, you deserve the fate you have brought upon yourself."
She brought the pommel of her blade down onto the head of the man, knocking him unconscious. She dragged the man out of the room and tied him to the banister of the staircase. She returned to the locked room. As she suspected, the key unlocked the room. Within was a plethora of objects and books. Flicking through the books and letters on the desk, she found a few that interested her. She placed them within a leather satchel and continued to search. However as soon as she opened the desk draw she stopped. Rage began to fill her. A small idol, similar to those she found in the tower. She placed it in her satchel and stormed down the stairs.
At this point, the Elder was beginning to wake up. However, as soon as he saw Mariana he began to panic.
"Whatever you want, I can get it for you. I have connections. I can make you very wealthy."
Mariana laughed again and took out the idol from her bag. The Elders face turned white. His squirming stopped, his moth agape with shock. He tried to form words but nothing could come out.
"You cannot escape your fate. You will receive your punishment."
Once again, she hit him with the pommel of her blade and the Elder fell unconscious. Taking a rug from the room with the hearth, she wrapped the man and dragged him outside. Before she left however, she took some of the flaming logs from the fire and spread them around the house. Taking great enjoyment from setting the painting alight.
Just as she arrived, she silently left the village. In the distance, larger smoke clouds began to form over the village with panic beginning to spread among the few who were still awake. The light from the burning house lit up the sky. Mariana smiled before turning and heading back towards her stronghold for more... interrogation...
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor,
I have conducted a raid on the residence of the Elder. As we suspected, he was both the one responsible for the actions at the tower but also for continuation of such heresy. As such, I apprehended him and began interrogating him. Additionally, I have reclaimed an assortment of documents and letters that incriminate himself and a few others from surrounding towns. From an investigation of this it seems he was trying to expand the influence but was having troubles against many of the loyal followers of Obeah.
Follows is a report of the Interrogation:
Firstly, do you admit to commiting heresy and speading filth among the realm: Yes.
How far did you spread this heresy: Not very far, my efforts to a few villages were not effective.
Who else commited this heresy with you: The original group that committed the act at to tower are mostly dead, only 3 of use remain.
Name them: Edmund Rainald, Malina Mylecent, Owin Galot.
Did you reach out to others in different regions: I could not expand further than my own village, attempts beyond Bolkenia was met with great threat. We did not expand further due to this.
This concludes the report. I shall follow this with a mass interrogation of the town eventually cleansing the remaining filth so that none remains. Along with this document I shall include a copy of all the letters and journals I discovered at the Elders home. I shall continue to monitor the situation here. Should you wish to come and inspect the town to ensure that the heresy has been purged, I invite you to do so.
May Obeah bless you,
===A meeting with Grand Inquisitor Kethan D'Espana===
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
It had been quite some time since Mariana was last in the city. She never stays for too long. Stops by the bank, visits the Grand Temple and leaves again. She wasn't one for staying in one location for too long, let alone a city. This time she had an important task.
She rushed her way across the city, setting her sights on the Holy Basilica. She made no effort to slow nor to dress herself in a proper fashion. Pushing her way through the crowds of people enjoying the afternoon sun.
Reaching the grand doors of the Holy Basilica, she pushed her way past the queue of people lining up outside and the guards keeping watch. She marched through the large halls, passing the many offices of government before finally arriving outside her destination, The Office of the Grand Inquisitor.
She breathed in and out slowly, smoothed down her blouse and brushed her hair back. She raised her hand and gently knocked upon the hard oak door.
"Grand Inquisitor Kethan D'Espana, I have come to report in."
She waited a few seconds before reaching for the door handle and entering in.
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
Kethan was well into his daily duties of report reading and letter answering as the afternoon sun lazily bathed Rines. A moderate amount of light came through the windows of his office, covered in moderately thick curtains that he had ordered to be used when the sun was high outside. A luminous room was always desirable when one had to work inside, but he believed that symbolism was important. Light had no business uncovering the matters of the Inquisition, for shadows and dusk were as much the refuge of chaos and evil as they were the hunting grounds of the inquisitors.
That was part of the reason why he had ordered to temporarily move the main hub of the Inquisition to the vast structure of the Basilica. The long-standing offices of the Inquisition, a separate building, were currently undergoing reforms to approach its symbolic nature to the idea that Kethan had for the Inquisition as a whole. Open and clear spaces were being replaced by small rooms and oppressive hallways, tall and wide windows were being covered and dressed in curtains and the previously well-lit palace was transitioning to a realm of suffocating silence and permanent twilight. He was sure there would be complaints against the gargantuan amount of candles he had ordered, but the cost would be well worth it once the project was finished and the atmosphere of the nexus of inquisitorial guild had been converted for good.
He was making a brief pause when he heard a gentle knock on the hard oak door. A female voice he did not recognize spoke right after that.
- "Grand Inquisitor Kethan D'Espana, I have come to report in."
Wondering who could it be and why his secretaries had not informed him of this visit, he audibly hawked and spoke as well.
- "Come in, visitor. Do announce yourself in your way inside."
Mariana waited a few seconds before reaching for the door handle and entering in.  Kethan had never seen the woman before, or at least was not able to remember her. He was good at judging people, and he noticed immediately that her demeanor was that of a noble, moving with surprising grace and dexterity. She wore a blouse, though it was obvious that she had not made any particular efforts to dress to impress. Her hair and eyes, though, were significantly more interesting. Beautiful long silver hair flowed down her back, matching the color of her eyes closely. When he stood up to greet her, he realized she was significantly taller than he was, since he stood just shy of 5ft 1". He knew most noblemen he had met always thought he was taller when exchanging letters, and it was a significant source of insecurity and shame every time he tried to appear imposing. He was, however, decently skilled in the art of reading bodily signs and expressing himself non-verbally, and could very well be surprisingly intimidating or persuasive when the occasion was right.
His eyes, slowly but surely returning to their original hazel color after Stheno's sacrifice had healed him of his curse and blindness, met Mariana's as she approached his desk, and he subconsciously straightened his mostly grey medium-length hair as he evaluated her. She did not seem to be older than low thirties, though her silver hair made it harder to judge her age. He himself was in his mid-forties, though the many wrinkles and pale skin that still remained of his illness made him seem significantly older than that.
If Mariana was used to read people, she would notice the way he held most of his weight with his right leg, his entire posture indicative of a recent wound somewhere on his left side and back. Putting together everything he had seen in her and smiling inquisitively, he asked in a soft voice:
- "I do not seem to have been notified of your arrival, milady. You say you have come to report in. May I understand I am talking to a certain Special Agent of the Inquisition?"
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
- "Come in, visitor. Do announce yourself in your way inside."
Taking her first few steps into the darkened room, she took a moment to look around. Normal procedure she followed wherever she went. She then turned to Kethan, politely curtsied and then stood at attention.
- "I do not seem to have been notified of your arrival, milady. You say you have come to report in. May I understand I am talking to a certain Special Agent of the Inquisition?"
"Grand Inquisitor, I am Special Agent Mariana le Craint. I have just returned to the city, the ship docked less than half an hour ago."
She stood square to the desk, looking over the man before her. Someone she had heard about but never met in person. She took this time to try to read the man.
"While my mission to the north was not a total success I was able to gather information once again. The temple still thrives however there is more mobilisation. One of the priest, the lord of the region, seems to have taken up the sword again. My presence did not go amiss, however I did not stay for long enough for them to catch me. Additionally, during my journey back, I managed to pilfer a few extra gold from the pockets of the rogue barons."
She took off a heavy backpack, gently lowering it to the floor, and began to bring our small satchels. Soon the desk was covered in these small pouches.
"While I was not able to bring about justice on the vile heretics, my return was more successful. I have managed to accumulate 2300 gold of which a portion shall be sent to the Grand Templar to fund the army. The rest, I shall use myself to return to my training once more."
She took out a few coins and began inspecting them before handing them to Kethan.
"I came to report my safe return to the city and inform you of my intentions for the coming days. I shall be within the city should you have need of me. I believed it would be important, as a special agent, to introduce myself. As the newly elected Grand Inquisitor, I imagine you are quite busy. I did not wish to cause to much of a disturbance to your work."
Her posture held straight. Her face was motionless and still. She showed no signs of weariness nor strain, as one would expect when returning from the wilds.
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
While Mariana tried to read Kethan, he tried to do the same with her. He had already been notified of her particular situation and assignment by Lord Inquisitor Divus Lancaster, and he did not try to hide his curiosity about the woman. He nodded in satisfaction with what he saw in her, her correctness and ability to mask her thoughts and feelings, the mark of a true inquisitor. Once she was satisfied with her own scan of the man, she continued her report.
