Tara/Battles/3-2-06 - Battle of Meldeen: Difference between revisions

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<center><H2>Battle in Meldeen - 3/2/2006</H2></center><br><hr><table bgcolor=#000032><th>No.</th><th>Role</th><th>Unit</th><th>Commander</th><th>Realm</th><th>Unit</th><th>Formation</th><th>CS</th></tr>
<tr><td align=center>1</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Red Ants</td><td>Paulos</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>32&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;286</td></tr><tr><td align=center>2</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Boom boom baby</td><td>Guthgar</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>52&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;469</td></tr><tr><td align=center>3</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Black Mamba II</td><td>Zzyxz</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>22&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;237</td></tr><tr><td align=center>4</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Final Blow</td><td>Desperado Of</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>1&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;27</td></tr><tr><td align=center>5</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Forone</td><td>Omenn</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>27&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;311</td></tr><tr><td align=center>6</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Left Armed Swords</td><td>Meklar</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>14&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;166</td></tr><tr><td align=center>7</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Suvillian Medium Enforcers</td><td>Hransaen</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>17&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;255</td></tr><tr><td align=center>8</td><td align=center>A</td><td>bearded goats</td><td>Phanthom</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>20&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;240</td></tr><tr><td align=center>9</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Watchers</td><td>Armitage III</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>40&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;393</td></tr><tr><td align=center>10</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Potemkin Brigade</td><td>Mikhail Sergei</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;315</td></tr><tr><td align=center>11</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Templar Knights</td><td>Brownyleye</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>16&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;313</td></tr><tr><td align=center>12</td><td align=center>A</td><td>The Wayburg Squad</td><td>Andy</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>14&nbsp;SF</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;449</td></tr><tr><td align=center>13</td><td align=center>A</td><td>{RH} Arch Cavalry</td><td>Astrider</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>40&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;412</td></tr><tr><td align=center>14</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Da Hat's Riders!</td><td>Tony</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>11&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;168</td></tr><tr><td align=center>15</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Teutonic Knights</td><td>Thessan</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>20&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;266</td></tr><tr><td align=center>16</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Black Rose Snipers</td><td>Amelia</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>23&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;259</td></tr><tr><td align=center>17</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Peltast</td><td>Karas</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>25&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;350</td></tr><tr><td align=center>18</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Support Fire</td><td>Capral</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>77&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;638</td></tr><tr><td align=center>19</td><td align=center>A</td><td>30th Dur Silverrivers</td><td>Barad</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>19&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;262</td></tr><tr><td align=center>20</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Frontline</td><td>Hitch</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>16&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;134</td></tr><tr><td align=center>21</td><td align=center>A</td><td>First Strike</td><td>Shawn</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>39&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;390</td></tr><tr><td align=center>22</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Blue Steel Rain II</td><td>Kaysa</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>31&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;491</td></tr><tr><td align=center>23</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Prophets of Da One</td><td>Master Chife</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>21&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;247</td></tr><tr><td align=center>24</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Guard of Da Guild</td><td>ry2n</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>74&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;734</td></tr><tr><td align=center>25</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Trager's Webgard Bowmen</td><td>Trager</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>32&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;334</td></tr><tr><td align=center>26</td><td align=center>A</td><td>SV Stoneville Bowmen</td><td>Ralph The Thirteenth</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>66&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;873</td></tr><tr><td align=center>27</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Baddest Battle Ever</td><td>Namus</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>5&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;73</td></tr><tr><td align=center>28</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Iustitia</td><td>Gabriel</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>110&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;421</td></tr><tr><td align=center>29</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Sibe bannermen</td><td>Xuanye</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>8&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;156</td></tr><tr><td align=center>30</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Rainmakers</td><td>Iaan</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>13&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;185</td></tr><tr><td align=center>31</td><td align=center>A</td><td>{WB}  Arch Infantry</td><td>Ashuri</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>50&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;450</td></tr><tr><td align=center>32</td><td align=center>A</td><td>New inf</td><td>SH</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>6&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;111</td></tr><tr><td align=center>33</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Death's Hand</td><td>Cordelia</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>9&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;186</td></tr><tr><td align=center>34</td><td align=center>A</td><td>{SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie</td><td>Gerd</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>6&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;133</td></tr><tr><td align=center>35</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Da Goats Representatives</td><td>Harlonin</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>10&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;239</td></tr><tr><td align=center>36</td><td align=center>A</td><td>7th Vanguard</td><td>Mia</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>6&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;133</td></tr><tr><td align=center>37</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Shadowthorns</td><td>Zoltan</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>36&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;198</td></tr><tr><td align=center>38</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Personal Guard</td><td>richaap</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>11&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;161</td></tr><tr><td align=center>39</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Chaotic Soldiers</td><td>Kaius</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>16&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;91</td></tr><tr><td align=center>40</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Glorie</td><td>Ralph the third</td><td align=center>RedSpan</td><td align=center>27&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;340</td></tr><tr><td align=center>41</td><td align=center>A</td><td>Occam's Snipers</td><td>Deschain</td><td align=center>Abington</td><td align=center>28&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;298</td></tr><tr><td align=center>42</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Wendell's Warriors</td><td>Wendell</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>4&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;100</td></tr><tr><td align=center>43</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Sons of Tara</td><td>Billious</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;330</td></tr><tr><td align=center>44</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Sarissan</td><td>Silvus</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>29&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;350</td></tr><tr><td align=center>45</td><td align=center>D</td><td>The Roaring Drachen</td><td>Isabella</td><td align=center>Darka</td><td align=center>6&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;141</td></tr><tr><td align=center>46</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Stimok Grunts</td><td>Stimok</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>1&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;21</td></tr><tr><td align=center>47</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Hakkapeliitat</td><td>Ottar</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>3&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;65</td></tr><tr><td align=center>48</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Mancha</td><td>Matt</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>22&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;228</td></tr><tr><td align=center>49</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Tiger Guards</td><td>Deng Zilong</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>34&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;399</td></tr><tr><td align=center>50</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Imperial walkers</td><td>Nebukadnezar</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>2&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;45</td></tr><tr><td align=center>51</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Tara Forces</td><td>Ryo</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>4&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;90</td></tr><tr><td align=center>52</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Cirval's Warriors</td><td>Cirval</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>6&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;106</td></tr><tr><td align=center>53</td><td align=center>D</td><td>The New Order</td><td>Bexley</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>15&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;195</td></tr><tr><td align=center>54</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Hakkapeliitat</td><td>Wallenius</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>20&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;372</td></tr><tr><td align=center>55</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Dragon Clubbers</td><td>Jonathon</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>5&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;99</td></tr><tr><td align=center>56</td><td align=center>D</td><td>For Tara!