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  '''An OOC PSA'''
  '''An OOC PSA'''
  One of three non human characters, Daimons are the most powerful creatures to have walked the Worlds. Said to be once inhabit of the Abyss, they now live upon the land,  
  One of three non human characters, Daimons are the most powerful creatures to have walked the Worlds. Said to be once inhabit of the Abyss, they now live upon the land,  
  praying on the realms of men.  
  praying on the realms of men. Most of the information that follows was already written and available on the wiki, now collected in one location for reference and convenience.

===A study by the Oracle of Obeah===
===A study by the Oracle of Obeah===

Revision as of 18:02, 15 October 2018

Daimon Book1.jpg

Daimon icon 02.pngThe Daimonomicon; The Collected Lore of Daimonology.

One of three non human characters, Daimons are the most powerful creatures to have walked the Worlds. Said to be once inhabit of the Abyss, they now live upon the land, 
praying on the realms of men. Most of the information that follows was already written and available on the wiki, now collected in one location for reference and convenience.

A study by the Oracle of Obeah

They were first encountered on Beluaterra during the Third Invasion. They are also found on Dwilight, and are thought to be native to the barren 
wastelands to the west. Daimons are close to invincible and have varying features from 7 eyes to spider-like legs, dragonish looks to near human appearances. They are less a 
race, and more an amalgamation of many races. They have been known to convert whole regions into "breeding grounds", least seen during the invasion on Beluaterra. It has been 
theorised that this is what they are trying to achieve in south western Dwilight, destroying whole regions of land for their own purposes. It is also theorised that many more 
powerful Daimons can control bands of monsters that roam the wild regions, being able to send masses of them into an inhabited region prior to the first daimon wave.They 
controlled several regions on Dwilight, including Dragon's Roost, a holy site for several religions on the continent.

Herein follows a collection of all the known knowledge of the Daimons of the Netherworld and the nature of their incessant invasions through the Veil into our world. This tome includes both the collected knowledge of the histories as well as the personal experiences of the Oracle. Though this work is not yet complete, it will be, and it will serve for those who have need of it so that the knowledge may not be lost. To be a true student of magic, Herald or otherwise, one must not shy from studying the beings wherein magic has made itself a home, if only to better learn how to burn said home to the ground.

– Rania Eastersand JeVondair, The Oracle of Obeah

Why Daimon and not Demon or Devil? Do these others exist?

In all the collected lore of the land, there is one thing that separates Daimons from talk of devils, demons, or other spirits, and that thing is corporeality. Demon's and devils represent two different sides of the same coin. Like angels, their existence canot be definitively proven outside the halls of religion. Daimons, on the other hand, are quite real. They are not spirits, but a race of magically mighty beings. Despite their power, however, they can be killed. Although the definition of death is somewhat malleable where daimons are concerned. A metaphor that is similar to Daimons vs Demons/Devils would be Elves vs Fae. The elves of Sirion, as students of history will know, were quite real, even though tales of them have become so dusty with age that they've all but faded into myth themselves. And while stories of the Fae abound, they are unverifiable. So it is with Daimons vs Demons.

Unanswered Questions

  • List of Daimonslayers?
  • What are Soulforges?

Daimon icon 02.pngThe Nature of the Veil and the Aether beyond it

  • The Veil stands between our world and the Aether, protecting our world the same way clouds protect against too much sun. The Aether, to put it simply, is the mystical energy that forms the root core of all things magical, be it inanimate, mortal, or otherwise. The Aether saturates the expanse between our globe of existence and others. The Netherworld, for example. Oft described in tails and recollections, what we call the home of daimons is a world that lacks the magical protection of a Veil like ours. It’s inhabitants, they who we refer to as daimons, have been bombarded by the Aether, irradiating the world and its inhabitants with unbridled, chaotic magical power. This would explain why daimons are so much more powerful, both magically and otherwise, than mortal man, having adapted to the hellish, extreme nature of their home world.
  • A daimon’s power (or any working of magic for that matter), therefore, can be measured in its ability to channel the Aether. Indeed, throughout the history of invasions, it was the most magically gifted daimons that would often lead their unholy hosts against Man, from Domina to Incantatrix to others and more.
  • Based on recorded experience, we can surmise that despite their connection to the Aether, too much raw power at once is unpleasant for them, even deadly, depending upon the quantity and nature. While this may not be the principal reason for the many invasions, i.e. escape from their Veil-less world to our protected one, it may well be what precipitated the first daimonic invasion and is therefore most responsible for all the ones that followed.