"While my mission to the north was not a total success I was able to gather information once again. The temple still thrives however there is more mobilisation. One of the priest, the lord of the region, seems to have taken up the sword again. My presence did not go amiss, however I did not stay for long enough for them to catch me. Additionally, during my journey back, I managed to pilfer a few extra gold from the pockets of the rogue barons."
He watched her as she covered his desk in small pouches, all obviously clinging with the sound of a plentiful bounty. That should be at least a couple thousand gold coins, he noted.
"While I was not able to bring about justice on the vile heretics, my return was more successful. I have managed to accumulate 2300 gold of which a portion shall be sent to the Grand Templar to fund the army. The rest, I shall use myself to return to my training once more."
She took out a few coins and began inspecting them before handing them to Kethan. He also inspected them as well while she finished her report, carefully noting their origin through the marks imprinted on them.
"I came to report my safe return to the city and inform you of my intentions for the coming days. I shall be within the city should you have need of me. I believed it would be important, as a special agent, to introduce myself. As the newly elected Grand Inquisitor, I imagine you are quite busy. I did not wish to cause to much of a disturbance to your work."
He took his time to finish inspecting the coins, letting her wait more than it would be considered polite as a way to test her demeanor and reaction when presented with an awkward situation. Her posture held straight. Her face was motionless and still. She showed no signs of weariness nor strain, as one would expect when returning from the wilds, as he was pleased to discover. Once he understood she could stand there the entire day and still not break her facade, he put the coins back inside the pouches and finally motioned to one of the armchairs in front of his desk.
"You may take a seat, Special Agent le Craint. You are very right, it is important for me to meet those that are working for this Inquisition I now preside. You already know that, of course, but I am Kethan D'Espana, Lord Inquisitor of our institution and Grand Inquisitor of our realm. I am pleased of your success, even if only partial. I have no doubts that the Grand Templar will put your gift to good use, and I concur that raising your skills is a most appropriate use for the fruits of your mission."
He gave another look to his desk, subtly praising Mariana for the gold she had brought back, which had completely swarmed his table and covered the many documents on top.
"I have been busy indeed, particularly due to this trial currently ongoing. I am also preparing a revision, clarification and improvement of Obia'Syela's laws. which some of younger knights seem to need in order to not commit self-explanatory crimes. It is a task I did not think I would need to take care of this early in my term, but one I take pride in nonetheless. Three other noblemen have already spoken to be part of the clarification effort, and I am currently waiting on their initial feedback and impressions."
Pausing for another little while, he observed Mariana again, trying to see if he could get any glimpse of what was going through the woman's mind. She was good, that for sure.
"Do not worry about disturbing my work, for this is an important aspect of it. Knowing my agents, what they are capable of, what do they think of me and the Inquisition as a whole is as fundamental, if not more, than taking care of my other duties. For I am not only the judge of the Sacred Realm, but also the head of the Inquisition and the ultimate responsible nobleman for the overall health and efectiveness of the inquisitorial agents of Obeah in this world. Speaking of which, Special Agent... What do you think of the Inquisition, and what do you believe could be improved? Your experience may have provided you with a different insight, after all."
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana pondered for a moment. Contemplating her answers. She hesitated in taking a seat but reluctantly sat down on a nearby chair.
"The body of the inquisition is unique in its own right. While the Grand Inquisitor applies the laws of the realm, individual inquisitors as of late serve a different purpose. A suggestion would be to provide clarity to the role. I was lucky to be taught by Maura during my early years of training. However some newcomers may not be able to experience this. Inform aspiring inquisitors of agents of note they could come to for guidance and teaching in our ways."
She waited for a moment, considering the response of the Grand Inquisitor.
"Another suggestion would be to promote intercommunication between members of the Inquisition. The life we have chosen is lonesome. However, I imagine there are some that would benefit from connecting with fellow Inquisitors. Before the disappearance of Maura, we had planned to go hunting together. This is something I would like to see."
She raised an eyebrow, arms still folded, she leaned slightly into the balls of her feet.
"I would be lying to say that I am not curious about yourself, if you don't mind me speaking out of character. You are an relatively unknown entity to me. Only recently have you come to my attention, with this whole debacle. Have you ever spent time in the wilds? I believe that when you are out there, you learn a lot about yourself. I have felt that solitary living has enabled me to understand Obeah's will more clearly. Im honesty, I would recomend it to everyone but I do know that it is not suited for everyone."
She smirked slightly before returning to her upright position.
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
Clarity to the role, guidance and teaching for new inquisitors. I can do that, he thought. Intercommunication between members of the Inquisition, maybe doing activities together, even if simply leisury ones. That can be arranged too. He nodded his conformity to both proposals. They were both appropriate, and would be a good addition in the near future to the Inquisition. He was glad to have asked, for they were even better tips than the ones he was expecting.
Mariana raised an eyebrow, arms still folded, she leaned slightly into the balls of her feet. The sharp change in overall posture and non-verbal cues immediately brought him back to the conversation, and he leaned forward from his side of the desk, wondering what could have caused that different tone of the meeting. He smiled as she began speaking her mind, and he took a little while to answer to her question, consciously dropping some degrees of formality in return.
"That is a fair request, Lady le Craint. I come from D'Hara, a noble realm far, far away, on the shores of a Dwili island. I was sent to Beluaterra by my father, Lord Ghaundan D'Espana, when I was but a young man. He wanted me to... look for someone, so to speak, but after a few years of travelling around I finally discovered that the person I was to find was already dead. That was when the Invasion erupted, now almost 25 years ago, and I, together with some companions I met along the way, went to seek refuge under the banner of the Shattered Vales. I made myself a warrior there, and many Daimons and their collaborators fell to the arrows of my men. I also met the Oracle there, though that story is perhaps a matter for a different time. However, at the time I was, and still am, a keen scholar of the arcane arts, and perhaps due to some of my experiments, perhaps due to other reasons, I was cursed with a most insidious illness that only the most recent and selfless sacrifice of the Oracle's daughter was able to heal. It was due to that illness that I left the Vales to seek for a cure, and for nearly two decades I travelled far and wide chasing the most eccentric rumors about sages and users of magic. Many things I witnessed, but none were able to help me cure my condition."
He made a brief dramatic pause before continuing with his narration.
"I finally understood that perhaps I was not going to live much longer, and then returned to the Shattered Vales to wave goodbye to friends and allies of old. That was when, faithless and hopeless, the Oracle brought me here with a promise: to use all the arts and knowledge at her disposal to heal me at long last. Here I came, not really believing that she would be able to do so, but glad that I was going to have a chance to see her and Duke Vahanian Blint one last time. The rest, I believe, you probably know already."
He made another brief pause, shorter than the previous one.
"So, as you can see, I am indeed used to treading the wilds, a man with no lord nor home I have been for roughly half of my entire life. I agree that the solitude and peace of mind that can be achieved while away from civilization can be of use to better understand oneself and the divine, but I believe I have had plenty enough already of time secluded in freedom with just my thoughts and a few servants by my side."
Mariana smirked slightly before returning to her upright position, Kethan leaving a little while for her to ask any follow-up questions. He was also interested to learn more of her, but she had asked first and he was willing to leave her satisfied, at least while her questions kept being reasonable.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana took time to take in what Kethan had said. Looking over his face for every change in emotion. This was all new to her and not what she had expected to hear, however she could now understand the man that sat before her.
"Grand Inquisitor, I would be lying if I said I did not feel sympathetic to your cause. You have suffered greatly. Your devotion to both Obeah and the Oracle is admirable having seen such adversity." She paused for a moment before continuing to speak, "What you have experienced during your life, both wondering the wilds and on the battlefield against the Daimons, will enhance your ability to act righteously in the eyes of Obeah. To this, I am satisfied."
Her punctilious demeanour changed. She unfolded her arms and let out a gentle smile.
"You will have to forgive me Grand Inquisitor, by nature I must always be critical and calculated. As someone unknown to me, I did not know how to judge you nor how you would act as Grand Inquisitor. Trust, in my books, must first be earned before any professional relationship can develop. A man of your status, I was overly cautious."
Within a moment, her eyes had changed. No longer was she looking over him as if she was trying to judge his character. He eyes appeared softer than before, completely alien when compared to the figure that came into the office initially.
"I have seen many Grand Inquisitors come and go from these offices. I have to take a level of professional pride when it comes to meeting those that take residence here. However, there is an aura about you. Something I cannot quite understand. However, every gut instinct is telling me that great things shall come from you in office." She leaned in closer towards the Grand Inquisitor, "In honesty, to find another here that came from Dwilight is of particular interest. My family lives within Luria Nova, though I have not been there quite some time now. Not since the incident with that brother of mine."
