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'''Lady Angelina Von Borghoff the Ardent''''
'''Lady Angelina Von Borghoff the Ardent'''
Lady Angelina gave her heart for Thalmarkin. She served as Queen. She was murdered with a dagger, but the mystery was never solved. Once again, she rides proud and Free. Her banners unfurled. Helping to lead the charge of the  Army of The  Golden Dragon.
Lady Angelina gave her heart for Thalmarkin. She served as Queen. She was murdered with a dagger, but the mystery was never solved. Once again, she rides proud and Free. Her banners unfurled. Helping to lead the charge of the  Army of The  Golden Dragon.
'''Lady Agnes Nifelleisca the Man Stomper'''
Lady Agnes started her path in the South, fighting off allegations of her being a commoner, she travelled up north to fight for Ar Agyr. She had been called the Man Stomper since she was a kid by her family. Everyone gave their own interpretation whenever they got to know the Lady. After her time in AA she joined Thalmarkin and became known as a bearded Lady General. She freed Goathsemene and joined Gotland where she maried with the first husband of her harem, Chilperik Cuvelier. She was killed while fighting the Daimon-worshipping realm of Spearhold.

Latest revision as of 13:05, 10 August 2016

The Golden Dragon

The spirit of Nobility, not a real dragon. It is the protective energy that protects our homes, estates and temples. We are all part of it, but some of us are granted some extra strength, a little extra hope. This helping force can take on many forms, for example the Great Golden Dragon, a hero in a crucial battle, a inspiring word from a duke, a helping hand, a defending shield, a comforting word. All possible things that it can be, and it is even more. It will protect us with all its might and we serve it with our love. We help it to spread its word, we serve him by serving mankind.

When a man or woman becomes a member of this world then he or she gains a small piece from the Golden Dragon in them. It is a small piece, some call it honour, other call it the spirit of Nobility, and even others just call it hope. We all know it is that small dragon in our soul. This piece of the Dragon returns to it when we die, it returns to the Golden Dragon to give it new hope, new power to continue its work as the protector of mankind.

Army of the dragon

But some pieces of the dragon are refused by it to return, they don’t come back to it. They become the army of the dragon, they are the heroes of Mankind, the ones we honour. Some of the well known members of this army of the dragon are:

Lady Melian, the Golden Feather

Also known as Lady Melian. She was a queen of Old Grehk in a time of need. She guided us and she protected us. She has served Old Grehk in such a way that only a few can. She was a bureaucrat and a woman of power. She was able to stand up against anyone who opposed her and she has stroke down many persons just with her words. When she died, she returned as all to the Golden Dragon. There was she picked as the first commander of the dragons army.

Lord Vagabond, the Bureaucrat King

A lord that guided Old Grehk through heavy times. He became king in a time of great unrest, a time where the undead stood at the gates of Ossmat. A time in need of a hero. He became that hero, with the help of the Golden Feather. He became the King that made Old Grehk to what it is today, a realm we love.

Lord Aetheoddry, the Wise

A man of honour and great wisdom. A man who served Old Grehk with the dedication of a knight. He served as a judge for the people, in which even the nobles trusted him. He is the hero of wisdom for the Golden Dragon army. Like a sage he helps the weak and the ones in search of wisdom. Although he helps who is in need of wisdom, he also likes to talk in riddles.

Lord Lars, the Blood Eagle

A man of honour and war. He is a nice fellow to his comrades, but a devastating storm for his enemies. He has fought bravely for Old Grehk as an hero, as which he died on the battlefield. His spirit lives on as a force of strength in battle, a guide to your sword, a blood red madness that helps you to overcome your enemies. May the Blood Eagle bless the armies of believers with strength, courage and victory.

Lord Knight of, Beacon of Hope

A man of trust, a candle in a darkening world. He fought a group of daimons in a hopeless situation. Even is he knew he would die, even as he watched death in the face he still fought on with his tool of knowledge, a pen. He is a beacon of hope, to never give up, that mankind can never loose any war against daimons, undead or monsters as long as they have hope. May he watch over us and guide us in this time of darkness. He is the sign of light and hope.

Lord Gorblood, the Duellist

A man of honour and love for battle. He was the marshal of the Old Grehkian army for some time, in which he led them to some great victories. He dueled in his free time as long as he could, which resulted in his fighting style with 2 blades. This style was a mark for him and only few knew how to deal with it in close battle. He was called back to the Golden Dragon after his duel with a small rat. This rat was a traitor of trust and a man of little conscience. Now he fights in the army of the Golden Dragon against the dark forces with his dual blade. Sometimes he walks around the continent looking for a duel, learning and teaching new skills.

