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[[File:Phoenix of Xavax.png|300px|thumb|frame|left|The Standard of Xavax]]
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Revision as of 21:36, 20 February 2017

The Standard of Xavax

The History of the Imperium of Greater Xavax

Imperial Calendar

The Imperial Calendar, also known as Imperial Reckoning or the Selenian Calendar for the Xerarch who ordered it's implementation, is an accounting of time dating to and and from the founding of the Imperium of Greater Xavax. Greater Xavax was a nation at war for most of its early history, and few documents of persons or events exist from that time that were not penned down or accounted for by Xerarch Selenia herself.

The Calendar is broken into year-long periods and punctuated with "ICY" for "Imperial Calendar Year". Given Xavax's history, some scholars are amused at the acronym.


The Ice Melts

The Rise of Magnus

The Xavax Civil War

The Rise of Selenia

The Xavax Wars

Fallangard Breaks the Federation

The Feast of the Black Swan

The Death and Rebirth of Selenia

New Allies

Notable Figures

Magnus Aurea

First Xerarch

Kellan Dodger

First Strategos, Instigator of the Xavax Civil War


First Arbiter

Eoin Gabhann

First Xenophon, Second Margrave of Xavax

Iuz Vidar Crownguard

First Duke of Isadril, Leader of the Rebellion During the Xavax Civil War

Selenia JeVondair

Second Xerarch, First Duchess of Xavax, Founder/Sponsor of the Phoenix, Flames, and Steele Armies of the Imperium

Lionel Kinsey

Second Strategos, First to be Granted the Honorable title of Talon


Second Arbiter, Authour of the Imperial Codex of Law

Beck Mozzoni

Second Xenophon, Second Duchess of Xavax

Aramon Abjur

Third Arbiter of the Imperium, Confirmed Heir to Xerarch Selenia, Executed Stegman Hemmings


Friends and Enemies