She smiled slyly and winked, awaiting Kethan's response.
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
Kethan listened to Mariana attentively, scrutinizing her every reaction much like she had done while he was talking. He tried to keep calm while she praised his devotion and past, but he would be lying if he said that she hadn't stroked a pleasantly sensitive part of his soul. Yes, he had actually suffered greatly, more than many would believe, and having it recognized by another inquisitor felt... good. Really good.
When she smiled and seemingly dropped down her defenses, he lifted an eyebrow, unsure on what she was going to try next. As she kept speaking and visibly opened herself to the man, he relaxed as well and began enjoying that newfound connection with Mariana. The change in the atmosphere was extremely obvious, she almost seemed like an entirely different person now, and he took perhaps a little too long to appreciate the new softness in her eyes. Her final smile and wink returned him to the conversation again, smirking playfully in return as he laid back in his armchair, his posture an open invitation to friendly talk.
"You are too generous, Lady le Craint. I only did what I felt I had to do. Nevertheless, I appreciate your warm words, I truly do. You are also more than forgiven about your initial mistrust of my humble self. You are an inquisitor, Lady le Craint, and that is a natural and highly valued part of the character of a proper agent of the Inquisition. I would not say you were overly cautious, simply cautious enough, and rightly so. You can never know where the next enemy of Obeah might be lurking, and I am already aware that Obia'Syela has seen bad men in my office in the past."
It was clear that it was now his turn to ask, and he had no intention to let Mariana leave his office without first knowing her a little better. Leaning forward a bit again, he looked straight at her eyes, trying not to intimidate but to further the already established connection.
"Luria Nova, you say? I do not remember my father telling me about any Lurian le Craints, though perhaps your family established themselves there after my arrival to Beluaterra. You have my curiosity regarding that incident with that brother of yours. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about yourself as well."
He also winked in return at the end of his question, a gesture that he seldom performed. He liked what he had seen in Mariana thus far, and wanted her to feel welcome and relaxed. One could never had too many allies, after all, and this could be the beginning of a prosperous mutual understarding.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana chuckled slightly.
"My family is fairly new. I am not surprised that your father nor yourself have not heard about us. Having only rose to prominence fairly recently, we have not achieved much in the public eye. Though I hear my cousin is moving up in the world. From his last letter, I believe he now holds two council positions..." Her smiled quickly changed. From happy, to sad, and finally to frustration. "The memory of my time with my brother is not a pleasant one. We never got along, always fighting for the right of inheritance."
She let out a sigh and folded her arms once more.
"Not long before my arrival in Obia'Syela, we had our biggest fight to date. This ended with drawn swords, with many cuts and bruises. I got one lucky swing in that caused him to be injured. Our parents discovered this and struck me from the family then. Becoming only a branch family member with no right of inheritance. After this was decided, I took to the sea becoming a mercenary. Coming to Obia'Syela changed me. I saw the light of Obeah and wished only to serve her."
Her eyes now expressed sadness.
"Some days, I wonder how my parents are. I have not seen them in years nor have they responded to my letters. For all I know, they could be dead." 
She took a deep breath, remaining silent for a moment, before picking herself up in the chair. The gentle smiled now returned to her face.
"Obeah has certainly changed me for the better. Now I see no other option than to serve her and repay her for bringing me to Obia'Syela. I hope that my work as an Inquisitor has served to achieve this."
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
Kethan listened to Mariana's story, his face conveying the appropriate degrees of empathy and understanding as she unveiled her past. He knew well how incredibly sensitive some of those memories could be, and tried to keep himself as neutral and non-judgmental as possible. He chose, however, to not hide a brief expression of indignation and disagreement when she went over how she had been struck from the family, which seemed like a disproportionate retribution for a simple wound on a duel. That expression dissapeared when she got to how Obeah had changed her, and he softened his non-verbal language in the final part of her tale.
"You have also gone through your own trial, Lady le Craint, and I'd say Obeah has found you worthy of Her grace. Your work as a Special Agent has been praised by Lord Inquisitor Divus Lancaster himself when he updated me on the inquisitorial affairs after my election, and I am sure you will continue to impress me in the future. In fact, perhaps I could do a little something for you, as proof of my good will towards you."
He smiled warmly, trying to find a way to properly word his offer.
"My brother, Lord Kophyn D'Espana, is currently in Dwilight, serving a realm that goes by the name of Madina. It has been years since the last time we wrote each other, but perhaps I could send him a letter requesting him to find any relevant information about your parents and family. We are not particularly close, so he will ask me about it, of course, but I believe he will do as requested. I wouldn't even need to tell him about you, if you do not want your parents to know that it is you requesting the information."
He looked at her intensely, waiting for her response.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana didnt know how to respond. She sat in silence. Stunned by the opportunity. She rubbed the side of her face gently... thinking..
"Grand Inquisitor... I am not sure how to respond. On the one hand, I would like to hear about them but what if they still resent me..." She sat up straight, her brow furrowed. "No... I must not miss the opportunity. Yes, I would very much appreciate this. If anyone would know about my family, it would be my brother Emyhr le Craint. Last I heard he was still in Luria Nova though that was years ago now and things might have changed. If time has changed anything, he would be the one to talk to. While I still resent him for taking my inheritance, a lot has changed and I wish to rebuild our family. I have my own life here I do not need his life anymore."
She smiled gently.
"If you brother could get in contact with Emyhr le Craint in some form, that would be the best was to find out information about my parents. I do not wish to hide from this, my brother would be heistant to answer if he did not who this was for. If you could do this... it would mean a lot to me."
Mariana does not normally show emotion. She saw it as a weakness. One that could be exploited. Here however, she could not control in. Her eyes were filled with hope. Her smile was gentle and cheerful. She felt alien compared to her normal self but she had been presented with something she thought would never occur. A single tear formed in the corner of her eye and dripped slowly down her cheek.
"Grand Inquisitor, forgive me. This is rather a lot to take in."
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
And there it was: the prize he was aiming for. Experience and his father's lessons had taught him that everyone always has a weakness, a frail spot in their armor that, if found, can potentially lead to winning them over and gaining a new ally, perhaps even a friend. It can also be used to harm or even destroy them, of course, but he was completely uninterested in doing that to Mariana. The course of action seemed clear enough. He kept smiling as she unveiled her thoughts, then offered her a handkerchief when he saw her single tear, looking away to give her the privacy to compose herself if she so desired. When she was done, he replied.
"Lady le Craint, there is nothing to forgive. I am happy to be of assistance, I will write to my brother right after our meeting and ask him to look for Sir Emyhr le Craint in Luria Nova. If he doesn't find him there, I'm sure he'll follow his tracks elsewhere, wherever it is your brother lives now. Lord Kophyn is a very resourceful man, if I know anything about him. He will find your brother, I promise."
He looked straight at her, winking once to indicate he was half-joking in his next sentence.
"Or else I will have a trusted servant sent to Dwilight to beat him with my letters and poke him with a quill until he does."
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana's expression was soft and her eyes gentle. She let out a quiet sigh as Kethan finished his sentence.
"Thank you Grand Inquisitor, I know this is a lot to ask."
Mariana then stood from her chair, brushed herself down and tightened the purple band tying up her hair. Her demeanour changed once again, now she was back to her usual self.
"Grand Inquisitor if you would excuse me, I have an appointment with one of the trainers at the academy today. I will be training my swordsmanship for the next few weeks. Once the trainers feel that my swordsmanship is at an acceptable level, I shall return to you once more. I wish to be prepared for the future to ensure that whatever happens out in the wilds, I am prepared to answer fate's calling."
She stepped back from the chair and towards the door. Turning back towards Kethan, she bowed.
"I thank you for allowing me to speak with you this day. It has been very beneficial to talk with you. Should you ever have need of me in the near future, do not hesitate to write. I shall answer you call no matter the reason."
She smiled, waiting for a final response from Kethan. 
|Sender=Kethan D'Espana
When Mariana stood up to leave, Kethan stood up from his armchair again, the substantial height difference between them irritating him once more. He hid those negative feelings the best he could, and rewarded Mariana's bow with a gentle nod and smile. He then also returned to his usual attitude, putting on the mask of the Grand Inquisitor before she exited the room and the next petitioner could come in. Relaxing with a fellow inquisitor was one thing, allowing some outsider to see him vulnerable was an entirely different one.
"The pleasure has been mine, and do know that my office will be always open for you, no matter what my guards say to others seeking my attention. Go and train, Lady le Craint, for I will be requiring of your unique skills quite a bit in the near future."
He signaled at the door with his hand, granting her permission to leave.
"You may return once you have finished your training. Good day and may Obeah be always by your side, Special Agent le Craint. I will notify you when I have news of my brother and his search for answers."