</td><td>Erica</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>18&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;215</td></tr><tr><td align=center>57</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Blue Mountain Troopers</td><td>Nuno Freire</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>5&nbsp;MI</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;115</td></tr><tr><td align=center>58</td><td align=center>D</td><td>New World Order</td><td>Arch</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>35&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;257</td></tr><tr><td align=center>59</td><td align=center>D</td><td>The New TL's Posse</td><td>Big Bad</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>3&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;59</td></tr><tr><td align=center>60</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Godoryu</td><td>Solton</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>70&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;689</td></tr><tr><td align=center>61</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Fools</td><td>Maharbal</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>5&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>skirmish</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;108</td></tr><tr><td align=center>62</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Flamius' Hellrazors</td><td>Flamius</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>1&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;21</td></tr><tr><td align=center>63</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Luke's Knights</td><td>Luke</td><td align=center>Darka</td><td align=center>1&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;27</td></tr><tr><td align=center>64</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Lily's Flowers</td><td>Lily</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>5&nbsp;MI</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;69</td></tr><tr><td align=center>65</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Godoryu</td><td>Kendrick</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>3&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;61</td></tr><tr><td align=center>66</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Hell Raiders</td><td>Gorka</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>4&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;98</td></tr><tr><td align=center>67</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Men of Hammers</td><td>Wilton</td><td align=center>Darka</td><td align=center>14&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;197</td></tr><tr><td align=center>68</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Fist of Justice</td><td>Urpo</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>7&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;89</td></tr><tr><td align=center>69</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Tirion's Company</td><td>Tirion</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>20&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;230</td></tr><tr><td align=center>70</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Anarchy Archers</td><td>Telgar</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>11&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;123</td></tr><tr><td align=center>71</td><td align=center>D</td><td>pike and sword</td><td>Angelous</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>10&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;88</td></tr><tr><td align=center>72</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Ledunds Shortswords</td><td>Arthur</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>45&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;415</td></tr><tr><td align=center>73</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Get off our walls!!</td><td>Lister</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>4&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;110</td></tr><tr><td align=center>74</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Myrmidons</td><td>Achilles</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>9&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;127</td></tr><tr><td align=center>75</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Internal Revenue Service</td><td>Remarque</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>5&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;123</td></tr><tr><td align=center>76</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Storm Crows</td><td>Darrian</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>3&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;67</td></tr><tr><td align=center>77</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Praetorian I</td><td>SilentKnight</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>1&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;24</td></tr><tr><td align=center>78</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Shouten Guard</td><td>Gin</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>28&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;399</td></tr><tr><td align=center>79</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Shadow Guards</td><td>Xeon</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>13&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;161</td></tr><tr><td align=center>80</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Etoge Crushers</td><td>Adam</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>7&nbsp;Cav</td><td align=center>wedge</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;150</td></tr><tr><td align=center>81</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Death Raiders</td><td>Lothar</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>3&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;71</td></tr><tr><td align=center>82</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Rogue Marksmen</td><td>Blaine</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>28&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;448</td></tr><tr><td align=center>83</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Dragonic Guard</td><td>Knuul</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>10&nbsp;Arch</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;154</td></tr><tr><td align=center>84</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Freedom&amp;Justice</td><td>Othinn</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>19&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;175</td></tr><tr><td align=center>85</td><td align=center>D</td><td>The Peace Makers</td><td>Archymond</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>60&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;589</td></tr><tr><td align=center>86</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Firebrand Fuseliers</td><td>Frederick</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>2&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;41</td></tr><tr><td align=center>87</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Mananan's Maraurders</td><td>the manxy</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>50&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;478</td></tr><tr><td align=center>88</td><td align=center>D</td><td>Ryouken</td><td>Kurohyou</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>30&nbsp;MI</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;382</td></tr><tr><td align=center>89</td><td align=center>N</td><td>Delphin Guard</td><td>Delphin</td><td align=center>Darka</td><td align=center>12&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;211</td></tr><tr><td align=center>90</td><td align=center>N</td><td>Apollon Guard</td><td>Apollon</td><td align=center>Darka</td><td align=center>4&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;92</td></tr><tr><td align=center>91</td><td align=center>N</td><td>Personal Guard</td><td>marnix</td><td align=center>Tara</td><td align=center>0&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>box</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;0</td></tr><tr><td align=center>92</td><td align=center>N</td><td>Crybabies</td><td>Awen</td><td align=center>Cagilan Empire</td><td align=center>0&nbsp;Inf</td><td align=center>line</td><td align=right>&nbsp;&nbsp;0</td></tr></table><br>
Total:<br>41 attackers (465 Inf, 569 Arch, 67 Cav, 14 SF)<br>47 defenders (564 Inf, 40 MI, 79 Arch, 27 Cav)<br>Total combat strengths: 12194 vs. 8901<br>
4 neutral observers (303 combat strength).<br><br>
Crybabies have no combat-ready men and thus stay out of the battle.<br>
Personal Guard have no combat-ready men and thus stay out of the battle.<br>
Freedom&amp;Justice tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.<br>
Firebrand Fuseliers tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.<br>
Apollon Guard successfully evade the foreign troops.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.<br>
Delphin Guard successfully evade the foreign troops.<br>
The region owner Tara and their allies defend.<br>
The Abington troops attack because they are at war with Cagilan Empire.<br>
The RedSpan troops attack because they are at war with Cagilan Empire.<br>
<br>Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.<br><FONT COLOR="#FFDD11">Tony</FONT>, Marshal of the army of Stargard takes command of the attacker forces.<br>
The attacker are set up in Archer Opening formation.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#FFDD11">Lister</FONT>, the General of Tara, Marshal of the army of Foda takes command of the defender forces.<br>
<br><center><FONT SIZE=-1>(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)</FONT></center><br>
<FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 1</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(16-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">13&nbsp;(40-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(11-C)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(14-S)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">34&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">32&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(27-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">35&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">29&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(110-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">33&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">38&nbsp;(11-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">39&nbsp;(16-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">27&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">10&nbsp;(25-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(17-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">6&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(74-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">23&nbsp;(21-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">20&nbsp;(16-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(52-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(66-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(31-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(77-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">48&nbsp;(22-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">56&nbsp;(18-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">61&nbsp;(5-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">84&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">82&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(60-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">86&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">69&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">73&nbsp;(4-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(28-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">75&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">72&nbsp;(45-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">70&nbsp;(11-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">68&nbsp;(7-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">66&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">65&nbsp;(3-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">77&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">88&nbsp;(30-M)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">83&nbsp;(10-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">79&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">81&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">63&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">62&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">46&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">50&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(70-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">59&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">57&nbsp;(5-M)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">55&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">53&nbsp;(15-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">52&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">51&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(34-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">71&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">45&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">76&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">67&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">64&nbsp;(5-M)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">47&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">44&nbsp;(29-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">43&nbsp;(30-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">42&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">58&nbsp;(35-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">74&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">80&nbsp;(7-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">54&nbsp;(20-C)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Blue Mountain Troopers (57) move in, hoping to reach close combat.<br>
Blue Mountain Troopers (57) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 11 hits.<br>
Get off our walls!! (73) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 81 hits.<br>
Rainmakers (30) fire on Get off our walls!! (73), scoring 40 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 35 hits.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) fire on Blue Mountain Troopers (57), scoring 42 hits.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) fire on Get off our walls!! (73), scoring 102 hits.<br>
Fools (61) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 17 hits.<br>
Peltast (17) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 134 hits.<br>
Teutonic Knights (15) fire on Blue Mountain Troopers (57), scoring 80 hits.<br>
Ryouken (88) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>
Lily's Flowers (64) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>
The Watchers (9) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 120 hits.<br>
Forone (5) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 67 hits.<br>
For Tara! (56) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 47 hits.<br>
Godoryu (65) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 15 hits.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 166 hits.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) fire on Get off our walls!! (73), scoring 103 hits.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) fire on Blue Mountain Troopers (57), scoring 320 hits.<br>
First Strike (21) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 97 hits.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 177 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) fire on Get off our walls!! (73), scoring 86 hits.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 83 hits.<br>
Dragonic Guard (83) fire on Support Fire (18), scoring 22 hits.<br>
Support Fire (18) fire on Get off our walls!! (73), scoring 228 hits.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70) fire on Support Fire (18), scoring 29 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14), Templar Knights (11) and {RH} Arch Cavalry (13) ride on, closing in on the defenders.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54) and Etoge Crushers (80) ride on, closing in on the enemy.<br>
Shadow Guards (79) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Tirion's Company (69) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Godoryu (60) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19), Sibe bannermen (29), bearded goats (8), New inf (32), The Final Blow (4), Iustitia (28), Death's Hand (33), Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7), Da Goats Representatives (35), {WB}  Arch Infantry (31), Potemkin Brigade (10), The Wayburg Squad (12), Baddest Battle Ever (27), {SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie (34), Glorie (40), Personal Guard (38), Left Armed Swords (6), Prophets of Da One (23), Chaotic Soldiers (39), Guard of Da Guild (24) and Frontline (20) advance towards the enemy.<br>
Wendell's Warriors (42), Firebrand Fuseliers (86), Dragon Clubbers (55), Freedom&amp;Justice (84), Stimok Grunts (46), Imperial walkers (50), Men of Hammers (67), Internal Revenue Service (75), The New Order (53), Sons of Tara (43), Mancha (48), Tara Forces (51), New World Order (58), The Roaring Drachen (45), Sarissan (44), Ledunds Shortswords (72), Flamius' Hellrazors (62), Luke's Knights (63), The Peace Makers (85), pike and sword (71), Fist of Justice (68), Cirval's Warriors (52), The New TL's Posse (59), Myrmidons (74), Storm Crows (76), Tiger Guards (49), Hell Raiders (66), Death Raiders (81), Praetorian I (77) and Hakkapeliitat (47) advance towards the enemy.<br>
Blue Mountain Troopers (57)  take 442 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Get off our walls!! (73)  take 559 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Mancha (48)  take 430 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties. One Cagilan Empire banner is lost.<br>
Ryouken (88)  take 530 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Kurohyou of Tara has been wounded.</FONT><br>SV Stoneville Bowmen (26)  take 90 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Support Fire (18)  take 51 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 2</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(14-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(16-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">13&nbsp;(40-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(11-C)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">34&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">32&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(27-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">35&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">29&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(110-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">33&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">38&nbsp;(11-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">39&nbsp;(16-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">27&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">10&nbsp;(25-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(17-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">6&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">4&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(52-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(64-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(74-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">23&nbsp;(21-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(31-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">20&nbsp;(16-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(75-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">48&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">84&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(60-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">86&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">75&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">72&nbsp;(45-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">68&nbsp;(7-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">66&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">77&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">88&nbsp;(12-M)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">81&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">63&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">62&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">46&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">50&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">59&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">55&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">53&nbsp;(15-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">52&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">51&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(34-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">71&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">56&nbsp;(18-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">61&nbsp;(5-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">45&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">82&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">69&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(28-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">76&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">70&nbsp;(11-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">67&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">65&nbsp;(3-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">83&nbsp;(10-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">79&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">80&nbsp;(7-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">64&nbsp;(5-M)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">47&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">44&nbsp;(29-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">43&nbsp;(30-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">42&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(70-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">58&nbsp;(35-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">54&nbsp;(20-C)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">74&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Teutonic Knights (15) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 62 hits.<br>