Daimon icon 02.pngDaimons of Beluaterra and Dwilight

The Daimons of Dwilight, known collectively as the Zuma Coalition, are lead by Haktoo. However, since the great monster blight that saw the destruction of the western nations of the continent,the state of the coalition is unknown. While The Daimons of Beluaterra are lead by a daimon that calls herself Prudent. Under Prudent are many Daimon lords that command Daimon armies. Jobo's Mouth and surrounding regions are known for daimon activity. Jobo's mouth is rumored to be the site of a portal that connects the Netherworld to Beluaterra. Whether or not this is true, the Daimons closely guard the peak. Few humans live in these regions, having either the sense to flee or being eaten.

Various other locations on Beluaterra are the sites of Daimon nests. These locations are mostly rural regions near either the ocean or a major river. Several Daimon nests have been destroyed. A partial list of names of Daimon lords encountered: Avante, Collector, Imperi, Keeper, Menacing, Observer, Palla, Predator (deceased), Primal, Prudent, and Warden II.

Daimons of the Fourth Invasion

At the start of the Fourth Invasion the following Daimon Lords appeared: Argent, Hedonic, Nyx, and Seer. (additional daimon lords to be added as identified)

Daimons of the Fifth Invasion

Unlike the previous invasions, Daimons sent their priests, they were called 'Sons', before their invasion. While Sons caused confusion among the men of Beluaterra, a daimon called Overlord, with his generals (Nightfall, Midnight, Darkest Hour, Blight Daimon), rampaged through the continent.


  • Icantrix (6th Invasion) (top spellcaster)
  • Cacabula (6th invasion) (Chief Portal Priest and keeper and ringer of the Portal Bell)
  • Jomorosh (6th Invasion)
  • Akkan (6th Invasion Ambassador of the Netherworld)
  • Jactosh (6th Invasion)
  • Domina (Daimonic Queen 6th invasion)
  • Strategus (6th Invasion?)
  • Avante
  • Collector
  • Imperi
  • Keeper
  • Menacing
  • Observer
  • Palla
  • Predator
  • Primal
  • Prudent (4th Invasion)
  • Warden II
  • Argent (4th Invasion)
  • Hedonic(4th Invasion)
  • Nyx (4th Invasion)
  • Seer (4th Invasion)
  • Nightfall (5th Invasion)
  • Midnight (5th Invasion)
  • Darkest Hour (5th Invasion)
  • Blight Daimon (5th Invasion)
  • Arcane (3rd Invasion)
  • Looking (3rd Invasion)
  • Revealing (3rd Invasion)
  • Scouting (3rd Invasion) (enochain speakers)
  • Unspeakable
  • Etherea
  • Rampaging
  • Haktoo (Chief of the Zuma)
  • Ira
  • Oskaa
  • Agri
  • Vates
  • Gorgo
  • Malfeasant (3rd Invasion)
  • Unknowable
  • Shadow
  • Nightfall
  • Midnight
  • Darke
  • Swift Claw
  • Overlord
  • Fang Fang
  • Invisible (3rd Invasion)
  • Improbable (3rd Invasion)
  • Mysterious (3rd Invasion)
  • Wispy (3rd Invasion)
  • Silent (3rd Invasion)
  • Argent
  • Kree
  • Cimmerian (judge)
  • Sherilyn Delsantos (another god queen?)