Latest revision as of 20:41, 24 May 2019

The Case of Daimon Worship of Bolkenia

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Work was underway. Mariana took this time to relax. The evening sun was descending below the horizon. The gentle coastal breeze blew through her hair. Walking along the coastal pathway, she followed the coastline with her eyes. Seeing the ruins of civilization resting just below the waters surface.

Passing by a ruined tower, she approached out of curiosity. Its crumbling stones, covered in vines, seemingly creaked with every passing breeze. A large oak door was all that stood in her way. Its hinges rusted, a simple push caused the door to fall to the ground causing a cloud of dust to erupt in the room. Once it settled, she took a careful step into the room.

The still air hung heavy in the room, rotten furniture was piled up against the side wall. A picture frame hung on the wall, the painting having been torn away left fragile yellowing edges clinging desperately to the edges. The room had not seen sunlight in years. Mariana reached for the floor, taking a table leg of a table that no longer remained, she wrapped it in a piece of fabric and lit it. The room was then engulfed in the orange hue of the firelight.

With the room lit up, she could not see the mess that was the room. The furniture showed signs of being thrown against the wall, shards of wood littered the floor. However, what caught her attention however was a large red stain leading towards a hatch. Mariana drew her blade and approached the hatch. A rusted iron lock, barely holding together, kept the hatch down. Without much effort, Mariana hit the lock with the pommel of her dagger, releasing the latch. Immediately she was greeted by the smell of decay, the hatch was covered in scratch marks made from the inside.

Mariana took a deep breath before climbing down the ladder. The air was heavy, like a mist filled the room. Carefully she continued in, her dagger now pointed forward and the torch held high. She same to a large basement, manacles and chains hung from the walls. However, the more disturbing part was within the centre of the room. A deep red circle, made from the same stain as seen upstairs, of strange symbols and a language she did not know. A single plinth in the centre of the room made of a dark stone. Resting on top was the partial skeleton of a person, marks implying it was gnawed at by rats. This was enough for Mariana, her brow furrowed she took a step back and returned up the stairs.

She closed the hatch and placed the remains of armchair and dresser on top and left the tower. Once she left she began to run back towards the stronghold. She murmured something under her breath as she went.

"The Grand Inquisitor is going to want to hear about this."
Mariana le Craint

Letter from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor Divus Lancaster,

This is a formal request to open an investigation into the villages around the coastal region of Bolkenia.

Recently I came across a place that implied some more of Daimon or monster worship. I wish to investigate this and put a stop to it.

Should you allow it, I shall begin the investigation and provide reports at key stages.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint

Letter from Divus Lancaster

Bolkenia has, for a long time, been an area steeped in chaos and renegade factions. Several times I traveled to the south in an effort to secure funds for the realm, and each time I was met with signs of depravity.

Just because Obeah's Light has been brought to these lands, does not mean that there are no longer shadows in its corners.

You have my full support. If you find any taint of heresy, you are empowered to use all your skills and resources to root it out. These are to be the lands of the Inquisition's duchy. Any stain is an affront to us, the Oracle, and the Veiled Goddess herself.

If you require any assistance or additional resources, please request them. Keep me up to date on your progress.

With faith,
Divus Lancaster

Letter from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor,

I shall see that it is done. I shall drive the heresy from these lands and cleanse the filth that remains.

I shall begin my investigation at sunrise. There is much to be done.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The first of the villages that she visited was normal. Farmers and simple craftsmen, nothing out of the ordinary. Disguised, she was able to wander the streets undetected. Allowing her to explore most of the village. What concerned her was a discussion she had with a very drunk bar patron, who talked about a very tense atmosphere in the village over. He had only visited once but he did not like it there. This piqued her interest and Mariana set off for the village in question.

Initially when she arrived, all seemed normal. It was coming towards the evening and many of the workers were begining to head home. It was during this time that she noticed what the man has said before. None of the villagers spoke to one-another, the air seemed very stale. She visited the tavern within the centre of town however it was barely full unlike the last. She sat at a table and took out her map, studying the distance between the village and the tower. It was during this time she was approached by one of the patrons who sat at her table and watched her for a moment.

"I haven't seen you 'round 'ere before. what are you 'ere for?" He cocked his eyebrow and stared deeply into her eyes. Mariana did not hesitate and simply stared back at him.

"I am just a traveller round these parts, wanted to stop in for a drink." She noticed his brow began to furrow. Seemingly as if he was trying to intimidate her.

"Well you better leave. This ain't a place for you."