Lily's Flowers (64) move in, hoping to reach close combat.<br>
Lily's Flowers (64) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 10 hits.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 140 hits.<br>
For Tara! (56) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 33 hits.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 44 hits.<br>
Godoryu (65) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 17 hits.<br>
Forone (5) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 124 hits.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 395 hits.<br>
Ryouken (88) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70) fire on Guard of Da Guild (24), scoring 24 hits.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 156 hits.<br>
Rainmakers (30) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 59 hits.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 68 hits.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 107 hits.<br>
Fools (61) fire on Guard of Da Guild (24), scoring 26 hits.<br>
First Strike (21) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 130 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 28 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 147 hits.<br>
Support Fire (18) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 140 hits.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) fire on Mancha (48), scoring 220 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 71 hits.<br>
Peltast (17) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 131 hits.<br>
Dragonic Guard (83) fire on Guard of Da Guild (24), scoring 26 hits.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) fire on Ryouken (88), scoring 65 hits.<br>
Etoge Crushers (80) ride on, closing in on the enemy.<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13), Da Hat's Riders! (14) and Templar Knights (11) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.<br>
Shadow Guards (79) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Godoryu (60) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Tirion's Company (69) stay behind their camp fortifications.<br>
Left Armed Swords (6), Prophets of Da One (23), Baddest Battle Ever (27), Death's Hand (33), Chaotic Soldiers (39), Frontline (20), Sibe bannermen (29), Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7), Personal Guard (38), New inf (32), The Final Blow (4), Potemkin Brigade (10), {WB}  Arch Infantry (31), The Wayburg Squad (12), 30th Dur Silverrivers (19), Guard of Da Guild (24), Glorie (40), {SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie (34), Da Goats Representatives (35), bearded goats (8) and Iustitia (28) advance towards the enemy.<br>
Tara Forces (51), Ledunds Shortswords (72), Tiger Guards (49), Wendell's Warriors (42), Flamius' Hellrazors (62), Death Raiders (81), The Roaring Drachen (45), Freedom&amp;Justice (84), Myrmidons (74), The New TL's Posse (59), Sarissan (44), pike and sword (71), Fist of Justice (68), New World Order (58), The New Order (53), Sons of Tara (43), Firebrand Fuseliers (86), Hakkapeliitat (47), Praetorian I (77), The Peace Makers (85), Stimok Grunts (46), Cirval's Warriors (52), Luke's Knights (63), Men of Hammers (67), Hell Raiders (66), Storm Crows (76), Internal Revenue Service (75), Imperial walkers (50) and Dragon Clubbers (55) advance towards the enemy.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">6 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
Left Armed Swords (6) score 82 hits.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23) score 170 hits.<br>
Etoge Crushers (80) score 80 hits.<br>
Tara Forces (51) score 35 hits.<br>
Baddest Battle Ever (27) score 17 hits.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72) score 259 hits.<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13) score 520 hits.<br>
Death's Hand (33) score 41 hits.<br>
Chaotic Soldiers (39) score 22 hits.<br>
Tiger Guards (49) score 199 hits.<br>
Frontline (20) score 40 hits.<br>
Flamius' Hellrazors (62) score 7 hits.<br>
Death Raiders (81) score 21 hits.<br>
Sibe bannermen (29) score 96 hits.<br>
Ryouken (88) score 73 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 189 hits.<br>
Personal Guard (38) score 54 hits.<br>
Freedom&amp;Justice (84) score 63 hits.<br>
New inf (32) score 52 hits.<br>
The New TL's Posse (59) score 22 hits.<br>
The Final Blow (4) score 16 hits.<br>
Potemkin Brigade (10) score 121 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 191 hits.<br>
Mancha (48) score 47 hits.<br>
Fist of Justice (68) score 37 hits.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19) score 197 hits.<br>
The New Order (53) score 93 hits.<br>
Firebrand Fuseliers (86) score 18 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 375 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 129 hits.<br>
Praetorian I (77) score 11 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 236 hits.<br>
Stimok Grunts (46) score 5 hits.<br>
Cirval's Warriors (52) score 34 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 216 hits.<br>
Luke's Knights (63) score 16 hits.<br>
{SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie (34) score 50 hits.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54) score 931 hits.<br>
Hell Raiders (66) score 49 hits.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35) score 133 hits.<br>
Internal Revenue Service (75) score 51 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 160 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 162 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 660 hits.<br>
Imperial walkers (50) score 18 hits.<br>
Dragon Clubbers (55) score 27 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2332, Defenders: 3693<br>
Left Armed Swords (6)  take 374 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23)  take 412 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.<br>
Etoge Crushers (80)  take 924 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Tara Forces (51)  take 582 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Baddest Battle Ever (27)  take 433 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72)  take 329 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13)  take 145 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
Death's Hand (33)  take 213 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Chaotic Soldiers (39)  take 159 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
Tiger Guards (49)  take 298 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Frontline (20)  take 161 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
Flamius' Hellrazors (62)  take 297 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26)  take 60 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Death Raiders (81)  take 304 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Sibe bannermen (29)  take 127 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>
Ryouken (88) take 1275 hits (173 in close combat, 1102 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Kurohyou (Knight of Aigaling) has been captured by Abington forces.</FONT><br>Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7)  take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
Personal Guard (38)  take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Freedom&amp;Justice (84)  take 166 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.<br>
New inf (32)  take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The New TL's Posse (59)  take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Big Bad of Cagilan Empire has been wounded.</FONT><br>The Final Blow (4)  take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Potemkin Brigade (10)  take 18 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31)  take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Mancha (48) take 1040 hits (55 in close combat, 985 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Matt of Cagilan Empire has been wounded.</FONT><br>Fist of Justice (68)  take 94 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
The New Order (53)  take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Firebrand Fuseliers (86)  take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Frederick (Knight of Lakota) has been captured by Abington forces.</FONT><br>Guard of Da Guild (24)  take 76 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Praetorian I (77)  take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">SilentKnight of Tara has been wounded.</FONT><br>The Peace Makers (85)  take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Stimok Grunts (46)  take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Cirval's Warriors (52)  take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Luke's Knights (63)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54)  take 18 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br>
Hell Raiders (66)  take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Internal Revenue Service (75)  take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 3</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(14-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(52-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(63-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(31-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(75-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">34&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">32&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(27-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(49-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">84&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">35&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">29&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(59-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(110-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">33&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">38&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">39&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">75&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(16-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">10&nbsp;(24-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">72&nbsp;(32-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">68&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">66&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">6&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">13&nbsp;(35-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(11-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(72-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">23&nbsp;(11-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">50&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">20&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">55&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">54&nbsp;(20-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">53&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">52&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(26-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">71&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">45&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">82&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">76&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">67&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">64&nbsp;(5-M)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">47&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">44&nbsp;(29-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">43&nbsp;(30-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">42&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">58&nbsp;(35-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">56&nbsp;(18-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">61&nbsp;(5-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">69&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(28-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">74&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">70&nbsp;(11-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">65&nbsp;(3-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">83&nbsp;(10-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">79&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(70-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Teutonic Knights (15) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 86 hits.<br>
