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The Religion of the Highfather

(exerpt from "The Scrolls of the Vale)

At the begining of time, of all that was and all that ever will be, was The Highfather. As an artist, he fashioned the universe from his blank canvas. He put extra detail into his pride and joy, which he called The World. He shaped it with his hands in a way that pleased him, yet something was missing. So with a spark, he created the first Souls, and living creatures came to The World.

He watched his children gradually grow and change over time but, realized that he had neglected the rest of the universe. So to watch over his pride and joy he crafted the Ancients to look over The World in the wind and the rain, the stone and the sun. Thus while the Ancients cared for The World, The Highfather looked after the universe.

The Ancients did as they were instructed and cared for The World as The Highfather directed. But being creatures of the wind and the rain, they could not understand the trials of the Soul. So it came to pass that violence and darkness took root across The World and poisoned the land and the Souls. Some of the Ancinets began to participate in this, as they found it to be entertaning, and soon many of then began meddeling in the affaris of the Soul, even to the point where some of the Ancients sought to control the very lives and thoughts of the Souls.

The other Ancients did not agree with their brothers rebellion against The Highfather, and despised their blatant disregard for the balance of The World. A great conflict arose, those loyal to the Highfather fought against their former brothers to restore the balance, but so many Ancients had been lead astray from The Highfather defeat seemed certain. In the end, the loyal Ancients sacrificed nearly all their powers to weaken their entire race, stunting the power and greatly diminishing the influence of the Betrayers.

Limited as they were now, the Ancients of the Highfather took to guiding the creatures of Soul and helped them develop civilization and culture, while the Betrayers goaded many of the Souls to become war-like beings, brutish in nature and lacking in culture. And so, we find ourselves now in the Age of Strife where the will of The Highfather is tested against that of the Traitors. It is now up to us to preseve The Highfather's will; the Ancients have given us their help but it is up to us to make Mankind prosper and grow.

As the Ancient's power diminishes, they seek men who may sway the Souls to carry on the fight. Each of these men will be known as "Saints of the Highfather", and they will be seven in number; one for each of the loyal Ancients.

Each Saint is to gather to himself a Knightly Order, and are charged with ridding this world of the Betrayers and ending the Age of Strife, either by the Word or by the sword. You must carry on the fight in place and on behalf of the Ancients, in service of the Highfather.