Mariana could now feel the hostilities arising from other patrons. She looked around to see a couple other men began to approach her. As to not blow her cover, she folded her map and began to stand.

"Very well, I shall leave then."

She memorised the features of the men and left the tavern. Once outside, she looked back. As she predicted, the men had began to follow her. She made her way to a nearby alley and began to speed up. Once the darkness enshrouded her, she hid behind the corner and waited.

First came the man that had spoke to her, followed by three others. Before she acted, she simply listened to what they were saying.

"We have got to find her. The boss wont be happy to 'ear that someone came snooping around. You three, head to the chiefs place. I shall deal with her."

The three men rushed out the alley once again. Presented with a golden opportunity she dipped out the shadow, drawing her blade, and made for the man. Silently, she wrapped her leg around his, causing him to fall. She quickly placed the blade up against his throat, placing pressure on his back and whispered in his ears.

"We are going to have a little chat. So remain calm or this shall end quicker that you would like."
Mariana le Craint

Report from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor,

This is the first of the reports I shall send based on my findings. The past few days I have been mostly watching and noting any suspicious people. However, I did take one commoners in to interrogate based on the information I have found. Below is the report based on the interrogation:

Interrogation Report:

Name: Gylan Melcher Job: Blacksmith Assistant Age: 17

Has there been any illicit worship of Daimons: Yes Who led such events: Elderman Tancard. What was your role in this: Collection, I was part of a group that found the sacrifices. Where you a part of the activities that occurred at the tower along the coast: No, that was before I was involved. However, from rumours I heard the Elder led that too. Do you know of any documentation regard these events: The Elder always kept a journal with him. I cannot read myself so I do not know its contents.

This concludes the report. Sufficient evidence has led me to suggest that the Elder of one of the villages has been participating in daimon whorship and its has been going on for quite some time. Therefore, I believe the best course of action is to seek the arrest of the Elder and have him stand trial. I believe with my best intentions he is guilty. However, should more evidence be needed, the journal mentioned should provide sufficient evidence.

My next action is to infiltrate the Elders house and find this journal and any other damning evidence. The man interrogated has been locked up within the dungeon awaiting his punishment. After that is done, I shall send another report based on my findings and then begin moving on the Elder. I have him under careful watch to ensure he shall not leave the village.

If you have any other suggestions, I would be open to hearing them.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint

Letter from Divus Lancaster

Excellent, keep me up to date on your progress. If we need to rally additional Inquisition agents, we shall do so. Of course, I leave it to your discretion. I trust you to get the job done.

With faith,
Divus Lancaster

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The air was still. The moon was high in the sky. The town below has settled and began to close up for the knight. Mariana however was hard at work.

Towards the outskirts of town sat a large and opulent house that overshadowed the town bellow. Smoke bellowed from the chimney however the rest of the house was quiet. Mariana carefully approached the house, her hood drawn and a mask covering her face. She had scoped the house out before and learned that a back window was normally left open. This was how she had planned to enter.

As she approached, like usual, the window was open. The room within was lit up but no sounds could be heard within. Carefully, Mariana climbed through the window into a large dining room. A painting of the Elder rested precariously on the wall. The creepy picture unnerved Mariana slightly, however her determination kept her going. She stepped carefully over to the door and peered through the keyhole. It opened into an empty entry hall. She smiled and opened the door.

Faced with two choices, another door or up the staircase. Placing her ear to the door she could hear a slight muffled voice. Therefore, she made her way up the stairs, careful to make sure not to make a sound. The upper floor had three more rooms. One by one she examined each door carefully. Two doors were open, leading to a bedroom and storeroom. She quickly went through each but found nothing of importance. The final door was locked, however peering through she found the Elders office. The lock was rather intricate, opening it would require the key or breaking the door. Deciding that the key would be a better option she made her way down the stairs once again, assuming that the Elder must have the key.

She came to the door towards the final room, the one with the voice, she looked through the keyhole again and spotted a man standing before a hearth. She quickly analysed her options, trying to come up with the best solution. Suddenly, inspiration came to her. She wrapped her knuckles against the door and hid herself towards the side and waited. Before long the door swung open. Mariana proceeded to leap through, drawing her blade, pushing the man to the floor. As she suspected, this was the Elder.

"Please... don't hurt me. What do you want?" The man pleaded, sweat forming on his forehead trying to break free from Mariana's grip.

Mariana did not reply, instead reached into his pocket, finding the key she needed. She then began to laugh manically.

"There is nothing you can do, you deserve the fate you have brought upon yourself."

She brought the pommel of her blade down onto the head of the man, knocking him unconscious. She dragged the man out of the room and tied him to the banister of the staircase. She returned to the locked room. As she suspected, the key unlocked the room. Within was a plethora of objects and books. Flicking through the books and letters on the desk, she found a few that interested her. She placed them within a leather satchel and continued to search. However as soon as she opened the desk draw she stopped. Rage began to fill her. A small idol, similar to those she found in the tower. She placed it in her satchel and stormed down the stairs.

At this point, the Elder was beginning to wake up. However, as soon as he saw Mariana he began to panic.

"Whatever you want, I can get it for you. I have connections. I can make you very wealthy."

Mariana laughed again and took out the idol from her bag. The Elders face turned white. His squirming stopped, his moth agape with shock. He tried to form words but nothing could come out.

"You cannot escape your fate. You will receive your punishment."

Once again, she hit him with the pommel of her blade and the Elder fell unconscious. Taking a rug from the room with the hearth, she wrapped the man and dragged him outside. Before she left however, she took some of the flaming logs from the fire and spread them around the house. Taking great enjoyment from setting the painting alight.

Just as she arrived, she silently left the village. In the distance, larger smoke clouds began to form over the village with panic beginning to spread among the few who were still awake. The light from the burning house lit up the sky. Mariana smiled before turning and heading back towards her stronghold for more... interrogation...
Mariana le Craint

Report from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor,

I have conducted a raid on the residence of the Elder. As we suspected, he was both the one responsible for the actions at the tower but also for continuation of such heresy. As such, I apprehended him and began interrogating him. Additionally, I have reclaimed an assortment of documents and letters that incriminate himself and a few others from surrounding towns. From an investigation of this it seems he was trying to expand the influence but was having troubles against many of the loyal followers of Obeah.

Follows is a report of the Interrogation:

Firstly, do you admit to commiting heresy and speading filth among the realm: Yes.

How far did you spread this heresy: Not very far, my efforts to a few villages were not effective.

Who else commited this heresy with you: The original group that committed the act at to tower are mostly dead, only 3 of use remain.

Name them: Edmund Rainald, Malina Mylecent, Owin Galot.

Did you reach out to others in different regions: I could not expand further than my own village, attempts beyond Bolkenia was met with great threat. We did not expand further due to this.

This concludes the report. I shall follow this with a mass interrogation of the town eventually cleansing the remaining filth so that none remains. Along with this document I shall include a copy of all the letters and journals I discovered at the Elders home. I shall continue to monitor the situation here. Should you wish to come and inspect the town to ensure that the heresy has been purged, I invite you to do so.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint

A meeting with Grand Inquisitor Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
It had been quite some time since Mariana was last in the city. She never stays for too long. Stops by the bank, visits the Grand Temple and leaves again. She wasn't one for staying in one location for too long, let alone a city. This time she had an important task.

She rushed her way across the city, setting her sights on the Holy Basilica. She made no effort to slow nor to dress herself in a proper fashion. Pushing her way through the crowds of people enjoying the afternoon sun.

Reaching the grand doors of the Holy Basilica, she pushed her way past the queue of people lining up outside and the guards keeping watch. She marched through the large halls, passing the many offices of government before finally arriving outside her destination, The Office of the Grand Inquisitor.