Daimon types


  • Warlords - Leaders of the daimons. They are capable of flying at an incredible speed, travelling over a great distance in a single day. Warlords are powerful, both physically and mentally. Physically, they are over three meters in height and have extremely muscular bodies. Menthally, they are very unique. Unlike any being in Beluaterra, their presence causes havoc and insanity around other beings. A mere glance of these fearsome creatures can cause fear among weaker beings. In some cases, an eye contact with them even caused a heart attack. They are few in number and barely show themselves even on the battlefield. Known daimons in this class: Overlord, Nightfalls and Midnights.
  • Wonderers - Priests of the daimons. They look just like the warlords except they can change their shapes as they desire. They prefer to walk and can adapt to variety of different environments. Can learn any language within a week of time. They can sap life energy from weaker beings to replenish their own strength. The wonderers gather information needed for the warlords and offer deals of submission to other sentient beings.
  • Gorgons - Cavalry of the daimons from their original homeland, Netherworld. These frightful daimons are never alone. They generally move as a large horde and destroy everything that gets in their way. The Gorgons are usually around a meter in height but when they get excited, they can grow up to two meters. As they grow, their skins become harder and thicker, solid enough to ignore arrows. When humans clashed with Gorgons in Ketampkin, they realized only cavalry units can generate enough power to pierce the thick skins of a Gorgon or scrolls of daimon banishing. Like any other daimon, Gorgons cannot survive the devastating power of the scrolls. Now most of the stampedes are in Ketampkin.
  • Flametongues - Archers of the daimons from their original homeland, Netherworld. Ten of these creatures can turn a village into ashes within hours. Usually between 1.5 m to 2 m tall, and with their long claws, they can cut through even a thick plate mail. The most frightening thing about these daimons is their ability to breath a ball of fire from a range to incinerate their enemies from afar. These fire balls can be deadly even from twenty meters away. First sighted when Nightfalls first appeared in the South.
  • Gargolyes - The bringers of doom and the ultimate predators of men. These creatures are at the peak of the hierarchy of the daimons. Claws of these creatures can cut through steel like butter. When gargolyes descend, they can generate same force as cavalries and break any line of defense. Only the most powerful of the warlords can command these arrogant creatures as they will not follow anyone weaker than them. Only Overlord has been sighted commanding gargolyes.
  • Pureborns - Beings of the pure daimonic essence. These beings are highly revered by other daimons as these beings have achieved the purity through the flames of the Netherworld. Sadly, the land of men is not suitable for these great beings as it is too cold for them. Pureborns are extinguished rather quickly in Beluaterra, especially during night times.


  • Teeth weavers - Archers of the daimons from the blighted land. They are weaker cousins of Flametongues as they lack the claws to fight in a close range. They spit teeth which can pierce a iron clad shield with ease. They are about half a meter smaller compared to their stronger cousins.
  • Bane men - Twisted version of men from the blighted land. They are mindless slaves of the daimons. They are fiercely loyal to their daimon lords. They are never encountered individually and always in a group of more than ten. They look similar to an adult human male but with longer claws, darkened skin, and bloodshot eyes.
  • Shell Marchers - Insectoids living in the blighted land. Many creatures had to adapt to the new environment to continue their survival. As a result, most of them became bigger and tougher. Also, more cunning and vicious. Most widely encountered species looks very similar to ants except it is bigger than a normal human child.
  • Ground-Shakers - A heavily armoured giant earthworm living in the blighted land. Once daimons conquer a region, they call these creatures to corrupt the land. Ground-Shakers will eat soils to corrupt the land which they live in. With hundred of these worms working on a region, the region will become blighted in less than a week. These worms are usually ten meters long and a meter tall.
  • Wretched Crows - They are the eyes of the daimon warlords. Wretched crows have twenty eight eyes all over their bodies, giving them a full view of the surroundings. They are directly linked to the warlords, providing them all the visual information they need. They are slightly bigger than the average ravens and faster than an eagle.
  • Flesh Eaters - These small daimons are menace to the world of men. They eat anything alive, from livestock to humans. Only half a size of an adult man, they are stronger and more cunning than most people. They always move in packs.

Daimon icon 02.pngSpecial Items

  • Bell of the Portal High Temple
  • Daimon Sword of Suffering
  • Daimon Plate of Displacement
  • Daimon Staff of Thunder
  • Daimon Dagger of Destruction
  • Daimon Dagger of Blood
  • Daimon Ring of Vision
  • Daimon Axe of Damnation
  • Daimon Axe of Devastation
  • Daimon Armour of Devastation
  • Daemonic Jacket of Life
  • Daemonic Armour of Deception
  • Rapier of the Netherworld

Daimon icon 02.pngThe Zuma Coalition of Dwilight


Daimon icon 02.pngDaimon magic

Nethworld magic, though not limited in coloration, is most often associated with violet

Portal Stones & Portals

Eight Stones of Aether to open or close,

But beware the man that finds them,

For in a circle once arranged,

The Hands of Hell may smite them.

