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The Case of Daimon Worship of Bolkenia

Letter from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor Divus Lancaster,

This is a formal request to open an investigation into the villages around the coastal region of Bolkenia.

Recently I came across a place that implied some more of Daimon or monster worship. I wish to investigate this and put a stop to it.

Should you allow it, I shall begin the investigation and provide reports at key stages.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint

Letter from Divus Lancaster

Bolkenia has, for a long time, been an area steeped in chaos and renegade factions. Several times I traveled to the south in an effort to secure funds for the realm, and each time I was met with signs of depravity.

Just because Obeah's Light has been brought to these lands, does not mean that there are no longer shadows in its corners.

You have my full support. If you find any taint of heresy, you are empowered to use all your skills and resources to root it out. These are to be the lands of the Inquisition's duchy. Any stain is an affront to us, the Oracle, and the Veiled Goddess herself.

If you require any assistance or additional resources, please request them. Keep me up to date on your progress.

With faith,
Divus Lancaster

Letter from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor,

I shall see that it is done. I shall drive the heresy from these lands and cleanse the filth that remains.

I shall begin my investigation at sunrise. There is much to be done.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The first of the villages that she visited was normal. Farmers and simple craftsmen, nothing out of the ordinary. Disguised, she was able to wander the streets undetected. Allowing her to explore most of the village. What concerned her was a discussion she had with a very drunk bar patron, who talked about a very tense atmosphere in the village over. He had only visited once but he did not like it there. This piqued her interest and Mariana set off for the village in question.

Initially when she arrived, all seemed normal. It was coming towards the evening and many of the workers were begining to head home. It was during this time that she noticed what the man has said before. None of the villagers spoke to one-another, the air seemed very stale. She visited the tavern within the centre of town however it was barely full unlike the last. She sat at a table and took out her map, studying the distance between the village and the tower. It was during this time she was approached by one of the patrons who sat at her table and watched her for a moment.

"I haven't seen you 'round 'ere before. what are you 'ere for?" He cocked his eyebrow and stared deeply into her eyes. Mariana did not hesitate and simply stared back at him.

"I am just a traveller round these parts, wanted to stop in for a drink." She noticed his brow began to furrow. Seemingly as if he was trying to intimidate her.

"Well you better leave. This ain't a place for you."

Mariana could now feel the hostilities arising from other patrons. She looked around to see a couple other men began to approach her. As to not blow her cover, she folded her map and began to stand.

"Very well, I shall leave then."

She memorised the features of the men and left the tavern. Once outside, she looked back. As she predicted, the men had began to follow her. She made her way to a nearby alley and began to speed up. Once the darkness enshrouded her, she hid behind the corner and waited.

First came the man that had spoke to her, followed by three others. Before she acted, she simply listened to what they were saying.

"We have got to find her. The boss wont be happy to 'ear that someone came snooping around. You three, head to the chiefs place. I shall deal with her."

The three men rushed out the alley once again. Presented with a golden opportunity she dipped out the shadow, drawing her blade, and made for the man. Silently, she wrapped her leg around his, causing him to fall. She quickly placed the blade up against his throat, placing pressure on his back and whispered in his ears.

"We are going to have a little chat. So remain calm or this shall end quicker that you would like."
Mariana le Craint

Report from Mariana le Craint
Grand Inquisitor,

This is the first of the reports I shall send based on my findings. The past few days I have been mostly watching and noting any suspicious people. However, I did take one commoners in to interrogate based on the information I have found. Below is the report based on the interrogation:

Interrogation Report:

Name: Gylan Melcher Job: Blacksmith Assistant Age: 17

Has there been any illicit worship of Daimons: Yes Who led such events: Elderman Tancard. What was your role in this: Collection, I was part of a group that found the sacrifices. Where you a part of the activities that occurred at the tower along the coast: No, that was before I was involved. However, from rumours I heard the Elder led that too. Do you know of any documentation regard these events: The Elder always kept a journal with him. I cannot read myself so I do not know its contents.

This concludes the report. Sufficient evidence has led me to suggest that the Elder of one of the villages has been participating in daimon whorship and its has been going on for quite some time. Therefore, I believe the best course of action is to seek the arrest of the Elder and have him stand trial. I believe with my best intentions he is guilty. However, should more evidence be needed, the journal mentioned should provide sufficient evidence.

My next action is to infiltrate the Elders house and find this journal and any other damning evidence. The man interrogated has been locked up within the dungeon awaiting his punishment. After that is done, I shall send another report based on my findings and then begin moving on the Elder. I have him under careful watch to ensure he shall not leave the village.

If you have any other suggestions, I would be open to hearing them.

May Obeah bless you,
Mariana le Craint