She breathed in and out slowly, smoothed down her blouse and brushed her hair back. She raised her hand and gently knocked upon the hard oak door.

"Grand Inquisitor Kethan D'Espana, I have come to report in."

She waited a few seconds before reaching for the door handle and entering in.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
Kethan was well into his daily duties of report reading and letter answering as the afternoon sun lazily bathed Rines. A moderate amount of light came through the windows of his office, covered in moderately thick curtains that he had ordered to be used when the sun was high outside. A luminous room was always desirable when one had to work inside, but he believed that symbolism was important. Light had no business uncovering the matters of the Inquisition, for shadows and dusk were as much the refuge of chaos and evil as they were the hunting grounds of the inquisitors.

That was part of the reason why he had ordered to temporarily move the main hub of the Inquisition to the vast structure of the Basilica. The long-standing offices of the Inquisition, a separate building, were currently undergoing reforms to approach its symbolic nature to the idea that Kethan had for the Inquisition as a whole. Open and clear spaces were being replaced by small rooms and oppressive hallways, tall and wide windows were being covered and dressed in curtains and the previously well-lit palace was transitioning to a realm of suffocating silence and permanent twilight. He was sure there would be complaints against the gargantuan amount of candles he had ordered, but the cost would be well worth it once the project was finished and the atmosphere of the nexus of inquisitorial guild had been converted for good.

He was making a brief pause when he heard a gentle knock on the hard oak door. A female voice he did not recognize spoke right after that.

- "Grand Inquisitor Kethan D'Espana, I have come to report in."

Wondering who could it be and why his secretaries had not informed him of this visit, he audibly hawked and spoke as well.

- "Come in, visitor. Do announce yourself in your way inside."

Mariana waited a few seconds before reaching for the door handle and entering in. Kethan had never seen the woman before, or at least was not able to remember her. He was good at judging people, and he noticed immediately that her demeanor was that of a noble, moving with surprising grace and dexterity. She wore a blouse, though it was obvious that she had not made any particular efforts to dress to impress. Her hair and eyes, though, were significantly more interesting. Beautiful long silver hair flowed down her back, matching the color of her eyes closely. When he stood up to greet her, he realized she was significantly taller than he was, since he stood just shy of 5ft 1". He knew most noblemen he had met always thought he was taller when exchanging letters, and it was a significant source of insecurity and shame every time he tried to appear imposing. He was, however, decently skilled in the art of reading bodily signs and expressing himself non-verbally, and could very well be surprisingly intimidating or persuasive when the occasion was right.

His eyes, slowly but surely returning to their original hazel color after Stheno's sacrifice had healed him of his curse and blindness, met Mariana's as she approached his desk, and he subconsciously straightened his mostly grey medium-length hair as he evaluated her. She did not seem to be older than low thirties, though her silver hair made it harder to judge her age. He himself was in his mid-forties, though the many wrinkles and pale skin that still remained of his illness made him seem significantly older than that.

If Mariana was used to read people, she would notice the way he held most of his weight with his right leg, his entire posture indicative of a recent wound somewhere on his left side and back. Putting together everything he had seen in her and smiling inquisitively, he asked in a soft voice:

- "I do not seem to have been notified of your arrival, milady. You say you have come to report in. May I understand I am talking to a certain Special Agent of the Inquisition?"
Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
- "Come in, visitor. Do announce yourself in your way inside."

Taking her first few steps into the darkened room, she took a moment to look around. Normal procedure she followed wherever she went. She then turned to Kethan, politely curtsied and then stood at attention.

- "I do not seem to have been notified of your arrival, milady. You say you have come to report in. May I understand I am talking to a certain Special Agent of the Inquisition?"

"Grand Inquisitor, I am Special Agent Mariana le Craint. I have just returned to the city, the ship docked less than half an hour ago."

She stood square to the desk, looking over the man before her. Someone she had heard about but never met in person. She took this time to try to read the man.

"While my mission to the north was not a total success I was able to gather information once again. The temple still thrives however there is more mobilisation. One of the priest, the lord of the region, seems to have taken up the sword again. My presence did not go amiss, however I did not stay for long enough for them to catch me. Additionally, during my journey back, I managed to pilfer a few extra gold from the pockets of the rogue barons."

She took off a heavy backpack, gently lowering it to the floor, and began to bring our small satchels. Soon the desk was covered in these small pouches.

"While I was not able to bring about justice on the vile heretics, my return was more successful. I have managed to accumulate 2300 gold of which a portion shall be sent to the Grand Templar to fund the army. The rest, I shall use myself to return to my training once more."

She took out a few coins and began inspecting them before handing them to Kethan.

"I came to report my safe return to the city and inform you of my intentions for the coming days. I shall be within the city should you have need of me. I believed it would be important, as a special agent, to introduce myself. As the newly elected Grand Inquisitor, I imagine you are quite busy. I did not wish to cause to much of a disturbance to your work."

Her posture held straight. Her face was motionless and still. She showed no signs of weariness nor strain, as one would expect when returning from the wilds.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
While Mariana tried to read Kethan, he tried to do the same with her. He had already been notified of her particular situation and assignment by Lord Inquisitor Divus Lancaster, and he did not try to hide his curiosity about the woman. He nodded in satisfaction with what he saw in her, her correctness and ability to mask her thoughts and feelings, the mark of a true inquisitor. Once she was satisfied with her own scan of the man, she continued her report.

"While my mission to the north was not a total success I was able to gather information once again. The temple still thrives however there is more mobilisation. One of the priest, the lord of the region, seems to have taken up the sword again. My presence did not go amiss, however I did not stay for long enough for them to catch me. Additionally, during my journey back, I managed to pilfer a few extra gold from the pockets of the rogue barons."

He watched her as she covered his desk in small pouches, all obviously clinging with the sound of a plentiful bounty. That should be at least a couple thousand gold coins, he noted.

"While I was not able to bring about justice on the vile heretics, my return was more successful. I have managed to accumulate 2300 gold of which a portion shall be sent to the Grand Templar to fund the army. The rest, I shall use myself to return to my training once more."

She took out a few coins and began inspecting them before handing them to Kethan. He also inspected them as well while she finished her report, carefully noting their origin through the marks imprinted on them.

"I came to report my safe return to the city and inform you of my intentions for the coming days. I shall be within the city should you have need of me. I believed it would be important, as a special agent, to introduce myself. As the newly elected Grand Inquisitor, I imagine you are quite busy. I did not wish to cause to much of a disturbance to your work."

He took his time to finish inspecting the coins, letting her wait more than it would be considered polite as a way to test her demeanor and reaction when presented with an awkward situation. Her posture held straight. Her face was motionless and still. She showed no signs of weariness nor strain, as one would expect when returning from the wilds, as he was pleased to discover. Once he understood she could stand there the entire day and still not break her facade, he put the coins back inside the pouches and finally motioned to one of the armchairs in front of his desk.

"You may take a seat, Special Agent le Craint. You are very right, it is important for me to meet those that are working for this Inquisition I now preside. You already know that, of course, but I am Kethan D'Espana, Lord Inquisitor of our institution and Grand Inquisitor of our realm. I am pleased of your success, even if only partial. I have no doubts that the Grand Templar will put your gift to good use, and I concur that raising your skills is a most appropriate use for the fruits of your mission."

He gave another look to his desk, subtly praising Mariana for the gold she had brought back, which had completely swarmed his table and covered the many documents on top.