– Rania Eastersand JeVondair, The Oracle of Obeah

The Signs of Daimons

The Animals know first, Strange lights

Daimon icon 02.pngNetherworld description

In general, it's a somewhat barren land, with an overall reddish-purple cast to everything. The sky is dark, with no stars, and around the horizon is a strange pinkish glow, as if it's just after sunset, but in all directions.

Roleplay from Roleplay from Yellow King (8 minutes ago)
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Fianik (7 recipients)
Hear ye! Hear ye!

I shall answer your questions, king Bocephus.

(No matter what anyone tries, the Yellow King speaks loud enough for everyone on the plaza to hear, even through the thick walls of the palace.)

The Daimons are a breed of beings from the same plane as we. The Netherworld is not one place, but many. A part of it is where Hemaglobe dwells, other parts are home to various races of lesser beings.

I also asked him his opinion on the statement by Arcane where he considers himself a living god. Here was his answer:

Arcane is a being of the Netherworld, and thus of the same kind as we are. If you call him a god, or a greater Daimon is a matter of semantics, and the Netherworld does not follow the same rules as your world does. In your world, Bocephus, you are above everyone else in your realm, and that is that. In the Netherworld, a being can at the same time be higher and lower than another. In this world, Bocephus, you can not be in the palace and outside the palace at the same time. Your soldiers are either alive or dead, but not both. Everything is. The Netherworld is not that simple. Hemaglobe is the only god, and yet Arcane is also a god. There is no way to translate these facts into your language, so you have to accept them on faith. Your logic and reason can not solve these contradictions.
Roleplay from Yellow King (8 minutes ago)

Aether Description

If you were to take a knife and cut through the barrier separating our world from the Netherworld, you might picture the outer boundary of our world and the outer boundary of the Netherworld as separate vaguely-concave surfaces. The aether is what would be between them. It is what makes magic possible, and it must be influenced in order to make a stable portal between the worlds. When the aether is unstable, magic and anything involving travel between the worlds becomes more difficult and dangerous.

Without the protection of a Veil similar to our own, the Netherworld was thoroughly irradiated by unceasing magical energy. It seeps into and out of the Daimons physical form, empowering them far beyond our own mortal capabilities and limitations. This Netherworld magic, when enacted or visualized, most often resembles shades of pink, purple, even black. However, while these are the most common shades described in historical record, there is no way to be sure if that is a definitive list. What is certain, howeer, is that the daimon that can manipulate the most aether at once will be at the pinnacle of their social hierarchy, so focused are they on this.

Daimon Society

The Daimons aren't as monolithic as they present themselves. Domina was the Daimon queen who arrived in the last invasion—but whatever she or her followers might have said or implied, she wasn't the queen of all Daimons in the Netherworld, any more than Delvin was ruler of all the humans even on Beluaterra. They have been observed to speak not only all the tongues of men, but also a languge from beyond the Veil – Enochian

Appearance of the Lost Souls

Appearing around Creasur, following the apparition of many demented adventurers, a faction of the Netherworld labeled as "Lost Souls" have appeared. They have been quoted saying that they had been betrayed by Summoner. Little else is known by the author about these beings, their presence on the island was rather short.

Nature of Daimons

While they are born of chaos, they are not themselves truly so. They're creatures of chaos, sure, but that doesn't mean the race should be listed as Always Chaotic Evil. Second of all, even a chaotic evil person or creature should have some kind of internal consistency. Otherwise they don't really have a personality or self; they're just an ever-changing mass of unconnected whims. Blood: Black that steamed and sizzled when it hit the ground

Roleplay from From the notes of Aldo http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Melhed/History/Age_of_Betrayal/Daimon/Autopsy
Message sent to To whom it may concern
Reports from the fields of battle across the continent reveal a wide varriety of nightmarish creatures that all fall under the name of daimon. Wether or not the various creatures are indeed related is uncertain, but they do exibit the cooperation usually only seen in monsters either way. Below is the autopsy results for each type of daimon as they are aquired, those traits that are similar in multiple strains will be listed first.