Fools (61) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 23 hits.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) fire on Sarissan (44), scoring 63 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) fire on Sons of Tara (43), scoring 50 hits.<br>
Lily's Flowers (64) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Support Fire (18) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 206 hits.<br>
Peltast (17) fire on New World Order (58), scoring 147 hits.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) fire on Sons of Tara (43), scoring 79 hits.<br>
Godoryu (65) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 20 hits.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 43 hits.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 145 hits.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) fire on Sarissan (44), scoring 91 hits.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) fire on Men of Hammers (67), scoring 30 hits.<br>
For Tara! (56) fire on Blue Steel Rain II (22), scoring 41 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) fire on The Roaring Drachen (45), scoring 144 hits.<br>
Forone (5) fire on Men of Hammers (67), scoring 120 hits.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) fire on Sons of Tara (43), scoring 496 hits.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) fire on Wendell's Warriors (42), scoring 73 hits.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) fire on pike and sword (71), scoring 116 hits.<br>
First Strike (21) fire on Sarissan (44), scoring 108 hits.<br>
Dragonic Guard (83) fire on The Wayburg Squad (12), scoring 27 hits.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) fire on Storm Crows (76), scoring 212 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) fire on Hakkapeliitat (47), scoring 87 hits.<br>
Rainmakers (30) fire on New World Order (58), scoring 41 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) advance towards the enemy.<br>
New World Order (58), Shadow Guards (79), Tirion's Company (69), Men of Hammers (67), pike and sword (71), Mananan's Maraurders (87), Godoryu (60), The Roaring Drachen (45), Sons of Tara (43), Hakkapeliitat (47), Myrmidons (74), Wendell's Warriors (42), Storm Crows (76), Sarissan (44) and Shouten Guard (78) advance towards the enemy.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">13 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13) score 241 hits.<br>
Internal Revenue Service (75) score 42 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 183 hits.<br>
New inf (32) score 38 hits.<br>
New World Order (58) score 104 hits.<br>
Lily's Flowers (64) score 22 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 269 hits.<br>
Personal Guard (38) score 55 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 149 hits.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72) score 203 hits.<br>
Hell Raiders (66) score 38 hits.<br>
Men of Hammers (67) score 70 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 219 hits.<br>
Imperial walkers (50) score 23 hits.<br>
Fist of Justice (68) score 16 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 179 hits.<br>
pike and sword (71) score 42 hits.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23) score 85 hits.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54) score 343 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 404 hits.<br>
Sibe bannermen (29) score 54 hits.<br>
Tiger Guards (49) score 175 hits.<br>
Death's Hand (33) score 5 hits.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35) score 141 hits.<br>
Left Armed Swords (6) score 37 hits.<br>
Frontline (20) score 37 hits.<br>
The Roaring Drachen (45) score 82 hits.<br>
Sons of Tara (43) score 145 hits.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19) score 170 hits.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (47) score 29 hits.<br>
Chaotic Soldiers (39) score 14 hits.<br>
Wendell's Warriors (42) score 61 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 375 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 138 hits.<br>
The New Order (53) score 95 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 245 hits.<br>
Freedom&amp;Justice (84) score 45 hits.<br>
Storm Crows (76) score 30 hits.<br>
Potemkin Brigade (10) score 98 hits.<br>
Dragon Clubbers (55) score 28 hits.<br>
Sarissan (44) score 177 hits.<br>
Cirval's Warriors (52) score 35 hits.<br>
{SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie (34) score 63 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 98 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2074, Defenders: 3028<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13)  take 332 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties.<br>
Internal Revenue Service (75)  take 515 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Remarque, Marquis of Ravening has been wounded.</FONT><br>bearded goats (8)  take 262 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
New inf (32)  take 311 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">SH of Abington has been wounded.</FONT><br>New World Order (58) take 490 hits (302 in close combat, 188 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties.<br>
Lily's Flowers (64)  take 509 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 324 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.<br>
Personal Guard (38)  take 293 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Iustitia (28)  take 141 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72)  take 221 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.<br>
Hell Raiders (66)  take 209 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Men of Hammers (67) take 245 hits (95 in close combat, 150 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82)  take 292 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31)  take 199 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
Imperial walkers (50)  take 111 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Fist of Justice (68)  take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7)  take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
pike and sword (71) take 210 hits (94 in close combat, 116 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23)  take 111 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26)  take 231 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54)  take 92 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24)  take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Sibe bannermen (29)  take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Tiger Guards (49)  take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Death's Hand (33)  take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35)  take 41 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Left Armed Swords (6)  take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Frontline (20)  take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Roaring Drachen (45) take 243 hits (99 in close combat, 144 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Isabella of Darka has been wounded.</FONT><br>Sons of Tara (43) take 685 hits (60 in close combat, 625 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Billious, Count of Jagla has been wounded.</FONT><br>30th Dur Silverrivers (19)  take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22)  take 41 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (47) take 141 hits (54 in close combat, 87 from archer fire), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Ottar, Count of Meldeen has been wounded.</FONT><br>Wendell's Warriors (42) take 113 hits (40 in close combat, 73 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Sir Wendell (Knight of Skalk) has been captured by Abington forces.</FONT><br>The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 27 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The New Order (53)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Freedom&amp;Justice (84)  take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Storm Crows (76) take 240 hits (28 in close combat, 212 from archer fire), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Dragon Clubbers (55)  take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
Sarissan (44)  take 262 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 4</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(52-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(57-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(30-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(75-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">71&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">34&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(27-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(43-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">84&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">35&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">29&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(49-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(103-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">39&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(13-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(16-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">10&nbsp;(24-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">72&nbsp;(23-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(12-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">67&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">6&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">13&nbsp;(24-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(11-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(70-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">44&nbsp;(18-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">43&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">23&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">20&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">58&nbsp;(16-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(18-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">55&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">54&nbsp;(18-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">53&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">52&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(24-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">82&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">69&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(28-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">74&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">79&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(70-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">56&nbsp;(18-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">61&nbsp;(5-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">70&nbsp;(11-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">65&nbsp;(3-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">83&nbsp;(10-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Teutonic Knights (15) fire on Godoryu (60), scoring 56 hits.<br>