"I have been busy indeed, particularly due to this trial currently ongoing. I am also preparing a revision, clarification and improvement of Obia'Syela's laws. which some of younger knights seem to need in order to not commit self-explanatory crimes. It is a task I did not think I would need to take care of this early in my term, but one I take pride in nonetheless. Three other noblemen have already spoken to be part of the clarification effort, and I am currently waiting on their initial feedback and impressions."

Pausing for another little while, he observed Mariana again, trying to see if he could get any glimpse of what was going through the woman's mind. She was good, that for sure.

"Do not worry about disturbing my work, for this is an important aspect of it. Knowing my agents, what they are capable of, what do they think of me and the Inquisition as a whole is as fundamental, if not more, than taking care of my other duties. For I am not only the judge of the Sacred Realm, but also the head of the Inquisition and the ultimate responsible nobleman for the overall health and efectiveness of the inquisitorial agents of Obeah in this world. Speaking of which, Special Agent... What do you think of the Inquisition, and what do you believe could be improved? Your experience may have provided you with a different insight, after all."
Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana pondered for a moment. Contemplating her answers. She hesitated in taking a seat but reluctantly sat down on a nearby chair.

"The body of the inquisition is unique in its own right. While the Grand Inquisitor applies the laws of the realm, individual inquisitors as of late serve a different purpose. A suggestion would be to provide clarity to the role. I was lucky to be taught by Maura during my early years of training. However some newcomers may not be able to experience this. Inform aspiring inquisitors of agents of note they could come to for guidance and teaching in our ways."

She waited for a moment, considering the response of the Grand Inquisitor.

"Another suggestion would be to promote intercommunication between members of the Inquisition. The life we have chosen is lonesome. However, I imagine there are some that would benefit from connecting with fellow Inquisitors. Before the disappearance of Maura, we had planned to go hunting together. This is something I would like to see."

She raised an eyebrow, arms still folded, she leaned slightly into the balls of her feet.

"I would be lying to say that I am not curious about yourself, if you don't mind me speaking out of character. You are an relatively unknown entity to me. Only recently have you come to my attention, with this whole debacle. Have you ever spent time in the wilds? I believe that when you are out there, you learn a lot about yourself. I have felt that solitary living has enabled me to understand Obeah's will more clearly. Im honesty, I would recomend it to everyone but I do know that it is not suited for everyone."

She smirked slightly before returning to her upright position.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
Clarity to the role, guidance and teaching for new inquisitors. I can do that, he thought. Intercommunication between members of the Inquisition, maybe doing activities together, even if simply leisury ones. That can be arranged too. He nodded his conformity to both proposals. They were both appropriate, and would be a good addition in the near future to the Inquisition. He was glad to have asked, for they were even better tips than the ones he was expecting.

Mariana raised an eyebrow, arms still folded, she leaned slightly into the balls of her feet. The sharp change in overall posture and non-verbal cues immediately brought him back to the conversation, and he leaned forward from his side of the desk, wondering what could have caused that different tone of the meeting. He smiled as she began speaking her mind, and he took a little while to answer to her question, consciously dropping some degrees of formality in return.

"That is a fair request, Lady le Craint. I come from D'Hara, a noble realm far, far away, on the shores of a Dwili island. I was sent to Beluaterra by my father, Lord Ghaundan D'Espana, when I was but a young man. He wanted me to... look for someone, so to speak, but after a few years of travelling around I finally discovered that the person I was to find was already dead. That was when the Invasion erupted, now almost 25 years ago, and I, together with some companions I met along the way, went to seek refuge under the banner of the Shattered Vales. I made myself a warrior there, and many Daimons and their collaborators fell to the arrows of my men. I also met the Oracle there, though that story is perhaps a matter for a different time. However, at the time I was, and still am, a keen scholar of the arcane arts, and perhaps due to some of my experiments, perhaps due to other reasons, I was cursed with a most insidious illness that only the most recent and selfless sacrifice of the Oracle's daughter was able to heal. It was due to that illness that I left the Vales to seek for a cure, and for nearly two decades I travelled far and wide chasing the most eccentric rumors about sages and users of magic. Many things I witnessed, but none were able to help me cure my condition."

He made a brief dramatic pause before continuing with his narration.

"I finally understood that perhaps I was not going to live much longer, and then returned to the Shattered Vales to wave goodbye to friends and allies of old. That was when, faithless and hopeless, the Oracle brought me here with a promise: to use all the arts and knowledge at her disposal to heal me at long last. Here I came, not really believing that she would be able to do so, but glad that I was going to have a chance to see her and Duke Vahanian Blint one last time. The rest, I believe, you probably know already."

He made another brief pause, shorter than the previous one.

"So, as you can see, I am indeed used to treading the wilds, a man with no lord nor home I have been for roughly half of my entire life. I agree that the solitude and peace of mind that can be achieved while away from civilization can be of use to better understand oneself and the divine, but I believe I have had plenty enough already of time secluded in freedom with just my thoughts and a few servants by my side."

Mariana smirked slightly before returning to her upright position, Kethan leaving a little while for her to ask any follow-up questions. He was also interested to learn more of her, but she had asked first and he was willing to leave her satisfied, at least while her questions kept being reasonable.
Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana took time to take in what Kethan had said. Looking over his face for every change in emotion. This was all new to her and not what she had expected to hear, however she could now understand the man that sat before her.

"Grand Inquisitor, I would be lying if I said I did not feel sympathetic to your cause. You have suffered greatly. Your devotion to both Obeah and the Oracle is admirable having seen such adversity." She paused for a moment before continuing to speak, "What you have experienced during your life, both wondering the wilds and on the battlefield against the Daimons, will enhance your ability to act righteously in the eyes of Obeah. To this, I am satisfied."

Her punctilious demeanour changed. She unfolded her arms and let out a gentle smile.

"You will have to forgive me Grand Inquisitor, by nature I must always be critical and calculated. As someone unknown to me, I did not know how to judge you nor how you would act as Grand Inquisitor. Trust, in my books, must first be earned before any professional relationship can develop. A man of your status, I was overly cautious."

Within a moment, her eyes had changed. No longer was she looking over him as if she was trying to judge his character. He eyes appeared softer than before, completely alien when compared to the figure that came into the office initially.

"I have seen many Grand Inquisitors come and go from these offices. I have to take a level of professional pride when it comes to meeting those that take residence here. However, there is an aura about you. Something I cannot quite understand. However, every gut instinct is telling me that great things shall come from you in office." She leaned in closer towards the Grand Inquisitor, "In honesty, to find another here that came from Dwilight is of particular interest. My family lives within Luria Nova, though I have not been there quite some time now. Not since the incident with that brother of mine."

She smiled slyly and winked, awaiting Kethan's response.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
Kethan listened to Mariana attentively, scrutinizing her every reaction much like she had done while he was talking. He tried to keep calm while she praised his devotion and past, but he would be lying if he said that she hadn't stroked a pleasantly sensitive part of his soul. Yes, he had actually suffered greatly, more than many would believe, and having it recognized by another inquisitor felt... good. Really good.

When she smiled and seemingly dropped down her defenses, he lifted an eyebrow, unsure on what she was going to try next. As she kept speaking and visibly opened herself to the man, he relaxed as well and began enjoying that newfound connection with Mariana. The change in the atmosphere was extremely obvious, she almost seemed like an entirely different person now, and he took perhaps a little too long to appreciate the new softness in her eyes. Her final smile and wink returned him to the conversation again, smirking playfully in return as he laid back in his armchair, his posture an open invitation to friendly talk.