Common Features: Interestingly most of the organs do not seem to exist under normal conditions, but instead only appear when an artefact is within close proximity. This was discovered when the workers first opened the organ cavity without my presence revealing a relatively large void. At first thought to be empty it was discovered when I came in holding the Scroll of Time that the voids actually hold other, unknown organs that are tied completely to the shadowlands. It would appear that the daimons find our world a little thin for their taste, and the presence of other things from the shadows helps to strengthen their hold. This effect works both ways however, the more solid the daimon becomes, and the easier it becomes to affect it. It certainly explains why daimons are only found in large numbers and how the presence of artefacts can increase the effectiveness of our soldiers.

Daimons seem to heal nearly any injury given enough time. Since we started examining the bodies many have shown signs of marked improvement over their dead condition, one or two have even twitched on occasion. Dismemberment seems to halt the regeneration, as does the presence of artefacts, but only so long as the measures are maintained. To be truly certain the daimons don't return to life we've taken to incinerating the remains with Incindia, though even that is not fool proof since the daimons can return from the shadows.

With all this cutting daimon blood became a considerable problem. Dark yellow in colour and smells strongly of rotten eggs, most of the staff and guards became ill after prolonged exposure to the stench. I'm hesitant to collect any for brewing purposes, but that's what peasants are for.
From the notes of Aldo http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Melhed/History/Age_of_Betrayal/Daimon/Autopsy

Roleplay from Roleplay from Gregory
Message sent to Aerthbatol, Apothes, Blaeric, Cloud, Fura, Kane, Marche, masuKala, Morgan, Niallan, Novo, Wolfgang, Zyrthos
This information I felt I had to share with those among us that I believe are still true to the cause of ending the invasion.

A few weeks ago, I organized a group of adventurers to go on a quest. Their mission was to uncover what they could from the netherworld. The group suffered from over 50% casualties just making it to Jobo's mouth. 12 were sent. Only 3 returned. The mission was presumed to be a success in that we now knew that nothing was to be found in Jobo's mouth. I was wrong.

A few days ago, one of the group whom we presumed to be dead, returned.

He had found something in Jobo's Mouth and He was transported to the Netherworld where he has gleaned valuable information regarding that place.

First - not Surprisingly he found that the Netherworld musters their forces there before traveling via portals to our world.

Second - The daimons need to win a battle each half day for some reason. The Netherworld were very concerned that they accomplish this task. The consequences seemed dire but we do not know why or what would happen should they fail to do this.

Third - Each portal leads to some place on this continent.

Fourth - They only have three portals established here. Two of their locations are known. The third we were unable to uncover.

Understandably he did not stay long. He journeyed to the first portal and leaped through without knowledge of where it lead. After jumping through he found himself in a region that belongs to the Daimon Arcane in Zisswii. I cannot recommend any trading relation be continued with Vlaanderen. I hope that you all feel the same. Sir Gregory Vici

Royal Treasurer of Old Grehk
Roleplay from Gregory

Daimon icon 02.pngDaimon Worship

Daimon Worship is a Beluaterran religion that venerates the Daimons. Although rumours of dark magicks and human sacrifice abound, very little is actually known about it. The first sightings of the cult came in the midst of Third Invasion and were presumed to be formed of peasants desperately worshipping the Daimons in hope of being spared; though some speculate that more sinister forces were at work. As the Daimons themselves lapsed into inactivity those who professed devotion to them were purged or went into hiding. Accusations of secret Daimon worship were levelled at both the Blood Cult and Hemaism between the invasions and played a part in the War of the Nine Realms. During the Fourth Invasion, Daimon Worship rose once more, with the Sherilynn Delsantos proclaiming herself Priestess and building a Temple to them. Known Cults • The Portal • Cult of Jarbosh • Cult of Mordok • The Blood Cult • Beastiarism

Daimon icon 02.pngThe Daimon Wars

May 1007 until the present

This is to my knowledge the only account of the darkness that did start to engulf Beluaterra during summer 1007. During these dark times many a great deed - and evil treachery - was done, yet few survived to tell the tales of the fallen. Thus much that should have been sung about is now forgotten, engulfed by death and darkness. Therefore I write down this history in the hope that part of it may not be forgotten - I do not know yet whether these pages will be trampled into the mud of a forgotten battlefield by horned hooves - or if they may find their place in the peaceful library to be studied by our sons.