Godoryu (65) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 24 hits.<br>
Forone (5) fire on Godoryu (60), scoring 76 hits.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) fire on Mananan's Maraurders (87), scoring 127 hits.<br>
Support Fire (18) fire on Godoryu (60), scoring 136 hits.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) fire on Shouten Guard (78), scoring 203 hits.<br>
For Tara! (56) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 36 hits.<br>
Dragonic Guard (83) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 38 hits.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 307 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) fire on Mananan's Maraurders (87), scoring 134 hits.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) fire on Tirion's Company (69), scoring 51 hits.<br>
First Strike (21) fire on Godoryu (60), scoring 117 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) fire on Shadow Guards (79), scoring 71 hits.<br>
Fools (61) fire on Boom boom baby (2), scoring 21 hits.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) fire on Tirion's Company (69), scoring 75 hits.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) fire on Myrmidons (74), scoring 24 hits.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70) fire on Boom boom baby (2), scoring 44 hits.<br>
Rainmakers (30) fire on Myrmidons (74), scoring 68 hits.<br>
Peltast (17) fire on Shouten Guard (78), scoring 101 hits.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82) fire on Boom boom baby (2), scoring 105 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) fire on Shadow Guards (79), scoring 44 hits.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) fire on Mananan's Maraurders (87), scoring 146 hits.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) fire on Godoryu (60), scoring 71 hits.<br>
Myrmidons (74), Shadow Guards (79), Godoryu (60), Shouten Guard (78), Mananan's Maraurders (87) and Tirion's Company (69) advance towards the enemy.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">20 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">8 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 460 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 305 hits.<br>
Chaotic Soldiers (39) score 14 hits.<br>
Potemkin Brigade (10) score 103 hits.<br>
Sibe bannermen (29) score 31 hits.<br>
New World Order (58) score 47 hits.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54) score 290 hits.<br>
Tiger Guards (49) score 167 hits.<br>
Myrmidons (74) score 42 hits.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35) score 120 hits.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19) score 172 hits.<br>
pike and sword (71) score 15 hits.<br>
Freedom&amp;Justice (84) score 47 hits.<br>
Cirval's Warriors (52) score 36 hits.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72) score 124 hits.<br>
Shadow Guards (79) score 81 hits.<br>
Sarissan (44) score 151 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 275 hits.<br>
Left Armed Swords (6) score 28 hits.<br>
{SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie (34) score 64 hits.<br>
Frontline (20) score 28 hits.<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13) score 166 hits.<br>
Dragon Clubbers (55) score 12 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 127 hits.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) score 153 hits.<br>
The New Order (53) score 72 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 269 hits.<br>
Sons of Tara (43) score 84 hits.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) score 160 hits.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23) score 76 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 193 hits.<br>
Tirion's Company (69) score 89 hits.<br>
Men of Hammers (67) score 30 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 201 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 88 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 129 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 136 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 116 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2076, Defenders: 2625<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24)  take 291 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Templar Knights (11)  take 322 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Chaotic Soldiers (39)  take 176 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Potemkin Brigade (10)  take 245 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 4 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.<br>
Sibe bannermen (29)  take 219 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
New World Order (58)  take 499 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Hakkapeliitat (54)  take 234 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Tiger Guards (49)  take 360 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.<br>
Myrmidons (74) take 261 hits (169 in close combat, 92 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35)  take 247 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties. One RedSpan banner is lost.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19)  take 168 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
pike and sword (71)  take 300 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Angelous (Knight of Foda) has been captured by Abington forces.</FONT><br>Freedom&amp;Justice (84)  take 213 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Cirval's Warriors (52)  take 145 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72)  take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
Shadow Guards (79) take 268 hits (153 in close combat, 115 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Sarissan (44)  take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>
Godoryu (60) take 510 hits (54 in close combat, 456 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties.<br>
Left Armed Swords (6)  take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
{SV} Zweiten Ehrenkompanie (34)  take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26)  take 98 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Frontline (20)  take 67 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13)  take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Dragon Clubbers (55)  take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Iustitia (28)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) take 361 hits (57 in close combat, 304 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties.<br>
The New Order (53)  take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Sons of Tara (43)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) take 435 hits (28 in close combat, 407 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23)  take 23 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Tirion's Company (69) take 142 hits (16 in close combat, 126 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82)  take 307 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Men of Hammers (67)  take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Boom boom baby (2)  take 170 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 5</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(46-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(55-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(30-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(75-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(27-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(43-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">35&nbsp;(1-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(48-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(101-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(35-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">69&nbsp;(16-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(18-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(12-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(8-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">72&nbsp;(20-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(12-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">67&nbsp;(3-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">13&nbsp;(22-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(11-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(62-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">44&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">43&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">23&nbsp;(7-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(55-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(12-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">53&nbsp;(12-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">82&nbsp;(12-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">56&nbsp;(18-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">61&nbsp;(5-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">70&nbsp;(11-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">65&nbsp;(3-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">83&nbsp;(10-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Rogue Marksmen (82) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 158 hits.<br>
For Tara! (56) fire on Support Fire (18), scoring 35 hits.<br>
Dragonic Guard (83) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Teutonic Knights (15) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 107 hits.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 123 hits.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 76 hits.<br>
Forone (5) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 71 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 118 hits.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 84 hits.<br>
Support Fire (18) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 182 hits.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 86 hits.<br>
Rainmakers (30) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 51 hits.<br>
Godoryu (65) fire on Blue Steel Rain II (22), scoring 23 hits.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 88 hits.<br>
Fools (61) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 22 hits.<br>
Peltast (17) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 142 hits.<br>
First Strike (21) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 119 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 120 hits.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 40 hits.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 190 hits.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) fire on Rogue Marksmen (82), scoring 367 hits.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70) fire on Support Fire (18), scoring 29 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) fire on Dragonic Guard (83), scoring 39 hits.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">17 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13) score 161 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 361 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 217 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 130 hits.<br>
Tirion's Company (69) score 100 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 156 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 375 hits.<br>