"You are too generous, Lady le Craint. I only did what I felt I had to do. Nevertheless, I appreciate your warm words, I truly do. You are also more than forgiven about your initial mistrust of my humble self. You are an inquisitor, Lady le Craint, and that is a natural and highly valued part of the character of a proper agent of the Inquisition. I would not say you were overly cautious, simply cautious enough, and rightly so. You can never know where the next enemy of Obeah might be lurking, and I am already aware that Obia'Syela has seen bad men in my office in the past."

It was clear that it was now his turn to ask, and he had no intention to let Mariana leave his office without first knowing her a little better. Leaning forward a bit again, he looked straight at her eyes, trying not to intimidate but to further the already established connection.

"Luria Nova, you say? I do not remember my father telling me about any Lurian le Craints, though perhaps your family established themselves there after my arrival to Beluaterra. You have my curiosity regarding that incident with that brother of yours. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about yourself as well."

He also winked in return at the end of his question, a gesture that he seldom performed. He liked what he had seen in Mariana thus far, and wanted her to feel welcome and relaxed. One could never had too many allies, after all, and this could be the beginning of a prosperous mutual understarding.
Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana chuckled slightly.

"My family is fairly new. I am not surprised that your father nor yourself have not heard about us. Having only rose to prominence fairly recently, we have not achieved much in the public eye. Though I hear my cousin is moving up in the world. From his last letter, I believe he now holds two council positions..." Her smiled quickly changed. From happy, to sad, and finally to frustration. "The memory of my time with my brother is not a pleasant one. We never got along, always fighting for the right of inheritance."

She let out a sigh and folded her arms once more.

"Not long before my arrival in Obia'Syela, we had our biggest fight to date. This ended with drawn swords, with many cuts and bruises. I got one lucky swing in that caused him to be injured. Our parents discovered this and struck me from the family then. Becoming only a branch family member with no right of inheritance. After this was decided, I took to the sea becoming a mercenary. Coming to Obia'Syela changed me. I saw the light of Obeah and wished only to serve her."

Her eyes now expressed sadness.

"Some days, I wonder how my parents are. I have not seen them in years nor have they responded to my letters. For all I know, they could be dead."

She took a deep breath, remaining silent for a moment, before picking herself up in the chair. The gentle smiled now returned to her face.

"Obeah has certainly changed me for the better. Now I see no other option than to serve her and repay her for bringing me to Obia'Syela. I hope that my work as an Inquisitor has served to achieve this."
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
Kethan listened to Mariana's story, his face conveying the appropriate degrees of empathy and understanding as she unveiled her past. He knew well how incredibly sensitive some of those memories could be, and tried to keep himself as neutral and non-judgmental as possible. He chose, however, to not hide a brief expression of indignation and disagreement when she went over how she had been struck from the family, which seemed like a disproportionate retribution for a simple wound on a duel. That expression dissapeared when she got to how Obeah had changed her, and he softened his non-verbal language in the final part of her tale.

"You have also gone through your own trial, Lady le Craint, and I'd say Obeah has found you worthy of Her grace. Your work as a Special Agent has been praised by Lord Inquisitor Divus Lancaster himself when he updated me on the inquisitorial affairs after my election, and I am sure you will continue to impress me in the future. In fact, perhaps I could do a little something for you, as proof of my good will towards you."

He smiled warmly, trying to find a way to properly word his offer.

"My brother, Lord Kophyn D'Espana, is currently in Dwilight, serving a realm that goes by the name of Madina. It has been years since the last time we wrote each other, but perhaps I could send him a letter requesting him to find any relevant information about your parents and family. We are not particularly close, so he will ask me about it, of course, but I believe he will do as requested. I wouldn't even need to tell him about you, if you do not want your parents to know that it is you requesting the information."

He looked at her intensely, waiting for her response.
Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana didnt know how to respond. She sat in silence. Stunned by the opportunity. She rubbed the side of her face gently... thinking..

"Grand Inquisitor... I am not sure how to respond. On the one hand, I would like to hear about them but what if they still resent me..." She sat up straight, her brow furrowed. "No... I must not miss the opportunity. Yes, I would very much appreciate this. If anyone would know about my family, it would be my brother Emyhr le Craint. Last I heard he was still in Luria Nova though that was years ago now and things might have changed. If time has changed anything, he would be the one to talk to. While I still resent him for taking my inheritance, a lot has changed and I wish to rebuild our family. I have my own life here I do not need his life anymore."

She smiled gently.

"If you brother could get in contact with Emyhr le Craint in some form, that would be the best was to find out information about my parents. I do not wish to hide from this, my brother would be heistant to answer if he did not who this was for. If you could do this... it would mean a lot to me."

Mariana does not normally show emotion. She saw it as a weakness. One that could be exploited. Here however, she could not control in. Her eyes were filled with hope. Her smile was gentle and cheerful. She felt alien compared to her normal self but she had been presented with something she thought would never occur. A single tear formed in the corner of her eye and dripped slowly down her cheek.

"Grand Inquisitor, forgive me. This is rather a lot to take in."
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
And there it was: the prize he was aiming for. Experience and his father's lessons had taught him that everyone always has a weakness, a frail spot in their armor that, if found, can potentially lead to winning them over and gaining a new ally, perhaps even a friend. It can also be used to harm or even destroy them, of course, but he was completely uninterested in doing that to Mariana. The course of action seemed clear enough. He kept smiling as she unveiled her thoughts, then offered her a handkerchief when he saw her single tear, looking away to give her the privacy to compose herself if she so desired. When she was done, he replied.

"Lady le Craint, there is nothing to forgive. I am happy to be of assistance, I will write to my brother right after our meeting and ask him to look for Sir Emyhr le Craint in Luria Nova. If he doesn't find him there, I'm sure he'll follow his tracks elsewhere, wherever it is your brother lives now. Lord Kophyn is a very resourceful man, if I know anything about him. He will find your brother, I promise."

He looked straight at her, winking once to indicate he was half-joking in his next sentence.

"Or else I will have a trusted servant sent to Dwilight to beat him with my letters and poke him with a quill until he does."
Kethan D'Espana

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana's expression was soft and her eyes gentle. She let out a quiet sigh as Kethan finished his sentence.

"Thank you Grand Inquisitor, I know this is a lot to ask."

Mariana then stood from her chair, brushed herself down and tightened the purple band tying up her hair. Her demeanour changed once again, now she was back to her usual self.

"Grand Inquisitor if you would excuse me, I have an appointment with one of the trainers at the academy today. I will be training my swordsmanship for the next few weeks. Once the trainers feel that my swordsmanship is at an acceptable level, I shall return to you once more. I wish to be prepared for the future to ensure that whatever happens out in the wilds, I am prepared to answer fate's calling."

She stepped back from the chair and towards the door. Turning back towards Kethan, she bowed.

"I thank you for allowing me to speak with you this day. It has been very beneficial to talk with you. Should you ever have need of me in the near future, do not hesitate to write. I shall answer you call no matter the reason."

She smiled, waiting for a final response from Kethan.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana
When Mariana stood up to leave, Kethan stood up from his armchair again, the substantial height difference between them irritating him once more. He hid those negative feelings the best he could, and rewarded Mariana's bow with a gentle nod and smile. He then also returned to his usual attitude, putting on the mask of the Grand Inquisitor before she exited the room and the next petitioner could come in. Relaxing with a fellow inquisitor was one thing, allowing some outsider to see him vulnerable was an entirely different one.

"The pleasure has been mine, and do know that my office will be always open for you, no matter what my guards say to others seeking my attention. Go and train, Lady le Craint, for I will be requiring of your unique skills quite a bit in the near future."

He signaled at the door with his hand, granting her permission to leave.

"You may return once you have finished your training. Good day and may Obeah be always by your side, Special Agent le Craint. I will notify you when I have news of my brother and his search for answers."
Kethan D'Espana