– ~Herkan d'Serrai, January 1008, in the fields of Brovyl.

Daimon icon 02.pngHumans in Netherworld

Special "Mortals"

  • Aletha Kabrinski: The only mortal to walk the netherworld. No longer quite human. Enemy of Incantatrix.
  • Rania Eastersand JeVondair: The only known mortal lord to have daimonic militia.
  • Valachi Stefanovic
  • Malfurion Stormrage
  • Vistuvis Adriddae
  • Kayne II Himoura

Religious leaders of The Blood Cult attempted to forge a realm of their own in the daimon-controlled city of Athol Margos. The realm, Xerolco, survived for all of two days before the local daimon militia reclaimed the region. With Xerolco's fall something strange happened: the daimon's walked beside those that had joined the colony, and the colonists themselves carried the banners of Netherworld. The next day, a human, Valachi Stefanovic, ascended to the position of God of Netherworld.

The Himoura Sequence
Mathurin Hossenheffer once remarked on seeing the world in patterns of three. I thought such narrow thinking foolish, but at the same time, what if creation did follow a 
pattern? Why would it not, the very act of creation supports Order, as opposed to Chaos, and thus should follow some orderly pattern, even if it is not easily apparent. So 
after many months of intense study of the Legendary Compendium of Time, my deceased brother Rathan's Journals, and a variety of other documents, I believe I have discovered a 
mathematical sequence which governs all of creation. The sequence is simple, to get the next number in the pattern, one need only add the last two values, which results in: 1, 
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... It goes on infinitely. Now to explain the relevance to creation.
-	One: One is our world. The Superior, opposed to the Nether.
-	One: One is the Netherworld, opposed to the Superior.
-	Two: The Superior and the Nether together are a whole, the multiverse as we know it. It is from here where the pattern varies between the planes, though similarities 
can be seen.
•	Henceforth, all explanations will be annotated as to whether they pertain to the Superior (S) or the Netherworld (N)
-	Three (S): The Divine are threefold in nature, the Gods themselves, the will of the Gods as expressed in magic, and the God's domain upon the mortal coil.
-	Three (N): The Divine have no sway in the Netherworld, but it is clear that similar primordial forces are at work within the Netherworld, which can be seen in the 
phases of Daimon recorded in the Fifth Invasion of Beluterra. Nightfall, Midnight, and Darkest Hour, which correlate in nature to the nature of Luria. Dawn, Morning and Noon.
-	Five (S): An individual cannot be in more than once place at once. This is a rule of creation core to the nature of the Superior. However from any location, one can 
move North, East, West or South. Thus, the Here, North, East, West and South is five.
-	Five (N): It was apparent that the Daimons are perhaps more in tune with their pattern than other beings. In fact, it appears to be ingrained in their very nature as a 
species. This can be seen in the Fifth Invasion of Beluterra as well. The Main Daimon leaders were Overlord (corresponding to the Here), and one Cardinal Daimon in the North, 
East, West and South.
-	Eight (S): Eight stones, arrayed in a particular pattern, allow a gate to form between the Superior and the Nether. Only found on the Superior.
-	Eight (N): Overlord at any one time possessed Eight sons. Details are limited on their nature.

You will notice an element lacking from both of these patterns... Man. It is clear from ancient documents that the Beluterra invasions were not the First, and that ancient man 
struggled against the forces of the Nether. In the very earliest of days, there was no barrier between the planes, and Superior and Nether were able to interact freely. As any 
alchemist will tell you, two opposite substances will cause a reaction, and thus the Creation Wars started. Divine and Daimon clashed, and only by the creation of mankind from 
the Void, were the planes sealed and peace restored. Thus man formed, following his own pattern, which will be the subject of another paper, as it is quite lengthy in and of 
itself. The prospective spell caster would do well to keep the pattern in mind, and study it intensely, so they might best utilize their magics, and prevent tragic mishaps, or 
wasted scrolls.