Sarissan (44) score 131 hits.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35) score 15 hits.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19) score 128 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 165 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 149 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 224 hits.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23) score 65 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 140 hits.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) score 143 hits.<br>
The New Order (53) score 79 hits.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) score 146 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 146 hits.<br>
Sons of Tara (43) score 61 hits.<br>
Men of Hammers (67) score 22 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 82 hits.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72) score 132 hits.<br>
Tiger Guards (49) score 84 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1339, Defenders: 2073<br>
{RH} Arch Cavalry (13)  take 322 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24)  take 204 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
Rogue Marksmen (82)  take 1089 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Godoryu (60)  take 267 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.<br>
Dragonic Guard (83)  take 914 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
bearded goats (8)  take 171 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>
Tirion's Company (69)  take 333 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7)  take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 99 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Sarissan (44)  take 286 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties. One Tara banner is lost.<br>
Support Fire (18)  take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Da Goats Representatives (35)  take 58 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19)  take 94 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31)  take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Glorie (40)  take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 206 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
Prophets of Da One (23)  take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Iustitia (28)  take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Shouten Guard (78)  take 218 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
The New Order (53)  take 274 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87)  take 163 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
Templar Knights (11)  take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Brownyleye, Count of Dorton has been wounded.</FONT><br>Sons of Tara (43)  take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Men of Hammers (67)  take 78 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22)  take 23 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26)  take 180 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14)  take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Ledunds Shortswords (72)  take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Tiger Guards (49)  take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 6</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(46-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(51-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(73-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(25-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(41-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(41-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(99-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(29-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">69&nbsp;(7-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(12-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(10-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(7-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(10-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(56-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">44&nbsp;(2-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(47-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">53&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">56&nbsp;(18-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">61&nbsp;(5-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">70&nbsp;(11-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">65&nbsp;(3-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Red Ants (1) fire on For Tara! (56), scoring 66 hits.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) fire on Anarchy Archers (70), scoring 40 hits.<br>
Teutonic Knights (15) fire on For Tara! (56), scoring 46 hits.<br>
Forone (5) fire on Fools (61), scoring 59 hits.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) fire on Godoryu (65), scoring 82 hits.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) fire on Anarchy Archers (70), scoring 70 hits.<br>
Support Fire (18) fire on For Tara! (56), scoring 98 hits.<br>
For Tara! (56) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 38 hits.<br>
Fools (61) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 14 hits.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) fire on Fools (61), scoring 25 hits.<br>
Godoryu (65) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 10 hits.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) fire on Anarchy Archers (70), scoring 70 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) fire on Fools (61), scoring 67 hits.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70) fire on SV Stoneville Bowmen (26), scoring 31 hits.<br>
Rainmakers (30) fire on Godoryu (65), scoring 27 hits.<br>
Peltast (17) fire on Godoryu (65), scoring 48 hits.<br>
First Strike (21) fire on Fools (61), scoring 40 hits.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) fire on Godoryu (65), scoring 134 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) fire on Anarchy Archers (70), scoring 24 hits.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) fire on For Tara! (56), scoring 278 hits.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) fire on Fools (61), scoring 24 hits.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">5 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">10 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 396 hits.<br>
Tirion's Company (69) score 56 hits.<br>
Tiger Guards (49) score 84 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 120 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 206 hits.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19) score 122 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 184 hits.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) score 128 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 148 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 104 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 137 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 322 hits.<br>
The New Order (53) score 34 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 161 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 259 hits.<br>
Sarissan (44) score 18 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 104 hits.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) score 95 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 880, Defenders: 1798<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24)  take 170 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
Tirion's Company (69)  take 323 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Tiger Guards (49)  take 287 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties. 4 Tara banners fall.<br>
Glorie (40)  take 229 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 337 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19)  take 144 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31)  take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
For Tara! (56)  take 488 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Fools (61)  take 215 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87)  take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
Iustitia (28)  take 98 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14)  take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Godoryu (65)  take 291 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7)  take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The New Order (53)  take 249 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Templar Knights (11)  take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Godoryu (60)  take 189 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
Anarchy Archers (70)  take 204 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Sarissan (44)  take 81 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
bearded goats (8)  take 18 hits in close combat. No casualties.<br>
Shouten Guard (78)  take 130 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26)  take 93 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 7</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(36-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(40-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(46-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(49-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(73-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(39-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(30-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(94-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(22-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(9-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(6-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(10-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(8-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(51-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(42-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">19&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">49&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Peltast (17) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
The Watchers (9) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Red Ants (1) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.<br>
Forone (5) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Support Fire (18) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Teutonic Knights (15) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
First Strike (21) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Rainmakers (30) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">9 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">6 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
The Watchers (9) score 95 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 181 hits.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) score 87 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 152 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) score 25 hits.<br>
Tiger Guards (49) score 59 hits.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19) score 62 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 333 hits.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) score 93 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 271 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 149 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 147 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 140 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 86 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 109 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 127 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 88 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 567, Defenders: 1637<br>
The Watchers (9)  take 171 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.<br>
Godoryu (60)  take 624 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87)  take 249 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.<br>