Lord Julma Jaune, the Fearless

He was a man of little friends. He fought bravely, head on. Some said he was stubborn, others say he was brave. We know that he was guided by the Golden Dragon and his fear was taken away. These days he can sometimes be found in the turning tide of a battle. He is the rock in the ever coming tide. He takes away fear of those in need. For that he is known as the Fearless.

Lord Pholtus, the Poet

A man of many words. He was given the nickname the poet for his long letters and endless speeches. He was diplomatic and knew how to talk to any person he came across. After he became king he found that his skills where able to bring peace and joy. He, who guided many, now lais dead in his grave. In the end, the man who gave him the nickname the Poet, killed him in cold blood. He will be remembered and the Golden Dragon asked him to join as a hero. May his words be a guidance to us all.

Lord Golradir, the Faithful

A man with a stubborn mind. He defend that what he think is right. He fought Silverhawk in his own castle after the night of the Greymantles. He was one of the first to join the side of silverhawk and for that courage many bless him. He showed what a man can do with faith. His faith was strong and he spreaded it. He was guided and now he guides us. May he be protected by the Golden Dragon and find piece along the Golden Feather wich he followed into death.

Lord Gregory, the Diplomat

A man who was good in everything. Lord Gregory had a mind for everything. If he wasn't dealing with food and gold like noone every saw before, he was ruling the realm like a real diplomat would do or gathering adventurers to beat the Daimons that are stationned on our Island. He made foes and friends, but those last were in greater numbers. He gave his life to save mankind, to prevent those monsters to have vital information. He was an example for us all.

Lord Gummie the Pathfinder

The very first follower to join Lord Dominicus in the Order, he worked tirelessly to spread the knowledge of the Golden Dragon across Beluaterra. He became the first follower of our Order to sit upon a Throne, Gummie later ruled over the now lost city of Sandefur, where the Council of Elders met in past days. Tragically he fell fighting the Undead during the Fourth Invasion, but in death he has become a Hero of the Golden Dragon.

Lord Xeth'ranis the Dutiful'

A close advisor of Lady Melian and Lord Vagabond, he led their armies during the Second Invasion. Despite leading the fight against the Undead legions in one of mankind’s darkest hours, Xeth’ranis considered himself a man of peace and only took up the sword to protect his homeland. He joined the Order during its early days and lived to a great age, finally being martyred by the Undead during the Fourth Invasion.

Lord Mikha the Zealous

A feverent believer, Mikha led the difficult and dangerous effort to convert the people of Fronen. Wielding the Axe of the Bloodeagle, he bravely went forth into lands dominated by the heathen Blood Cult, preaching the truth of the Golden Feather. Though he was attacked many times by the infidel, his belief never faltered.

Lord Dominicus the Silver Feather

Second only to Lady Melian, Dominicus created the Order and led it until his death. Entrusted with the heavy burden of leading mankind towards the path of the Golden Dragon, he cast out the heretical Estahsisms and blocked the expansion of the Daimon worshipping Blood Cult. Under his guidance the Order became the dominant faith of Old Grehk, Thalmarkin and northern Fronen, as well as one of the largest and most powerful religions in Beluaterra. Without him, mankind would still lurk in the darkness, unaware of our divinely ordained path.

Lord Maduin Eirikr the Master of Ceremonies

Sir Madiun served as General of Thalmarkin and Margrave of Lastfell at a time. He was known for his loud parties, which got him to deserve the title of 'Master of Ceremonies'. He died fighting off Melite units on his way back to Thalmarkin, with a bottle of Yeti's Breath on his hands.

Lady Angelina Von Borghoff the Ardent

Lady Angelina gave her heart for Thalmarkin. She served as Queen. She was murdered with a dagger, but the mystery was never solved. Once again, she rides proud and Free. Her banners unfurled. Helping to lead the charge of the Army of The Golden Dragon.

Lady Agnes Nifelleisca the Man Stomper

Lady Agnes started her path in the South, fighting off allegations of her being a commoner, she travelled up north to fight for Ar Agyr. She had been called the Man Stomper since she was a kid by her family. Everyone gave their own interpretation whenever they got to know the Lady. After her time in AA she joined Thalmarkin and became known as a bearded Lady General. She freed Goathsemene and joined Gotland where she maried with the first husband of her harem, Chilperik Cuvelier. She was killed while fighting the Daimon-worshipping realm of Spearhold.