Templar Knights (11)  take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Brownyleye, Count of Dorton has been seriously wounded.</FONT><br>Shadowthorns (37)  take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.<br>
Tiger Guards (49)  take 345 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
30th Dur Silverrivers (19)  take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Shouten Guard (78)  take 196 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31)  take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
Iustitia (28)  take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
bearded goats (8)  take 23 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 8</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(49-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(73-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(46-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(19-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(38-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(23-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(92-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(13-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">78&nbsp;(4-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(8-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(4-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(34-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(8-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(24-I)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Support Fire (18) hold their fire.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Forone (5) hold their fire.<br>
Teutonic Knights (15) hold their fire.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) hold their fire.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) hold their fire.<br>
First Strike (21) hold their fire.<br>
Peltast (17) hold their fire.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) hold their fire.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) hold their fire.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) hold their fire.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Rainmakers (30) hold their fire.<br>
Red Ants (1) move closer to get better shots.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">10 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">6 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>
Iustitia (28) score 111 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 95 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) score 26 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 196 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 136 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 159 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 103 hits.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) score 82 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) score 87 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 169 hits.<br>
Shouten Guard (78) score 47 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 116 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 122 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 356 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 63 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) score 59 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 424, Defenders: 1293 (1503 before overkill)<br>
Iustitia (28)  take 115 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
bearded goats (8)  take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Shadowthorns (37)  take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 573 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties.<br>
Godoryu (60)  take 338 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7)  take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87)  take 196 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">the manxy, the Executor of Tara, Count of Aigaling has been wounded.</FONT><br>The Watchers (9)  take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Shouten Guard (78)  take 186 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
<FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Gin of Tara has been wounded.</FONT><br>Glorie (40)  take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 9</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(46-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(49-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(73-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(18-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(37-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">85&nbsp;(5-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(87-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">87&nbsp;(6-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(7-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(4-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(33-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(7-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(8-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(14-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Occam's Snipers (41) hold their fire.<br>
Rainmakers (30) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) hold their fire.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) hold their fire.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) hold their fire.<br>
Support Fire (18) hold their fire.<br>
Forone (5) hold their fire.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) hold their fire.<br>
First Strike (21) hold their fire.<br>
Peltast (17) hold their fire.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) hold their fire.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) hold their fire.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.<br>
Teutonic Knights (15) hold their fire.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">4 Cagilan Empire banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">10 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">5 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>
Red Ants (1) score 75 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 104 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 69 hits.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 223 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) score 85 hits.<br>
The Peace Makers (85) score 53 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) score 27 hits.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87) score 57 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 174 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 81 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 144 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 102 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 121 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 113 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 290 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 212, Defenders: 486 (1506 before overkill)<br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.</FONT><br>
Red Ants (1)  take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.<br>
Glorie (40)  take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14)  take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Watchers (9)  take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
The Peace Makers (85)  take 185 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.<br>
Mananan's Maraurders (87)  take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 2 Tara banners fall.<br>
Godoryu (60)  take 180 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11><b>Turn No. 10</b></FONT><br><table bgcolor=#004000 border=2><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">41&nbsp;(28-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">36&nbsp;(6-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">3&nbsp;(22-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">2&nbsp;(46-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">15&nbsp;(20-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">5&nbsp;(27-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">26&nbsp;(49-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">25&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">22&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">21&nbsp;(39-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">18&nbsp;(73-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">17&nbsp;(25-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">30&nbsp;(13-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">16&nbsp;(23-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">37&nbsp;(29-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">40&nbsp;(17-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">31&nbsp;(37-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">28&nbsp;(87-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">12&nbsp;(6-S)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">11&nbsp;(4-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">9&nbsp;(32-A)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">8&nbsp;(8-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">7&nbsp;(7-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">14&nbsp;(7-C)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">24&nbsp;(50-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#9696FF">60&nbsp;(9-I)</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#FF6464">1&nbsp;(30-A)</FONT><br></td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td><td width=50>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>Teutonic Knights (15) hold their fire.<br>
Black Rose Snipers (16) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Boom boom baby (2) hold their fire.<br>
SV Stoneville Bowmen (26) hold their fire.<br>
Forone (5) hold their fire.<br>
First Strike (21) hold their fire.<br>
Blue Steel Rain II (22) move closer to get better shots.<br>
Occam's Snipers (41) hold their fire.<br>
Trager's Webgard Bowmen (25) hold their fire.<br>
7th Vanguard (36) hold their fire.<br>
The Black Mamba II (3) hold their fire.<br>
Rainmakers (30) retreat towards safer positions.<br>
Support Fire (18) hold their fire.<br>
Peltast (17) hold their fire.<br>
<br><FONT COLOR=#FFDD11>Close Combat:</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">10 Abington banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">3 Tara banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">7 RedSpan banners are visible in the melee.</FONT><br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!</FONT><br>
The Wayburg Squad (12) score 252 hits.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7) score 112 hits.<br>
Glorie (40) score 91 hits.<br>
Red Ants (1) score 66 hits.<br>
Templar Knights (11) score 107 hits.<br>
Da Hat's Riders! (14) score 80 hits.<br>
Guard of Da Guild (24) score 330 hits.<br>
bearded goats (8) score 78 hits.<br>
{WB}  Arch Infantry (31) score 150 hits.<br>
Iustitia (28) score 141 hits.<br>
Godoryu (60) score 73 hits.<br>
Shadowthorns (37) score 27 hits.<br>
The Watchers (9) score 83 hits.<br>
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 73, Defenders: 238 (1517 before overkill)<br>
<FONT COLOR="#FF00DD">The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.</FONT><br>
The Wayburg Squad (12)  take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Suvillian Medium Enforcers (7)  take 29 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.<br>
Godoryu (60)  take 238 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
<br><b>Attacker Victory!</b><br>
<br>The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 20 %.<br>

Revision as of 18:01, 23 March 2006